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• OF•Y4,Q BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION .•- • • 2� APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,REPAIR, RENOVATE , CHANGE THE USE, OCCUPANCY OF, ' , ,. C OR DEMOLISH ANY BUILDING OTHER THAN A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWFrLUNCP. �� r� Townof of-Yarmouth Building Department "' ),,` HRrt4cMcrt � w•*� 1 1-18 Route 28 • Yarmouth, MA t)2664—I•4 2 Tel: 508.398-2231 ext. 1261 Fax508-39$.�0836 ` , " ` ` �' `° r,. Office Use Only Planning Board Information Assessors Department Information: Permit No $Lti-00, 77date Plan Type Map I Permit Fee /�' ,� /� Endorsement Date / $ U�'�V Recording Date New Deposit Rec'd. $ Date 1.4 Properly Dimensions:• Plan tJo. Lot Net Due �` $ (i Other Lot Area(sf) Frontage(It) Lot Coverage Building Permit NumberThis Section for Office Use Only Date Issued: Signature: • - - Ce 'i5cate of Occupancy Building Official Date is Is not required Section 1 - Site Information 1 1.1 Property Address. 1.2 Zoning information: 11115 '?i-1--e, 2X Zoning District Proposed Use 1.3 Building Setbacks (ft) Front Yard Side Yards Rear Yard Required Provided Required Provided Required Provided 1.4 Water Supply(DA.G.l..o.40.S 54) 1.5 Flood Zone information: Comments Public, Private Zone: BFE Section 2- Property Ownership/Authorized Agent 1 2.1 Darner of R o r rIonl� 1(��l`�V1 IIgft Z-I-e 2E- S . ,_r Name(print) Mailing Address: SD -3Ct-=2Z3( 11:10 Signature Telephone Telephone Email Address: 2.2 Authorized Agent Name(print) Mailing Address: Signature Telephone Fax En"1a11 Address:Section 3 - Construction Services 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor. Not Applicable ❑ License Number #r,1i l r,; Li L° {VC.-WOO:),r <0 r1 6 Z.& ' ,,._ Address `., ,�aY 3 apt'"- ;., 9e4vYc 'iZis /v/..t t/iref/t-u=o-Ez halloo Date s —Signet e �' Telephone Email Address: 'ilii�/ .4 h , c. 3.2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor. Company Name ' Not Applicable ❑ Address Registration Number Expiration Date I Signature Telephone • Section 4-Workers'Compensation Insurance Affidavit(M.G.L c.152 S 25C(6) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached Yes; No Section 5- Professional Design and Construction Services-for Buildings and Structures Subject to Construction Control Pursuant to 780 CMR 116(containing more than 35,000 c.f. of enclosed space) Section 5.1 Registered Architect 7'h1th-i) r °A.k 6,ram Not Applicable ❑ Name Registrant: l l{ )' 2.ifem1 •1 > r S �, / fadA9 f 1 AVI , Registration Number ,9...9 e, Address 774 — f> "t1).9 '' Expiration Date Signature Telephone '/3.,(1/'tiv L Section 5.2 Registered Professional Engineer(s) Name r. / r Area of Responsibaiitty t9q.c t�"t'1 �/ ii ilrllf.lry ifvit !`�/a�) 69.21ci Address # 1/ �1- Registration Nirb r 61 Signal Telephone Expiration Date J f L Area o1 Response uy Kn.no(ei (co'1rJ,>- t'i)/1r(' Ir 'y� t) O �" 4 �1` ' Address Registration Ntnpber Signature Telephone Expiration Date ,,��,��ll I ' i`3ied`;! <..Ki1-K:ti'tff '71 }. r Name j l �,r i/ Area of Responsibility_ Address Registration Number Signature Telephone Expiration Date ' }tame Area of Responsibility Address • Registration Number • Signature Telephone Expiration Date Section 5.3 General Contractor "..:1 ' ) Ceko4t5 kyle'- Not Applicable ❑ Company Hams , ! ,' };i i -5 itYk-f it-;. Person Responsible tor QonstniFtiOn Address Signature Telephone • .' ' , Section 6 - Description of Proposed Work(check all applica1 ble) New Construction I] 1 (for multiple family only) No.of edroorns (for multiple family only) No.of Bathrooms Existing Bldg. CaI Repair(s) El Alterations Addition El ` Accessory Bldg. (3 Type (Demolition Other Specify: P fY: I Brief Description ofl Proposed Work: f / J f /s 96 b',}1 !;" 071,�!✓I YS s ic,,,' ! '=1,v7 l7 o h file-4 5 v t / 1 / tllt'11�Gf�ii ���� ( f �+k i� of / ` T, v�i , ��ll'7�%lLbr�, i }L- G'r1r <dri�iliTr ei r "/i-rl =ryI J /1"..1 /7acie-s-I r 1-11,,,,f. ,4 ,-/c ki .t`:v C-) kbr :5;r" :--kd %is-'�/ ).1 ,,,roc°,.2 , -, Section 7- Use Group and Construction Type i Building Use Group(Check as applicapable) Construction Type A ASSEMBLY ❑ A-1 ❑ A-2 ❑ A-3 ❑ to ❑ A-4 0 A-5 ❑ 18 ❑ B BUSINESS ❑ El E EDUCATIONAL (' 2B ❑ F FACTORY ❑ F-1 ❑ F-2 ❑ 2C ❑ H HIGH HAZARD ❑ 3A ❑ I INSTITUTIONAL ❑ 1-1 ❑ 1-2 ❑ 1.3 ❑ 38 ❑ M MERCHANTILE ID ❑ 4 R RESIDENTIAL ❑ 11-1 ❑ R-2 ❑ R-3 0 SA ❑ S STORAGE ❑ s-i ❑ S-2 ❑ 5B 1] U UTILITY ❑ SPECIFY; M MIXED USE ❑ SPECIFY; S SPECIAL USE ❑ SPECIFY: Complete this section if existing building undergoing renovations,additions and/or change hi use.1 Existing Use Group: i3 i'.>A'al Proposed Use Group:r.. t :,4--!1oy i Existing Hazard Index 780 CMR 34 Proposed Hazard Index 780 CMR 34 Section 8 Building Height and Area I Building Area Existing(if applicable) Proposed Number of floors or stories include basement levels > Z_,, Floor Area per Floor(sf) 1 C. ( r 00 Total Area All Floors (sf) , qF 2 , t '' ,Gl Total Height(ft) Section 9 - STRUCTURAL PEER REVIEW (700CMR 110 11) , Independent Structural Engineering Structural Peer Review Required Yes No it SECTION 10a OWNER AUTHORIZATION -TO BE COMPL I b.D WHEN OWNER'S AGENT OAR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT I, '� t �`�` �f , _ , , as Owner of the subject property, hereby authorize , to act on my behalf, in all ers relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Date Signature of Owner l 1 SECTION 10b OWNER/AUTHORIZED AGENT DECLARATION I Owner/Authorized hereby declare that the statements and information on the forgoing application are true and acurate, to the best of my knowledge end belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. • Print Name Signature of Owner/Agent Date Section 11 - ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Cost(Dollars)to be completed by permit applicant 1.Building a Electrical 3.Plumbing/Gas y _ 4.MechaNeal(HVACI S.Piro Protection J i_.. 5.Total=(1+2+3+4+5) 7.Total Square Ft.pampa.,.em=E ) Check Below ❑ Conservation-Commission Ruing (if applicable) ❑ Old Kings Highway&Historical Commission approval (if applicable) CAPE COD COLLABORATIVE RENOVATIONS Revised June 15, 2022 1175 Route 28, Yarmouth,Massachusetts R �. January 2022 Revised June 15, 2022 JUN 151011 CODE REVIEW INFORMATION BUILDING DEPARTMENT PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project consists of renovations to an existing elementary school building to accommodate middle and high school classrooms for the Cape Cod Collaborative located at 115 Route 28, Yarmouth, Massachusetts. The building was partially renovated in 2014 to accommodate classrooms for Bridgewater State University but is no longer used for that purpose. Therefore, the building is considered a Group E (Educational) occupancy. The existing building is two stories with the First Floor partially below grade such that the grade is approximately midway between the first and second floors. Consequently, egress from each floor to the exit discharge requires travel wither up or down via stairs. The building area is 14,600 s.f. per floor. The exterior walls of the building are concrete, brick masonry veneer and wood structure. The floors, beams and columns are a mix of noncombustible and combustible construction. Since the exterior walls have combustible materials, the construction type is most consistent with Type VB materials. As a part of the renovations, the building will be fully sprinklered utilizing the fire service that was installed during the 2014 renovations. The existing fire alarm system will be upgraded to accommodate the new sprinkler system and other additional devices that will be added during the renovations. This Code Review Information pertains only to the architectural elements of the project and does not address the requirements for the plumbing, mechanical, electrical and fire protection portions of the work. APPLICABLE CODES Code Type Applicable Code Building Massachusetts State Building Code (780 CMR) 9th Edition - based on the 2015 International Building Code with Massachusetts amendments. Existing Building Code of Massachusetts (780 CMR 34.00) based on the 2015 International Existing Building Code with Massachusetts amendments. Accessibility 521 CMR — Massachusetts Architectural Access Board (MAAB) Regulations Plumbing 248 CMR — Massachusetts Fuel Gas and Plumbing Code Required number of fixtures only Energy 2018 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) with Massachusetts amendments per 780 CMR 13.00 Rowse Architects 2 Hampshire Street, Suite 106,Foxboro, Massachusetts Page 1 of 6 Tel: 774-215-0290 CAPE COD COLLABORATIVE RENOVATIONS Revised June 15, 2022 1175 Route 28, Yarmouth, Massachusetts MASSACHUSETTS IEBC 780 CMR 34.00 indicates that the International Existing Building Code 2015 with Massachusetts amendments shall be used for existing buildings. Compliance with the MA IEBC is achieved utilizing the Work Area Compliance Method per Section 301.1.2 which indicates that the work shall comply with the applicable requirements of Chapters 5 — 13. The renovations are classified as Level 1 and Level 2 Alterations per Section 503 and 504 respectively. NOTE: As noted above, renovations in a portion of the building were made in 2014 for Bridgewater State University. Those renovations were made based upon a change in occupancy from E (Educational) to B (Business) for post secondary education. The current renovations return the entire building to an Educational occupancy. Per discussions with the local building official, it was agreed that the renovations in the Bridgewater State University area do not need to be considered a change in occupancy from Business back to Educational. Level 1 Alterations are defined as "...the removal and replacement or the covering of existing materials, elements, equipment, or fixtures using new materials, elements, equipment, or fixtures that serve the same purpose." Level 1 Alterations shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 7. The general description of the Level 1 Alterations are: New floor finishes. New wall finishes. New ceilings. Door hardware replacement at selected doors. Level 2 Alterations are defined as "...the reconfiguration of space, the addition or elimination of any door or window, the reconfiguration or extension of any system, or the installation of any additional equipment." Level 2 Alterations shall comply with the requirements of Chapters 7 & 8. Not all Level 2 Alterations require configuration of space. Chapter 2 indicates that Work Area is defined as reconfigured spaces. Therefore, installation of the sprinkler system, mechanical and electrical work, while extensive, are not utilized to determine the Work Areas since they do not reconfigure space. This is supported by IEBC Commentary for the Work Area definition. Thus only the reconfigured spaces are designated as Work Areas as shown on the Work Area Plans on Drawing G1.01. As shown on those plans, the Work Areas of reconfigured spaces are 20% of the total building area and do not trigger the requirements of Section 505 for Level 3 Alterations since they area less than 50% of the total building area. The general description of the Level 2 Alterations are: LEVEL 2 ALTERATIONS WITHOUT RECONFIGURATION Removal of existing plaster ceilings to allow for installation of new sprinkler system. Installation of new sprinkler system from the existing fire service installed in 2013. Replacement of the existing unit ventilators in the classrooms. Mechanical equipment and distribution upgrades in other areas of the building. Rowse Architects 2 Hampshire Street, Suite 106,Foxboro,Massachusetts Page 2 of 6 Tel: 774-215-0290 CAPE COD COLLABORATIVE RENOVATIONS Revised June 15, 2022 1 175 Route 28, Yarmouth,Massachusetts Replacement of selected plumbing fixtures. Installation of new electrical distribution and data systems throughout the building. New lighting throughout the building Upgrades to the existing fire alarm system. Cutting and patching of holes in walls and floors to accommodate the above work. LEVEL 2 ALTERATIONS WITH RECONFIGURATION See First Floor Work Area Plan. See Second Floor Work Plan. CHAPTER 7 REQUIREMENTS 702.1 & 702.2 Finishes — new wall, ceiling and floor finishes shall comply with 780 CMR Chapter 8. See the discussion below for Section 803.4 for additional information. 702.6 Materials and Methods — all new work shall comply with the requirements for new construction per 780 CMR, 780 CMR- 13.00 and other referenced standards. 705.1 Accessibility — a facility that is altered shall comply with Sections 705.1.1 through 705.1.14 and 780 CMR Chapter 11 unless it is technically infeasible. In turn, 780 CMR Chapter 11 indicates that accessibility shall be in accordance with 521 CMR Massachusetts Architectural Access Board Regulations. Per 521 CMR 3.3.2, the entire building is required to be accessible per the requirements of 521 CMR since the value of the alterations exceeds 30% of the assessed value of the building. Via the existing building conditions and the work performed as a part of this project, the building will be accessible as outlined below. Existing Building 1. The existing entrance at Stair A is at grade and enters the building at midpoint between floors. Access to the First and Second Floors is provided via a lift installed in the 2014 renovations. 2. At the south end of the building there is an exterior ramp that extends from grade to the First Floor. The ramp connects to a vestibule that contains an elevator that provides access to the Second Floor. The elevator is operational. 3. The existing Second Floor toilet rooms installed in the 2014 renovations are accessible. 