HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlan Set 12.7.23Coastal Engineering Co., Inc. © 2023 PROJECT NO. OF SHEETSDRAWN BYDRAWING FILECHECKED BYDATEPROJECTSCALE SHEET TITLE SEALDATENO.REVISION BY G:\C23\C23015.01 - Town of Yarmouth - WFM\CAD\WIP\C23015-01-MAR-IFP.dwg 11/29/2023 12:56 PM CHASE BROOK PARK RESTORATION TOWN OF YARMOUTH 261 & 275 ROUTE 28 WEST YARMOUTH, MA C23015.01COVER, SHEET INDEX, LOCATION & VICINITY MAPSG-0011 13AS NOTED12/7/2023C23015-01-MAR-IFP.dwgTGDCCR261, 275 & 281 ROUTE 28WEST YARMOUTH, MACHASE BROOK PARK RESTORATION & PEDESTRIANBRIDGE CONSTRUCTIONPROJECT SITESHEET INDEXSHEET DESCRIPTIONPREPARED BY DATEG-001 COVER, SHEET INDEX, LOCATION & VICINITY MAPSCEC12-07-2023G-002 GENERAL NOTES, ABBREVIATIONS, LEGEND & DATUM PROFILECEC12-07-2023G-003 EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN & SITE INDEXCEC12-07-2023L-100 CHASE BROOK PARK MASTER PLANCLM12-07-2023L-201 CHASE BROOK PARCEL DEMOLITION PLANCLM12-07-2023L-202 YANKEE VILLAGE PARCEL DEMOLITION PLANCLM12-07-2023L-203 MILL CREEK DEMOLITION PLANCLM12-07-2023L-301 CHASE BROOK PARCEL RESTORATION PLANTING PLANCLM12-07-2023L-302 YANKEE VILLAGE PARCEL RESTORATION PLANTING PLANCLM12-07-2023L-303 MILL CREEK PARCEL RESTORATION PLANTING PLANCLM12-07-2023C-101 PLAN SHOWING EXISTING & PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE SITECEC12-07-2023C-102 PLAN SHOWING SHORELINE EROSION PROTECTION & STAGING AREASCEC12-07-2023C-201 PROPOSED BRIDGE SECTIONS & DETAILSCEC12-07-2023PREPARED FOR: TOWN OF YARMOUTHPREPARED BY: COASTAL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. &CRAWFORD LAND MANAGEMENTPROJECT SITESITE VICINITY MAPSCALE: N.T.S.SITE LOCATION MAPSCALE: 1" = 100'THIS DRAWING IS PREPARED FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES ONLYAND SHALL NOT BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION. Coastal Engineering Co., Inc. © 2023 PROJECT NO. OF SHEETSDRAWN BYDRAWING FILECHECKED BYDATEPROJECTSCALE SHEET TITLE SEALDATENO.REVISION BY G:\C23\C23015.01 - Town of Yarmouth - WFM\CAD\WIP\C23015-01-MAR-IFP.dwg 11/29/2023 12:56 PM CHASE BROOK PARK RESTORATION TOWN OF YARMOUTH 261 & 275 ROUTE 28 WEST YARMOUTH, MA C23015.01GENERAL NOTES, ABBREVIATIONS, LEGEND & DATUM PROFILEG-0022 13AS NOTED12/7/2023C23015-01-MAR-IFP.dwgTGDCCRGENERAL NOTES1. THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE TOWN OF WEST YARMOUTH, MA BETWEEN MILL CREEK AND MA ROUTE 28 REFERENCED BY 261, 275 & 281 STATE ROUTE 28(ASSESSORS MAP 37 PARCEL ID 60, MAP 37 PARCEL 61 AND MAP 38 PARCEL 1).2. VERTICAL DATUM IN U.S. SURVEY FEET REFERENCED TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD88) BASED UPON THE HEXAGON SMARTNET RTKNETWORK.3. THIS PLAN IS THE RESULT OF AN INSTRUMENT SURVEY PERFORMED ON 06-21-2023.4. EXISTING UTILITIES, UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD, MAY EXIST IN ADDITION TO THE UTILITY INFORMATION SHOWN ON THESE