HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-23-001743 RECEIVED OCT 03 2022 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 4 B y ' 0\ VIA v' gge c?' giado,aokuadto, DT,,cpifirte-tve gi tofre-dionci e5e,wiced, - Office gliAt25, emn.fniem,ionez 1146 Rospto 28, Sowa pwrmwa,a, OM)02664 APPLICATION FOR FIRE PROTECTION PERMIT Date 9 -30 PERMIT NUMBER 13 Lb--23-Doi-7(4 Projected Start Date: A sia P Date of issue In accordance with the provisions of 780 CMR and M.G.L. Chapter 148, as provided in Section This application is hereby made,, by e 2,prnn (Full name of person,FA-m or Corporation) \ Address j0 Li 0 Lid r---)1 0 w n e act Ki y1:4 c tenOvq.\-t (Contact#)50E-30?-5050 Email 51:11-e...S eAre. ct Lifl-r oi ... o ry) Owner of property(Arc. eod oe.., in cat Lo /30 , Job Location i,.)71i Y\S L. PR L-LP_T ROA d_ (Street&City or Town) For permission to (state clearly purpose for which permit is requested) rEr 2-A Of fit 111..-f\Ain ex-%OKA vAg F /42_14 fik edom-cot_ /061.1.6z,. Name of competent operator(if applicable) o 0 Cert. or License No. )53,02 C Estimated Cost of Construction: 3 000, By (Signature of Applicant) Building Official: •• Date: K.)-1-k-44, FEE: $50.00 e 021 0 2-d' r 0 Pcri 'T •-• " 02a 7 3 vkj E59- r JA- The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents Office of Investigations 600 Washington Street Boston,MA 02111 w; v mass.gov/dia Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers Applicant Information Please Print Legibly Name(Business/Organization/Individual): CAPE COD ALARM CO.,INC. Address:204 OLD TOWNHOUSE ROAD City/State/Zip:WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Phone#: (508) 398-6316 Are you an employer?Check the appropriate box: Type of project(required): 1.0 I am a employer with 30 4. ❑ I am a general contractor and I employees(full and/or part-time). 6. ❑New construction. * have hired the sub contractors 2..0 I am a sole proprietor or partner- listed on the attached sheet. 7. ❑ Remodeling r These sub-contractors have ship and have no employees 8. ❑Demolition working for me in any capacity. employees and have workers' insurance.$ 9. ❑Building addition [No workers'comp,insurance comp. required.] 5. ❑ We are a corporation and its 10.0 Electrical repairs or additions 3.❑ I am a'homeowner doing all work officers have exercised their MC Plumbing repairs or additions myself.[No workers'comp. right of exemption per MGL_ r 412.❑Roof repairs insurance required.] c. 152'§1 O,and we have no 13.0 Other employees. [No workers' comp.insurance required.] *Any applicant that checks box#1 must also fill out the section below showing their workers'compensation policy information. f Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such. tC:ontractois that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub-contractors and slate whether or not those entities have employees. If the sub-contractors have employees,they must provide their workers'comp.policy number. I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy and job site • information. Insurance Company Name: Associated Employers Ins., Co. Policy#or Self-ins.Lie.