HomeMy WebLinkAboutImage_002.pdf - BSHD-23-91 24863Otlice Usc Onl] ,rr-t*r')(* SbR 7 Permit €xlires 180 days tiom irsue dale o NER/,*[9.,. dr*urt /.p/,9 frua(0.5o?- 7?6 - 9/6/\ r\\PRL]SENT ADDRISS ,I'FI, B (,0\ I R,\C'IOI{q NIA I tNC.\t)t)RI'SS I 8- 43a-;2EooI ,"^t e N \]\I -zdc.iJenrial ( ,)ntmcr(lJl llome lmprovement Contractor Lic. # Ptr I ox'tr ol I urnk, th Zoninu Bvlat S?(' 2l)-1.5 Note E: ,\ida uul rtrrr shull he.si.r (6t tthcr buikling Construction Supervisor Lic. # SHED INFoRNIATI ON Corner Lot: Yes No TEL # Est. Cosr ofConnruction $ /Daa 4.a€ '/ ,q ("VSD Nov 16 2023 /*"*stze L l)- xw tLf *H tt L BU ILDING OEPARTIT.:NT untl sclhu< k.: fin' uct li,t't itt ull li.sti< ts. lt on t t udiu&'nt lert'|. .1ll slrds urt,r t,s.sory hrtihlings (rntuining onl, hrnth.ttl lili.r, I lS0t \tutrc.littrt irt rrtt <ttte slrull ytid ut< t'.tstu..t huildingt hc built tlosar tlnt Itt hc locutel thirty (J0) feel fi.ottt utn rr ltt,lvt, 1 I 21 ./rtct to ot.y 'li'otrt ktt lina Replace existing* _ Size L- _x lt x H . rhc debns nr h{ drspo\cJ ot ar - &utly<a l..ldrhtrti0n ol a(ililr ldrclare und.r penaltlcs ol t!rllbrJusl cause lbr dunral fequr\ that thc iatcnlcnts heretn ronliltncd ar. true and corrc!t (r the best ot nn kno$l cen\e and for p(rsecution undcr lV C t. Ch 268. Section I eds!, and hehcl' I undcrshd that anr lxlrc ans$e(s) pplrcant s Stsnaturc (hrners Sigraturc (or atllichment l):llc: l)rrr ,/,/ -/O - -o 2 al Appr,rcd B\ Zoning District Ilistorical Districl: Yes r-o Flood plain Zonc: yes Watcr Resourcc Prolcction District: Within I00 ft. ofWetlands: ***Yes No yes Nor**Nole: Conserraiion re!ie\r required if$hhin 100 fr. of Wetlands I tl I rldrng Olicral ror dcsrgnce)I II\IL A[)DRFSS en ba,rn€s l4t/4 O '/tttn' an+ 3 D) EXPRESS SHED PERMIT APPLICATION TOWN OF YARMOUTH Yarmouth Building Department I146 Route 28 South Yarmouth , MA 02664 (s08) 398-2231 Ext. t26t {on.r*r.r,o*ADDRESS:,ry drrftu t\,lt. M{-!r*!r/L_ Workman s Compensation lnsurance. (chccl onc)y'l am the homco*ncr I am the sole proprietor I havs Worker.s Compcnsation Insurance lnsuralce Compan]'Namci _ !['orker.s Comp. policytr_ _oare //-a./O-*aA s-\The Conuaonwealth of Massachusens Departrnent o! I ndustrial Accidents I Congress Street, Suite 100 Boston, MA02lI4-2017 www.mass.govklia \1'orkrrs'Compcnsatioo losurrncc Allidrvit: Buildcrs/Cootnclors/ElccJriciens/?lumbcrs. TO BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY. Name (Busincss/Organization/lndrviduai) Address: 2.5Q Que<rrt Mc Ccra+h Qo,r.} ho C cooca +i(M\ Ar,n" Q"\ CirylSarclZip Hc\rL\r,U^, M+ Otioqs Phone#. 6(;g - qb'^800 Ar. you ro .eploycr? Ch..t tt. .rrropri.t. bot: I [| I am a cmploytr *i,r, -!$-.rptoy"., {full and/or pan-trmc) ' 2 flI rm o solc popricror or prnn Rhrpand harc no cmplolecs *orktnt for mc in r,ry crpacity [No *orkcrs' comp insuran c rcquir?d ] 3 ! I rrn a homco*r,", dojnt all $ork hys€lt [No *erls15' 6p119 ansuranc. r.quir.d ] ' I ! | am r homcoumcr and wrll b. hl'rng co[tractors to conduct allwork on ny prop.ny Ir{ill ansuc $al all conlr:rctorr citlEr havc *orlcrs'compcnsation insurarca or aJc 5ola propalators with no cmployccs 5 ! I am a gcncral conrraclor and I hav. hrr.d thc