HomeMy WebLinkAbout17-A019 Appeal CorrespondenceVozella, Beth From: Kevin Lehr<kevin.lehr@palmettoventures.com> Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 2:32 PM To: Vozella, Beth Cc: Cindy, Nick Sinclair, James Neal Subject: RE: 45 Skipper Lane - solar panels Attachments: Historic District Form - Nunes - 45 Skipper Lane.pdf, HOA Appi Hello Beth I hope all is well. 2� '%w %am ! V ftm it MAY 0 4 2917 YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY roval Pack - Nunes.pdf My name is Kevin Lehr & I am a project manager with Palmetto Solar, the company that is hoping to help Mr Nunes integrate clean solar power into his property at 45 Skipper Lane. I understand there was a miscommunication during the first meeting of the historical society & we were not able to be present to present on his behalf. Attached here I am providing the required appeals form as well as our HOA approval pack showing 2D & 3D imagery of the solar panels. Copied on this email are Nick Sinclair & James Neal some our Market Manager in Massachusetts. They will plan to be at the appeals meeting if we can have the opportunity to present on the benefits of a solar power system to the home & community as well as work with the historic society to come to an agreement on any aesthetic specifications needed to help move this project forward. I hope you will find our team agreeable & easy to work with. Please let me know if you need anything else from me to get this project back on the docket for appeal & please let myself & James know when the appeal meeting will be held so we can be sure to be there to present. Thank you for your consideration. Best, Kevin Lehr Palmettorm Project Manager 701 East Bay Street, #413, Charleston, SC 29403 Main: 843-720-1844 Palmetto.com Palmetto - Savinp through Sustainability. X, 1�y.03.2017 06:23 PM Gil Construction Inc 5083620435 PACE. 3/ 9 PETITION FOR APPEAL (FORM-D) For Appeal filing procedure see: Docket No. 972 CMR Section 1:02 & 1:03 Date Filed RULES ,AND REGULATIONS (The above for Official use only) (PLEASE TYPE OR PR,IN7) Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Comnlissiolnl P. O. Box 140, Barnstable, MA 02630 Telephone,, 508-775-1766 Guilherme Nunes Appellant Town of South Yarmouth Old King's Highway Regional Historic District 1. This is an appeal from the above listed town Committee's decision (a copy is attached) on Guilherme Nunes 's application for Solar panel installation (Applictint's name) {project) located at 45 ski2per lane Yarmouth Massachusetts 02675 and (Approved / dis9PRravccl) by the local town's historic district Committee oil 4/24/2017 and filed with the Town Clerk on 4/24/2017 (Datul) J� {Dole) 2. The reason for this Appeal is: Setter describe the aesthetic appeal & look of the solar panels & ,, .,..._. a . ..., � �.....� xplain the value this brings to the home & neighborhood. (If futtl►cr rconlrkk uic neoded, nuach adtiitimml 8 t i2 x t I sh"t) 3. The relationship of the appellant to the subject of appeal is that of Applicant & Installer (ApplicnittlAbuttrr/Dilice aggrieved Fatty) 4. The remedy sought by the appellant is Approval for solar panels based on agreed upon & approved aesthetics, placement & equipment specifics (Annulment of town wmmittee'a dmision/ Reversal to town eominittee's decisioit/ Remand typlicution 14 towo cottunittee) 5. I hereby certify that I have given notice of this appeal to the Town Clak, Town Committec & Applicant, if differemt. I have enclosed the required 91in.g fe{e. 6. In the event that scheduling does not permit the hearing to take place w4hin 30 days, I hereby grant an extension of time until the next regular scheduled Commission meeting. 