HomeMy WebLinkAbout60 Captain Besse Road paper application@
Application tor 2024 Rental Registration
Health Department
Telephone (508) 398-2231 , ext. 1240 t,;.
Fax (5O8) 760-3472
E-mail: epolite@yarmouth. ma. us
The Town of Y rmouth IS Xcited to an noUnce that WE st am ned the on ne res Stratton pro S t
ake lt mor uSEI frtend v than eveI before S m p v ISit https ://varmouthma. portal. openqov.com/to get
arted There vou can effortleSS v create vou r cco U nt and con n ntly pav the re9 Stration fee
sing this upgraded system, you'll have the power to engage with us throughout the entire process. Not only
n you securely communicate with our team, but you'll also gain access to your important documents, the
bility to upload photos, and much morel This improved platform is designed to make your registration
perience smooth and efficient
Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Detectors are Required!
Owners: I have ensured the batteries are changed, have tested ALL Smoke DetectorslCarbon
Monoxide Detectors and verified that they are leis than 1O years old: P/ease initial l.f
Conlacl the Building Department regarding queslions on type and location priorto purchasing.
httpsJ r/\^/w.varmoulh ma us/DocLlrnenlcenter^y'ieW1 1 221 /Smoke-deteclor.localion
A non,refundableapptication feeof $80 pef UniUfgntal is required
Rental Certificates expire on December 31.', 2024.
lf NOT registering online, please make checks payable to: Town of Yarmouth and mail completed application &
payment to: Town of Yarmouth Health Department.
The Health Depaftment willcallto schedule an inspection i[ required, upon receipt of your application and fee
All fields are re uired! lncom lete forms without a valid hone # or email cannot be rocessed
Rental Property Address Rental Period:
Seasonal Short Termnnual less than 31 da S
Trash Re
lenant X ouse artment Roomlex CondoDu
Rental of
Property Owner Name
L{aos L €-BuRn)3L Chz,*/-(p. A',S,Dpr-i,.,, nn 6dlb
a ing Address
SOY'17 b-Jooc.t
requrre nmary one o Alternate Phone No
- 19-7- /bst,7
(required)E-mail Address
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Agent/Ag encyresen Primary Phone No (required)E-mail Address
Furthermore. I undersland I must notify the Health Department in writing when I am no longer renting the property, or I may besubiect to flnes and bes
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usr n .P
I Bylaw
which a
a e n laws
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I have re arn mil af arm 108 ousrnYarmouth Short Term Renta (if applicable) and the State Sanita ryCode, Chafor Human Habitation) all of re available on our website
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n m TNu aSt dna o Ft ne SSit
Sign Date
Revised: 10/2312023
Rental Propefi lnformation
bo G-"1, Br,"no Ql