sub{onraclors hst d on thc atlach.d rhcer Thasd sub-contacrcG hava cmployaas ard hala lrork€rs comp msuranca : 6 [ Wc uc a corporation and trs offic.rs havc .x..crs.d lh.ir right ofcxcmption pcr MGL c 152,51(4).snd wc havc no cmploycis [No wo crs'comp insu[Dcc rcqujrcd ] 'Any appllcanl lhal .h.cks box * I must ,.lso fill ou thr s.ction b.low showrnt th€ir $orkcr'' compcns.tion polrcy infonnationr Homco\rncrs rrho submrr th,s .6idrvrl indrcatint thcy arc doing all .rork ui rh.n hrc outsrdr contrictors musr submir a nrw aflida! n rndicarrng such;Conu&tors lhal ch.ck dtls box must atlacll.d an .ddrironal shcat sho, ng thc naha ofthr sub-conlraclors and srda whath.r or ool thosc cntiti.s halacmploy.6. lf th. sub{odractors havc.mploy.cs, rh.y musl provid. th.ir wo.kc6'comp policy nt|Inbtr I am an cn Ployct thdl is proiding workcn' conEensolion insunnce /or nry enploye cs. Bclov, b the poticy and job site infomation Insurance Company Name l.{€.rn lo an Job Site Address Crty/Shre/Zip Atlr(h a copy of thc workcrs' compcnsatioD policy dcclarztion pagc (sbowirg lhr policy ouInbrr and crpiration drt.). Failure to secure coverage as requircd under MGL c 152, $25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to $1,500 00 and/or one'year imprisonment, as well as civil penalties in the form ofa STOP WORK ORDER and a fine ofup to S250 00 ada) against the violator A copy of thrs statcmcnt may be forwarded to the Ofiice of Invcstigations of the DIA for insurance cov€rage verification I do hercby certi/y penalti Sr es ofperjury thqt thc inlomation proidcd obovc tru Date L z3 one , Typc of projccr (rcquircd) 7. ffiew corstruction 8. fl Rcmodeling 9 ElDemolition l0 E Building addition ll El Electrical repairs or additions l2 E Plumbing repairs or additions ll lRoof repairs 14 Dorher-- th Offrciol usc on$. Do not wite in this neo, to be congletcd by ciry or ,own oI/iciol Cit-v or Towo: _ permivlicc[sc # Issuilg Aurhority (circlc oac): l. Borrd ofHcalth 2. Building DcperrD.trt 3. City/Tord! Clcrk 6. Oth.r {. flcctricel losptctor 5. PluBbing Iuspccror Phooc #: Applicrnt luform.tior Plcasc PriDt L.giblY Policy#orSelf-ins Lic # ECC-GOO - Lit\03q5rl -a0aq4Expiratrono.t. Ju[t\ 8,lOALI and corrccl Coatrct Pcrsoo: t' w J h,e {oqrrutn'sntx<'a& gt Jt4zzaarluu*&- 'Oin " of Consuglcr Affairs and tug'incsvRegulation I0 Park Plaaa - Suite 5I70 Boston, Massagfryicts 021 l5 Home lrirp,rovemcnt ftStor Rcgistation" CI CorYmonxadlh ot ltaarlchua.ttr DlYtalon ol Occupr0o l LlcanauraBo.rd of BulldlrE illgl.lbor .nd St nd.rdr conatrucuggtrtil*{llbrr1 a 2 FamityMcGRATH POST & BEAU CO' di[?#{ffi;HH cSFA{t738C6 JAME8 R 2U BREWSTER 2t, E it..i 0U1412024 to commrrdomr d,rrA I. dbi^. THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Ofiice ol Consumer Business Begutation t00o w - Suite 710 118 Home I Tlpe:Corporation 1329}5 10t.3IJt2024 T}€ COIrcNWEALTH OF H SSACHUSETTS Ottlc. o, Collunr.Btdrs! ntgublron YCGRATH POST & i,/ts/A PINE n gl.laOon va{d lo. bdlvl(lJal ua. only b3lor! tio.rp&t0oo dab. lrlbura [hrm bl Ottb. ol Corum.r Artlrt ltd Bs.lncn R.euh&on tO@ Wrtltntgbo St!.