4. The existing single use toilet rooms at the First Floor installed in the 2014 renovations are accessible. Renovations 1. The new toilet room for the Nurse's office at the Second Floor is designed to be accessible. 2. All new toilet rooms at the First Floor are designed to be accessible. 3. New drinking fountains shall be accessible. 4. Several existing doors do not provide adequate side clearances for push/pull operation due to structural conditions. These doors will receive automatic door openers. 5. New signage with raised braille will be installed throughout the building. Rowse Architects 2 Hampshire Street, Suite 106, Foxboro, Massachusetts Page 3 of 6 Tel: 774-215-0290 CAPE COD COLLABORATIVE RENOVATIONS Revised June 15, 2022 1175 Route 28, Yarmouth,Massachusetts 705.1, Exception 2 — accessible means of egress per 780 CMR Chapter 10 are not required. 708.1 Energy Conservation — see discussion at Section 811.1 below. CHAPTER 8 REQUIREMENTS 801.3 Compliance — all new construction shall comply with the requirements of 780 CMR for new construction. 803.2.1 Existing Vertical Openings — existing vertical openings connecting 2 or more floors shall be enclosed in 1 hour rated assemblies with opening protectives. Section 803.2.1 Exception 6 indicates that the enclosure for vertical openings not exceeding three stories in Group E (Educational) are not required when the building is fully sprinklered. Stair A is unenclosed and open to the corridor at both the First and Second Floors. Stairs B, C & D are enclosed by walls assumed to provide a minimum 1 hour rating. Since the enclosures are not required to be rated, opening protectives are not required. 803.4 Interior Finish — the interior finish of walls and ceilings in exits and corridors shall comply with 780 CMR Chapter 8. Per 780 CMR Table 803.11 (with sprinklers): Exits - wall and ceiling finishes shall be Class B (Flame Spread 26-75; Smoke Developed less than 450). Corridors - wall and ceiling finishes shall be Class C (Flame Spread 76-200; Smoke Developed less than 450). Existing finishes that do not comply with the above are permitted to remain when treated with approved fire retardant coatings to achieve the rating. Per 780 CMR 804.4.2, floor finishes in sprinklered buildings for Group E shall comply with DOC FF-1 Pill Test. 804.1.1 Corridor Ratings — when the building is fully sprinklered, the corridor rating can be reduced to 0 hour for Group E per 780 CMR Table 1020.1. 805.3.1 Minimum Number of Exits — every story shall have the required number of exits based on the calculated occupant load but not less than two per 780 CMR Chapter 10. See the Occupant Load/Egress Plans on Drawing G1.01 for the occupant load calculations and egress capacity. First Floor — occupant load = 690 — 3 exits required per 780 CMR Table 1006.3.1. As shown on the Occupant Load/Egress Plan, 4 exits are provided via Stair A, Stair C, Exit 8 and Exit 9 with a capacity of 710. Exit 7 provides a second means of egress to the spaces to the north side of Stair C. Second Floor — occupant load = 386 — 2 exits required per 780 CMR Table 1006.3.1. As shown on the Occupant Load/Egress Plan, 5 exits are provided via Stair A (Exit 1), Stair B (Exit 2), Stair C (Exit 3), Stair D (Exit 4) and Exit 5 with a capacity of 1,093. Exit 6 provides an additional means of egress from High School 222 & 223. Rowse Architects 2 Hampshire Street, Suite 106,Foxboro,Massachusetts Page 4 of 6 Tel: 774-215-0290 CAPE COD COLLABORATIVE RENOVATIONS Revised June 15, 2022 1 175 Route 28,Yarmouth,Massachusetts 805.4.2 Door Swing — in the Work Area and the path of egress from the Work Area to the exit discharge, all egress doors serving an occupant load greater than 50 shall swing in the direction of travel. 805.4.3 Door Closing — in any Work Area, doors opening into an exit stair shall be self-closing. 805.5 Exception - Openings in Corridor Walls — corridor openings are not required to rated when permitted by 780 CMR. As noted above at Section 804.1.1, a corridor is not required and thus the openings are not required to be rated. 805.6 Exception 3 - Dead End Corridors — dead end corridors are permitted to be 70' when the building is fully sprinklered. 805.9 & 805.9.1 Handrails — handrails from the Work Area to and including the level of exit discharge shall comply. Every required exit stair with more than 3 risers shall have handrails on at least one side. Exiting handrails that are in danger of collapsing shall be replaced with a handrail on at least one side. Per Section 805.9.2, all handrails (new and existing) shall be in accordance with 780 CMR Section 1014. The existing stairs have handrails on both sides and will be made to comply. This includes the exterior stairs as they are part of the exit discharge. 805.11 & 805.11.1 Guards - guards from the Work Area to and including the level of exit discharge shall comply. Every open portion of a stair, landing or balcony more than 30" above floor or grade below shall have guards. Exiting guards that are in danger of collapsing shall be provided with new guards. Per Section 805.11.2, all guards (new and existing) shall be in accordance with 780 CMR Section 1015. This includes the exterior stairs as they are part of the exit discharge. 806.2 Accessibility — accessibility shall comply with the requirements of Section 705. 810.1 Minimum Plumbing Fixtures — when the occupant load of a story is increased by more than 20%, plumbing fixtures for the story shall be provided in accordance with 248 CMR. The renovations do not materially alter the character of use of the individual rooms. It is assumed that the occupant load after renovations is essentially the same as the occupant load prior to the renovations. Therefore, the requirements of Section 810.1 would not apply. Typically the number of toilet fixtures are based on the calculated occupant load for egress which creates unrealistic fixture counts. Since the program for this program is specialized, the actual occupant load is extremely low with 50 students and 30 staff. The capacity of the existing toilet fixtures is indicated below. Second Floor — new accessible male and female toilet rooms were created in the 2014 renovations. Based on 248 CMR Table 1 for Secondary Educational, those rooms have a capacity as follows: Rowse Architects 2 Hampshire Street, Suite 106,Foxboro,Massachusetts Page 5 of 6 Tel: 774-215-0290 CAPE COD COLLABORATIVE RENOVATIONS Revised June 15, 2022 1175 Route 28, Yarmouth,Massachusetts Fixture Type Number Rate Total Capacity Female Water Closets 4 1 per 30 120 Lavatories 3 1 per 90 270 Male Water Closets 2 1 per 90 180 Urinals 2 1 per 90 180 Lavatories 3 1 per 90 270 First Floor — there are two non-accessible single use gender neutral toilet rooms and one accessible single use gender neutral toilet room. While the Second Floor toilet rooms provide adequate capacity for the actual student occupant load of 50, having to travel there from the First Floor is undesirable operationally. Therefore, it is proposed that one existing non- accessible single use gender neutral toilet room and the existing accessible single user gender neutral toilet room be dedicated for students. This provides a capacity of 30 for females and 90 for males. This appears to be permitted per 248 CMR 10.10(18)(m)3 and 10.10(18)(r). Per 248 CMR 10.10(18)(h)4, separate toilet facilities shall be provided for teachers and staff. Based on 30 staff members (15 female/15 male) and 248 CMR 10.10(18) Table 1, 1 water closet and 1 lavatory would be required for each gender. Therefore it is proposed that one existing non-accessible gender neutral toilet room and a new accessible single use gender neutral toilet room be dedicated for staff. This appears to be permitted by 248 CMR 10.10(18)(i)3 and 10.10(18)(m) & (r). Per 248 CMR 10.10(18)(h)5, separate toilet facilities are required for kitchen staff. A new accessible single use gender neutral toilet will be provided in the Kitchen area. 811.1 Energy Conservation - there are no Level 2 Alterations that affect the exterior envelope. Therefore, the requirements of 780 CMR 13.00 are not applicable. Rowse Architects 2 Hampshire Street, Suite 106, Foxboro,Massachusetts Tel: 774-215-0290 Page 6 of 6 • The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents ' 1 Congress Street, Suite 100 Boston, MA 02114-2017 or' www mass.gov/dia Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers. TO BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY. Applicant Information Please Print Legibly Name (Business/Organization/Individual): r' h/1 S' 1 Address: Qo Qox L( So Kemi e1, ' City/State/Zip: (Uo✓l.,t, 2� , AG- ( O(fL Phone #: •7 Are you an employer?Check the appropriate box: Type of project (required): 1. I am a employer with 2 v employees(full and/or part-time).* 7. New construction 2.❑I am a sole proprietor or partnership and have no employees working for me in ca aci 8. Remodeling an y p ty.[No workers'comp,insurance required.) 3.0 I am a homeowner doing all work myself. [No workers'comp.insurance required.]t 9. ❑ Demolition 4.0 I am a homeowner and will be hiring contractors to conduct all work on m e I will 1 ❑ Building addition YPra Pn3'• ensure that all contractors either have workers'compensation insurance or are sole 11.❑ Electrical repairs or additions proprietors with no employees. 12.[D Plumbing repairs or additions 5.0 I am a general contractor and I have hired the sub-contractors listed on the attached sheet These sub-contractors have employees and have workers'comp. insurance.: 1 Roof repairs 6.0 We are a corporation and its officers have exercised their right of exemption per MGL c. 1 4•❑Other 152,§1(4),and we have no employees.[No workers'comp. insurance required.] *Any applicant that checks box#1 must also fill out the section below showing their workers'compensation policy information. t Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such_ tContractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub-contractors and state whether or not those entities have employees. If the sub-contractors have employees,they must provide their workers'comp.policy number. I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy and job site information. Insurance Company Name: HA/Wee' .4,05iAr Lb Policy#or Self-ins.Lic.#: bu g; iO-ps Expiration Date:3/7,9/Za2.3 Job Site Address: 1/7.1 Z > City/State/Zip: V4rM9Lftil Attach a copy of the workers' compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under MGL c. 152, §25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to$1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment, as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator. A copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby certify under the pains and penalties o perjury that the information provided above is true and correct. Signature: Date: MB 1 WIl 2A 7- z_ Phone#: 7 / ?g,1 Official use only. Do not write in this area, to be completed by city or town official. City or Town: Permit/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1. Board of Health 2. Building Department 3. City/Town Clerk 4. Electrical Inspector 5. Plumbing Inspector 6.Other Contact Person: Phone#: §TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 Fax 508-398-0836 Office of the Building Commissioner BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEMOLITION DEBRIS DISPOSAL AFFIDAVIT Pursuant to M.G.L. Ch. 40, §54 and 780 CMR- Section 105.3.1. #4. I hereby certify that the debris resulting from the proposed work/demolition to be conducted at //7 c Coin 02 8/ Yyt('is rZ /'f/L Work Address Is to be disposed of oat the following location: ec /c.///)7 Cved; l /d241/ /1 Said disposal site shall be a licensed solid waste facility as defined by M.G.L. Ch. 111, §150A. /4-1 Signature of Application to 3 ( Permit No. • ®A Rom CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCEDATE(MM/DD/ YY) I W05/26/2022 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT Innovative Risk Solutions Insurance Agency, LLC NAME: Thomas Durkin PHONE FAX (A/C31 Thompson Road, Suite 5, PO BOX 777 E-MAILNo,Ext): (978)815-6409 (A/C,No):(978)923-7989 E-M ADDRESS: tdurkin@irsia.com Webster, MA 01570 INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURED INSURER A:Hanover Insurance 22292 INSURER B:Allmerica Financial Benefits I 41840 CJM Services Inc INSURER C:Massachusetts Bay Insurance Co 22306 PO BOX 424 INSURER D: The Hanover Insurance Company 36064 Norwood, MA 02062 INSURERS: Lloyd's 15792 COVERAGES INSURER F: CERTIFICATE NUMBER:Cert ID 12385 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR ADDL SUBR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE INSD WVD POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF POLICY EXP C x COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY) LIMITS EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 DAMAGE TO RENTED CLAIMS-MADE X OCCUR Y Y ZDN D210195-05 03/29/2022 03/29/2023 PREMISES(Ea occurrence) $ 250,000 MED EXP(Any one person) $ 10,000 GEN'LAGGREGATELIMITAPPLIESPER: PERSONAL&ADVINJURY $ 1,000,000 POLICY X PECOT- LOC GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 OTHER: PRODUCTS-COMP/OPAGG $ 2,000,000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Empl Benefits Liab $ 1,000,000 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT B ANY AUTO (Ea accident) $ 1,000,000 Y Y AWN D460431-05 03/29/2022 03/29/2023 BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ OWNED x SCHEDULED AUTOS ONLY AUTOS HIRED BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ X AUTOS ONLY X AUTOS ONLY PROPERTY DAMAGE - (Per accident) $ D UMBRELLA LIAB X $ OCCUR Y Y UHN 0210194-05 03/29/2022 03/29/2023 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 10,000,000 X EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $ 10,000,000 DED RETENTION$ A WORKERS COMPENSATION Pro Com 0•r A�4 g $ 10,000,000 AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY Y/N y WHN D178380-05 03/29/2022 03/29/2023 X SPER TATUTE I ORTH- ANYPROPR I ETOR/PARTN ER/EXECUTI V E OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? I I N/A EL EACH ACCIDENT $ 1,000,000 (Mandatory in NH) If yes,describe under E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ 1,000,000 C Property - Commercial Y Y ZDN D210195-05 03/29/202203/29/2023 Stored Material $ 545 C Property - Commercial Y Y $ 800,000 D210195-OS 03/29/202203/29/2023 Installation ZDN E Pollution Y Y SPEC57 04/23/202203/29/2023 Floater $1,000,000/ DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES (ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached if more space is required) $2 000.000 Cape Cod Collaborative, the Awarding Authority, the Owner and anyone else the Awarding Authority requests is included by contract as additional insured for all policies excluding workers compensation on a primary and non-contributory basis. Waiver of subrogation applies per contract. Job: Cape Cod Collaborative Renovations at 1175 Rt 28 in Yarmouth, MA. