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i� Check
1.1 SCOPE 110 mph _---
Wind Speed(3'sec' gust) B -_-_
Wind Exposure Category
1.2 APPLICABILITY (Fig2) , / eu �2�ohao
NumberofS*on 'Stories ��
(Fig 2) ~~/^�~'~~ ~: '� ---'
Roof y33
o (F�2) � � ��^' ----
Mean Roof Height (Fig
3) - ��� � :507
Building VWdth. YV (Fig3> �n� �BO. _-_-
Building Length, L (Fig 3-1
BuibUng|Aop»�Rad»UV�V�pan)n"' (F�-' -�� 5 6y8~ ----
Height of
� ---
Gene,n �mpoonoewnnn*
U»meeting requirements of 5404 1
Foundation Walls _---
Concrete Masonry
s0^Anchor Bolts imbedded n,5/u' Proprietary Mechanical Anchors aoo alternativem n cre te only_ in.p( ab|e4) `m° , "
Boll Spacing-Qenara| T ^/2- in i-6��12
Bolt Spacing from end/joint c»plate (Fig 5) ----
(Fig ^1 in �7^
�� ~/ --__
Bo|tEmbedment-conc' e (Fig ~ in z 15^
Bolt ( A o)Embedment � , o'x3^ x '/A,
(Fig 5)
Plate Washer
3.1 FLOORS i member spans omecxom (por7O0 CmR Chapter55) n s 1o. or uu nrvv�
pMaximum lo«'`�mngn,OpeningDimana�ni s|eos��an�. �om ��O) VveU (FiQ�) �8����
Full Meg,�VVm||S�doag Floor openng Exterior
Maximum Floor Joist Setbacks U (Fig 7) _�-ft s d
Maximum Cantilevered Floor Joists || (Fig D) _��ft s d
GuppnrbngLoodbeoringVVo||oo,Sheomvm (F)gS) _---
Floor BradngatEndwa||» (per 78OCKAR Chapter 55) i ---'
Floor Sheathing Type (per 78OCMR Chapter 65) ��y~ n ----
Floor Sheathing Thickness (Table 2) �� d nails ,� in edge/ /�. in fia|g
Floor Sheathing Fastening
4.1 WALLS .
Wall Height (Fig �UondTo�|e5) � y1O
� O'
LooubeonngwaUo , .: .- -'- |o�� 5� ����� �2
LoadUe�hngw�� (Fig 10anu Table ) m ��" oc
�on' (Fig 1�on�Tou� 5) ��� ----
~ � s
VVu|| Stud S d(Figs ---
Wall Story offsets
4.2 EXTERIOR WALLS�. Wood Studs (Table 5) �» ;':��-ft-----in
LuadbmmhnQwa� - - � � � \n
Non'Luodbeahngw�� (Ta�e5)--. ------- 2» ------
Gable End Wall Bracing (Fig 10) ft�w/3 ---
Full HeightS�ds En«~o/ (Fig 11) 7L �-��aOgVV _---
vVSP Attic Floor Length VfyySp �*used) (Fig 11) +---
m Length G� (F� 1�)Gypsum Ceiling~`-'" -- ~ � La��a|Bn�o*�� _ o�c� _ _ � ^ \
�x�connnun�* - �U
�� -- ��L' x - ��"-- /__^ ' ---
J � Z�;- � -Z
z^8t f{�r �~D��IJ/��K���� �-E� ���� �_' �� i.��
---'| (nm,c ondmailed18d common nails) (Table 7) ........... ........ .... ........ .......
Nnn'Lo�dhemhng Wall Connections
Lateral (no. of endnailed 16d common nails) i ��check all
�r�mp|ien����o� -- --
Load BoahngVVo|| Openings(ecurU |arge�oponng ucx=o openings � \n � 1�.
Header Spans (Table 9) ___
Sill Plate Spans (Table Q)'. .' . ft___in. s 11
Full Height Studs (no. of studs) (Table S)
rd | ��opening to Table Non'LoedBea,ingVVmUOpeninQu (n*«o largest»pen �'°' ~~^'
Header Spans (TobleS)
ft_ in. e 12.