| . Sult 7t0 3onon, l.A mir8 U9d.t Addna. arld ntturn Crd. 4,o/.,,*JAMES R, MCGRATH 259 OUEEN ANNE AD tlARWtCH. MA 02645 Undorsocretarv Slonature MCGRATH POST & BEAIT CO. O/B/A PINE HA88OB WOOD PROOUCTS 259 OUEEN ANNE BD. HARWICH. MA 02645 ltoE The Commonwealth of Massachusetts D ep artme nt of I nd ustri al A cc idents 1 Congress Street, Suite 100 Boston, MA 02114-2017 www, mass.gov/dia n lnsu rance Af{idavit: Builders/Contra cto rs/TO BE FILED WITH TEE PERMITTINC .A.I-TTHO RJT\' ,5 ll- El ectricians/Plum bers. se Print bI \\:otkers' Compensatio tIn a n Name (Business/Oreanizarion4odividual) : Address:q e{L) PI Phone #: '5tB -,{id - Szoa li t)L City/Statelzip u.)C 0 *Any applicanr rha! checkt box #l must also fill out thc section bclow showjng lhcir work.rr'coopcnsalion policy infomatioLi Homcovr'rcB who submi! thls affidavit indicating rhcy are doing all work and then hir. outside con!'acrors musr submir a new affidavtt illdlcatrnt such.lContractors !ha! chcck this box must attachcd an addilional sheeishow ing th. namc ofthc sub-conEactors and slate whethcr or not thosc entities havcemployecs. If thr sutscon!-actors have employees,'J:ey I am a amployer with _cmployecs (full and/or pan-ume).* I arn a so'e proprictor or paroeship and have no employees workrng for m. inany capacity [No wo,licrs'corhp. rnsurance rcquircd ]' ing all v'ork myself. fNo workers'comp. rnsurance requircd I i I am a gEocral con!-actor and I have hircd thc sub_con!-actor5 lislad on the aftachcd shccrThcsc sub-conu'acrgrs have cmployces and hav" *ork".r, ;o;;.';;;:.i*'* -' Wc ara a co4)otaoon and trs officeB hava axcrclsed rhelr nght ofexcmDtlon DcI52, S l(4), and wc havc no .hployees. tNo *o,k.rr, "o;;;.;;; ;;:; ) 5 oyecs n y'* " no^".r"r,.,and will bc hiring contractors to conduct all wori( on my properry I willeithcr havc workcas' compcnsation insurarceensure lhat all contraciors or ate solepropnetors wllh no cmpl ! I am a homeowner do rMGLc l Art you an employcr? Ch.rk thc 2ppropriar. bot Type of project (required) New construction Remodeling Demolition Building addition Elect'ical repairs or additions Plumbing repairs or additions Roofrcpairs Other 7. a o l0 II t2 l3 l4 must provide tbeir workers'comp. poljcy number I am an employer that is providing workers, in/ormatio n compensation insurancefor my emplo)ees. Below is the policy and.job site lnsuraace Company Name Policy # or Self-ins. Lic. # Job Site Address:.-o,r,.o,.oryor ilo,lr.rffili",**.* *;r.**.,Failure to secure coverage as required underMGL c. 152, $25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to $1,500.00and/or one-year imprisonment, as well as civit penaltiesin iie ronn oru srop woRKbRDiR;Ja fine of up ro $250.00 a .do"#:X5.}|.o1,"#r' A copv ortnt 'tut""ni ,*l;;;;;,. the office of rnvestisations of the DrA for insurance I do hereby cer und.er the pains andpenalties of perjuryArd the infomation proyided above is trud and correct. Date - a^ -Z Phone 508 --6/66 City or Tolyn:Permit/License # 4. Electrical Inspector 5. plumbing lnspector Pho oe #: Offtcial use only. Do not wtite in this atea, to be completed by city or tolvn ofrtcial Depanment 3. CirJ /Town Clerk Contact Person: Issuing A utho riry (circle one):l. Board of Health 2. Buildine 6. Other tr T n U trn