PLANS. THIS PLAN MUST NOT BEUSED TO LOCATE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. CALL DIG SAFE AT 811 AND APPROPRIATE TOWN UTILITY OFFICES PRIOR TO STARTING ANY EXCAVATION.5. THE SUBJECT PREMISES AS SHOWN LIES WITHIN FLOOD ZONE AE (EL. 13) AS INDICATED ON FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NUMBER 25001C0569J FORBARNSTABLE COUNTY MASSACHUSETTS WITH AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF JULY 16, 2014.6. THE PROPERTY LINES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. THEY ARE A GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF THE GENERAL LOT CONFIGURATION LIMITED TO THEAREA OF WORK AND HAVE NOT BEEN DETERMINED BY A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR. THEREFORE THEY SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR ANYPURPOSE THAT WOULD REQUIRE AN ACTUAL BOUNDARY RETRACEMENT SURVEY.7. THIS SURVEY HAS BEEN PERFORMED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF A TITLE SEARCH AND MAY NOT REVEAL ANY FACTS THAT WOULD BE DISCLOSED BY ONE.8. RIPARIAN BOUNDARIES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DUE TO NATURAL CAUSES AND THAT THE BOUNDARY SHOWN HEREON MAY OR MAY NOT REPRESENT THEACTUAL LOCATION OF THE LIMIT OF TITLE.9. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT AND LABOR FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED SITE IMPROVEMENTS AS DESCRIBED AND SHOWNON THE PLAN AND DETAILS.10. ACCESS FOR MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT TO BE FROM THE UPLAND OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALLPERMISSION REQUIRED FOR USE OF ANY AND ALL ACCESS.11. AREAS DISTURBED THROUGH CONSTRUCTION ACCESS TO BE RE-VEGETATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAND MANAGEMENT PLAN WITHIN THIS PLAN SET.12. STAGING AREA FOR MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT TO BE IN THE UPLAND OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. WHEN MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT ARE NOT IN USE, THEYSHALL BE KEPT IN THE STAGING AREA.13. PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE PLAN, DETAILS, NARRATIVE, AND ORDER OF CONDITIONS ISSUED BY THE YARMOUTHCONSERVATION COMMISSION FOR THE REFERENCED PROJECT AND AS DESCRIBED BELOW.14. ANY FUTURE MAINTENANCE REQUIRED ON THE SHOREFRONT PROTECTION SYSTEM SHALL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH CONSERVATIONAGENT HAS FIRST BEEN NOTIFIED AS TO THE SCOPE OF THE REPAIRS AND APPROVED THE WORK.15. ALL DIMENSIONS, GRADES, ETC. SHOWN ON THIS PLAN SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND ANY DISCREPANCIES BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTIONOF THE ENGINEER TO BE RESOLVED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.16. ALL FILL MATERIAL BROUGHT TO THE SITE SHALL BE COARSE, CLEAN MATERIAL OF SIMILAR GRAIN SIZE COMPATIBILITY.17. ABUTTERS NAMES SHOWN HEREON REFERENCE