5/4/2017 (Date) 5 ignatore of appellant or designated mpresPaif Ve Appellant's Mailing Address: 45 skipper lane Yarmouth Massachusetts 02675 Tel. No. 508-922-8264 Name, address & telephone of Agent and/or attorney: - F The appeal must be filed within 10 clays of the filing of the deelsion ,wviEli Town Clerk 36 May.03.2017 06:24 PM Gi- Constructicn Inc 5093620435 PAGE. 4/ 9 Old Kings Highway Appeals I Following are exvyMs frorn the Mel King's Highway Regional Historic District Commission Bulletin (Oct 2008) relating to Appccrlw,° i OLD KING'S HIGHWAY REGIONAL HISTORIC DISTRICT ACT SECTION l l - Appeals Any person aggrieved by the determination of the Committee or by nth appro�A] of an application through failure of the Committer, to tnake a determination within the time tillowed under Section Nine, whether or not previously a patty to the proceeding, may, within ten (10) days after the fling of a notice of such determination with the town clerk, or within ten days After approval by failure to mike a determination within Kiid time limit, appeal to the Commission, The Commission shall Within thirty (30) days after receipt of such appeal in writing from the aggrieved, hear all pertinent evidence and do Lerminc. the facts, and if, upon the facts so determined, the: Commission finds that the Committee exceeded its authority or exercised poor judgment, was arbitrary, capricious, or crroircous in its action, the Commission shall annul the Committee determination of approval and remand the case to said Com ittec for further action, or revise the determination of the Committee and issue tire. apprgpriate certificate or deny it, Any person aggriuvud by the action of the commission 1nay, within twenty (20) bays after notice of said decision has been filed with the town clerk of the afi'ected town, appeal to the district Court having jurisdiction over the Affected town WId notice of such appeal shall be given tr) the town elork so as to be received within such twenty (20) days. Said District Court may hear all per0livrit evidence and determine the facts and if, upon the facts so determined, such determination or approval is found to exceu: l the authority oPthe Commission said District Court may modify either by way o revocation, the decision of the Commission and may issue such superscdi application with such condition as said District Court in its discretion deem All of the powers to act in the matter that are available to a court of general ee ThL findings of fact by said District Court shall be final and conctusi The rei=dics proviclul by this section shall be exclusive, but the appeal to the: Appellate Division of the District Courts on issues of law. Cost shall not be allowed against the Commission or the Committee District Court that they either acted in bad faith or with milieu in the hatter taken. Costs shall not bo allowed against the party appealing from such €i Commission tnrless it shall appear to the court that said party acted in bad the appeal to the court, Page I or 1!21114 amendment, substitution, or approvval br decrial of the a.ppropoatc; and shall have ity jurisdiction. upon,1.11C parties. ies shtllk hayo a right of itshajl appear to said kjiicli the appeal was or wi or. approval of the malice in making May.03.2017 05:24 PM Gil Construction Inc 5083620435 PACE_ 5/ a 972 (CMR) RULES AND REGULATIONS 3CCTJON 1.03 -General ProuLdures: (4.) Appeal petitions: (a.) Appeal petitions submitted to the Commission shall be in written form and contain the following: the signature and address of the aggrieved person or hia �lcsi$nated representative, the grounds for appeal, the relationship of the Appellant !to the subject of the appeal (i.c, applicant, abutter, or other aggrieved party) aid the remedy being sought. (b.) Appe:.al petition forms provided by the Commission shall be used {o.} A certified copy of the town committee's decision must br> obtained qy the Appellant from the Town Clerk and submitted with the appall pcition. E (d) The appeal petition must be postmarked not more than 10 flays after the date on which the Committee's decision is filed with the Town Clerk. 