HomeMy WebLinkAboutImage_001.pdf - BSHD-23-84 22795o o\c!o EXPRESS SHED PERMIT APPLICAT TOWN OF YARMOUTI] Yarmouth Building Department ll46 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 (508) 398-2231 Ext. l26l C('o\s'rRt ( ' o\ .\Dt)RFss, 3u e-e.r$e NAMI'S+e A PRE Aoo 5Ots 78oa ?6+ gResidcntirl O ('ommcrcill llome lmprotement Contractor Lic. # Workman's Compcnsation lnsurance: (chcckone) lam thc homcoNncr I am the solc proprietor lnsurancc Compan\ Namc g- SENT ADDRESS \-\{- tFt * II,\II I\"C.\I)t)RFSS IFI " Esl. Cosl ofConstruction $ Worker.s (,omfi polir)# ( onstruction Superrisor Lic. H I hitrc \\'orlcr'r C0mpcnsation lnsurancc Replace existing* _ Size L 'Ihc dchns rrrll hc dr\rcsed t)l al rl, l.orilion ot t.rcilit} \rill be Just cause lbr dcnaal or revocation ofmy licen.e and tor prnsec,ttioni ra"'lf C f'.n 26E.S€ctmn I Dale pn nrrs sign:rture 1or llttachm€rl,$ci Drt( Pcrnrt c\Irres 180 da\s tiom Ec Bal.- 7 32202cT0 PEL) v ::-- Zoning District llistorical Districr: yes r'o Water Rcsourcc Prolection DistrictYes No** *Note: Conscrvation revicrr Flood Plain Zone: Yes No Vr'ithin 100 ft. of\4etlands: *** Yes No $ithin 100 ft. of Wetlands .c D.rlc l/21 5a OllNER: ( ( )Nl Ri\C I ( )ltr i.rltt *) appro'.,rsr${t:rElak B rldrns Ot'trcl]t ior de\rgflccr I \1.\t-AD-DRLSS - sHut) I}-[ ()Ri\IA1.to\ ,, /\er ,.2' t,,, ,/V ,r, 7 ,tt/u-l (.r.rr(,1 1,,1.1.. \,, >r /Applicanr's Signarure Ollice Llsc Onlrmpza \.-;... w Jhe {oamzizM S JfAaaaahzaa@. Office of Coasumcr Affairs and Bqiocss'I(egulation'I0 Park Plaza - Suitc 5f 70 Boston, IvfassaglPttts O2l 16 Home ftip.rovcmcn @ftor Registration'. McGRATH POST& BEAI{ CO' JAI\,iES MC€RATH 259 dUEEN ANNE RD. HARWCH, f,'tA 02645 Cormonwarlth ol M!.rachuarttr Dlvlalon ot Occuprllonal Licanrq,eBorrd ot Bulldtng Rd$hlonr rnd ghndordr construct3yrfrft*Vf,rb;l & 2 Famity c8FA.073805 JAMES R &o'a: E 9, to t$i 0311412021 THE COTTIO'{WEALTH OF UASSACHT'SETTS Orlca ot Conaurrt &l.lrEa R.luLlton IIOIE I',ICGFATH POST Eoal P|NE HAnBOfl 204 BREWSIER ,r,a . -l!Ltv.tll'J', Conmtcttor*rr dvtrp R df-;-t L" Corpoabn 132905 10t3r)t?024 lrpdrt! Ar'drtaa aird Rdum C.r{. n gllb.Uoo t dd tor h.lhrldu.l u.. ooly b.toG lrE axpltr0on arrta. I loui ,*,rn io: Ottba ol Con.lrnf, Atlrlrt and BurlrE. R.gub0on 1000 Wlthlngton 3lr..l - Sultc 710 Bo.ton, IA Cl|lt THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSEfiS Office ol Consumer Business Regulation 1000 - Sufte 710 118 Home TlPo JAMES R. MCORATH .I. 59 OUEE}{ ANNE BO tlARWpH, MA 02645 t =, I '\-:Urxbrs€crslary 3lqnatuI€ M@RATH POST a BE lil CO. D/B/A PT.IE HARBOR I/V@D PR@UCTS 250 OI'EEN ^I\INE RO. HARWCH, MA 02645 d-..ro./.r* The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department oJ I ndustial Accidents I Congress Street, Suite 100 Boston, MA 02114-2017 www, mass.gov/dia \\'orkers'Compensatioo losurancc AIIidavit: Buildcrs/Contraclors/Ercctricians/plumbcrs TO BE FILED !VTTH THE PERMITTINC AUTHORITY. ,{oolicant Iuformation Please Print Lcsibh. Name ( Business/Orsanizarion4ndividual) Address: 2..5Q Guet-rrr Annc Q,.\ Arc you eo cmploycr? Ch.cli tt. tppropri.tc bor: I [t I am a cmployer wi*r ]4 .rptoy... (ful and/or pan-time) . 2 fll am a solc proprictor or panncrship and havc no amployccs wo.kiag for me in any capacity [No workcrs' comp insurancc rcquircd ] 3 !l am a homeowner dojng all *ork myself [No workcrs'comp insurancc requirad ] i c!lamahomcownerrnd\arll be hrrrnt contrac@rs lo conduct all lrork on my propcny I will ansLIIc that all contractors arther havc workcrs' compcnsalton lmurancc or arc solc proprietors with no cmployees 5 f] I am a gcneral conrracto. and I ha!