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION — Cape Cod Collaborative SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE 418 Bumps River Road THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Osterville, MA 02655 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 7 4.-,( )• Pe-11:/CG{7i Thomas P. Durkin ACORD 25(2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 1 ZDN D21019 POLICY NUMBER.EFFECTIVE: CTIVE:5-05 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EFFECTIVE:03/29/2022-03/29/2023 CG 24 04 05 09 WAIVER OF TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAINST OTHERS TO US This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name Of Person Or Organization: Any person or organization for whom you are performing operations or for whom you have performed work, when you and such person or organization have agreed in writing in a contract or agreement that you will waive any right of recovery against such person or organization, provided such written contract or agreement has been executed prior to the occurrence of any loss. Information required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations. The following is added to Paragraph 8. Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us of Section IV—Conditions: We waive any right of recovery we may have against the person or organization shown in the Schedule above because of payments we make for injury or damage arising out of your ongoing operations or "your work" done under a contract with that person or organization and included in the "products- completed operations hazard". This waiver applies only to the person or organization shown in the Schedule above. Page 1 of 1 CG 24 04 05 09 ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2008 POLICY NUMBER: ZDN D210195-05 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EFFECTIVE: 03/29/2022 -03/29/2023 CG 20 37 04 13 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - COMPLETED OPERATIONS This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name Of Additional Insured Person(s) Or Organization(s) Location And Description Of Completed Operations ANYONE REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT. ANYWHERE REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT. Information required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations. A. Section II — Who Is An Insured is amended to B. With respect to the insurance afforded to these include as an additional insured the person(s) or additional insureds, the following is added to organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only Section III—Limits Of Insurance: with respect to liability for "bodily injury" or "property damage"caused, in whole or in part, by If coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the most we "your work" at the location designated and will pay on behalf of the additional insured is the described in the Schedule of this endorsement performed for that additional insured and amount of insurance: included in the "products-completed operations 1. Required by the contract or agreement; or hazard". 2. Available under the applicable Limits of However: Insurance shown in the Declarations; 1. The insurance afforded to such additional whichever is less. insured only applies to the extent permitted This endorsement shall not increase the applicable by law; and 2. If coverage provided to the additional insured Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations. is required by a contract or agreement, the insurance afforded to such additional insured will not be broader than that which you are required by the contract or agreement to provide for such additional insured. CG 20 37 04 13 ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2012 Page 1 of 1 POLICY NUMBER: ZDN D210195-05 EFFECTIVE: 03/29/2022 - 03/29/2023 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CG 20 10 04 13 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - SCHEDULED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name Of Additional Insured Person(s) Or Organization(s) Location(s) Of Covered Operations ANYONE REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT. ANYWHERE REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT. Information required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations. A. Section II — Who Is An Insured is amended to B. With respect to the insurance afforded to these include as an additional insured the person(s) or additional insureds, the following additional organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only exclusions apply: with respect to liability for "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" "property insurance mdoes cot apply to "bodily injury" or caused, in whole or in part, by: damage" occurring after: 1. All work, including materials, parts or 1. Your acts or omissions; or equipment furnished in connection with such 2. The acts or omissions of those acting on your work, on the project (other than service, behalf; maintenance or repairs) to be performed by or in the performance of your ongoing operations for on behalf of the additional insured(s) at the the additional insured(s) at the location(s) location of the covered operations has been designated above. completed; or However: 2. That portion of "your work" out of which the 1. The insurance afforded to such additional injury or damage arises has been put to its insured only applies to the extent permitted by intended use by any person or organization law; and other than another contractor or subcontractor en2. If coverage provided to the additional insured is principal as a part of the same projects for a required by a contract or agreement, the insurance afforded to such additional insured will not be broader than that which you are required by the contract or agreement to Page 1 of 2 provide for such additional insured. CG 20 10 04 13 ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2012 C. With respect to the insurance afforded to these 2. Available under the applicable Limits of additional insureds, the following is added to Insurance shown in the Declarations; Section III—Limits Of Insurance: whichever is less. If coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the most we This endorsement shall not increase the will pay on behalf of the additional insured is the applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the amount of insurance: Declarations. 1. Required by the contract or agreement; or Page 2 of 2 ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2012 CG 20 10 04 13 Commonwealth of Massachusetts 10/' Division of Occupational Licensure Board of Building Re ulations and Standards Cons konTA egvisor CS-068358 -4 pires:02/15/2024 GEORGE J MORRIS PO BOX 424 i = NORWOOD rik* 02062 :i i& --- r -''' Commissioner dla,.,at fi' II4nrbuk, MGL AND FIRE -. - - -. TOWN OF YARMO; ..,0000 . REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. THEERRORSp LOI cRAONMT MF RI SLOTNHSE OROE sNpOoT RNsEl BL i rill.yE \ i OF"AS BUILT,COMPLIANCE DATE Q-14CP.T: 1,41 V Ii‘ISPECTOR YARMOUTH FIRE PREVENTION Commercial Construction Building Transmittal Project Name: Cape Cod Collaborative Address: 1175 Rt.28 Contact Name: Paul Hilton Phone: 508-517-3020 Y NO NA Subject Regulation I 1 E I S mei um Access for Fire Apparatus IEIIIIMIIIIIN Building Numbers MGLEMR111pter 148;sec 59 ainum *Flammable:as/II,mid Vora:e mamtli,Effiei: 131.1111 limraidom *seHERCIF Sit 527 CMR I ;16.2.3753377.7......1111111111111111 1111113101111 *Hazardous Materials Sion:.e 527 CMR 1;60.1 in am *Kitchen Exhaust S sterns* 780 CMR,527 1;50.1 EN ammEramaimmiimmen 527 CMR 1; 13.6,Chapter 148;sec 28 wiimme Fire Alarm S stems/CO detection 780 CMR,Chapter 148;,527 CMR 1; 13.7 IIIIEIIIIIII *LPG Stora:a Chapter 148;sec 9,10,28&527 CMR 1;69.1 1101111.11111 Use and Occupancy(FH Building Class) 780 CMR;302.1 1311111111111111 Sprinkler Systems* 780 CMR&Chapter 148 sec 26 A-I ummin Storage inside/outside Buildings 527 CMR 1; 10.19.4,,19.1.2,34.1.1 1131.111111111 *Up/to/very 527 CMR 1;20,6.2.5 Examm *Trask Containers 527 CMR 1; 19.1.1, 1.12 10111111111111 Any Hazard to the Public Chapter 148;sec 28 IEIIIIIIIIII *Curtains,Dra,eries,Blinds 527 CMR 1; 12.6.2 *YFD permit required-depending on occupancy and submittal *Per 527 CMR 1 13.1.1, contact Yarmouth Fire Department for acceptance test. *Per 527 CMR 1 13.1.8,a permit is required from the Fire Department to shut down any fire protection system. Description of planned project/other requirements: Small addition to church thrift shop. Compliance with the following: 527 CMR 1 Chapter 16"Safeguarding Construction, Alteration,and Demolition Operations." 780 CMR Chapter 33, NFPA 24. Per 527 CMR 1 16.1.2"A fire protection plan shall be established and submitted"This plan shall include the following: 16.3.1 Fire safety program, 16.3.2 Owners designated fire prevention program manager, A suitable location at the site shall be designated as a command post and provided with plans, emergency information,keys, communication and equipment as needed. Hot Work Permit,where required 527 CMR Yarmouth Fire Department supports the application, subject to applicable submissions, permits and inspections. Plan Reviewed By: Captain/Inspector,Xeuüt Date: 06/29/2022 Copy for Applicant CI Copy to Building Department CID Copy to Fire Prevention 1111111111111 Entered in Firehouse Ej Final Inspection 11111.1 Initial Construction Control Docu ment ument I„titi firTo be submitted with the building permit application by a `r al Registered Design Professional tl ,Wa for work per the ninth edition of the S° Massachusetts State Building ng Code, 780 CMR, Section 107 Project Title: Cape Cod Collaborative Renovations Date: May 11,2022 Property Address: 1175 Rt. 28,Yarmouth,MA 02664 Project: Check(x) one or both as applicable: New construction X Existing Construction Project description: Minor site utilities,selective demolition,metal studs with gypsum board,metal door frames with wood doors,hardware,new ceilings,lighting,new electrical,plumbing, HVAC unit ventilators,fire alarm, fire protection,new flooring,painting,new kitchen equipment and spray acoustical insulation. I,Raymond C.Vincent,MA Registration Number:46528, Expiration date:June 30,2022,am a registered design professional, and I have prepared or directly supervised the preparation of all design plans,computations,and specifications concerningl: Architectural Structural Mechanical Fire Protection Electrical X Other: Plumbing for the above named project,and to the best of my knowledge,information,and belief, such plans, computations,and specifications meet the applicable provisions of the Massachusetts State Building Code(780 CMR) and accepted engineering practices for the proposed project. I understand and agree that I,or my designee,shall perform the necessary professional services and be present on the construction site on a regular and periodic basis to: 1. Review,for conformance to this code and the design concept, shop drawings,samples and other submittals by the contractor in accordance with the requirements of the construction documents. 2. Perform the duties for registered design professionals in 780 CMR Chapter 17,as applicable. 3. Be present at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to become generally familiar with the progress and quality of the work and to determine if the work is being performed in a manner consistent with the approved construction documents and this code. Nothing in this document relieves the contractor of its responsibility regarding the provisions of 780 CMR 107. When required by the building official,I shall submit field/progress reports (see item 3.) together with pertinent comments,in a form acceptable to the building official. Upon completion of the work,I shall submit to the building official a'Final Construction Control Document'. Enter in the space to the right a "wet" or electronic signature and seal: y '$' ' Phone number: (508) 884-5094 C. " '' Email: rvincent@crowleyeng.com VINO MECHANICAL Building Official Use Only �' Building Official Name: Permit No.: Date: �_ �� IAl Note 1.Indicate with an'x'project design plans,computations and specifications that you prepared or dire directly supervised.If'other'is chosen,provide a description. Version 01_01_2018 fi Y TOWN OF VAR\ii)(•TF I :`�- , s, 'c WATER DEPARTMENT M. 99 Buck Island r, y1 ': WL-st larniouti). ` 1 .'L 1,- lr'IE.;,h�>r.t. ;>flri; '-t_-cr 1 . Iat: (-)at)};; 1_7'198 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FOR WATER DEPARTMENT SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL FORM BUILDING SITE LOCATION: 1 17S i -L -Z 8 PROPOSED WORK: xlt0I/J--.4Ic1-1-S ____ --- APPLICANT: - ....F vv .5miLV( c___. l ELPI IONE: 12j( cl g....._ -7_7( , i RESIDENTIAL AND 'OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING Water Department: Determines Compliance of Water .