HomeMy WebLinkAbout2497G ANR Planner Report 081123 w attach T O W N O F Y A R M O U T H 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4492 Telephone (508) 398-2231, Ext. 1276, Fax (508) 398-2365 MEMORANDUM To: Planning Board From: Kathy Williams, Town Planner Date: August 11, 2023 Subject: Planner Report for ANR Plan #2497G 272 Union Street, Yarmouth Port, Assessor Map Please find attached application Form A and a DRAFT ANR Plan #2497G submitted for the property located at 272 Union Street, Yarmouth Port, Assessor’s Map 107, Parcel 13.1.3. The ANR Plan creates an unbuildable lot for conveyance purposes, with a portion of 272 Union Street ultimately being conveyed to 280 Union Street. The Applicant filed a complete application including the required fee, Form A, ANR plan prepared by Circumspect Land Surveying, and the appropriate number of copies. However, upon review, staff had several comments including those denoted in the attached August 9, 2023 email correspondence with Attorney Matthew Fitzsimmons. A modified ANR Plan has not been submitted at the time of the preparation of this Memo, but it is hoped that these corrections can be made prior to the August 16th Planning Board meeting. This application was received on July 12, 2023 and a 20 calendar day extension has already been executed, resulting in a decision deadline of August 21, 2023. If the final ANR Plan is not available for August 16th, another extension will be required to place this on the September 6th Agenda. Planner Suggestion: We will need to wait until the ANR Plan has been finalized, dated, stamped and copies/mylar submitted, but it is anticipated corrections can be made sufficient to endorse ANR Plan #2939. Attachments:  Form A  Draft 2497G ANR Plan  Planner Comments, August 9, 2023 Planning Division 1 Williams, Kathleen From:Williams, Kathleen Sent:Wednesday, August 9, 2023 12:14 PM To:Matthew Fitzsimmons Subject:RE: 2497G ANR Plan Extension - 252 & 272 Union Street Attachments:Plan Book 690 Page 69 - NOT SIGNED BY PB.PDF; Redline Edits for Draft ANR Plan 080923.pdf Hi MaƩhew, Thanks for the revised plan. I have a few quesƟons/comments on the draŌ ANR Plan. I’d be happy to talk directly with the Surveyor if that would be helpful. 1. 280 Union should be shown as the exisƟng lot size and idenƟĮed as its own Parcel (Parcel G). The lot area for Parcel E should be shown on the plan and not just the notes. Please correct the notes which indicate Parcel E is 1.6 acres, but it is 1.65 acres. 2. The aƩached Plan from June 1, 2021 (PB 690/P 69) shows Paul Sage’s lot as being 8.12 acres. If you add on the 1.65 acres, you get 9.77 acres not the indicated 10.43 acres. Can you explain why the acres of 272 and 280 union are increasing from the last recorded plan? 3. 280 Union is shown as being owned by Paul G. Sage, but the notes indicate Parcel E is going to the Forest Keepers, LLC. Parcel E should say conveyed to Paul G. Sage as it is to be combined with 280 Union and he is the owner. 4. See aƩached redline draŌ plan for addiƟonal comments. Thanks, Kathy ---------------------------------------- Kathy Williams, PE Yarmouth Town Planner 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4492 (508) 398-2231 Ext 1276 kwilliams@yarmouth.ma.us From: Matthew Fitzsimmons <matt@fitzsimmonsͲlawͲoffice.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 9, 2023 10:13 AM To: Williams, Kathleen <kwilliams@yarmouth.ma.us> Subject: Re: 2497G ANR Plan Extension Ͳ 252 & 272 Union Street Hi Kathleen: I am pleased to attach the revised plan covering everything we discussed. If you could take a look to see if this overall looks OK, then I'll have him prepare the mylar and copies for next week. Thanks again. Attention!: This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email.