HomeMy WebLinkAbout6 Gardiner Lane paper applicationApplication for 2024 Rental Registration TOWN OF YARMOUTH Health Department 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664 Telephone (508) 398-2231 , ext. 1240 Fax (5O8) 760-3472 E-mail: epolite@yarmouth. ma. us The Town of Yarmouth is excited to announce that we've streamlined the online registration process ake it more user-friendly than ever beforel Simply visit hftps://varmouthma. porta l.openqov.com/ to get tarted. There, you can effortlessly create your account and conveniently pay the registration fee Using this upgraded system, you'll have the power to engage with us throughout the entire process. Not only an you securely communicate v/ith our team, but you'll also gain access tc your imponant dccuments, the bility to upload photos, and much more! This improved platform is designed to make your registration perience smooth and efficient Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Detectors are Required! Owners: I have ensured the batteries are changed, have tested ALL Smoke Detectots/Carbon l\ilonoxide Detectors and verified that they are lels than 1O years old: P/ease rnrtral 3Tl Contact the Building Department regardlng questions on type and tocation prior to purchasing. 1 1221 /Smoke delector,locatonhttos //www.varmouth ma us/DocumenlCenter^y'iew/ A non-refundabte apptication feeof $80 pef uniufgnta! is required Rental Certificates expire on December 31s'. 2024. lf NOT registering online, please make checks payable to: Town of Yarmouth and mail completed application & payment to: Town of Yarmouth Health Department. ur applicatiotl and feeuired, upon receipt ofThe Health Depadment will callto sclledule an it'spection il re yenv OAR.Lt'rRetal P Address rJgYL Rental Period: SeasonalXShort Termnnual less than 31 daTrash Removal by Owner Tenant Rental of: ex CondoouseDU artment RoomProrty Owner Name NLLEY\ Mailing Address: 3tl !\*crsr*n*, I 5dt 3qf. Aofrequrnmaryoneo Alternate Phone No (required)E-mail Add b 4 er'.s7t.,11r''. S J eneSSreeep ne!encAgAgv Primary Phone No (required)E-mail Address tify the Health Department in writing when I am no longer renling the property, or I may be ap r lla nila rv Byousrng ter'1 own oState S Code, Chapte l\.4inim um s of Fitnesshttos:.va outh.ma.u ousino-423lRen ta I qram I Bylaw which a a reVE na a m a e now a Urmo hYathrmouoTrtShrmeRenarfabCAlenda ethppfoHmuHanbaatonaloavarebaenoOU bs ite Furthermore. Isubject to flnes understand I must no 3SignDate Rental Property lnformation All fields are re uiredl lncom lete forms without a valid hone # or email cannot be rocessed a03?1 Revrsed. 1 ?6-ri'4\q,9