Sill Plate ���� ft -
in y12'
Full - Stud (mofstuds) (Table
Exterior Wall Sheathing to Resist Uplift and ShesrSimultaneously'
Minimum Building Oimension.VV ,
Nominal Height of Tallest Opening
Sheathing Type (noto4) -_-_
Edge Nail Spacing (Table 1Our note 4ifless) / �� m
Field Nail Spacing (Table 10 , �� "/.
Shear Connection (no. of 16d common nails)(Table 10) ' _�c�, ,
Pe,mumFull-Height Ghoa�ing (Table 1O) �_/%�
5% Additional Sheathing for Wall with Opening >0'8^ (Design Concepts) __-
MaximumDuUgingDimenyion L z _��
Nominal Height of Tallest Opening
Sheathing Type (note 4)
Edge mox Spacing (Table 11 or note if less) m.
Field Nail Spacing (Table 11)
Shear Connection (no. of 16d common nails)(Tame 11) � -� r7 ,
Percent Full-Height Sheathing (Table 11) 0�2�/
5%Additional Sheathing for Wall with Opening>68^ (Design Concepts) ^'
Wall Cladding
Rated for Wind Speed?
s'1 ROOFS"""' framing member spans checked? (For Rafters uoeAvYC Span Tool, see BBRGvvebsm�Roof Overhang =~^_�(Figure 10) ^���ft y smaller nf2^ or u3
Truss or Rafter Connections at Loadbeahng VVa||s
Proprietary Connectors
Uplift (Table 12)
Lateral (Table 12) L=
Sh*o' (Table 12) »=4-1 L1,TA I��---
Ridge Strap Connections. sncuw per
' (Table 13) u � T~ -
Gable Rake OuM ---r"L
ookmr ----'- `- (Figure 2O)- +^»A� smaller^ » cx2 or U2
Truss or Rafter Connections skNon'LoadbaarngWalls /
Proprietary Connectors (Table 14) U= _ |b
Uplift (no of1Sdoommonn�|��-(To�a14) L�--� |U�
Lateral- 7MO�WRCho�e�5Oand5�
R�fGhaa�ingType `p=' � in.
Roof Sheathing Thiuh»»a» '
Roof Sheathing Fust (Tau|ea)ening '~ -._'
nio checklist muaUemet inhaendna�. axnudingtheopeu�cexcepdonnoV*din2. �ocom�ywd��en»qu�omenem
� 780 n CIVI 2 1 Item |f the checklist is met in its entirety then the following metal straps and hold downs a " ""`
required per the WFCM113 mph Guide:
u. Steel Straps per Figure o
b 20 Gage Straps per Figure 1�
' c Uplift Straps per Figure 14
d All Straps per Figure 17
* Corner Stud Hold Downs per Figure 18a i� d xen5�� ia added»o the po�mmfu||'hn�htsheathing
2 Exception: Opening haigh�cdupmDft shall be pn,m e w
requirements shown \n Tables 1O and 11obeominimum2 .nnomina|��i��nesopreasune�re�ed#2'orade
3 The bo�omsiUplate inemehnrwaonsha/
O k1L 0 CP ei IK E) . p N L4 -1 yog-tivv,Th 11, Mt
:•gi: Win reas / Z e f
Massach use`cts C hecklist for Compl ance ;78C C :-(
Q Check
1.1 SCOPE 110 mph
Wind Speed(3-sec. gust) B
Wind Exposure Category
1.2 APPLICABILITY (Fig 2) t ( stories 2 stories
RNumber of Stories (Fig 2) L1y'12 12:12 —
Meanof Pitch Roof Height (Fig 2) ft 5 33'
(Fig 3) Oft _80'
Building Width,W (Fig 3) ft 580
Building Length, L 3.1' —
Building Aspect Ratio(LNU) (Fig 4) ((Fig 4) I �<_153:1