\vailahilit and Or existing location Engineering Depanment: Determines Compliance for Parking and Dazwe Conservation Commission: Determines Compliance to Wetlands tAct: ire.II Ions) border e c�etlands. streams. ponds, rivers, ocean. ho,12s. boys, marshland.11ETC. of I lealth Department: Determines Compliance to State and Town Rey s, i.e. requirements tier Septage Disposal and other Public itI[tealth Activites Fire Department: I)ctcrmmes ('ompliance to State and Town Requirements for Personal Safety. Property Protections, i.e. Smoke Detectors, Sprinkler Systems etc APPLICANT. ,: ATCRE ____ 22 DATE OFFICE': USE: COM'IF'N1-S ON PERMIT APPROVAL. OR DENL1.1. 1 IJOV lG -k- 0Y. Q ack /l! 09 REVIEWED B 'WATER DIVISION(SIGNATURE) Z2 DATE 0 . Y/14.4, TOWN OF YARMOUTH or HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET To he completed by Applicant: Building Site Location: /I 1 i-rl -2.8 YR rie ol- 'l Proposed Improvement: rtw.ar „ro fe fie) C k ?ithmi)1(1 , Jcrt � 6 � m K•�ct , e bv, t,,,��,.7� �i Yra{�soiio» r9 Applicant: (l-217 �1(/6G� ir, Tel. No.: 79(-? 3-2.i�i � r Y Address: T.D. 1 �� t-RV I�v�rw©b l) t� ezo Z_ l ] � Date Filed: —/O-zZ- **Ifyou would like e-mail notification of sign off please provide e-mail address: ehorkAttlar rtA ,p V stscaVitg�t,G,,. 1 7 V' Owner Name: ) a,t,Ls►t., k ny?c,urfl- Owner Address: Owner Tel. No.: RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations; i.e., Requirements For Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities. Please submit three (3) copies of plans, to include: (1.) Site Plan showing existing buildings, water line location, and septic system location; R SENE7 (2.) Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building SUN (all existing and proposed) — Note: Floor plans not required for decks, sheds, windows, roofing; HEALTH PT, (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer with fee. REVIEWED BY: COMMENTS/CONDITIONS: PLEASE NOTE .h bl l s L. - S Initial Construction Control Document L To be submitted with the building permit application by a ` t f Registered Design Professional for work per the ninth edition of the ma's°'v Massachusetts State Building Code, 780 CMR, Section 107 Project Title: Cape Cod Collaborative Renovations Date: May 11,2022 Property Address: 1175 Rt. 28,Yarmouth,MA 02664 Project: Check(x) one or both as applicable: New construction X Existing Construction Project description: Minor site utilities,selective demolition,metal studs with gypsum board,metal door frames with wood doors,hardware,new ceilings,lighting,new electrical,plumbing, HVAC unit ventilators,fire alarm,fire protection,new flooring,painting,new kitchen equipment and spray acoustical insulation. I,Raymond C.Vincent,MA Registration Number:46528, Expiration date:June 30,2022,am a registered design professional, and I have prepared or directly supervised the preparation of all design plans,computations,and specifications concerningl: Architectural Structural Mechanical X Fire Protection Electrical Other: for the above named project,and to the best of my knowledge,information,and belief,such plans, computations,and specifications meet the applicable provisions of the Massachusetts State Building Code (780 CMR) and accepted engineering practices for the proposed project. I understand and agree that I,or my designee,shall perform the necessary professional services and be present on the construction site on a regular and periodic basis to: 1. Review,for conformance to this code and the design concept,shop drawings,samples and other submittals by the contractor in accordance with the requirements of the construction documents. 2. Perform the duties for registered design professionals in 780 CMR Chapter 17,as applicable. 3. Be present at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to become generally familiar with the progress and quality of the work and to determine if the work is being performed in a manner consistent with the approved construction documents and this code. Nothing in this document relieves the contractor of its responsibility regarding the provisions of 780 CMR 107. When required by the building official,I shall submit field/progress reports (see item 3.) together with pertinent comments,in a form acceptable to the building official. Upon completion of the work,I shall submit to the building official a'Final Construction Control Document'. Enter in the space to the right a "wet" or electronic signature and seal: RAYMOND Tr viNC. ` Phone number: (508) 884-5094 Email: rvincent@crowleyeng.com uMECHANICAL No.16528 , Building Official Use Only 1 'P c? e, Building Official Name: Permit No.: "~. IQyL Date: Note 1.Indicate with an'x'project design plans,computations and specifications that you prepared or directly supervised.If'other'is chosen,provide a description. Version 01 01 2018 Initial Construction Control Document } To be submitted with the building permit application by a • v�tl� Registered Design Professional i P work for per the Ninth Edition of the 5-1 Massachusetts State Building Code, 780 CMR, Section 107 Project Title: Cape Cod Collaborative Renovations Date: May 11,2022 Property Address: 1175 Rt.28—Yarmouth,MA 02664 Project: Check(X)One or Both as applicable: ( )New Construction (A9 Existing Construction Project Description: Minor site utilities,selective demolition,metal studs with gypsum board,metal door frames with wood doors, hardware,new ceilings,lighting,new electrical,plumbing,HVAC unit ventilations,fire alarm,fire protection,new flooring, painting,new kitchen equipment and spray acoustical insulation. I,Daniel J. Carroll,PE,MA Registration Number:41495,Expiration Date:06/30/2022,am a registered design professional, and I have prepared or directly supervised the preparation of all design plans,computations and specifications concerning': ( )Architectural ( )Structural ( )Mechanical ( )Fire Protection (A9 Electrical ( )Other:(Describe) for the above named project and that to the best of my knowledge,information,and belief such plans,computations and specifications meet the applicable provisions of the Massachusetts State Building Code,(780 CMR),and accepted engineering practices for the proposed project. I understand and agree that I(or my designee)shall perform the necessary professional services and be present on the construction site on a regular and periodic basis to: 1. Review, for conformance to this Code and the design concept,shop drawings,samples and other submittals by the Contractor in accordance with the requirements of the construction documents. 2. Perform the duties for registered design professionals in 780 CMR Chapter 17,as applicable. 3. Be present at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to become generally familiar with the progress and quality of the work and to determine if the work is being performed in a manner consistent with the approved construction documents and this Code. Nothing in this document relieves the Contractor of its responsibility regarding the provisions of 780 CMR 107. When required by the Building Official,I shall submit field/progress reports(see item 3.)together with pertinent comments,in a form acceptable to the Building Official. Upon completion of the work,I shall submit to the Building Official a`Final Construction Control Document'. Enter in the space to the right a"wet"or electronic signature and seal: 0,0 OF Miss q� DAAIra' J. S- G.a� o�:. �, EEC�+GAL NO.daa95 Phone Number: (508)230-0260 Email: dcarroll@ber-engineering.com Building Engineering Resources,Inc. Building Official Use Only Building Official Name: Permit No.: Date: Version 06 11 2013 Initial Construction Control Document a � To be submitted with the building permit application by a tetrr Registered Design Professional OWE for work per the ninth edition of the s� Massachusetts State Building Code, 780 CMR, Section 107 Project Title: Cape Cod Collaborative Renovations Date: May 11,2022 Property Address: 1175 Rt 28, Yarmouth, MA 02664 Project: Check(x) one or both as applicable: New construction X Existing Construction Minor site utilities,selective demolition, metal studs with gypsum board, metal door frames with wood doors, Project description: hardware, new ceilings, lighting, new electrical, plumbing, HVAC unit ventilators, fire alarm, fire protection, new flooring, painting, new kitchen equipment and spray acoustical insulation. I Edward A. Rowse MA Registration Number: 8290 Expiration date: 08/31/2022 , am a registered design professional, and I have prepared or directly supervised the preparation of all design plans,computations and specifications concerningl: X Architectural Structural Mechanical Fire Protection Electrical Other: for the above named project and that to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief such plans, computations and specifications meet the applicable provisions of the Massachusetts State Building Code, (780 CMR), and accepted engineering practices for the proposed project. I understand and agree that I (or my designee) shall perform the necessary professional services and be present on the construction site on a regular and periodic basis to: 1. Review, for conformance to this code and the design concept, shop drawings, samples and other submittals by the contractor in accordance with the requirements of the construction documents. 2. Perform the duties for registered design professionals in 780 CMR Chapter 17,as applicable. 3. Be present at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to become generally familiar with the progress and quality of the work and to determine if the work is being performed in a manner consistent with the approved construction documents and this code. Nothing in this document relieves the contractor of its responsibility regarding the provisions of 780 CMR 107. When required by the building official,I shall submit field/progress reports(see item 3.)together with pertinent comments,in a form acceptable to the building official. Upon completion of the work,I shall submit to the building official a'Final Construction Control Document'. Enter in the space to the right a"wet" or electronic signature and seal: .ry Phone number: 774-215-0290 Email: trowse@rowsearchitects.com Rang , Building Official Use OnlyoF Building Official Name: Permit No.: Date: Note 1.Indicate with an'x'project design plans,computations and specifications that you prepared or directly supervised.If'other'is chosen,provide a description. Version 01 01 2018 Initial Construction Control Document To be submitted with the building permit application by a V411 Registered Design Professional W> for work per the ninth edition of the ' e ••s°°v Massachusetts State Building Code, 780 CMR, Section 107 Project Title: Cape Cod Collaborative Renovations Date: May 11,2022 Property Address: 1175 Rt. 28,Yarmouth, MA 02664 Project: Check(x) one or both as applicable: New construction X Existing Construction Project description: Minor site utilities,selective demolition,metal studs with gypsum board,metal door frames with wood doors,hardware,new ceilings,lighting,new electrical,plumbing, HVAC unit ventilators,fire alarm,fire protection,new flooring,painting,new kitchen equipment and spray acoustical insulation. I,Martin H.Vickey,MA Registration Number:50924, Expiration date:June 30,2022,am a registered design professional, and I have prepared or directly supervised the preparation of all design plans,computations,and specifications concerningl: Architectural Structural X Mechanical Fire Protection Electrical Other: for the above named project,and to the best of my knowledge,information,and belief,such plans, computations,and specifications meet the applicable provisions of the Massachusetts State Building Code(780 CMR) and accepted engineering practices for the proposed project. I understand and agree that I, or my designee,shall perform the necessary professional services and be present on the construction site on a regular and periodic basis to: 1. Review,for conformance to this code and the design concept,shop drawings,samples and other submittals by the contractor in accordance with the requirements of the construction documents. 2. Perform the duties for registered design professionals in 780 CMR Chapter 17,as applicable. 