HomeMy WebLinkAboutHERS Rating 4622 ■■
Nunzio Napolitano
Site Located at:
99 Berry Avenue
Project Number: 102E
Duct Test
Report Version: 1.0
Target Inspections
Steven Grevelis
P.O. Box 444
West Dennis, MA 02670
Phone: (888) 280-2108
Email: steve@targetinspections.com
Certified HERS Rater (RIN —4958795),
& Microbial Professional
- Summary of Results
Based on testing of the total duct systems,the observed total duct leakage at the time of
testing of the two systems were at or below the allowable limits (4 cfm per 100 sq ft) as set
forth in IECC 2015 with tested results of 3.52 cfm per 100 sq ft.
Target Inspections Summary of 1 estrng Results {opyright 2010/2011
Disclaimer Although we seek to oroviJe the most accurate information po ibl we cannot guaran r find gs may<r may not be changed due to
environmental conditions orcont,actor decisions;actions that are beyond oil";control ,arget inspections is not responsibl.::forirnpro✓er,rcntr a rWalit
of our inspection
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Testing Conditions
April 6th, 2022
Wind — SW 23 mph
Weather— Cloudy/Windy
Outdoor Temperature — 54° F
Outdoor Relative Humidity - 83%
Barometric Pressure— 29.50"
Target inspections Summary of Testing Results Copyright 201012011
Disclaimer.Although we seek to provide the most accurate information possible we cannot guarantee any findings may or may not be changed due to
environmental conditions or contractor decisions/actions that are beyond our control, Target Inspections is not responsible tor improvements as a result
of our inspection,
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Total Duct Leakage Test
Test Date: 4/6/2022 Technician: Steven Grevelis
Test File: 102E_Heat Cool_99 Berry Ave_W Yarmouth Duct
Building Address: 99 Berry Avenue
West Yarmouth, MA
Equipment Used
Retrotec—DU-200 Duct Blaster w/ DM32 Manometer
Serial Numbers: FT9010674/404468
DM32 Factory Calibration Date: 10-23-2020
DM32 Next Factory Calibration Date by: 10-23-2025
Field Calibration of DU-200 Performed: 03-23-2022
Tubing Integrity Testing Performed on Site
The home has 1 system(s) outside of conditioned space that were tested:
Test Results
In accordance with IECC 2015 the maximum allowable total duct leakage is 4 cfm per 100 sq ft
at +/- 25 pa in the rough or final stage.
Whole house square footage of conditioned space is 1500 square feet:
- Maximum allowable leakage of 4 cfm per 100 sq ft = 60 cfm: (4 cfm x 1500 sq ft/ 100 sq
ft = 60 cfm)
System #1—Servicing the Main Floor-
- Tested total duct leakage was 52.75 @ -25.0 Pa
Total duct leakage across the system was 52.75 cfm = 3.52 cfm per 100 sq ft
cfm =cubic feet per minute pa = pascals sq ft=square feet
Target get inspections Summary of Testing Results Copyright 20/0/2011
Disclaimer Although we seek to provide the most accurate intermation possible we cannot guarantee any firings may or may not be changed due to
environmental conditions or contractor decisions/actions that are beyond our control Target inspections is not responsih(e for rrnprovemer,ta. .r;a,moult
of our inspection.
Page 3 of 5
Based on testing of the total duct systems, the observed total duct leakage at the time of
testing of the system was at or below the allowable limits (4 cfm per 100 sq ft) as set forth in
IECC 2015 with tested results of 3.52 cfm per 100 sq ft. The total duct leakage across the
system was 52.75 cfm = 3.52 cfm per 100 sq ft.
The systems as installed meets the recommended guidelines and no further sealing is required.
Note 1: Square footage provided by Nunzio.
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Setup of the tested main floor system. Manometer of theed o
Please note reading that the @ symboltest in main the topflo leftr of
manometer represents the projected-25.0 pascal
This inspection report is solely based on the conditions within the defined area at the time of inspection
only and makes no express or implied warrant or guarantee as to future changes in condition or
conditions outside of the described job scope.
a€+het Irts,aectictris Surr mary cat Testinzt Results Copyright 2Gt{}?2091
Disclaimer_Although v✓Fe scab to pr0v4e the most accura e informations possibie vw-e*cannot guarantee am findingo m y or may no`be ch ange�d due to
environmental conditions or contractor dec,>icnslac6ns fhat are beyond crurcontrol Target inspections s not respons?n.!e for irnpravemnentc ns a rca„irt
of our inspection.
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Steven Grevelis
Certified HERS Rater(RIN—4958795),
BBRS Approved Third Party Tester(Documents Available upon Request),&Microbial Professional
Target inspections Summary of Testing Results Copyright 2010/2011
Disclaimer:Although we seek to provide the most accurate information possible we cannot guarantee any findings may or may not be changed due to
environmental conditions or contractor decisions/actions that are beyond our control. Target et inspections is not responsible for improvements as a result
of our inspection.
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