HomeMy WebLinkAboutImage_003.pdf - BLDX-23-15597 23392lOfilce Usc Only Permit expires 180 days from issue date EXPRESS BUTLDING PERMIT APPLICATION TOWN OF YARMOUTH Yarmouth Building Department I 146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1261 CO\STRLCTION ADDRESS: ASSESSOR'S NFOR.\L\TIONi (<- * tthc NIap Parcel (Lt-ttr RECEIVED Fffi] BU ILDING DTPARTMEN T NAI,IE PRESENT ADDRESS leu',st1 7'r,l1r,4b 4 CONTR{CTOR L14t N,lu!tE ,(Residential i Commercial Home Improvement Contractor Lic. #t Workman's Compensarion Insurance: (check one)I I am the homeowner Xam the sole proprieror Lar0(o6ctz-ct> t z- Est. Cost ofCo$truction S(6- onstruction Supervisor Lic. #f,f-0t/ tt{za [<f, 1l,t'l'L7; I have Worker's Compe[sation Inswance \\.ORK TO BE PERTOR}IET) ,cn4 NL,\ILNG ADDRESS 4 Insurance Company \ame l-cnt Duration Sidiug: # of Squares (Fire Retardant Certificate attached?) Replacement $ indo11s: F_ ( ) Remove existing* (max.2layers) Wood StoYe Replacement doors: #_ Itrsulation Pool fencing worker.s Comp. polic!= Y br, rn*y Bt, lJus € Xn*', \ Roofing: # of Squares _ Old Kings Highway/Hisroric Dist. ( ) Replacing like for like 'The d.bris will be disposed or- at: I declarc under penalties ofpe will bejust cause for denlal or Applicant's Signalure: Buildrng Offiaial (or desi rjury that the statements herein Ita ,J ,/ acilft"- oi t'or ntained arc true and correct to the best ofmy knowledge and belief. I understand thd any false answer(s)prosecution under VI.C.L. Ch. 258, SecrioD L / -b-Z>Date ,[Owoers Sisnature tor rruchmerr)Date: Datei ETLA.iL ,ADDRESS Zoning District: Historical Districr: a yes I No Water Resource Protection Disrict:I Yes lNo Within 100 ft. of Wetlaldsi Yes I No Approved By ,,,*,* C-fll4td5 ^^""^ {0.61) OWNER: Loc,rtion Flood Plain Zone: - Yes No