1f the chsc lis one: where the approval of an application resulted from a Commit�c.e's fail ure'to act within the period prescribed by the Kistorie District Act, the ap'Peal must b� tiled not more than 10 dtlys after the expiration of said period. Appc;als may lent bo filed by the use of facsimile machines or electronic mail systems. (e.) Prior to the expiration of time within which an appeal inay ile subrilitte:d, the Appellant shall rllstr mail or deliver a copy of the appeal petition 1� the: 1. Town Cleric, 2. Town Committee, and 3. Applicant (if different from appellant). (f.) A $100.00 filing fee must be paid to the Commission at tile'€tune of tili{rg the appeal. (S.) DLqtification after Recei t or an Appcal Petition: (a.) A public hearing upon the appeal shall be hull by the: Commissiotr not cadre than 30 days after the (late of receipt of the appeal petition. The Comrtriasion sb�all mail a written notice of the date, time and place of such hearing not legs than �evcn days before such date to: j 1. Appellant, 2. Applicant (if different iron the Appellant), 3. 'Town Clerk (of the affected town) and 4. Conimissiotl members. (b.) Not less than. seven (7) clays beforo the hearing the notice shft,l] be; printed in a newspaper which is published within Barnstable County and distributed Withitr each of'the towns in the District, i (6.) Comniitlec: Records: Upon notification of an appeal, a town Commit tee shail assemble the rile pertaining to the subject of the appeal. This information shall include specifications, elevatiolls, tllitlutes of the committee's hearing and any other releN'ailt data. The Committee Chairperson or Chairperson Pro Tern shall brim* the: file to the Complission )acar'ing for review. Upon completion of the Commission hearing the said file shall be returned to the Committee. (7.) A2pc8l Withdrawal: An appwil may be withdrawn at any time prior to the opeiiing-or the public hearing by the Commission by liling a letter requesting the same with` Conlmissioix Counsel, The Commission will take no further action without A new review by the respirctive Town Committee. rl201 h Pnyc 2 i�r 3 Niay.0.�.2017 06:25 PM Gil Construction Inc 5063620435 PAGE. 6/ 9 SECTION 1.04: Conduct of Appeals (1.) General: (a.) The appeal hearings shall be conducted during a public meeting of the lomniission presided over by the Chairman. (b.) The voting members of the Commission shall be those present, ;including pVo tem members, but excluding the member whose; town committee originally kciccided the issue being appealed. A, present but non -voting member shad be itcludcd for purposes of deter alining a quorum, (c.) The Commission shrill not be bound by the strict rules of r;vjdencie appli6blel to the courts of law, (2.) Order of Presentation. (a.) A clear, concise statement setting forth a description of the proposed project and identifying specific reasons and/or factors supporting the granting of'Cert)ficat� shall be made by or on behalf of the Applicant (if different from the AppOlant). (b.) A clear, concise statement of the appellant's ohjcctions to the 'likown Committee'$ decision shall be made by or on behalf of the Appellant. Such star Went s lap i(ielucic the grounds for the appeal. (c.) The Chairman of the respective town committee or his designee liall mike al clear, concise statement of the basis for the decision of the Committee, (d.) Other persons may be heard by the Commission and may present testimony and cAdene4 relevant to the appeal. The Commission may impose reajoilible time! limits to all debate or discussion, (3.) Decorum: All parties, counsel, witnesses and any other persons pitseni at an appcltl shall conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the standards of decorum coninionly o�bscrved in a court of law. In situations when 3ucli decoruin is not observed, the; Cornmissionr may t�l kc .soch action, as it deems necessary to ensure the just and orderly conduct of the appeal hc:aing' E (4.) Non Appearance: If tin representative appears For one: or more of the involved paOes in an appek)l, the Commission may still carry out the appeal hearing in accordance, as nearly is passible, with the guidelines set forth in 972 CMR 1,04. E (S.) L[?ntiillli{IIG 'i 1.')iCit€'nl r: (it.) The Commission may, For good cause shown, postpone or cont.inr€c: Fki1 ap cal htaring to a lime