Nominal Height of Tallest Opening2
6'8" —
General'compliance with framing connections (T
Foundation Walls meeting requirements of 780 CMR 5404.1
Concrete Masonry
5/8"Anchor Bolts imbedded or 5/8"Proprietary Mechanical Anchors as an alternative in concrete tonly in
Bolt Spacing-general (Table 4) ..(ai.� � Ei .. in.<6"-1 n"
Bolt Spacing from end/joint of plate . (Fig 5)
(Fig 5) min. >7"
Bolt Embedment-connate (Fig 5) � in. >_ 15"
P E -masonry (Fig 5) >3"x 3"x'/:'
Pllaat te Wash Washeerr
3.1 FLOORS (per 780 CMR Chapter 55)
Floor fratning member spans checked (Fig 6) r5 ft 12'or U2 or W/2
Maximum Floor Opening Dimension
Full Height Wall Studs at Floor Openings less than 2'from Exterior Wall(Fig 6)
Maximum Floor Joist Setbacks ft <_d
Supporting Loadbearing Walls or Shearwall (Fig 7)
Maximum Cantilevered Floor Joists =ft 5 d
Supporting Loadbearing Walls or Shearwall (Fig 8)
Floor Bracing at Endwalls (Fig 9)(per 780 CMR Chapter 55)
Floor Sheathing Thickness
Floor Sheathing T (per 780 CMR Chapter 55) in.
Floor Sheathing Fastening (Table 2).. d nails at 4, in edge/ field
4.1 WALLS Loft < 10'
Wall Height (Fig10 and Table 5)
Loadbearing walls Fi 10 and Table 5) 4.1i.it ft 5 20'
Non-Loadbearing walls in.5 24"o.c.
(Fig 10 and Table 5) �. ft <d
Wall Stud Spacing (Figs 7&8) .
Wall Story Offsets
Wood Studs (Table 5) 2x ��ft in.
Lobe walls (Table 5) 2x. ft .in.
Non-Lo-Loaaddbearing walls
Gable End Wall Bracing' (Fig 10) ft>W/3
Full Height loonL Endwall Studs (Fig 11) , -p ft 0 9W
Gyp Attic eioor Length (Fig 11) =1—"
Gypsum Ceiling Length(if WSP not used) 6 ft.o.c. .. (Fig 11)
2 x 4 Continuous Lateral Brace lg. - PO
P`.tµ OF M4s q -e i ....:. � u�.-Z .�. ZI
o STRUCTURAL ��Gti``� fe".
NO 34774 � .
� .� 9 �o �Q � l? �2
• 7oA>1slc. R'w
. °SS,oN xi.e'G
' '
, / sza ..ssettS Checklist 1c- Compliance .'8 __.:..,:.....
Loadbearing Wall Connections Lateral (no.of endnailed 16d common nails) (Table 7) �i'
Non-Loadbearing Wall Connections
Lateral (no.of endnailed 16d common nails) (Table 8)
Lcad Bearing Wall Openings(record largest opening Out check all openings for compliance to Table 9) 11'
Header Spans (Table 9)
(Table 9) it- ft_in. 5. 11'
Sill Plate Spans Full Height Studs (no.of studs) (Table 9)
Non-Load Bearing Wall Openings(record largest opening but check all openingsp for com fiance to Table 9)
(Table 9) t ..• ..__ft in.5 12'
Sill Spans
Header Spans (Table 9) _ft_,_•in. 5 12"
Plate Full Height Studs (no. of studs) (Table 9)
Exterior Wall Sheathing to Resist Uplift and Shear Simultaneously4
Minimum Building Dimension.W V
"Nominal Height of Tallest Openingz (note 4)N
Edgetail Tpe (Table 10 or note 4 if less)
Edge Nail Spacing (Table 10) 1 2.- in. .
