HomeMy WebLinkAboutImage_002.pdf - BSHD-23-88 22924ffi " :t*tZ*o- ( oNs't Rt ( no\ .\DDRI SS EXPRESS SHED PERMIT APPLICA TO\TN OF YARMOUTII Yarmouth Building Department I 146 Route 28 South Yarmouth. MA 0266,1 (508) 398-2231 Ext. l26l [1c,r-tL La^t L Ir-Vernoq CT PRESEN t)DIt Ij ss l'ernrrt crprres l8{, da\s liom 8 -6Ls_-81!0\\ NI:R U\ (.ON I RA(' I'OI{ \\ll Replace existing* _ Size L 'l he dcbfi\ $rll bc dAposcd ot at 2, IIAILINC ADDRESS 6 I 0-6',l5- le +/I\IFI- i /6c ( 1t,r. I y Rcsidential O Commcrcial Home Improvement Contrnclor Lic. # Workman s Compensation Insurance: (chcck one) I am the homco\tncr I anr the sole proprietor lnsurlncc Crrmflnv Nanrt Ner,, y' size Workcr.s Comp. polic\f_ Est. Cosr of Construction $ J,AOo. OO Construction Supervisor Lic. f I har e \\'orLer's ('ompcnsation Insurancc SHED IN I ORIt ATI()N t l{t,w lbt ,n 9/Corner Lot: Yes /No Pcr.,Tow,t ttl Yurnltutl! Zo.nins Br-La$, Sct. 20-t.S Note E: tlhcrhuil<lingutututliut'cnlpurL.t,l ldcclrrc undcr pcnJtlrcs otpcrtrlsril he , \t cruse tbr dL,nral or r.n that the statcnt.nls herEtn contatfled are rue and corrccl to the bcsl of m\ lno$ledge and behel I undcrstand that arr\ talse ans*ljr(s) _x tt'_x H _ I0(x I'x I rli rcatron ofnr! lirensE and for proscc[lron undrr M Applrcant s S O$Il.rs Sign Approvcd B! rgI1alurc nlurc (r)r r .rchmrnl) t6 J 23 G l. th 168 Scctro =- Dat€ Date l/21 CEIVED IBUILDING DEPARTMENT NOV 0p,2023 By --- Zoning District Historical Dislrict: yes No Watcr Resourcc proicction District: Flood Plain Zoner yes l!ithin 100 fi. ofWetlands: *,r*yes No No required ifrrirhin 100 fi ofWetlands Yes No** *Note: Conser! ation re\.ie$ mLn/f7n arlhy A b dp egm a /, 0K_ Ollice Use Onl! e*^,* (,{.Hg/t7 o.*", -?5.DD DaE. \\'olkers' Compensatio ! I am a sole proprietor or partnership and have no cm The Commonwealth o1f Massach usetts Department of Industial Accidents 1 Congress Street, Suite 100 Boston, MA 02114-2017 www. mass.gov/dia n Insu rance Affi davit: Builders/Contractors/ETO BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTING .{LITHORI T\' lectricians,?lum bers- P Ieas e rint L ibName (Business/Organizarioa/lndividual): Address: Citl/StatelZip.et 11 06DLL Phone#: ZU)- L45- rcql Arr you an employer? Check the appropriare bor: Ii nt rm tion l.! I am a employer with _employees (firll aDd/or pan-time) * d:l capaciry [No wo*ers' comp insurance requireC.l a homeownea doing ali work myself [No workcrs, cornp. insurancc reouired ] r Ployees working for me in Type of project (required) 7. lyf New construcnon Remodeling Demolition I0 [ Building addition Electrical repairs or additions Plumbing repairs or additions Roof repairs Other 8 9 I am a homeor.r,ner and wtll be hirrng contracrors to conouct a.ll worK on mv oroneftvensure rhat all conrraclors erther have workers, .o.p.n.unon ,.ui*J; ";,#;;; "prcprietors with no cmploy.es. We arE a corporadon and its ollicers have exerctsed their righ! ofexemi 52, S l(4), and we have no employees. [No worken, comp- insu..aace I will 5 ! I am a general conE-acror a.nd I have hired the sub_contra.toB listed on Lhe attached sheet.These sub-conuacters have employees and hav. *o.k".r, -rt- ,".;;;'* lt 12 t3 ption pcr MGL c required l r4-fl also fill out the section below showrng aheir work.rs' compensation policy informadoI1,iHomeowners who submit this affidavit indicaling rhey are dorng all work and then applican! that check box #l rnust lConfacbrs rhat check this box must anachcd an addirional sheei showing t\e nam€ernployees. If the suuconEactors have employees. they must hire outside conEacors musr submit a new afidavil indicallnB such.ofthc sub-contractoG ard state whether or not thosc entities havecomp- policy number.provide thcir workers' I am an employet thst is proyidint workers, inllormation-compensation insurancefor my emplolees- Betow is the poliq) andjob site Insurance Company Name Policy # or Self-ins. Lic #Expiration Date Job Site Address Attach a copy of the workers, co City/State/Zipmpensation policv declaration page (show ing the policy number and expiratioD date).Failure to secure coverage as required under MGL c. 152 , $25A is a criminal violarion punishable by a fine up to $1,500.00and/or one-yeaJ imprisonment.as well as civil penaities in the fom of a STOp WORK ORDER and a fine of up to $250.00 aciay against the violator. A copy ofthis statement may be forwarded ro the Office of Invesrisations ofthe DIA for insurancecoverage verificati on. I do hereby cerffi under the patns ahd penalties of perjuryiat the information provided above is tue and correcl. Dare 3PCo-L to be completed by city or town offciaL. 4. Electrical lnspector 5. plumbing lnspector Phone #: Issuing Authori l. Boa rd of Hea 6. Other ty (circle one): Ith 2. Building Department 3. Citv/Tow Official use only. Do not wrtte in this area, icense # Contact Perso n: City or Town:PermiUL n Clerk 6