3. Be present at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to become generally familiar with the progress and quality of the work and to determine if the work is being performed in a manner consistent with the approved construction documents and this code. Nothing in this document relieves the contractor of its responsibility regarding the provisions of 780 CMR 107. When required by the building official,I shall submit field/progress reports(see item \ZN OF MASS 3.) together with pertinent comments,in a form acceptable to the building official. q� �0 MARTIN H. 6 Upon completion of the work, I shall submit to the building official a'Final o VICKEY 0 MECHANICAL cn Construction Control Document'. No.50924 Enter in the space to the right a "wet" Ago o/s rEP`� �``Q or electronic signature and seal: FSS/ONAL G\� Phone number: (508) 884-5094 Email: mvickey@crowleyeng.com Building Official Use Only Building Official Name: Permit No.: Date: Note 1.Indicate with an'x'project design plans,computations and specifications that you prepared or directly supervised.If'other'is chosen,provide a description. Version 01 01 2018 a Initial Construction Control Document ` fli! To be submitted with the building permit application by a � Registered Design Professional for work per the ninth edition of the Massachusetts State Building Code, 780 CMR, Section 107 Project Title:Cape Cod Collaborative-Renovation Property Address:1175 Route 28,Yarmouth,MA 02664 Date:6/15/2022 Project: Check(x)one or both as applicable: [ ] New construction Project description: The renovation of a two stoy [X] Existing Construction r e service and system risers are existing.They were instal installed aspart of a,20114 renovation.New wet s ft2 per floor,bg. ystem water piping shall be installed on the two occupied levels.A dry sprinkler system shall be installed in the combustible attic. I Stephen Nelson MA Registration Number: 41842 Expiration date: 06/30/2024, am a registered design professional, and I have prepared or directly supervised the preparation of all design plans,computations and specifications concerning:: Architectural Structural [X] Fire ProtectionMechanical Electrical Other: for the above-named project and that to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief such plans, computations and specifications meet the applicable provisions of the Massachusetts State Building Code, (780 CMR), and accepted engineering practices for the proposed project. I understand and agree that I (or my designee) shall perform the necessary professional services and be present on the construction site on a regular and periodic basis to: 1. Review, for conformance to this code and the design concept, shop drawings, samples and other submittals by the contractor in accordance with the requirements of the construction documents. 2. Perform the duties for registered design professionals in 780 CMR Chapter 17,as applicable. 3. Be present at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to become generally familiar with the progress and quality of the work and to determine if the work is being performed in a manner consistent with the approved construction documents and this code. Nothing in this document relieves the contractor of its responsibility regarding the provisions of 780 CMR 107. When required by the building official,I shall submit field/progress reports(see item 3.)together withpertinent comments,in a form acceptable to the building official. p Upon completion of the work,I shall submit to the building official a'Final Construction Control D D. ment'. Enter in the space to the right a"wet" or Stephen Nelson, electronic signature and seal: Ste hen Digitally signed by Nelson, PE Date:202206.15PE �� OF toe Phone number:508-378-72121501:29-04'00' oa STEPHEN Email:snCu�ysc-fixe.com NELSON c FIRE PROTECTION -71 Building Official Use Only 0. Building Official Name: Permit No.: Date: %% i S T E� �� Note 1.Indicate with an'x'project design plans,computations and specifications �FSSIONAL E��� chosen,provide a description. that you prepared or directly supervised.If'other'is Version 01_01_2018 Ye o— e,0{ Qeir- Sears, Tim From: Sears, Tim Sent: Monday, June 13, 2022 11:39 AM To: 'charlesmorris@cjmservices.com' Cc: Huck, Kevin; Bearse, Matt;Water Department Subject: 1175 Route 28 Charles, I have reviewed your application for renovations and there are some items needed. 1. Health Department sign off(under review) Water Department sign off for new sprinkler system \ Fire protection narrativ�& hydraulic calculations `4. Fire Department sign off Page A7.00 of the plans references the ADA and it is re quired to follow the AAB (521CMR) 6. The building code narrative references 521CMR section 3.3.1 Exception b and assumes the work to be below the 30%threshold. The value of the work shown on the application excluding electrical, mechanical, plumbing, and fire protection is$2,561,409.00 which is well over the 30%. Exception b states "alteration work which is limited solely to electrical, mechanical, or plumbing systems; to abatement of hazardous materials;or retrofit of automatic sprinklers and does not involve the alteration of any elements or spaces required to be accessible under 521CMR". It is our determination that except for hazardous material abatement none of the other work qualifies as exempted work. If it was to qualify as exempted work it exceeds the amount of$500,000 allowed for exempted work under the exception. This project must comply with 521CMR section 3.3.2 which requires that the entire building be brought into compliance. Please update the plans and submit the items listed above for review. This email is considered a written denial of your permit application per Section 105.3.1 of the Massachusetts State Building Code. Section 105.3.2 states in part that "an application for a permit for any proposed work shall be deemed to have been abandoned 180 days after the date of filing, unless such application has been pursued in good faith" You may appeal this denial to the Building Code Appeals Board in accordance with M.G.L. c. 143 §100, within 45 days of this notice. Timothy Sears CB() Deputy Building Commissioner Town of Yarmouth 508-39 3-2231 Ext:. 1259 mailto:tsears@yarmouth.ma.us 1 CAPE COD COLLABORATIVE RENOVATIONS 1175 Route 28, Yarmouth, Massachusetts January2022 RECEIVED CODE REVIEW INFORMATION JUN 1 0 2022 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ------------ BUILDING DEPARTMENT By: The project consists of renovations to an existing elementary school building to accommodate middle and high school classrooms for the Cape Cod Collaborative located at 115 Route 28, Yarmouth, Massachusetts. The building was partially renovated in 2014 to accommodate classrooms for Bridgewater State University but is no longer used for that purpose. Therefore, the building is considered a Group E (Educational) occupancy. The existing building is two stories with the First Floor partially below grade such that the grade is approximately midway between the first and second floors. Consequently, egress from each floor to the exit discharge requires travel wither up or down via stairs. The building area is 14,600 s.f. per floor. The exterior walls of the building are concrete, brick masonry veneer and wood structure. The floors, beams and columns are a mix of noncombustible and combustible construction. Since the exterior walls have combustible materials, the construction type is most consistent with Type VB materials. As a part of the renovations, the building will be fully sprinklered utilizing the fire service that was installed during the 2014 renovations. The existing fire alarm system will be upgraded to accommodate the new sprinkler system and other additional devices that will be added during the renovations. This Code Review Information pertains only to the architectural elements of the project and does not address the requirements for the plumbing, mechanical, electrical and fire protection portions of the work. APPLICABLE CODES Code Type Applicable Code Building Massachusetts State Building Code (780 CMR) 9th Edition - based on the 2015 International Building Code with Massachusetts amendments. Existing Building Code of Massachusetts (780 CMR 34.00) based on the 2015 International Existing Building Code with Massachusetts amendments. Accessibility 521 CMR — Massachusetts Architectural Access Board (MAAB) Regulations Plumbing 248 CMR — Massachusetts Fuel Gas and Plumbing Code Required number of fixtures only Energy 2018 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) with Massachusetts amendments per 780 CMR 13.00 Rowse Architects 2 Hampshire Street, Suite 106,Foxboro,Massachusetts Tel: 774-215-0290 Page 1 of 6 CAPE COD COLLABORATIVE RENOVATIONS 1175 Route 28, Yarmouth, Massachusetts MASSACHUSETTS IEBC 780 CMR 34.00 indicates that the International Existing Building Code 2015 with Massachusetts amendments shall be used for existing buildings. Compliance with the MA IEBC is achieved utilizing the Work Area Compliance Method per Section 301.1.2 which indicates that the work shall comply with the applicable requirements of Chapters 5 — 13. The renovations are classified as Level 1 and Level 2 Alterations per Section 503 and 504 respectively. NOTE: As noted above, renovations in a portion of the building were made in 2014 for Bridgewater State University. Those renovations were made based upon a change in occupancy from E (Educational) to B (Business) for post secondary education. The current renovations return the entire building to an Educational occupancy. Per discussions with the local building official, it was agreed that the renovations in the Bridgewater State University area do not need to be considered a change in occupancy from Business back to Educational. Level 1 Alterations are defined as "...the removal and replacement or the covering of existing materials, elements, equipment, or fixtures using new materials, elements, equipment, or fixtures that serve the same purpose." Level 1 Alterations shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 7. The general description of the Level 1 Alterations are: New floor finishes. New wall finishes. New ceilings. Door hardware replacement at selected doors. Level 2 Alterations are defined as "...the reconfiguration of space, the addition or elimination of any door or window, the reconfiguration or extension of any system, or the installation of any additional equipment." Level 2 Alterations shall comply with the requirements of Chapters 7 & 8. Not all Level 2 Alterations require configuration of space. Chapter 2 indicates that Work Area is defined as reconfigured spaces. Therefore, installation of the sprinkler system, mechanical and electrical work, while extensive, are not utilized to determine the Work Areas since they do not reconfigure space. This is supported by IEBC Commentary for the Work Area definition. Thus only the reconfigured spaces are designated as Work Areas as shown on the Work Area Plans on Drawing G1.01. As shown on those plans, the Work Areas of reconfigured spaces are 20% of the total building area and do not trigger the requirements of Section 505 for Level 3 Alterations since they area less than 50% of the total building area. The general description of the Level 2 Alterations are: LEVEL 2 ALTERATIONS WITHOUT RECONFIGURATION Removal of existing plaster ceilings to allow for installation of new sprinkler system. Installation of new sprinkler system from the existing fire service installed in 2013. Replacement of the existing unit ventilators in the classrooms. Mechanical equipment and distribution upgrades in other areas of the building. Rowse Architects 2 Hampshire Street, Suite 106,Foxboro,Massachusetts Tel: 774-215-0290 Page 2 of 6 CAPE COD COLLABORATIVE RENOVATIONS 1175 Route 28, Yarmouth, Massachusetts Replacement of selected plumbing fixtures. Installation of new electrical distribution and data systems throughout the building. New lighting throughout the building Upgrades to the existing fire alarm system. Cutting and patching of holes in walls and floors to accommodate the above work. LEVEL 2 ALTERATIONS WITH RECONFIGURATION See First Floor Work Area Plan. See Second Floor Work Plan. CHAPTER 7 REQUIREMENTS 702.1 & 702.2 Finishes — new wall, ceiling and floor finishes shall comply with 780 CMR Chapter 8. See the discussion below for Section 803.4 for additional information. 702.6 Materials and Methods — all new work shall comply with the requirements for new construction per 780 CMR, 780 CMR- 13.00 and other referenced standards. 705.1 Accessibility — a facility that is altered shall comply with Sections 705.1.1 through 705.1.14 and 780 CMR Chapter 11 unless it is technically infeasible. In turn, 780 CMR Chapter 11 indicates that accessibility shall be in accordance with 521 CMR Massachusetts Architectural Access Board Regulations. Per 521 CMR 3.3.1.b, alterations where the work is more than $100,000 and less than 30% of the full and fair cash value of the building, then the work being performed is required to comply with 521 CMR and provide an accessible entrance, accessible toilet room and telephone / drinking fountain when provided. 1. Per the Town of Yarmouth Assessor's Office, the assessed value of the building without land is $3,127,200. Therefore, the 30% threshold is $938,160. 2. Per 521 CMR 3.3.1.b, Exception b, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, sprinkler and hazardous material abatement which does not involve alteration to elements/spaces required to be accessible are not subject to 521 CMR 3.3.1. Additionally, 521 CMR 3.3.1.b indicates that the exempted work should have separate permits. The asbestos abatement will be performed prior to the main construction under a separate permit and permits for mechanical, electrical, plumbing and sprinklers will be obtained separately. Therefore, the cost of the work associated with the architectural portion of the work is used with respect to the 30% threshold. At this time the architectural portion of the work is assumed to be less than the $938,160. 3. The new construction associated with the alterations shall be accessible per the requirements of 521 CMR. 1. The existing entrance at Stair A is at grade and provides access to the First and Second Floors via a lift installed in the 2014 renovations. 2. The existing Second Floor toilet rooms installed in the 2014 renovations are accessible. 3. Additional gender neutral toilet rooms as part of the alteration work at the First Floor. See the discussion below for Section 810.1 for further information. 4. New drinking fountains shall be accessible. Rowse Architects 2 Hampshire Street, Suite 106,Foxboro,Massachusetts Tel: 774-215-0290 Page 3 of 6 CAPE COD COLLABORATIVE RENOVATIONS 1 175 Route 28, Yarmouth, Massachusetts 705.1, Exception 2—accessible means of egress per 780 CMR Chapter 10 are not required. 