Field Nail Spacing
• Shear Connection(no.of 16d common nails)(Table 10) %-11,'"
Percent Full-Height Sheathing (Table 10)
5%Additional Sheathing for Wall with Opening >6'8"(Design Concepts)
Maximum Building Dimension, L <g g"
Nominal Height of Tallest Opening2
Sheathing Type (note 4)
Edge Nail Spacing
(Table 11 or note 4 if less) in.
ble Field Nail Spacing Gr
Shear Connection(no. of 16d common nails)(Table 11) 'T�( t
Percent Full-Height Sheathing (Table 11) .04 - ;
• 5%Additional Sheathing for Wall with Opening>6'8"(Design Concepts)
Wall Cladding
Rated for Wind Speed?
Roof framing member spans checked? (For Rafters use AW yZft Tool,
of2' or Website)
Roof Overhang (Figure 19)
Truss or Rafter Connections at Loadbearing Walls S P�-yJ = (�I sl
Proprietary Connectors (Table 12) U= tiZ..S
Uplift L-
Lateral able 12)
Shear (Table 12) S= t� S'C>7h1$
T= "�
Ridge Strap Connections, it Etitlai snotused,: . per page 21.. .. (Table 13) ft<smaller of 2'or L/2
Gable Rake Outlooker (Figure 20)
ALIA Truss or Rafter Connections at Non-Loadbearing Walls ,
Proprietary Connectors• Uplift (Table 14) U= - lb.
Lateral(no.of 16d common nails)...(Table 14) Y L= ' lb.
Roof Sheathing Type (per 780 CMR Chapters 58 and 59)
Roof Sheathing Thickness �, `" ./_t`= )
Roof Sheathing Fastening (Table 2)..�.c ...�• "
1. This checklist must be met in its entirety,excluding the specific exception noted in 2,to comply with the requirements of
780 CMR 5301.2.1.1 Item 1. If the checklist is met in its entirety then the following metal straps and hold downs are not
required per the WFCM 110 mph Guide: •
a. Steel Straps per Figure 5
b. 20 Gage Straps per Figure 11
c. Uplift Straps per Figure 14
d. All Straps per Figure 17
e. Corner Stud Hold Downs per Figure 18a
2. Exception: Opening heights of up to 8 ft. shall be permitted when 5% is added to the percent full-height sheathing
requirements shown in Tables 10 and 11.
3. The bottom sill plate in exterior walls shall be a minimum 2 in. nominal thickness. pressure treated#2-grade.
/z- 2 Z - Z-'zi 71(4ifil)� ���HOFMgss�ii- cS MICHELE %
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No 34774
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Fss/pNAL ENc'
From: Denny O'Neil denny.onei18217@gmail_com
Subject: Fwd:497 North Dennis rd-Denny O'Neil AUG 2 9 2022
Date: August 29,2022 at 10:26 AM
To: Tim Sears tsears@yarmouth.ma.us
Cc: Yarmouth Building Department mgrylls@yarmouth.ma.us BUILDING DEPARTMENT
Good Day Tim, Mark,
The reason that I am writing is to forward you a copy of what I just sent to Brad Inky, I
sent the email to Brad because he came to my house for the first inspection and I assumed
that he was assigned to my permit inspections in the future, I followed up with a call to
him and his voicemail said that he will not be in until September first, so this is why I am
forwarding this email to you. I will call after sending this message and leave a voice
message. Again, thank you Denny O'Neil
Begin forwarded message:
From: Denny O'Neil <denny.onei18217@gmail.com>
Subject: 497 North Dennis rd-Denny O'Neil
Date: August 29, 2022 at 10:05:34 AM EDT
To: binkiey@ayarmouth.ma.us
Good Day Brad,
I picked the revised plan papers from the structural engineer, Michelle Cudillo last week
and I have made a copy for you folks at in the building department and I need to know if
I submit it to you and if not, who do I give it to. I am hoping that I can get this looked at
so that I can proceed with ordering the materials and not have to lose more time. Thank
you, Respectfully, Denny O'Neil-207-841-9502
ff7/4y & isi ( rV5rbD)
From: Denny O'Neil denny.onei18217@gmail.com
Subject: Re:Dennis O'Neil,497 North Dennis Road,Yarmouthport, MA 02675..PO BOX 106,Yarmouthport,MA 02675:
Date: August 18,2022 at 2:46 PM
To: MICHELE CUDILO mcudilo@comcast.net TbttiA) cZ Z7)3 y
I just added the full address to the subject line. I am not sure what drawings you want.