THE CURRENT TOWN OF YARMOUTH ASSESSORS RECORDS AT THE TIME OF THIS PLAN.18. SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR COASTAL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS FOUND IN THE "COASTAL CONSTRUCTIONMANUAL" AS PUBLISHED BY THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA-55) MA.STRUCTURAL NOTES1. STRUCTURAL WORK SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH AND SHALL CONFORM TO THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS, INCLUDING THEFOLLOWING GOVERNING STANDARDS:A. THE TIMBER CONSTRUCTION MANUAL, 4TH EDITION, AMERICAN FOREST & PAPER ASSOCIATION.B. THE NATIONAL DESIGN SPECIFICATION FOR WOOD CONSTRUCTION, LATEST EDITION.2. CONSTRUCTION IS TO CONFORM TO THE APPLICABLE DESIGN STANDARDS. ABSENCE OF SPECIFIC ITEMS FROM THESE DRAWINGS DOES NOT INFER THAT THECONTRACTOR IS RELIEVED FROM THE STATUTORY CODE REQUIREMENTS.3. MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE APPROVED RULES AND STANDARDS FOR MATERIALS, TESTS, AND REQUIREMENTS OFACCEPTED ENGINEERING PRACTICE AS LISTED IN APPENDIX A OF THE MASSACHUSETTS STATE BUILDING CODE.4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. ANY DISCREPANCY BETWEEN WHAT IS SHOWN ONTHE DRAWING AND ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS SHALL BE REPORTED BACK TO THE ENGINEER IN WRITING BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY WORK.5. NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY DIMENSION CHANGES THAT MAY AFFECT THE STRUCTURAL DESIGN.6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.TIMBER NOTES1. FRAMING LUMBER SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST EDITION OF THE AFPA "NATIONAL DESIGN SPECIFICATION FOR WOOD CONSTRUCTION", AND SUPPLEMENT"DESIGN VALUES FOR WOOD CONSTRUCTION", LATEST EDITION. MAXIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT SHALL BE 19%.2. THE FRAMING LUMBER SHALL BE OF THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM GRADE AND SPECIES FOR THE SPECIFIED USE. ALL LUMBER SHALL BE GRADE STAMPED BY ARECOGNIZED GRADING AGENCY AND SHALL BE SURFACE DRY:3. CONNECTORS, CONNECTIONS, FASTENERS, ETC. USED TO SECURE PRESSURE TREATED LUMBER SHALL BE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED, UNLESS NOTEDOTHERWISE4. LUMBER WHICH IS SPLIT, CRACKED, NOTCHED OR OTHERWISE ALTERED OR DAMAGED SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY REJECTED AND NOT ALLOWED FOR USE, UNLESSOTHERWISE APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE ENGINEER.5. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT PROPOSED WOOD SPECIES, GRADES, GRADING AGENCY, TYPE OF PRESSURE TREATMENT, MANUFACTURE DATA, ANDCERTIFICATIONS TO THE ENGINEER FOR WRITTEN APPROVAL PRIOR TO ORDERING ANY MATERIALS.6. USE FULLY NAILED METAL CONNECTORS (USP, SIMPSON, TECO, OR EQUAL), JOIST, OR BEAM HANGERS WHEN JOISTS OR BEAMS FRAME INTO OTHER JOISTS ORBEAMS.7. WOOD FRAMING BELOW THE BASE FLOOD ELEVATION SHALL BE FLOOD-DAMAGE RESISTANT MATERIALS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE "COASTAL CONSTRUCTIONMANUAL"BRIDGE NOTES:1. THE TIMBER BRIDGE SUPERSTRUCTURE SHALL BE PROVIDED BY ENWOOD STRUCTURES (OR APPROVED EQUAL).2. DISTURBED AREAS TO BE VEGETATED PER THE PLANS HEREIN.3. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS IN THE FIELD AND NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.4. THE DECKING PLANK SPACING SHALL BE 1/2" MINIMUM.5. NO CHANGES TO MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS PERMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL BY THE ENGINEER IN WRITING PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION.6. ANY FUTURE MAINTENANCE REQUIRED ON THE BRIDGE SHALL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH CONSERVATION AGENT HAS FIRST BEENNOTIFIED AS TO THE SCOPE OF THE REPAIRS.7. UPON COMPLETION OF THE BRDIGE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE THE CREEK AREA.EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL NOTES:1. DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL AROUND THE INSTALLATION OFSTRUCTURES UNTIL COMPLETION OF SITEWORK AND ESTABLISHMENT OF VEGETATIVE GROUND COVER.2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PRACTICE GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MEASURES DURING THE DAY TO DAY OPERATION AT THE SITE SHOULD BE POLICED DAILY TOREMOVE ANY LITTER OR DEBRIS.3. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, INSTALL PERIMETER SEDIMENT BARRIER IN LOCATION(S) SHOWN ON PLAN. SEDIMENT BARRIER TO BE DOUBLE-STAKED STRAW BALESWITH SILT FENCE OR 12"Ø STAKED COIR LOGS/SILT SOCK.4. TEMPORARY SOIL MATERIAL STOCKPILES SHALL BE SURROUNDED WITH SILTATION BARRIER ON THE DOWNGRADIENT SIDE TO PREVENT DISCHARGE OFSEDIMENT FROM SITE. MATERIAL STOCKPILES THAT ARE IN PLACE FOR AN EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH VEGETATION, MULCHING,EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS, AND OTHER MEASURES THAT ARE NECESSARY TO PREVENT THE DISCHARGE OF SEDIMENT FROM THE PROJECT SITE.5. IF SEDIMENT ESCAPES THE CONSTRUCTION SITE, OFF-SITE ACCUMULATIONS OF SEDIMENT MUST BE REMOVED AT A FREQUENCY SUFFICIENT TO MINIMIZEOFF-SITE IMPACTS.6. LITTER, CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS, AND CONSTRUCTION CHEMICALS THAT COULD BE EXPOSED TO STORM WATER MUST BE PREVENTED FROM BECOMING APOLLUTANT SOURCE.7. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED BELOW, STABILIZATION MEASURES MUST BE INITIATED AS SOON AS PRACTICABLE IN PORTIONS OF THE SITE WHERE CONSTRUCTIONACTIVITIES HAVE TEMPORARILY CEASED, BUT IN NO CASE MORE THAN 14 DAYS AFTER THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IN THAT PORTION OF OF THE SITE HASTEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASED.7.1. WHERE STABILIZATION BY THE 14TH DAY IS PRECLUDED BY SNOW COVER OR FROZEN GROUND