within the: review period designated in the Historic District Act. (b.) The Commission may extend ils review period for an appeal -yond i 30 days if written consent i3 obtained 1rora the Appellant and Applicant (it, [mretit Cro�m the Appellant). (6.) Public Record: A copy of all appeal petitions and written decisions shall $e mAi ttainO as thci official public mcord of the Commission's actions, (7.) Alzpea1_Deacision: The Commission shall render its decision in writing, Stating the grounds thereof, within 30 clays after the date upon which the appeal hearing was conducted. A copy: of the decision shall by mailed or delivured to the Appellant, Applicant (if different from the Appekant), the Town Committee Chairperson, and the Town Clerk. Pip 3 sir 3 112016 May.03.2017 06:25 PM Gil Construction Inc 5083620435 PAGE. 7/ 9 Vozella, Beth From: Frederick_Martone@azd.uscourts.gov sent: Monday, April 24, 2017 1:14 PM To: Vozella, Beth Cc: Raphael Martone RL 4rSubject: Comments on Panels attachments: Comments on Panels,pdf 017 HOLDGHVYAY Beth, Thank you again for sending a copy of the Guidelines for solar panels. I am attaching a letter containing our comments on the 45 Skipper Lane solar panel application. Please give a copy to each member of the Committee so that they may review it before tonight's meeting. Again, I am sorry that I cannot attend, but I will not be back to the Cape until June. I am grateful for your assistance and look forward to watching the hearing on Yarmouth's webslte. Frederick Hartong Sent from my Wad I May.03.2017 06:25 PM Gil Construction Inc 5083620435 PAGE. e/ 9 L7 a tt�• � c� 3 April 24, 2017 Ms. Beth Vozella Yarmouth OKH Committee/Historical Commission Town of Yarmouth 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4451 Dear Ms, Vozella: Re: 45 Skipper Lane -Solar Panels cs Ae4pp.,,- Icrna_ E EIYED APR 2 4 2017 YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Thank you very much for the invitation to comment on the application for certificate of appropriateness of solar panels at 45 Skipper Lane, The Old King's Highway Historic District preserves the very best traditions of Cape Cod. The challenge is to balance the homeowner's interest in solar energy against the neighborhood's and the District's Interest in preserving the historic beauty of Cape Cod. The 35 panels, made of glass, and the aluminum frames, would cover existing composite shingles on the south side and the east side of the roof. The Guidelines provide that the "[p]anels should not be visible from a public way." But, as drawn, the plans suggest that the south side panels and frames would be visible from Early Red Berry running both east/west, and north/south. The east side panels would be visible from Skipper Lane, running east/west. As a general matter, glass and aluminum are more consistent with commercial property than residential property in an historic district. Thus, to be compatible, and Consistent VvAth the Guidelines, the panels and frames would have to be installed in such a way as not: to be visible from both Skipper Lane and Early Red Berry. Even If that could be accomplished,. the Guidelines provide that other measures would be required to minimize the visual Impact on the surrounding houses. We are sorry that we will not be able to be present at the hearing, but hope that these comments are helpful to the Committee. Thank you again for Inviting them. Very truly yours, Raphael Martone Frederick Martone Lot 203 A7PR 2TO Vvr4 S�UTii YA fMuU7P-i�. , MA May.03.2017 06:27 PM Gil Construction Inc 5083620435 PAGE. 9/ 9 Vozella, Beth I LAC Map ►►s ���-� irk From: gcrowellgpina.cc Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2017 2:59 PM To: Vozella, Beth Subject: Re: 45 Skipper Lane Please consider this e-mail to show our objection to the installation of 35 solar panels to the �ouse and garage at 45 Skippers lane. We think the collection of trucks, cars and trailers on the property are already+ value of our homes. a denigration of the Thank you. Bruce and Gale Barnes 7 Early Red berry Lane Yarmouthport, MA 02675 On Tree, 18 Apr 2017 f 7:53:09 +0000, "Vozella, Beth" wrote: Seth Vozella Office Administrator Yarmouth OKH Cpmmlttee/Flistorica( Commission Towns of Yarmouth 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4451 Tel: 509-398-2231 X 1292 Fax: 508-398-0836 tC-E -1 ­ V _ED APR 19 2017 YOUTH OLD KINGS HIGHWAY AN 1 �Uu71i } C1 V NK ?MvuTr 1, MA t ? iqol 9 Msy.03.2017 06:28 PM Gil Construction Inc 5083620435 PAGE. 1/ May.03.2017 06.22 PM Gil Construction Inc 5083620435 PAGE. 1/ 9 .