HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEP comment DiRienzo, Brittany From: Poyant, Andrew(DEP) <Andrew.Poyant@Mass.gov> Sent: Monday, September 11, 2023 1:06 PM To: Roy Okurowski Cc: peruz@ccstaff.net; DiRienzo, Brittany Subject: RE: MassDEP NOI File Number Attention!:This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Hi Roy, 310 CMR 10.58(5)(f) requires the removal of all debris and the coverage by topsoil. If the gravel is a requirement by the Commission,the area lawn just after the gravel can be used by removing the lawn, any debris,grading, adding topsoil to a depth consistent with natural conditions, and seeding and planting with an erosion control seed mixture,followed by plantings of herbaceous and woody species appropriate to the site. Regards, Andrew R. Poyant, PWS Environmental Analyst &Circuit Rider MassDEP Wetlands Program Southeast Regional Office 20 Riverside Drive Lakeville, Massachusetts 02347 (617)874-6471 Andrew.Povant@mass.gov From: Roy Okurowski<royokurowski@gmail.com> Sent: Monday,September 11, 2023 8:26 AM To:SERO_NOI (DEP)<sero_noi@mass.gov> Cc: peruz@ccstaff.net; Poyant, Andrew(DEP)<Andrew.Poyant@Mass.gov>; SERO_NOI (DEP) <sero_noi@mass.gov>; bdirienzo@yarmouth.ma.us Subject: Re: MassDEP NOI File Number CAUTION: This email originated from a sender outside of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts mail system. bo not click on links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Andrew, I do not understand the comment to remove all gravel as that is the buffer with planting that is required in almost every town on Cape Cod with properties with bulkheads. It gives the run off a place to percolate down into the soil to be filtered prior to running straight into the water. Please explain your rationale for the comment. Thank you 1 On Mon,Sep 11, 2023 at 7:28 AM <SERO NOl@massmail.state.ma.us>wrote: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENERGY& ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SOUTHEAST REGIONAL OFFICE 20 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, LAKEVILLE, MA 02347 508-946-2700 Date:09/11/2023 Municipality YARMOUTH RE: NOTIFICATION OF WETLANDS PROTECTION ACT FILE NUMBER The Department of Environmental Protection has received a Notice of Intent filed in accordance with the Wetlands Protection Act(M.G.L.c. 131, §40): Applicant PAUL& NANCY CRUZ 574 SLOCUM Address ROAD,NORTH " Owner PAUL& NANCY CRUZ DARTMOUTH 574 SLOCUM ROAD, NORTH DARTMOUTH MA 02747 Address MA 02747 52 PRINCE ROAD Locus * ,YARMOUTH MA This project has been assigned the following file# : SE 083-2403 ISSUANCE OF A FILE NUMBER INDICATES ONLY COMPLETENESS OF SUBMITTAL, NOT APPROVAL OF APPLICATION Although a file#is being issued, please note the following: The species proposed for the mitigation plantings is non-native. StormSmart Properties Fact Sheet 3: Planting Vegetation to Reduce Erosion and Storm Damage provides guidance on plantings near Coastal Banks. "On banks, switchgrass,saltmeadow cordgrass, little bluestem, and other grasses can stabilize exposed areas quickly with their fast-growing,fibrous root systems. It is important to plant a diversity of native species because a stand of only one plant is more susceptible to complete die-out from drought, disease, or pests." Additional guidance can be found here: https://www.mass.gov/files/documents/2018/05/29/ssp-factsheet-3-vegetation-new.pdf Mitigation shall include: 1. removal of all debris (gravel); 2.grading to a topography which reduces runoff and increases infiltration; 3. coverage by topsoil at a depth consistent with natural conditions; 4. seeding and planting with an erosion control seed mixture,followed by plantings of herbaceous and woody species appropriate to the site. The issuing authority shall include a continuing condition in the Certificate of Compliance for projects under 310 CMR 10.58(5)(f) or(g) prohibiting further alteration within the restoration or mitigation area, except as may be required to maintain the area in its restored or mitigated condition. Prior to requesting the issuance of the Certificate of Compliance,the applicant shall demonstrate the restoration or mitigation has been successfully completed for at least two growing seasons(310 CMR 10.58(5)(h)). 2 Additional information should be provided to the Conservation Commission in the manner in which they require as well as MassDEP via email to Andrew.Povant@mass.gov. Regards, for MassDEP, (508)-946-2845 Andrew.Poyant@mass.gov Roy Okurowski 508-776-0956 3