HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEP comment no number DiRienzo, Brittany
From: Poyant, Andrew(DEP) <Andrew.Poyant@Mass.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2023 9:40 AM
To: revereiii@aol.com
Cc: DiRienzo, Brittany; Brooks, Kathryn; capt.harveycapecod@gmail.com
Subject: 370 Weir Road, Yarmouth No File Number Notification
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Date: October 31, 2023 Municipality: Yarmouth
The Department of Environmental Protection has received two Notices of Intent filed in accordance with the Wetlands
Protection Act(M.G.L. c.131, §40):
Applicant: Doreen and Harvey Wright Project Location: 370 Weir Road
Please be advised that No Wetlands File Number will be assigned to this project until the following required information
is submitted to this office in order to meet the minimum submittal requirements in accordance with Wetlands
Protection Act Regulations at 310 CMR 10.00.
1. The project does not appear to meet the exemption of Land in Agricultural Use, either demonstrate how it
meets the exemption or:
2. Provide an updated page 3 of the WPA Form 3 with Proposed Alteration and Proposed Replacement Areas for
each Wetland Resource Area where work is proposed, Bank, Bordering Vegetated Wetland, Land Under Water,
Bordering Land Subject to Flooding and Riverfront Area,
3. Demonstrate compliance with the performance standards for each wetland resource area impacted, 310 CMR
10.54(4)(a)1. through 6, 310 CMR 10.55(4)(b) 1.through 7, 310 CMR 10.56(4)(a) 1. through 5, 310 CMR
10.57(4)(a)1. through 3,and 310 CMR 10.58(4)or(5)as applicable, and
4. Provide documentation of the methodology used to delineate the wetland resource areas.
Comments: Please be advised,that submittals at this time should be made electronically to Andrew.Poyant@mass.gov
with a copy sent to the Yarmouth Conservation Commission in the manner at which they require.
Please contact: Andrew Poyant(617)874-6471 with any questions.
Andrew R. Poyant, PWS
Environmental Analyst &Circuit Rider
MassDEP Wetlands Program
Southeast Regional Office
20 Riverside Drive
Lakeville, Massachusetts 02347