�TOWN OF YARMO TJLJL U 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Telephone (SOS) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Pax (508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE April 26, 2017 Guilherme Nunes 45 Skipper Lane Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 SUBJECT: OKH Certificate of Appropriateness Application # 17-AO19 Dear Mr. Nunes, This is to inform you that at their meeting on Monday, April 24, 2017, the Old Kind's Highway (OKH) Committee voted to deny your solar panel application. As stated on page one of the application packet, "71ae applicant or contractor/agent is required to attend the hearing to present the application. If no one is able to attend the hearing, please send a letter to the OKHC offioo Administrator requesting that the Committee act in the applicant's absence or asking that the application he tabled to a meeting when a representative is available." Since no one appeared to present this application and with no correspondence received directing them otherwise, the OKH Committee had the option to deny the application due to no representation, continue the application to the next OKH meeting or make its determination based on the application materials submitted, Taking into consideration the abutters in attendance along with the wi tten correspondence that had been received by other abutters, the Committee chose to continue with the review of this Application to allow these public comments to be heard. Auer reviewing the application materials, reading abutters' correspondence and listc►aing to the abutters' that appeared to express their concerns, the Committee voted unanimously to deny this application on the basis that the proposed solar panel configuration would be very much visible and would have a negative visual impact on the neighborhood. This denied application was recorded with the Yarmouth Town Clerk on Tuesday, April 25, 2017; therefore the 10 calendar day appeal period to the OKH Regional Commission ends on' Friday, May 5, 2017, Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions. Sincerely, AWAI N Ila Office Administrator Yarmouth OKH Committee, /Historicual Commission Tel. 508-398-2231 X 1292 bVozeJla@yarm.outh,ma.us CC: OKH File; Building Department Encs: Appeal form Denied Certificate of Appropriateness May.03.2017 06:23 PM Gil Construction Inc 5CE3620435 PAGE. 2/ 9 TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02684-4451 RECEIVED 4w,5i - � Telephone (608) 398-2231 EA. 1292 Fax (508) 39B-0830 MAR 2 7 2017 AN z J '4"l)1 f OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMIT#12 YAhIv1UUTH TU1NN c=r.-,hK APPLICATION FOR di.p KING'S HIGHWAY SOUTH YARI�U6TI-I, MA CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made for issuance o1 a Certificate of Appropriateness under Sattlon 611of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended, for proposed work as described below & on plans, drawings, photographs, & other suppiamentitl Info aocompanying thin application. PLEASE SUBMIT Q COPIES OF SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVATIONS, PHOTOS, & $WPPLEM NTAL INFORMATION. Check All CA e oriel That Apply: Indicate type of Building: Commercial Resldentlai 1) Extedor Building Construction: New Building _ Addition _Alterations Reroof . Garage Shed ✓polar Panels Other: 2) Exterior Painting: Siding Shutters Doors _Trim Other.' 