#: WCC-500-5006433-2022A Expiration Date: 9-1-2023 Job Site Address: j A W5 L {/ l L1A 'RC 1CL City/State/Zip: j /j�Y �\o l J t /4 Attach a copy of the workers' compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of MGL c. 152 can lead to the imposition of criminal penalties of a fine up to$1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment,as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator. Be advised that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby certify under the pains and penalties of etyuty that the information provided above is true and correct. 9 q �, Signature: lOr,�.s e" �V Date: (? 1 1 Phone#: (508)398-6316 Official.use only. Do not write in this area,to be completed by city or town official. City or Town: Permit/License# • Issuing Authority(circle one): 1.Board of Health 2.Building Department 3.City/Town Clerk 4.Electrical Inspector 5.Pltunbing Inspector 6.Other .• Contact Person: • Phone#: •.. IL • . • .- ... ' I . ! ;‘'Y:• I 1•••:!`':. 1 • . 1 . . . , • I i . i . . :. . ' . --"-..... .......',777.'7''*".....',..'‘: ...-.-."...7'777:7'..7-.7.7.-..."- . .:: . . ..- -.........L....... - ..- ..... . COMMONWEALTH OF 1A.,sisACHU ,,,S,,,-,, • • ,„,,:-_-_ - .. .._... _ . DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONAL LICENSURE : c BOARD ommonwealth of Peassachusetts s .::„. .: .. .....,... Iu , ,,,, Division of Professional Licensure . — ELECTRICIANS,.,: v.a.:0,1 . ,..., ISSUES THE POLLOVIANGitPEP1SE SeelLiGiVAStOrffiwIl.ta-LICCOnes •.'''..' ' REGISTERED SYSTEM TECHNICIAN -I SSCO-000248 !._;:!. . •?,:l.„,.,4101 ..gxpires:11/0712022 . , GENE A CORMIER ';.:,...,.:. --..--',. - ' IS .• .-fi ::A'neg:,"•...-: ..,..:Fk -i-,'.i.if.:EAtii , .a,z:5:87MARGATE A: .; . •:.:::.......:. 1. 7-N§ • GEN*0-1 Co$0b 8=7g.8'-k4 SOUTH NA 02660-2667, En504 CAPE COD ALARM wi,.'-t 0f1.-,•',.,...! -z4`r",,!-.'.;': ;,If4.-At.io'1.:.4W0i.,1,..':',::,.•'.1::-•;4.,':--,-i,4.'•i;.:?"1'17-"-t:,;N4,7; .;•,!.: ,C, '::* -'717.-k:,-, ----•',,,,'N „: :.. ...,.... .. . .: 0,:.:,§.:4 .. ' 4,,,,,,:',.,,,- `.11,,,vgi t :015,;,.-4,74.1.-- ,:rt:i,.•.: ,-.-_-J•.:;:t.:N4f., , .......'',L,:; isn't D.,„...::,,„,•,i,•,:]; ,j:;'::03112025 . 0 290762 Commissioner dtte2, K. 5316,,,latik,' : LICENSE NUMBEil EXPIRAJ1•TON DATE SE RIAL Ni.INI. BER . : . : COMMONWEALTH t bF MAS§Ati4USE f.,S.W." 1 DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONAL LICENSURE . 1 ,..,:.,..115)4tRP:0'` • . .., . ,... ELECTRICIANS,::.„,:ov,K...:.;:i,,,,,f • : ....“.. , ;':iiii:YVIIY ISSUES THE FOLLOWING LICENSE , REGISTERED SYSTEM CONTRACTOR "..,N•'• I . ,. GE.NE A CORMIER -,:•;,:* - '1• : • 9MARGATE 414,:,,,:,..R SOUTH OONtiltS MA 02660-467# 4.., • 1.-,•,f0' 1692 0,.:e.,.i.t.',::;i:.:$6r01131/2025 ,.. -i., 290760 LICENE N SUMBER EXPIRATION DATE SERIAL NUMBER . .. T. • :;,-..;'-',..4. a #111 k •i,....'"e:"I 131\1SiION.OF PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE t§: .„,;...;,,.•,'',, - BOARD OF ELECTRICIANS • - --f ,.. ! ISSUES THE FOLLOWING ttaigtE ; . ::: ' OBGIBITERED ELECTRICAL BUSINESS •,, • , ',„::::.,.rw• - .p.it.I.WW". V .,,...CAPE COD ALARaCOINC 204 OLD TOWN HOUSE RD „...1....v•,."- ...--1:.4:.1", ,i,:, '- ...."." WESTriAmoutH,mk,,P0741031 ,..„.. j . 4:•,:,.. • , li....,, P.,.., i .4-1:V•Ii:, ,,, . , lao.,,, 1395 ,.....r:,,:.:::e1)713112-022 ....t 936314.i • LICENSE NUMITR.. EXPIHATI;1` DATE -_'''' ..:9_!EJ1.11t4..li..M,.R.ER ; ‘'.•., ; , . - .