HomeMy WebLinkAboutImage_003.pdf - BLDX-23-15593 23309EXPRESS BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATTON TOWN OF YARMOUTH Yarmouth Building Department I 146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1261 Jeitor^ 0*- lr)arrhau Office Use Only e",*i* Cfiffi4l') Pcrmit cxptes I80 days from issue date 16kbq7-O +Ju CONSTRUCTION ADDR.ESS: ASSESSOR'S N\TFOfuV,{TION: i, ^i1Oa,,o*r rUJ, t:DRECEiV BUi t;0v L Nlap Parcel O\&NER:,1 / (p i nncyit 1 Ko Joe King PRESENT ADDRESS W N"TEL, # N.d\IE tvLLILNc ADDRESS 73 TEL ; tresidenrlat Est. Cosr of Constluction $ Home Improvement q Construction Sup \I'ORK TO BE PERFO R\IED Duration (Fire Retardant Certificate attached?) Siding: # ofSquares _ Replacement lyindows: # Roofing: # of Squares--( ) Remove eristing* (mar.2 layers) _ Old Kings Highway/Historic Dist. ( ) Replacing tike for like Pool fencins f.zzoo.@ ervisor Lic. # e!i L Oq?t (L Wood Stove Replacement doors: * I Itrsulation workman's Compensation Insuranc^e:,r(check one)I Iamtiehomeowner Vian, tl.re soie proprietor - I have Worker,s Compensation lnsurance Tent *The deb s will be dispos€d ofar: I declarc under penalties ofperjury that the statements hercin containwill bcjufl cause for denial or ofmy Ic and for pros. tA -{ rorrs <{o&on Location ofFacility ed arc true and conect to cution under lvl.G.L. Ch. Ay)icarl 1r/o*o",, I s Signature Signature lor ettrchmen lhe best ofmy knowledge and belief. I understand that any false anslver(s) 268, Section I Date: No, 1. 2o?,-7 Dare:It'7 -zoz= Building Otficial (or designeeJ ZoniDg District Historical Disuict: i Yes _ No Flood Plain Zone: - Yes lNo wrrhur 100 ft. oiwetlnndsI Yes : No Approved By Water Resource Protection Disfict'l Yes I No CO\TL{CTOR: Contractor Lic. # Date: Ei!L\]L ,A.DDRESS