708.1 Energy Conservation—see discussion at Section 811.1 below. CHAPTER 8 REQUIREMENTS 801.3 Compliance — all new construction shall comply with the requirements of 780 CMR for new construction. 803.2.1 Existing Vertical Openings — existing vertical openings connecting 2 or more floors shall be enclosed in 1 hour rated assemblies with opening protectives. Section 803.2.1 Exception 6 indicates that the enclosure for vertical openings not exceeding three stories in Group E (Educational) are not required when the building is fully sprinklered. Stair A is unenclosed and open to the corridor at both the First and Second Floors. Stairs B, C & D are enclosed by walls assumed to provide a minimum 1 hour rating. Since the enclosures are not required to be rated, opening protectives are not required. 803.4 Interior Finish — the interior finish of walls and ceilings in exits and corridors shall comply with 780 CMR Chapter 8. Per 780 CMR Table 803.11 (with sprinklers): Exits - wall and ceiling finishes shall be Class B (Flame Spread 26-75; Smoke Developed less than 450). Corridors - wall and ceiling finishes shall be Class C (Flame Spread 76-200; Smoke Developed less than 450). Existing finishes that do not comply with the above are permitted to remain when treated with approved fire retardant coatings to achieve the rating. Per 780 CMR 804.4.2, floor finishes in sprinklered buildings for Group E shall comply with DOC FF-1 Pill Test. 804.1.1 Corridor Ratings — when the building is fully sprinklered, the corridor rating can be reduced to 0 hour for Group E per 780 CMR Table 1020.1. 805.3.1 Minimum Number of Exits — every story shall have the required number of exits based on the calculated occupant load but not less than two per 780 CMR Chapter 10. See the Occupant Load/Egress Plans on Drawing G1.01 for the occupant load calculations and egress capacity. First Floor — occupant load = 689 — 3 exits required per 780 CMR Table 1006.3.1. As shown on the Occupant Load/Egress Plan, 4 exits are provided via Stair A, Stair C, Exit 8 and Exit 9 with a capacity of 710. Exit 7 provides a second means of egress to the spaces to the north side of Stair C. Second Floor — occupant load = 395 — 2 exits required per 780 CMR Table 1006.3.1. As shown on the Occupant Load/Egress Plan, 5 exits are provided via Stair A (Exit 1), Stair B (Exit 2), Stair C (Exit 3), Stair D (Exit 4) and Exit 5 with a capacity of 1,093. Exit 6 provides an additional means of egress from High School 222 & 223. Rowse Architects 2 Hampshire Street, Suite 106,Foxboro,Massachusetts Tel: 774-215-0290 Page 4 of 6 CAPE COD COLLABORATIVE RENOVATIONS 1175 Route 28, Yarmouth, Massachusetts 805.4.2 Door Swing — in the Work Area and the path of egress from the Work Area to the exit discharge, all egress doors serving an occupant load greater than 50 shall swing in the direction of travel. 805.4.3 Door Closing— in any Work Area, doors opening into an exit stair shall be self-closing. 805.5 Exception - Openings in Corridor Walls — corridor openings are not required to rated when permitted by 780 CMR. As noted above at Section 804.1.1, a corridor is not required and thus the openings are not required to be rated. 805.6 Exception 3 - Dead End Corridors — dead end corridors are permitted to be 70' when the building is fully sprinklered. 805.9 & 805.9.1 Handrails — handrails from the Work Area to and including the level of exit discharge shall comply. Every required exit stair with more than 3 risers shall have handrails on at least one side. Exiting handrails that are in danger of collapsing shall be replaced with a handrail on at least one side. Per Section 805.9.2, all handrails (new and existing) shall be in accordance with 780 CMR Section 1014. The existing stairs have handrails on both sides and will be made to comply. This includes the exterior stairs as they are part of the exit discharge. 805.11 & 805.11.1 Guards - guards from the Work Area to and including the level of exit discharge shall comply. Every open portion of a stair, landing or balcony more than 30" above floor or grade below shall have guards. Exiting guards that are in danger of collapsing shall be provided with new guards. Per Section 805.11.2, all guards (new and existing) shall be in accordance with 780 CMR Section 1015. This includes the exterior stairs as they are part of the exit discharge. 806.2 Accessibility—accessibility shall comply with the requirements of Section 705. 810.1 Minimum Plumbing Fixtures —when the occupant load of a story is increased by more than 20%, plumbing fixtures for the story shall be provided in accordance with 248 CMR. The renovations do not materially alter the character of use of the individual rooms. It is assumed that the occupant load after renovations is essentially the same as the occupant load prior to the renovations. Therefore, the requirements of Section 810.1 would not apply. Typically the number of toilet fixtures are based on the calculated occupant load for egress which creates unrealistic fixture counts. Since the program for this program is specialized, the actual occupant load is extremely low with 50 students and 30 staff. The capacity of the existing toilet fixtures is indicated below. Second Floor — new accessible male and female toilet rooms were created in the 2014 renovations. Based on 248 CMR Table 1 for Secondary Educational, those rooms have a capacity as follows: Rowse Architects 2 Hampshire Street, Suite 106,Foxboro,Massachusetts Tel: 774-215-0290 Page 5 of 6 CAPE COD COLLABORATIVE RENOVATIONS 1175 Route 28, Yarmouth,Massachusetts Fixture Type Number Rate Total Capacity Female Water Closets 4 1 per 30 120 Lavatories 3 1 per 90 270 Male Water Closets 2 Urinals 1 per 90 180 2 1 per 90 180 Lavatories 3 1 per 90 270 First Floor — there are two non-accessible single use gender neutral toilet rooms and one accessible single use gender neutral toilet room. While the Second Floor toilet rooms provide adequate capacity for the actual student occupant load of 50, having to travel there from the First Floor is undesirable operationally. Therefore, it is proposed that one existing non- accessible single use gender neutral toilet room and the existing accessible single user gender neutral toilet room be dedicated for students. This provides a capacity of 30 for females and 90 for males. This appears to be permitted per 248 CMR 10.10(18)(m)3 and 10.10(18)(r). Per 248 CMR 10.10(18)(h)4, separate toilet facilities shall be provided for teachers and staff. Based on 30 staff members (15 female/15 male) and 248 CMR 10.10(18) Table 1, 1 water closet and 1 lavatory would be required for each gender. Therefore it is proposed that one existing non-accessible gender neutral toilet room and a new accessible single use gender neutral toilet room be dedicated for staff. This appears to be permitted by 248 CMR 10.10(18)(i)3 and 10.10(18)(m) & (r). Per 248 CMR 10.10(18)(h)5, separate toilet facilities are required for kitchen staff. A new accessible single use gender neutral toilet will be provided in the Kitchen area. 811.1 Energy Conservation -there are no Level 2 Alterations that affect the exterior envelope. Therefore, the requirements of 780 CMR 13.00 are not applicable. In spite of that, insulation will be added to the attic to improve the building envelope. New attic insulation will be added at the Second Floor ceiling framing to achieve a minimum R-Value of 38. This is consistent with Table C402.1.3 of the Energy Conservation Code 2018 of Massachusetts. An air barrier will be applied to the existing 12" x 12" stapled acoustic ceiling tiles via a layer of %" gypsum board with all joints sealed. This is permitted per Section C402. Rowse Architects 2 Ham shire Street, Suite 106,Foxboro,Massachusetts Tel: 774-215-0290 Page 6 of 6 2Initial Construction Control Docume C E itt r To be submitted with the building permit applicatio b a vM�� Registered Design Professional JUN 15 2022 for work per the ninth edition of the BUILDING DEPARTMENT Massachusetts State Building Code, 780 CMR, Secti ---__ Project Title: Cape Cod Collaborative-Renovation Date: 6/15/2022 Property Address: 1175 Route 28,Yarmouth, MA 02664 Project: Check (x) one or both as applicable: [ ] New construction [X] Existing Construction Project description: The renovation of a two story, approximately 14,600 ft2 per floor,building. The water service and system risers are existing. They were installed as part of a 2014 renovation. New wet system piping shall be installed on the two occupied levels. A dry sprinkler system shall be installed in the combustible attic. I Stephen Nelson MA Registration Number: 41842 Expiration date: 06/30/2024, am a registered design professional, and I have prepared or directly supervised the preparation of all design plans, computations and specifications concerningl: Architectural Structural Mechanical [X] Fire Protection Electrical Other: for the above-named project and that to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief such plans, computations and specifications meet the applicable provisions of the Massachusetts State Building Code, (780 CMR), and accepted engineering practices for the proposed project. I understand and agree that I (or my designee) shall perform the necessary professional services and be present on the construction site on a regular and periodic basis to: 1. Review, for conformance to this code and the design concept, shop drawings, samples and other submittals by the contractor in accordance with the requirements of the construction documents. 2. Perform the duties for registered design professionals in 780 CMR Chapter 17, as applicable. 3. Be present at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to become generally familiar with the progress and quality of the work and to determine if the work is being performed in a manner consistent with the approved construction documents and this code. Nothing in this document relieves the contractor of its responsibility regarding the provisions of 780 CMR 107. When required by the building official,I shall submit field/progress reports(see item 3.)together with pertinent comments, in a form acceptable to the building official. Upon completion of the work, I shall submit to the building official a'Final Construction Control Document'. Enter in the space to the right a"wet" or Ste hen Digitally signed by electronic signature and seal: p Stephen Nelson,PE Nelson, PE D501 29204.005 Phone number: 508-378-7212 Email: sn@ysc-fire.com Building Official Use Only Building Official Name: Permit No.: Date: Note 1.Indicate with an'x' project design plans,computations and specifications that you prepared or directly supervised.If'other'is chosen,provide a description. Version 01 01 2018 TOW►.. . ` A ►� ,! UTH 1146 Route 2 : c' • ,r �, •_ s th, MA 02664 508-398-223'' oa•A"). .� . 08-398-0836 Office of t . ' , : *I . missioner 0►pOR11Sofl v , '. Massachusetts Existing Building Code Checklist Based on 2015 IEBC w/Massachusetts Amendments To be submitted with Building Permit Application Address: 11 (Z.0 Polk 0.1 f°%o v7ii, , MA (Street number,name) (City/Town) Unit Suite (location within building) Risk Category: (Check one), 0 Risk Category I, ❑ Risk Category II, ❑ RC III, 0 RC IV. WQ ork proposed: I c i 9414h hire 1/.. - Construction Control, building at 35,000 c.f. or greater IId Yes 0 No If Yes then "Investigation & Evaluation Report" is required (780 CMR 34, Compliance Method: [Only one method to be used] (Check all boxes that apply) Prescriptive Work area Performance (Chapter 4) (Chapters 5 — 13) (Chapter 14) 0 Repairs ❑ Repairs: Chapter 5 0 Repairs ❑ Alteration fa Alteration: (check only one box) ❑ Alteration ❑ Addition 0 Level 1: Chapter 7 0 Addition ❑ Change of Occupancy ►-i Level 2: Chapter 7 & 8 0 Change of Occupancy O Level 3: Chapter 7, 8 & 9 ❑ Change of Occupancy: Chapter 10 ❑ Additions: Chapter 11 ❑ Historic Buildings: Chapter 12 ❑ Relocated or Moved Buildings: Chapter 13 Note: Chapter 15 applies to all compliance methods. Applicant's Name: (print) e01176- /'�'G d' -—i f Signature: , ,J/1� r-- Date: At+t— laf 2O 2- (iv i(`fo B ■ 1 1 t. Building Engineering Resources,Inc. Commonwealth of Massachusetts State Building Code 780 CMR, 9t' Edition Chapter 9 Fire Protection Systems 780 CMR — 901.2.1 Narrative Report Cape Cod Collaborative — Yarmouth, MA BER Project Number: 21260.00 Date of Issue: June 28, 2022 �e1N OFm„,..4c O� DAN:ELJ. yG CARRDLL ELECTRICAL NO 41445 4 90,e k/Si ES �,iQ' ASS/DNALE0- Prepared By: Daniel J. Carroll,PE—FA Engineer 66 Main Street North Easton,MA 02356 T 508.230.0260 F 508.230.0265 www.ber-engineerine.com 351 Centerville Road Warwick, RI 02886 T 401.384.7682 Fire Alarm Narrative Re:Cape Cod Collaborative/BER#21262.00 June 28,2022 Page 1 780 CMR 901.2.1 —Narrative Report (I.a) BASIS—METHODOLOGY OF DESIGN Section 1 —Building Description A) Building"Use"Group: E B) Total Area of Building: 29,200 C) Building Height: 34'+ D) Number of Floors Above Grade: One(1) E) Number of Floors Below Grade: One(1) F) Square Footage per Floor: 14,600 G) Type(s)of Occupancies(Hazards)within the Building:Light/Ordinary 1 H) Type(s)of Construction: VB I) Hazardous Material Usage and Storage:None J) High Storage(over 12 feet)of Commodities within Building:None K) Site Access Arrangement for Emergency Response Vehicles: See site plan. Note: All Section 1 input is in accordance with the architectural design. BER is not responsible for the classification of the structure or the associated architectural design. Section 2—Applicable Laws,Regulations and Standards A) 780 CMR Massachusetts State Building Code—9th Edition. B) Applicable NFPA Standards and Edition used for design of each specific Fire Protection System (unless otherwise indicated,shall be the latest codes and standards accepted by The Commonwealth of Massachusetts). 