CONDITIONS, STABILIZATION MEASURES MUST BE INITIATEDAS SOON AS PRACTICABLE.7.2. WHERE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY ON A PORTION OF THE SITE IS TEMPORARILY CEASED, AND EARTH DISTURBING ACTIVITIES WILL BE RESUMED WITHIN 14DAYS, TEMPORARY STABILIZATION MEASURES DO NOT HAVE TO BE INITIATED ON THAT PORTION OF THE SITE.8. AFTER VEGETATION IS REMOVED, SEED ALL EXPOSED SOILS WITH NATIVE SEED MIX ACCORDING TO THE PLAN AND COVER AREAS WITH SLOPES GREATER THAN3:1 WITH BIO-DEGRADABLE EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS AND UNTREATED HARDWOOD ECO-STAKES. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. IN AREASWHERE SLOPE IS LESS THAN 3:1, COVER WITH STERILE CHOPPED STRAW & INSTALL BIODEGRADABLE WATTLES WHERE RUNS ARE GREATER THAN 50' DISTANCESTO PREVENT EROSION POTENTIAL BEFORE SEED GERMINATION.TIMBER PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT AND GRADE SPECIFICATIONSMEMEBER / LOCATIONLUMBER GRADESERVICE CONDITIONSPRESERVATIVE RETENTIONLEVEL AND TREATMENTSURFACE TEXTURESTRUCTURAL FRAMINGMEMBERSNO. 2 SYP SALTWATER SPLASH / NOTIN GROUND CONTACT0.60 PCF ACQ0.23 PCF MCAS4S OR ROUGH SAWNMEMBERS WITH GROUNDCONTACTNO. 2 SYPSALTWATERSPLASH/GROUND CONTACT0.31 PCF MCA0.60 PCF ACQ S4S OR ROUGH SAWNSCALE: 1" = 4'NAVD 1988 DATUM PROFILEMEAN LOW WATER (MLW)NAVD880.00MEAN HIGH WATER (MHW)HIGH TIDE LINE (HTL)REF: NOAA VDATUM 10-06-2023REF: BUZZARDS BAY NATIONAL ESTUARY PROGRAMVERTICAL DATUM IN U.S. SURVEY FEET REFERENCEDTO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988(NAVD88) BASED UPON THE HEXAGON SMARTNETRTK NETWORK.-2.05'1.32'2.74'LIGHT POST6.9'SPOT ELEVATIONPILINGX8PROPERTY LINEMAJOR CONTOUREXISTING8CHAIN LINK FENCEXBOUNDMINOR CONTOUR10EMELECTRIC METERCATCH BASINSTOCKADE FENCEABBREVIATIONSAPPROX. APPROXIMATEBND BOUNDBOW BOTTOM OF WALLCONC CONCRETEDIA DIAMETEREL/ELEV ELEVATIONEXIST EXISTINGHTL HIGH TIDE LINEININCHESLFLINEAR FEETLSCSFLAND SUBJECT TO COASTALSTORM FLOWAGEMHW MEAN HIGH WATERMLW MEAN LOW WATERMINMINIMUMMISC MISCELLANEOUSNAVD88NORTH AMERICAN VERTICALDATUM OF 1988NIC NOT IN CONTRACTNTS NOT TO SCALEN/A NOT APPLICABLEN/F NOW OR FORMERLYOC ON CENTER⅊PROPERTY LINEPROP PROPOSEDPTPRESSURE TREATEDSFSQUARE FOOTT.O.P. TOP OF PILET.O.W. TOP OF WALLTYP TYPICALT&G TONGUE AND GROOVEW/WITHLEGEND+ 6.9'PROPOSED10EMREVETMENTCONCRETEFLOODEBBFLOOD/EBB DIRECTIONWATER LEVELBENCHMARKHHELICAL PILEELECTRIC SERVICEPUMP-OUTPOPOEETHIS DRAWING IS PREPARED FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES ONLYAND SHALL NOT BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION. MOS W M9. T M523467890175556 0152346VV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV H I S T O R I C H I G H W A T E R H I S T O R I C H I G H W A T E R P A R K B E N C H (T Y P . ) TI M B E R P I E R O L D S I L T B A R R I E R OLD SILT BARRIER P H R A G M I T E S S A L T M A R S H SALT MARSH SALT MARSH 5 0 ' B U F F E R F R O M E D G E O F