HomeMy WebLinkAboutCopy of your CSL and HIC License(s) - BLDX-23-15597 23390,Vl"7rnrrrr,,rnrr.r,.rr///,'r'/./lz.;;rt./tni"//'i Office ol Consumer Aflairs & Business E-egulation iouE tupaovEM ENT coNTRAcroF TYPE: LLC Reoistrition ExPiratio-n -lzstzs un+lzry: ^LEWIS BAY MANAGEMENT, LLC. Z'LI- ') Reglstratlon valid lor lndlvldual use only bEtore the explratlon date. ll lound return to: Otffce ol Consumer Aflairs and Business Begulalion 10(X)Washlngton Street - Suite 710 Boston, MA 02118 ffiw /"**EDWARD STAFFORD 64 HERITAGE DR. W.YARMOUTH, MA 02673 r'v cs-046420 k*"(_4.0l/ Undersecretary Not vall without Eltp res EOWARD T $'AFFORA ZegO SOUnr,eel eYl ' Iw YARMOUI! MA 0irr:t /r^--,--.^--- Owner: Ed Stafford s089221352 lewisbavbuilders.com Lewis Bay Managemenl, LIC E I! Commonweallh ot Massachusetts Divisron ot Occupatronal Ltcensure Board ot Butldrng Rqgulatrons and Standards C o n " tr*li#'stAxrr,. o,.r\ :1, 1 'r 14t?O24 / 1rr, ,\.r t r t