HomeMy WebLinkAbout159 A & B Seaview paper applications(\ Application for 2024 Rental Registration TOWN OF YARMOUTH Health Department 1,I46 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664 Telephone (508) 398-2231 , ext. 1240 Fax (508) 760-3472 E-mail: epolite@yarmouth. ma. usw 'l(\ fne Town of Yarmouth is excited to announce that we've streamlined the online registration process to make it more user-friendly than ever beforel Simply visit https://va rmouthma. portal.openoov.com/ to get started. There, you can effortlessly create your account and conveniently pay the registration fee. Using this upgraded system, you'll have the power to engage with us throughout the entire process. Not only can you securely communicate with our team, but you'll also gain access to your important documents, the ability to upload photos, and much more! This improved platform is designed to make your registration experience smooth and efficient. Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Detectors are Required! Owners: I have ensured the batteries are changed, have tested ALL Smoke Detectgrslg Monoxide Detectors and verified that they are leis than 1O years old. Please initial WContact lhe Building Department regarding questions on type and location prior to purchasing - hltos://www.yarmouth ma us/DocumentOenler^/lew/1 '1221lSmoke-deleclor-location arbon A non-refundableapplication fee of $80 pef UniUfental is required. Rental Certificates expire on December 31"1, 2024. lf NOT registering online, please make checks payable to: Town of YanrDuh and rnail completed applic€tion & payment to: Town of Yarmouth Health Department. Tha Health Depaiment willcallto schedule an inspection if required, upon receipl of your application and fee. Rental Property lnformation All fields are re uired! lncom lete forms without a valid rcne # or email cannot be rocessed nnual Short Term less than 3'1 da S Rental Seasonal Rental ls1 rooertv Address: )eat'N Wt P Trash Removal by: o*r", / i"n^n ,4.OUSE rtmen RoomleCondo Rental of Property Owner Name: h/-l[,m- \!lUue^,r,k Mailing Address: , \ PoBof /oo'f U ,lulr 7tsbt Sst -j)0 ?tt.o Alternate Phone No (required)E-mail Address: 6tl\t\Lf Fc[4t1ta0 5nd. eneSAgenVAgenc resenta v Prirnary Phone No (required)E-mail Address Furlhermore. I understand I must notiry the Health Department in writing when I am no longer renting the property, or I may besubject to fines and fres. larr lu ar f, -Prooram Yarmoulh Short lerm Rental Bylaw (rf dpplfor Human Habitation) att of whicn aie avbi icable)and the State Sanitary site. https:/lable on our web 423/RentalHousin,varmouth.ma.u, Chapter SE IV n m mU taS dn rda ofS F neSS Sign Date: ,l Revised: 10/23120 (requrred)Primary Phone No. Application for 2024 Rental Registration TOWN OF YARMOUTH Health Department 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTSPZCCI Telephone (508) 398-2231 , ext. 1240 Fax (508) 7 60-3472 E-mail : epolite@yarmouth.ma.us ined istration fri it https ://varmouthma, Dortal,openoov.com/ nd conveniently pay the registration fee. entire TTh fo aY outrmh S excited atonn uo thnce we strea've m th one n rocessregpitakemoureserendnthabefoeverresmtslyplytoget uohTererted nca effortlessv create u ar u antvyo S n th u s m ouopgraded have hetyste to with Su hro hpower theouteng oCCSS N ootnugp vUnsecucommnuicateyowithuoImlyteabutouasoanccetoIUlmvrtaodntmocugaentsthyopbtoualodhotondamtypumochrepS,Th m tform dIS ned toproved make Up tratioS nesrgyoregenncesmoothanpedffient.cre rbonwnorse oMno idex A non-refundabte apptication fee of $80 pef UniUfental is required. Rental Certificates expire on December 31sr, 2024. lf NOT registering online, please makechecks payable to: Town of Yarnouth and rnail conpleted application & payment to: Town ot Yarmouth Health Department, The Health D ment willcallto schedule an and feercceiptofif required, All fields are re uired! lncom ete forms without a valid hone # or email cannot be roce-ssedRental Property Add ress: A.,,E15185zu'w tat PZod t t/snon Ren Annual Seasona Term (less than 31 days) orrn r-4 Tenant Trash Removal by nor."4u RoomtrtmenCondoplex Rental of: rty Owner Name: 11,*-p1t{o*l^, Prope ti/LI\ Mailing Address: PoBor rsof t)plr 0tsbg $tt -j1s gtNrequnemary Altemate Phone No.(requi 6c lli red)E-mail Address: \c.ltrvpnlurS gp;1. nVAgs e nprese eAg ency Primary Phone No (required)E-mait Address 5,y$!3i11f;:'J"g,fo"rstand I must notry the Health oepartment in wriling when r am no ronger renling rhe propedy, or r o m State Sanitary , Chapter inimum Stand a ols Fitness arI'aYrmouth Short ermT dan theHformanUHabitationonUTwebsite may be ll 3Sign:Date luRevised Sm Smoke Detectors Carbon Monoxide Detec'tors are Requireo Rental Property lnformation