1. NFPA 1 —"Uniform Fire Code" 2. NFPA 54 —"National Fuel Gas Code" 3. NFPA 70 —"National Electrical Code" 4. NFPA 72 —"National Fire Alarm Code" 5. NFPA 90A —"Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilation Systems" 6. NFPA 101 —"Life Safety Code" C) Massachusetts General Law Chapter 148"Fire Prevention" D) 521 CMR"Architectural Access Board" E) 524 CMR Board of Elevator Regulations BUILDING ENGINEERING RESOURCES , I N C . Fire Alarm Narrative Re:Cape Cod Collaborative/BER 421262.00 June 28,2022 Page 2 F) 527 CMR"Board of Fire Prevention Regulations"including 527 CMR Chapter 12 "MA Electric Code" G) ADA(Americans with Disabilities Act) H) MWRA I) Federal Laws J) OSHA K) UL 555S—Smoke Dampers and Combination Fire Smoke Dampers L) ASTM E 84—Test Methods for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials M) ASTM E 119—Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials N) ASME A 17.1 —Safety Codes for Elevators and Escalators Section 3—Design Responsibility for Fire Protection Systems A) Please refer to the Fire Protection Narrative prepared by others for this item. Section 4—Fire Protection Systems To Be Installed FIRE SUPPRESSION A) Please refer to the Fire Protection Narrative prepared by others for the description and design parameters of the Fire Suppression System. FIRE ALARM A) An addressable Fire Alarm System shall be provided for initiation device monitoring and evacuation signal initiation. The fire alarm control panel shall obtain backup power via internal batteries with 24 hours of capacity. 1. Initiation Devices shall include: a. Manual pull stations shall be provided at each egress and upper floor. b. Sprinkler flow and tamper switches. c. Smoke and heat detectors located in accordance with NFPA requirements.Detectors shall be analog addressable to provide means of alarm verification and define maintenance cycles. d. Analog addressable duct smoke detectors located in accordance with NFPA requirements. Provide addressable control modules for interface with the HVAC equipment for automated shutdown. e. The building shall be provided with 100%smoke detector coverage for the egress paths (corridors and stairwells). 2. Alarm notification shall be via speaker/strobe units in compliance with ADA requirements for strobe illumination levels. Strobes shall be synchronized.Prerecorded messages shall provide direction for evacuation upon alarm initiation. B U I L DING ENGINEERING RESOURCES , I N C . Fire Alarm Narrative Re:Cape Cod Collaborative/BER#21262.00 June 28,2022 Page 3 3. Wiring methods for all fire alarm initiation and notification circuits shall be Type MC where concealed and EMT where exposed interior. MC shall be listed for fire alarm service and identified as fire alarm service by red spray and painted couplings and junction box covers. 4. The Fire Alarm System shall be interconnected with the Lighting Control and Dimming Systems. Lighting shall be brought to full illumination and Sound Systems muted upon an alarm signal. B) The Fire Alarm System shall be interconnected with the Security System to unlock all stairwell doors upon an alarm signal. C) Fire Department notification shall be via radio master box,digital dialer. A signal shall be forwarded to Security for both system trouble and alarm. D) Elevators shall be provided with Fire Service in accordance with 524 CMR"Elevator Regulations". 1. Elevator recall shall be initiated by elevator lobby smoke detection. The elevator shall be returned to the first floor upon detection of smoke in any lobby other than the first floor and the elevator machine room. The elevator shall be returned to the second floor upon detection of smoke in the first floor. 2. Elevator status shall be provided at the Fire Alarm Control Panel. Section 5—Features Used in the Design Methodology A) Building occupant notification is automatic or manual via speaker/strobe units installed in accordance with NFPA and ADA requirements. All evacuation zones shall be simultaneously notified. B) All existing systems shall be maintained throughout the construction and modification of the existing space. A fire watch shall be provided during any impairment to the fire suppression or Fire Alarm System in accordance with Authority Having Jurisdiction requirements. Any impairment to the existing system shall be reviewed with the Authority Having Jurisdiction prior to commencing work. C) Future fire alarm testing,maintenance of systems and documentation shall be per NFPA-72. The Electrical Contractor shall provide a one-year maintenance contract on the Fire Alarm System for the duration of the warranty period. The Contractor shall provide code mandated testing and documentation on a quarterly basis as required by written regulation in NFPA-72. Section 6—Special Consideration and Description A) This project does not deviate from the prescriptive code requirements included in the referenced Laws,Regulations or Standards. (1.b)SEQUENCE OF OPERATION Section 1 FIRE SUPPRESSION A) Please refer to the Fire Protection Narrative prepared by others for the description of the Fire Protection System's sequence of operation. BUILDING ENGINEERING RESOURCES , I N C . Fire Alarm Narrative Re:Cape Cod Collaborative/BER#21262.00 June 28,2022 Page 4 FIRE ALARM A) The operation of a manual station or activation of any automatic alarm initiating device(smoke,heat, water flow,sprinkler pre-action or deluge water flow, kitchen hood fire suppression initiation)shall automatically: 1. Sound a pre-alert tone followed by 3 repetitions of a voice instructional message over all audio circuits.Following the instructional message,an evacuation tone shall sound in the evacuation area.Manual voice evacuation paging may be conducted from the system microphone located at the fire alarm control panel. 2. Upon activation of the evacuation tone,all visual signals shall activate throughout the evacuation area.Visual notification shall be synchronized. 3. Flash all visual signals throughout the building in a synchronized fashion. 4. Flash an alarm LED and sound an audible signal at the fire alarm control panel. Upon Acknowledge,the alarm LED shall light steadily and the audible shall silence. Subsequent alarms shall re-initiate this sequence. 5. Initiate the transmission of an alarm to the Municipal Fire Station via the master box or auto dialer. 6. Visually indicate the alarm initiating device type and location via the LCD display located at the fire alarm control panel. 7. Visually annunciate on all system annunciators the initiating device type and location. 8. Activate the outside weatherproof beacon. 9. Record the alarm in the event history log, and print a record of the alarm on the system printer where applicable. 10. Alarm by an elevator lobby smoke detector shall recall all elevators that serve the lobby to the first floor. If the alarm initiates on the first floor,return the elevator to the floor above or as directed by the local authority having jurisdiction. 11. Activate prioritized output relays to shut down affected supply and return air handlers. 12. Operate prioritized outputs to release all magnetically held smoke doors and magnetically locked doors throughout the building. B) The operation of a sprinkler tamper or a duct smoke detector shall automatically: 1. Flash a supervisory LED and sound an audible signal at the fire alarm control panel. Upon Acknowledge,the supervisory LED shall light steadily and the audible shall silence. Subsequent supervisory shall re-initiate this sequence. 2. Visually indicate the supervisory initiating device type and location via the LCD display located at the fire alarm control panel. BUILDING ENGINEERING RESOURCES , I N C . Fire Alarm Narrative Re:Cape Cod Collaborative/BER#21262.00 June 28,2022 Page 5 C) The report of a power failure,ground fault or open circuit shall automatically: 1. Flash a supervisory LED and sound an audible signal at the fire alarm control panel. Upon Acknowledgement,the trouble LED shall light steadily and the audible shall silence. Subsequent trouble shall re-initiate this sequence. 2. Visually indicate the supervisory initiating device type and location via the LCD display located at the fire alarm control panel. D) All major equipment added shall be identified with signage indicating location and unique operational and design features readily apparent and or delineated with additional signage affixed adjacent to the equipment. E) Activation of single station smoke detector shall sound integral alarm signal only and shall not be connected to control panel. (1.C)TESTING CRITERIA Section 1 —Testing Criteria FIRE SUPPRESSION A) Please refer to the Fire Protection Narrative prepared by others for the description of the Fire Protection System's sequence of operation. FIRE ALARM A) Preliminary Tests 1. The Contractor shall notify the Owner's Representative 10 business days before the preliminary tests are to be conducted. 2. The Fire Alarm System and associated equipment shall be tested in accordance with NFPA 13, 14, and 72 and provisions of 780 CMR. 3. The Contractor shall perform insulation testing(megger), continuity and loop resistance checks on all system conductors to determine that the system is free from grounded,shorted,or open circuits. These tests shall be conducted prior to the installation of fire alarm equipment. Loop resistance measurement shall verify that the loop resistance does not exceed the Manufacturer's specified limits. Corrections shall be made and the system shall be retested to assure if deficiencies are found. 4. The Contractor and Fire Alarm System Manufacturer shall perform complete functional and operational performance tests. Testing shall include verification that the circuits and components are electrically supervised and operate as intended. 5. A written report shall be submitted detailing the results of all preliminary testing shall accompany the request for final acceptance test. The written preliminary test report shall be submitted with: a. Copy of fire alarm control panel printer output verifying proper operation of each device in alarm or trouble,time stamped throughout the testing process. BUILDING ENGINEERING RESOURCES , I N C . Fire Alarm Narrative Re:Cape Cod Collaborative/BER#21262.00 June 28,2022 Page 6 b. The Operations and Maintenance Manual for the system. c. The Record(As-built)Drawings. B) Final Acceptance Test 1. The Contractor shall notify the Owner's Representative a minimum of five(5)business days before the final acceptance tests are to be conducted to allow scheduling of observation if desired. 2. The Contractor shall notify the Authority Having Jurisdiction a minimum of five(5)business days before the final acceptance tests are to be conducted to allow scheduling of observation if desired. 3. The Fire Alarm System,other systems and equipment associated with the Fire Alarm System and accessory equipment shall be tested in accordance with NFPA-72. The listed tests in NFPA-72 shall be conducted as well as Manufacturer and job specific procedures to verify that the circuits and components are electrically supervised and operate as intended. 4. The test shall include but shall not be limited to the following: a. Visual inspection of all wiring connections. b. Test of each function of the control panel. c. Test of each circuit in both trouble and normal modes. d. Tests of each alarm initiating device in both normal and trouble conditions. Open the circuits at each alarm-initiating device to test the wiring supervisory feature. e. Tests of each control circuit and device. f. Tests of each alarm notification appliance,in both. Open the circuit as each notification appliance to test the wiring supervisory feature. g. Provide copy of fire alarm control panel printer output verifying proper operation(alarm, trouble,etc.)for each device with time stamp enabled throughout the testing process. h. Tests of the primary and secondary power supplies and associated loss of each. i. Complete operational tests under emergency power supply. j. Ground fault monitoring circuit function. k. Measurement of sound pressure levels in all rooms of the protected space. 