3) Sggna/Blllbaerds: New Sign Change to Existing Sign WENIED A) Mlscellaneaus Structures: Fence Well Flagpole _Pool Othan f ,9y-1 e) Please type or print legibfy. Address of proposed work:', Quvner(s): r I c P one #:S3 CZt� All appltcationa must be submitted by owner cr accompanied by letter from owner approving oubtritnal of appllcatlon. Melling address; Year bullt: 1 g(o Email: [ i /,(jPraferred notification method, Phone Email Agenticontrector: Phone `i. Mailing Address: Email: Preferred nntlfication method; Phone Email Description of Proposed Work: SC oI' ne"—U-' -h;e t no) I Sh f1 S-,i/ VI'cff- signed (Owner or agent): Date: , �— JR 1 D OwnorlcontraCtorfagent Is awn4 that a It is required from the Building Department, (Ctleok other departme�6a, also,) > If application Is approved, approval Is 91715jed to a 10-day appeal period requited by ttte Att. This certlNcala Is good for one year from approval date or upon data of explMOon of Building Permit, whichever gate shall be later. a /UI new construallon will be subject to Inspectlon by OKH. OKH-approved plans MUST be available on -alto for lamina & final Inspection. Revd Date: 3 ! Amount cashlexp: ��sl ficvd by: 45Days. , s 1i-r�l bate Signed: ;L Approved Approved with Modifications signed: 2D & 3D System Designs Notes: As you can see in the photos above and below Mr Nunes' solar system will be installed on the rear of the house and will be partially blocked from line of sight with the trees in the surrounding yards. Where visible the modules will be black faced & black framed and will blend in very well with the color & presentation of the roof. There is no reflectivity or glare or shininess on the eye associated with the modules. The modules are designed for maximum aesthetic quality & will appear nicer than a satellite dish on the roof & provides substantial economic benefits to the home value. Example photos from previous installations ma the Sun radiates light photons. Works - 11 Excess electricity goes to the power grid and you are credited. QF LC Life's GI LG's new module, LG NeGN�- 2, adopts Cello technology. Cello technology replaces 3 busbars with 12 thin wires � ppK3vte card, ct CE �� to enhance power output and refiabilit} LG NerJN'°" 2 demonstrates LG's efforts to increase customer`s values � E c beyond efficiency. It 3eatu€-es enhanced warranty, durability, intertek performance under real environment, and aesthetic design suitable for roofs. Enhanced Performance Warranty A ,iHigh Power Output LG NeON' 2 has an enhanced performance warranty - !E Compared with previous modeis, the LG NeON— 2 The annu degradation has fallen Front-G.7%1yr to Elie has beer designed to significantly enhance its output -0-5%lyr Even after 25 }years, the eel, auarantees 2 4% .�Mr.., efficiency, thereby making it efficient even in limited space, -Wore output tr;an the previous LG NeON" modules. 0 Aesthetic Roof i Outstanding Durabiti'ty LG NeON-' 2 t,as been designed with aesthetics in mind, With its newly reinforced frame design, LG has extended th :e= wires :hat appear art black at a d stance. the warranty of the LG NeONTx 2 for ar. addt:ona he product may he:p increase the value of 2 year,. Additip al y, LGNepNt 2 can endurea f c:^=t a property with 4S modern 'design. i0ad J? i0 6Un� pa, a' i a rear load p t0 5400 pa. �i��- Better Performance on a Sunny Day Double -Sided Ceti Structure LG NeON" 2 now performs belle; on sunny days thanks i The rear of.. the coif used i^ LG NeON— 2 twil': con-n-bute ro to its improved temperature coefficiency geneation, just like the front, the light beam reflected from the rear or themodule is reabsorbed tc _enerate a great arnou it of additional power. About LG Electronics 1Z E ewon;cs s a y:obai player :r ho has been corimued to expartding its capar¢y. based on solar e.�rgy [.v:sEness as its future ura:•:th eng ae.:<'e zn:6a.•i:zd on a solar e^era;.• source research program In i 4?5, s. ;:ported by LG vra:tpt rich experie.rce ir. s rrn fm.ductor 1. G. ;;,enist-r, an. ^laterals indu5try_ we s;jrcess`Oiy released t_he tt-m Mono -fi sener to the markat ir: J. n �'v :yh:ch were expptc.