Originally"Biti-Swar>.nson forwarded the plans to you trough a pdf. I will look into my
iPhone to see if there is anything. My origin -ard copies are with the builder up
Walpole. t E C E I V E D
Sent from my iPhone J
AUG 2 9 2022
On Aug 18, 20 2, at 12:26 PM, MICHELE CUDILO <mcudilo@comca t.net> wrote:
alway put full site address in email subject \ Y
9nd attach back dwg's/markups
I'll look into it in the a.m., headed out now for the afternoon
Michele Cudilo, P.E.
123 Cottonwood Lane
Centerville, MA 02632-1979
CELL: 508-737-8521
On Aug 18, 2022, at 11:22 AM, Denny O'Neil <denny.oneil8217@gmail.com> wrote:
Good Day Michelle
I am the person at 497 North Dennis rd in Yarmouthport that you helped out with on
the small 10'x10' addition that was originally drafted by Bill Swannson. The town
approved the plan as soon as I brought your work to them, thank you.
The reason that I am writing is that I am hoping that you might be able to revise a
few things before I begin work (or my asking the building department for changes).
First, is he drafted the rafters to be 2"x10", which will be an additional cost but
more importantly it will make the soffet and facia trim much too tall or out of proportion
for such a small a addition and it will not match up with the existing trim, making it an
Secondly, I originally wanted more window space laterally on the south and north walls
( I do not need tall windows) but was told I could not do that accord to Bill Swannson.
Lastly, on the west side wall where it is now drafted for one single window, I wanted to
put a 36" door but the is no room for steps and a landing without overstepping the
boundary line. I really need a 36" door in this house for getting furniture in etc if at all
possible. I would be willing to do without steps or a landing so long as I have that door
as an access to bring in furniture etc.
I am trying my best to comply so any of the above changes would make a significant
difference in the end and would really help out if possible.
Thank you, Denny O'Neil
You are the person who
Sent from my iPhone
Consulting Structural Engineer
123 Cottonwood Ln., Centerville, Massachusetts 02632-1979•(508)737-8521 •mcudilo@comcast.net
August 22, 2022
Denny O'Neil
POB 106
297 North Dennis Rd.,Yarmouthport, MA
Review w/client, re:proposed conditions; 5 s� Pc C
Engineering analysis and calculations;
Markup set,stamped,scanned; Jae
Code Checklist,stamped,scanned;
Thank you in advance.
Mail body:FM:Denny O'Neil,497 North Dennis Road,Yanmuthport,Ma 02675/payment and pickup
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From:Dennis P O'Neil<denny.onei8217@icbud.com>
Date:August 23,2022 at 2:55:09 PM EDT
Subject:F\d:Denny O'Neil,497 North Dennis Road,Yarmouthport,Ma 02675/payment and pickup
Sent from my(Phone
Begin forwarded message:
From MICHELE-TUDOR MICHELE-TUDOR<mcudio@comcast.net>
Date:August 23,2022 at 9:01:19 AM EDT
To:Dennis P O'Neil<denny.onei8217@icbud.com>,MICHELE-TUDOR MICHELE-TUDOR
<n uudilo@comcast.net>
Subject:Re:Denny O'Neil,497 North Dennis Road,Yanmuthport,Ma 02675/payment and pickup
Michele Cudilo,PE
Centerville,MA 02632
On 08/23/2022 832 AM Dennis P O'Neil<denny.one118217@icloud.com>wrote:
Good Morning Michelle,
I would like to come to your office today and pick up my new plans and to pay you for your work.I can
be there anytime after 11 am I emaied you yesterday regards this but have not heard back,I have a sense
that we are having con mi nication issues and that is why I am sending this email starting a new thread. The
conminication issues night be on my end,so I am doing my best to help out.Denny O'Neil
Sent from my(Phone