5. A written report shall be submitted detailing the results of all final testing including: a. Copy of fire alarm control panel printer output verifying proper operation of each device in alarm or trouble,time stamped throughout the testing process. b. Final system acceptance in accordance with NFPA-72 requirements shall be formally documented utilizing a form similar to"Record of Completion"as included in NFPA-72. Section 2—Equipment and Tools A) The Contractor shall provide all required tools and equipment necessary to perform full functional testing as outlined. As a minimum these items shall include: 1. NPFA Forms 2. Manufacturer's Instructions 3. Sequence of Operation 4. Smoke candles 5. Sound meters 6. Voltage Meters 7. Flow Measuring Devices BUILDING ENGINEERING RESOURCES , I N C . Fire Alarm Narrative Re:Cape Cod Collaborative/BER#21262.00 June 28,2022 Page 7 8. Gauges 9. Communication Radios 10. Printer or data transfer device for recording each fire alarm control panel event Section 3—Approval Requirements A) The Contractor shall obtain written acceptance of the installed system from the Authority Having Jurisdiction prior to requesting a Certificate of Occupancy. B) The Contractor shall replace and/or repair each system or component of a system that fails to pass the Final Acceptance Test satisfactorily. Preliminary and Final Testing shall be rescheduled and testing shall be conducted until compliancy is fully demonstrated. The Contractor shall be liable for all additional charges as a result of retesting. C) Final certification shall be provided from the Contractors that the installation is in accordance with the contract documents and all applicable codes. The Engineer shall certify that the installation is in compliance with 527CMR 901.5.1 requirements. D) Operations Manuals and Record As-built drawings shall be submitted with any modifications as a resultant of changes that were dictated from the Final Testing process. E) The Owner shall provide an emergency contact list for use by the Authority Having Jurisdiction in the event of an emergency at the protected property. END OF NARRATIVE BUILDING ENGINEERING RESOURCES , I N C . CAPE COD COLLABORATIVE 1175 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA Narrative Report of Fire Sprinkler System June 27, 2022 Prepared by: C.A.Crowley Engineering,Inc. 645 County Street,Unit 6 Taunton,MA 02780 INTRODUCTION This report is a written summary description of the building's proposed fire sprinkler system and related operational features. The main purpose for this report is to clarify,to the code official,the designer's intent and code interpretation as related to the fire sprinkler system. Furthermore,the system will be clearly outlined in this report to simplify the official's job of interpreting the design documents. SECTION 1- Buildin Descri tion This section identifies specific features of a building that contributes to the overall understanding of the fire protection systems and features required to be identified in the Narrative Report a. Building"Use"Group b. Total square footage of building E c. Building height 29,200 d• Number of floors above grade 34'+/- e. Number of floors below grade 1 f. Square footage per floor 1 g. Type(s)of hazard(s) 14,600 h. Type of construction Light/Ordinary I I. Hazardous material use/storage VB j. Commodity storage over 12ft None k. Site access None See site plan SECTION 2_q licable Laws Re ulations and Standards This section identifies regulatory codes and standards that may have an impact in the design and plan approval of the required and the non-required fire protection systems as per the requirements of 780 CMR,requiring the preparer of the Narrative Report to have had conducted a comprehensive code research. 248 CMR:Board of State Examiners of Plumbers and Gas Fitters 524 CMR:Board of Elevator Regulations 527 CMR 1.00:Massachusetts Comprehensive Fire Safety Code 527 CMR 12.00:Massachusetts Electrical Code 780 CMR:9th Edition of the State Building Code By Reference above: 2015 International Building Code 2015 International Existing Building Code 2015 International Fire Code 2015 NFPA 1: Fire Code 2013 NFPA 13: Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems 2013 NFPA 14: Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems 2013 NFPA 20: Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection 2014 NFPA 25: Standard for the Inspection,Testing,and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems 2017 NFPA 70: National Electrical Code 2013 NFPA 72: National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code Page 2 of 8 SECTION 3-Desi n Res onsibilit for Fire Protection S stems This section identifies the accountability for a specific fire protection system design and the accountability for the integration of the fire protection systems constituting a building life safety system. The professional engineer(PE)provides a partial design and specifies the design criteria to be used bythe installing contractor who finalizes the system layout,provides calculations to confirm the design criteria. The PE reviews and approvesinstalling the contractor's final layout and calculations.The PE is considered the engineer of record and certifies system installation for code compliance at completion. a. Fire sprinkler system: C.A.Crowley Engineering, Inc. 645 County Street, Unit 6 Taunton,MA 02780 SECTION 4-Fire Protection S stems to be Installed This section identifies regulatory requirements and key"performance design criteria"and features for each specific fire protection system. a. Per M.G.L.c.148 s.26G,the structure is required to be protected by an automatic fire sprinkler system. Per 780 CMR section 903.3.1.1,the sprinkler system shall be designed and installed in accordance with NFPA 13. Per NFPA 13 section 8.1.1,sprinklers shall be installed throughout the premises providing for complete building coverage. b. Water supply,fire mains and hydrants A private fire service main, backflow preventer,and fire department connection were installed as part of a previous renovation project. This now existing private fire service main and backflow device will be used to serve the structure's new fire suppression systems. c. Automatic sprinkler systems and components The automatic fire suppression system shall consist of the following: 1. A system riser consisting of supervised isolation valves,an existing backflow device, control valves,wet and dry riser alarm check valves,pressure gauges,tamper switches, flow switch,pressure switches,alarm test connections,and main drain. 2. Sprinkler flow,pressure,and tamper switches shall be connected to the building's fire alarm system. 3. An existing exterior fire department connection. 4. Sprinklers,piping,fittings,hangers,and other incidental items as required. a. All piping inside the building for the Sprinkler System,two inches(2")and smaller in size,shall be Schedule 40 threaded black steel,conforming to ASTM Standard A135, approved for use in Fire Protection Systems. Page 3 of 8 b. All Sprinkler System piping inside the building two and one-half inches(2%")and larger in size,unless otherwise noted,shall be Schedule 10 black steel pipe with rolled groove ends,conforming to ASTM Standard A135,approved for use in Fire Protection Systems. c. U.L.listed and F.M.approved groove fittings will be allowed. All fittings shall be approved by Underwriters'Laboratories for use in Sprinkler System and shall be designed and guaranteed for a working pressure of not less than 175-psi cold-water pressure. d. All dry system piping and fittings shall be internally and externally galvanized. 6. Signs and placards shall be installed,identifying all valves,piping,and fire department connections as to their function and use. 7. An exterior fire alarm beacon and electric bell shall be furnished and installed outside the entry to vestibule containing the building fire alarm annunciator or fire alarm control panel. c. Standpipe systems and components Standpipe systems are not required. d. Fire alarm systems and components Refer to the fire alarm system narrative provided by others. e. Automatic fire extinguishing systems Automatic fire extinguishing systems are not required. f. Manual suppression systems Manual fire suppression systems are not required. g. Smoke control/management systems Smoke control/management systems are not required. h. Kitchen cooking equipment and exhaust systems A commercial kitchen hood is to be supplied with an integral Ansul clean agent extinguishing system. The hood will be connected to a UL762 listed exhaust fan. All exhaust system ductwork will be flanged and gasketed,and insulated with 2-hr rated ceramic fiber insulation. I. Emergency power equipment Refer to the fire alarm system narrative provided by others. j. Hazardous material monitoring equipment No hazardous materials are planned on being stored in the building. Page 4 of 8 k. Seismic considerations In accordance with ASCE 7,the fire sprinkler system does not fall under the seismic design requirements of nonstructural components. SECTION 5-Features Used in the Desi n Methodolo This section identifies the designer's intent in the overall design and criteria development of either a required or a non-required system. a. Building occupant notification and evacuation procedures This section is not part of the fire sprinkler system design and shall be provided by others. b. Emergency response personnel,site and systems features This section is not part of the fire sprinkler system design and shall be provided by others. There are no special features related to the fire sprinkler system. c. Safeguards,fire prevention and emergency procedures during new construction and impairment plans associated with existing system modifications. This section is not part of the fire sprinkler system design and shall be provided by the installing contractor. d. Method for future testing and maintenance of systems and documentation Future testing and maintenance of the fire sprinkler system shall be performed by the Owner in accordance with NFPA 25-Standard for the Inspection,Testing,and Maintenance of Water- Based Fire Protection Systems SECTION 6-S ecial Consideration and Descri tion This section identifies the designer's intent to deviate from prescriptive requirements of regulatory codes and standards with alternative methods. a. Application of"performance-base design"in lieu of prescriptive code requirement There has been no deviation from the regulatory requirements for the design of the fire sprinkler system. b. Interpretation/clarification between designer and code officials There has been no deviation from the regulatory requirements for the design of the fire sprinkler system. c. Waiver or variance sought through the regulatory appeal process There has been no deviation from the regulatory requirements for the design of the fire sprinkler system. SECTION 7-Se uence of O eration Page 5 of 8 This section describes the specific operation of sprinkler system devices and equipment and their related integration with other building systems. a. Any fusing of one or more sprinklers will allow for water flow from the fused sprinkler(s). b. Wet system water flow shall activate the water flow switch. c. Dry system water flow shall activate the pressure switch. c. Closure of any sprinkler system control valve shall activate the valve's tamper switch. d. Loss of maintenance air pressure from the dry system shall activate the air compressor. e. Loss of maintenance air pressure in excess of the capacity of the air compressor shall activate the low air pressure switch. d. Activation of the wet system flow switch shall cause an alarm condition at the fire alarm control panel and activate the exterior beacon and electric bell. f. Activation of the dry system pressure switch shall cause an alarm condition at the fire alarm control panel and activate the exterior beacon and electric bell. e. Activation of any valve tamper switch shall cause a supervisory condition at the fire alarm control panel. f. Activation of the low air pressure switch shall cause a supervisory condition at the fire alarm control panel. SECTION 8—Testin Criteria a. Testing Criteria The installing contractor shall be responsible for coordinating all testing with the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Testing shall include,but not be limited to,the following items: 1. The backflow preventer shall be forward flow tested at a flow rate equal to the greatest system demand,including hose streams where applicable. 2. Above ground piping shall be hydrostatically tested at a pressure of 200psi and shall maintain that pressure for a period of not less than 2 hours. 3. Air pressure shall be leak tested at a pressure of 40psi and shall maintain that pressure,+/- 1'/:psi,for a period of not less than 24 hours. 4. Water flow detection devices shall be flow tested through the inspector's test connection and shall result in an audible alarm on the premises within 5 minutes after such flow begins. 5. A working test of the dry pipe valve shall be made through the inspector's test connection. The test shall measure the time to trip the valve,and the time for water to be discharged from the inspector's test connection. Page 6 of 8 6. The main drain valve shall be opened and remain open until the system pressure stabilizes. 7. Control valves shall be fully closed and opened under system water pressure. 8. Valve tamper switches shall be tested by operating the valve. b. Equipment and Tools All tool,equipment and manpower required for the testing of the fire sprinkler system shall be provided by the installing contractor and shall include,but not be limited to: 1. Manufacturers'instructions 2. Specifier's special instructions 3. Approved Narrative Report 4. Pressure gauges 5. Fire hoses,nozzles,diffusers 6. Flow measurement devices 7. Stopwatch 8. Pump(capable of increasing system pressure to 200psi) c. Approval Requirements 1. All system tests shall be conducted in the presence of the local Authority Having Jurisdiction or their Designee. 2. Documentation shall be submitted by the installing contractor including,but not limited to,the following: a. Contractor letter of guarantee verifying that the systems are fully functional and in compliance with all laws,regulations,standards and pre-approved narrative report. b. Directory listing names,addresses,and telephone numbers of personnel for emergency notification. c. Copy of fully executed permit(s). d. Written approval and acceptance of the systems from the Authority Having Jurisdiction e. As-Built Drawings. f. Final Narrative Report g. Approved submittals of all materials and equipment installed. Page 7 of 8 h. Preventative maintenance instructions for all Systems. i. Above ground test certificates. j. Backflow preventer test results. k. Detection and notification device test certificates. I. Other documentation of permits,inspections,tests,etc.as applicable. Page 8 of 8