°r se 32 co ntr:es En the follo ding 2 }rears. thereafter. In 2013, _G NeOW' {previously known as Mono hf NeQPC;` wa 'Inte sclar Award'. •..h;ch proveel LG ;s the iea_4er of innovati m ;n the industry. ■ L6310RE1C-G4 Mechanical Properties Cells c r. IQ Cell Vendor G _ Cell Type.. t on^cystatl3le N-type--- Celt Dimensions 155-75 x 155-75 mn±: fi snrhes e__.-.--. of Busbar ._ 12 Nuki Wire Busbarl , Dimensions (L x W x H) 104� x I0.3.a x 4-0 mm -- — 6,.57 K 39.37 K 157 inch Front Load 6000 Pa •' 25 pS` ID Rear Load -4nCi P:= i :. 3 ;)5' Weight 1 5 x 418 i !bs Connector Type h'1C4. NIC4 Cn---an.-nie. Pe7 Junction Box IP57 va::13 Bypass Diodes Length of Cables 2 x 1000 m . - 2 Y. 35,27 €nc^. Glass Hq-T ansmission Tempered Glass Frame A- r dAim;.urn Certifications and Warranty Certifications €Kw p 12 3. IF-% o l 730-11-2 iF- 527 5 {Ammonia Test; IEC 617=01 !Salt Mist Ccr-as€on Tom.! ISO 9^ UL 1703 Module Fire Performance (USA) Type 2 (Ut 1703) —_,....--------------------- Fire Rating (for CANADA) Ciass C (ULCIORD C 1703) Product Warranty -_-- --_- __- I : yr=ars Output Warranty of Pmax �: yea. E3•: H v ? s year � c:„• a^.i a..ey x�xN� .., .-.. Temperature Characteristics NOCT Pm PP 38 Vol: cb Isc.- :. ....... ........ ..... Electrical Properties (STC *) Module Type 310 W MPP Voltage (Vmpp) -------- 3-5 MPP Current (Impp) 9.45 Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) 40.4 Short Circuit Current (Isc) Module Efficiency (Y.) 9....---------- Operating Temperature (°C) _ ..... ....... .................__ ... --.,_. -4'� - -40 Maximum System Valtage (V) Maximum Series Fuse Rating (A) .. Power Toierance (�a) ' STD .,, - ---e'-:i'+a' .a' - AM - -_.- Thec���'c,�.;en^;ec-ssrtr,ie �,-a_Ltvt;C-00 V&m'� Electrical Properties (NOCT*) Module Type 31© W ---.-..._-._........................ Maximum Power (Pmax) 226 MPP Voltage (Vmpp) 30.0 —._ ._-..-..................... .......... ,.,..,.,. MPP Current (impp) .. __-.....- -_. 754 ...,._. ................ . ----..... .............. ............. -........... Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) 374 Short Circuit Current (Isc) 8.03 Dimensions (mm/in) `:Rv�-- be:Yi3Gn rmy. Cen_¢, G re_1 . g Fe- €+i;r:€^ Amenza sciar B: si.sc 7� r Product spec ncat€ons are swbj == tc,. isrge yIthout notice. (9 LG LG Dectnxnics U.S A €nc CS-N2-60<v-F-EN-50427 ❑ ❑ �IteS G[v.-1 1000 5]1t'an A v. E: I cS Cliff-, I 07632 Coppiighr © 201 S =LG Elvrtronir5 Ali rights resented innovation For a Better Life Contact'IgsalarCgecar: 01;C2120=5 tiV+r lgAaljsa Loin j i soiart. SolarEdge Single Phase Inverters For North America SE3OOOA-US f SE38OOA-US / SE5OOOA-US / SE6O0OA-US / SE760OA-US / SE1OOOOA-US / SE114OOA-US The best choice for Solardge enabled systems .. Integrated arc fault protection for NEC 2011 69©.11 compliance Rapid shutdown for NEC 2014 690.12 Superior efficiency (98%) .� Small, lightweight and easy to install on provided bracket Built-in module -level monitoring Internet connection through Ethernet or Wireless .. [outdoor and indoor installation - Fixed voltage inverter, DC/AC conversion only Pre -assembled Safety Switch for faster installation �. Optional — revenue grade data, ANSI C12.1 USA • GERMANY - ITALY - FRANC - JAPAN - CHINA - AUSTRALIA - THE NETHERLANDS - UK - ISRAEL www.solaredge.us solar=@o Single Phase Inverters for North America SE3OOOR-U5iSE38OOR-USfSE�OOOR-US.tSE6OOOR-US, SE36QOR-US,' SEIOOOOR-US ,` SE1140OA-US SE30GOA-US SE3800A-US SE500OA-US SE600DA-US SE76GOA-tiS .., ...-.,... SE10-300A- US __,..,.. SE11400A-US OUTPUT _-..�. Nornina' AC Power Output 3000 3800 5000 600Q 7600 998Q @ 2081' 114M VA 100iiQ 24QV .. .. .. ... ' S40-3 @ 208V I 10800 2Q8V Max. AC Power Output .........................:. 3300 4250 6000 835Q 545Q240V _..<-.-..... �. :.fl95Q.24flV.:...,., ... 12000 VA AC Output Voltage Min: NOm: rftax. =' ✓ ✓ 183 208 229 Vac AC Output Voltage Man: Nom: Max.` ✓ ✓ ✓ E, = 211-240-264Vac ....................... ....... .................. €. AC Frequency Mint: Nom.-Max.;;: 59.3 - 60 - 60.5 Hz 24 rs 3 208V 48 @ 208V Max. Continuous Output Current 12.5 6 25 32 47 5 A GFD! Threshold ................................................._ 1 ................................................................