€ hrred rhe sub-contractors lined on the anached sh€et Thes€ sub-contractors have employe€s and have workars'colhp insuraDce i 6 ! Wc are a corporation and ats omccrs bav. cxcrcis.d 6cir righl of.xcmption pcr MGL c 152, $l(4). and w. havc no employccs [No wo*ers'comp irLsurancc rcquircd ] City lState/Zip Hc*rt:itl. , M-t Otbu5 Phone #: 6..,K - q70- a8a0 14 fl 0ther 'An) applrcanr $al checks box 4l must also fill our Uc sectton bctos showhg l})errr Homcoqners *ho submrt rhrs affidavl indrcatrng rhey are dorng all *ork ani theniconkacors thal chcck thrs box must anachcd an iddnional shccishowing thc name workcrs' compcnsation polrcy information. hirc oulridc contraclors musl submit a new amda![ andicalnB such ofthc sub{onltactors and state whefEt or not thosc rotitics havaemployacs If dlc sub-contactors hav. cmplolecs,thcy must providc dEir workcrs'comp policy numb€r I am an enployer lhal is provitling worken' compensotion insurance lor ny employees. Below is rhe poticy antljob siteinlornfuion Insurance Company Name .H Lrn lo o.A Job Site Address City/State/Zip Attach e copy of thc workers' compcnsatior policy declaration pagr (sho*ing the policy aumber and cxpiration date). Fatlure to secure coverage as required under MGL c I52, $25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to $1.500 00 and./or one-year imprisonment, as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to $250 O0 a day against the violator A copy ofthis stetement may be forwarded to the OfIice of lnvestigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification I do hereby certily u penolties oJpejury that the inlornurion provided above tru and correcL Date L OfJiciol use only. Do not wite in thk aret, to be conpleted by ciU^ ot tov,n olficiaL Citv or Torrn: Permit/Liccose # Issring Authority (circlc otrc): l. Board ofHealth 2. Buildiog Departmetrr 3. City/Towr Clerk 6. Othcr ,1. Electrical Inspcctor 5. Plumbiog Inspecror Phone #:Cotrtact Persoo: P hlp,,r Policy#orSelf-ins Lrc # ECL-GOO -L{(\COqSrl-a0AU4Expirationoate Jv\u\ X, A0ALI Z3 Typc of projcct (rcquircd) 7 flffiew construction 8 [ Remodeling 9. E Demolition l0 fl Building addition I l.E Electrical repairs or additions l2 fl Plumbing reparrs or addirrons l3 !Roof repairs Alov. 7n 326ibmouh Rd. IHyannis,l,tA02601 I508.771.5007 1Far508771.7070 I hyannisotineharbd'com 25S ouoooArne Rd. I Harwi:h, uA 02645 I 508.430.28m lFarS08.430.1115 I inf0@ti0€hato(.com 1.8tr,I6sllEl, I Cuttorn{S.wl..t.ScSlE0lol I uuurtLlt{tor.com PINE Schedule Dale .1yz-1vt t Eranch 0ai€iold nze E Styh 5 loors Siding Rool Shingl€s Cupola & WeaiErYane otier icA Stmail 506'.at-1Lol Ar Stale fne,@413---"&tl . &.,4' r lr a Special lnstructions o lra 6D fs fim Sub Total Tax lnstallation Delivery TOTAL Deposit EALANCECredit CardCashCheck b ilo VOOD PRO DUCTS I't, tr IJL + FoR LOr l _-____---__.._.. mffiffi,r--==j::Y ii!:,i".E3.^'#ti,L'fl 3?$"EE+'. tr$ J$Fj}:+r i?r b,il ii#i i ",PLOT PLAN (Jot. . . .,.,,... . .. ..ft- i€E) (fot. , ... .... . ..,..,. .ft. ftcnbge) c € I I l I Abutter's Name Lot # It this is acorner lol,write in name of street. Abutter's Name Lol # It this is ocorner lot.\Yrite inname of streel. AITJ t qto o o ( NA!{8 OF STREET) InfumaficnSrppLld by 4 0 a1 rrg I I II SDB YI.ID @E YAXD 0--- -xr- 0 ? I I s,Et BtcI G I I I REIR TARIT "'-""r:"'o' I II --++- fr HOUSE 3t17t13 PINE HARBOR WOOD PRODUCTs p o.CU q) A)a QUIVETT CAPE DIMENSIONS (\ -\l (o 6' Gabte g',-11 1t7"6'-4 1t2 6',-4 1t7 6',-0' 6',-4 1t2"8' Gabte 10'-9 1tZ'6'-4 1t2"6'-0" 10' Gabte 11',-7 1t2"6',-4 1t2 6'-4 1t2 6'-0" 12' Gabte 12',-7 1tZ 6',-4 1tZ 6',-4 1t2 6'-0" INSIDE FRONI WALL HEIGHT INSIDT REAR WALL HEI6HT OVER,ALL HEIGHT DOOR HEIGHT