-........... A Utility- r4en€taring, lslanding=rcitectior:., ............,....,........... Country Configurable -------- Thresholds Yes - Yes IN -PUT itlaxl sari DC Power(STC) 405 510fl 6750 8100 10250 ....................................... 1350fl 15350 W ...- Transformer -less, Ungrounded ........g......................:..................................................................................... Yes ............... .................................. Max. In ut Volta e P,.....r, _............................. 500 ................................................... Ydc Nom. DC Input voltage 325 @ 208V / 350 @ 240V .............. Vdc Max. Input Currents" P 9.5 F 16.5 @ 208V 18 23 33 @ 208V 34.5 Adc 3. --., 15.5-@-2404-.:- .. .- 3�.5.a.24QV "' ..... . ........... Max. Input Short Circuit Current ............. ............... .................................... 45 ............................................. ........ ........... ........ Adc Reverse -Polarity Protection ........... ........................... ................................ Yes ....................... ..<................... Ground-Fautt !solation Detection ...................................................... 6O0kiaSensitivity .................._....... Maximum Inverter Efficiency ......... ..... 97.7 98:2 98.3 .... . 98.3...... j...... 98 98 --- 98 .............. % .......•-- CEC Weighted Efficiency 97.5 9S 97 (� 208V j 97.5 97.5 97 [07 208V 97.5 % ............. .I................ €..... 98,,240V..?.....-.......-..:................s..97,5,� 340V.. Nighttime Power Consumption c 2.5 < 4 W ADDITIONAL FEATURES Supported Communication Interfaces .....-<,. _ ..............................: ......................... ............................,..... RS485, RS232, Ethernet, ZigBee (optional) ....................... ................... ...................I........... Revenue Grade Data, ANSI C12.1 ................. .......................... ......................................................................................... Optional'}' .............. .......... . .i.................. Rapid Shutdown NEC 2014 690.12 Yes STANDARD COMPLIANCE -- Safety ............................................ Ui_1741; UL1699B, UL1998 , CSA 22.2 ............ ........... Grid Connection Standards ............ .................................. IEEE1547 ..................................................... .............. ............ Emissions FCC partly class B INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS AC out ut conouii size ;` AWG ran e € P. �. 3/4" minimum / 16-6 AEV�i 3/4" minimum / 8-3 AWG .. DC input conduit size j # of strings / 3/4" minimum j 1-2 strings 116-6 AWG 3/4" minimum / 1-2 strings / AWG.range. . ............................ ... . 1...... ?9 :C !?�w�� .............: ...... ..... Dimensions with Safety Switch 30.5 x 12.5 x 7.2 / 775 x 315 x 184 30.5 x 12.5 x 10-5 / € in / [HxWzDJ................................................... ....................... ..........._ .............._ .............i. 775 x 315 x 260 nim Weipht with Safety Switch 51.2 / 23.2 54.7 / 24.7................... ............... 88 4 / 4fl. 1 Ib / kg Natural convection Cooling Natural Convection and internal I Fans (user replaceable) fan (user ....................... ............:.. ......... ............. ............. ............ ....... - replaceable) Noise c 25 � Sfl (IRA Min: Max.OperatingTemperature , -13 to +140 ! -25 to -60 (-40 to +60 version available' ) .. ..., F / °{ Ran a Protection Rating NEMA 3R ......._................................ ............................. ...................... ......... .......:........... Far other regional settings please contact SalarEdge support. A higher current source may be used; the inverter Will limit its Is' input current to the values stated Revenue grade inverter P/N: SE.xz A-OSOOO'NNR2 (fos 7600'.ti inverterSE?uQOA-u5( 214,hill2). I` 40version P;'N: S•� 7500w rove —A-USVsONNU4 iior ti SE76u0A-i15902NNV41-