W E T L A N D 50' BUF F E R F R O M TOP OF C O A S T A L B A N K 1 0 0 ' B U F F E R F R O M T O P O F C O A S T A L B A N K 1 0 0 ' B U F F E R F R O M E D G E O F A P P R O X . W E T L A N D 2 0 0 ' R I V E R F R O N T A R E A 200' RIVERFRONT AREA 200' RIVERFRONT AREA100' BUFFER FROMTOP OF COASTAL BANK50' BUFFER FROMTOP OF COASTAL BANKBRICK WALK FLOOD ZONE AE (EL. 13)FLOOD ZONE AE (EL. 11)FLOOD ZONE AE (EL. 13)FLOOD ZONE AE (EL. 12)ASSESSOR'S MAP 37 PARCEL 61261 ROUTE 28 A S S E S S O R ' S M A P 3 7 P A R C E L 6 0 2 7 5 R O U T E 2 8 A S S E S S O R ' S M A P 3 8 P A R C E L 1 2 8 1 R O U T E 2 8 A S S E S S O R ' S M A P 3 8 P A R C E L 1 5 2 2 9 7 R O U T E 2 8 ASSESSOR'S MAP 37 PARCEL 62.1.36 & 8 BEATRICE LANEASSESSOR'S MAP 37 PARCEL 62.1.114 & 16 BEATRICE LANEASSESSOR'S MAP 37 PARCEL 62.1.210 & 12 BEATRICE LANE PAVED PARKING AREA P A V E D P A R K I N G A R E A GRANITE CURB (TYP.)L A W N A R E A EDGE OF LAWNCROSS WALKGRANITE CURB (TYP.)B R I C K W A L K DECK APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINEAPPROX. PROPERTY LINE APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LIN E APP R O X I M A T E P R O P E R T Y L I N E MHW EL. 1.32MHW EL. 1.32 AP P R O X . E D G E O F W E T L A N D AP P R O X . M H W ( G I S ) MHW EL . 1 . 3 2 E N T I R E S I T E I S W I T H I N L A N D S U B J E C T T O C O A S T A L S T O R M F L O W A G E ( F L O O D Z O N E A E - E L . 1 3 )FLOOD ZONE AE (EL. 13)FLOOD ZONE AE (EL. 11)TOCBEDGE OF FLAGGED WETLAND EDGE OF WET L A N D \ P H R A G .EDGE OF FLAGGED WETLANDTOCBTOCBTOCB50' BUFFER FROMEDGE OF WETLAND TOCBEDGE OF CLEARINGEDGE OF CLEARINGEDGE OF CLEARING EDGE OF CLEARING 77.9'± LI M I T E D T O P O G R A P H Y T H I S A R E A 7 8 9 10 109 9 0 543676-1-12 4568765 5769 12 0BENCHMARK:MAG NAIL IN SIDEWALKEL.=9.42 NAVD8898778 2 0 0 ' R I V E R F R O N T A R E AEDGE OF FLAGGED WETLAND3 5 ' N O D I S T U R B Z O N E 3 5 ' N O D I S T U R B Z O N E 3 5 ' N O D I S T U R B Z O N E 5 0 ' B U F F E R F R O M E D G E O F A P P R O X . W E T L A N D 35' NO DISTURB ZONE35' NO DISTURB ZONE VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV MILL CREEKVVVVVV Coastal Engineering Co., Inc. © 2023 PROJECT NO. OF SHEETSDRAWN BYDRAWING FILECHECKED BYDATEPROJECTSCALE SHEET TITLE SEALDATENO.REVISION BY G:\C23\C23015.01 - Town of Yarmouth - WFM\CAD\WIP\C23015-01-MAR-IFP.dwg 11/29/2023 12:56 PM CHASE BROOK PARK RESTORATION TOWN OF YARMOUTH 261 & 275 ROUTE 28 WEST YARMOUTH, MA C23015.01EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN & SITE INDEXG-0033 13AS NOTED12/7/2023C23015-01-MAR-IFP.dwgTGDCCREXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN & SITE INDEXSCALE: 1" = 30'YANKEE VILLAGE PARCEL(SEE SHEETS L-202 & L-302)CHASE BROOK PARCEL(SEE SHEETS L-201 & L-301)1 inch = 30 ft.301503090THIS DRAWING IS PREPARED FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES ONLYAND SHALL NOT BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION.MILL CREEK PARCEL(SEE SHEETS L-203 & L-303) T MOSW MXMMMMMWV MMP T 1234890512346 77 7 5 556 MVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 7 8 9 10 109 9 0 543676-1-12 4 56 8765 5769 12 098778 523478901 755560 152346 ROUTE 28SHRUBLANDSHRUBLANDNO-MOWFESCUELAWNMILL CREEKBLUESTEMMEADOWBLUESTEMMEADOWEXISTING SALT MARSHTO REMAINSTREAM-BANKSTREAM-BANKEXIST.HIGHTIDEBUSHSWITCHGRASSBLUESTEMMEADOWGRAY BIRCHGROVEGRAY BIRCHGROVEEXIST. OAKSEXISTINGPARKING TOREMAINNO-MOWFESCUELAWNSTABILIZEDAGGREGATEPICNIC AREABLUESTEMMEADOWNO-MOWFESCUE LAWNBLUESTEMMEADOWGRAY BIRCH GROVECROSSWALKNO-MOWFESCUE LAWNSTREAM-BANKOVERLOOKSALTMARSHHIGH TIDEBUSHCHASEBROOKGRAYBIRCHGROVEBRIDGEEXISTING SALT MARSHTO REMAINSWITCHGRASSMEADOWBLUESTEMMEADOWSHRUBLANDEXISTING PARKINGTO REMAINMILL CREEKSWITCHGRASSMEADOWBLUESTEMMEADOWEXISTING SALT MARSHTO REMAINBLUESTEMMEADOWNO MOW ORDROUGHTTOLERANTFESCUE LAWNOVERLOOKBEACH GRASSBEACH GRASSSHRUBLANDNO MOW OR DROUGHTTOLERANT FESCUE LAWNBAYBERRYEXISTING VIEWTO BE ENHANCEDEXISTING VIEWTO BE ENHANCEDEXISTING VIEWTO BE ENHANCEDGRAY BIRCHGRAY BIRCHGRAY BIRCHPROPOSEDOVERLOOKSEDGE OFFLAGGEDWETLAND35' NO DISTURB ZONE50' WETLAND BUFFER200' RIVERFRONT AREA100' TOCB BUFFER50' TOCBBUFFER35' NO DISTURB ZONETOCB TOCBEDGE OFFLAGGEDWETLANDAPPROX.EDGE OFWETLAND50' TOCB BUFFER100' TOCB BUFFER35' NO DISTURB ZONE200' RIVERFRONT AREA50' TOCBBUFFER100' TOCBBUFFER35' NODISTURB ZONETOCB100'WETLANDBUFFERPR O P E R T Y L I N E PROPERTY LINE FLOOD ZONE AE (EL. 11)FLOOD ZONE AE (EL. 13)FLOOD ZONEAE (EL. 11)FLOOD ZONEAE (EL. 13)PROPERTY LINETOCB 30 15 0 30 90NSCALE:DATE:All rights reserved. The drawings, designs, andideas embodied therein are property ofCLM/JS and shall not be copied, reproduced,or disclosed in connection with any work otherthan the project for which they have beenprepared, in whole or part, without priorwritten authorization of CLM/JS.NO:DATE:REVISION:BY:88 Route 6A, Suite 2B | Sandwich, MA 02563www.crawfordlm.com | 508.477.1346www.jenickstudio.com | 508.477.1346261, 275 & 281 MA-28 TOWN OF YARMOUTH PARKS OVERVIEW 12/07/20231" = 30'L-100CHASE BROOK PARK MASTERPLAN WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673NO-MOW / FESCUELAWNBLUESTEM MEADOWSWITCHGRASS MEADOWSTREAMBANK RESTORATIONNATIVE SHRUBLANDEXISTING HIGHTIDE BUSHTO REMAINEXISTING SALT MARSHTO REMAINSTABILIZED AGGREGATEWALKWAY/SEATING AREAMULCHED PATHEXISTING SURVEYEDEVERGREEN TREEEXISTING UNSURVEYEDEVERGREEN TREEPROPOSED GRAYBIRCH TREESEXISTING UNSURVEYEDDECIDUOUS TREE OR LARGESHRUBEXISTING SURVEYEDDECIDUOUS TREETHE SURVEY INFORMATIONSHOWN ON THESE PLANS ISLIMITED. SIGNIFICANT TREELOCATIONS, UTILITIES ANDPROPERTY LINES SHOULD BEVERIFIED PRIOR TO ANYWORK TAKING PLACE INCLOSE PROXIMITY TO THOSEITEMS.THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAN ISFOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OFA LAND MANAGEMENT PLANAND ASSOCIATEDLANDSCAPE FEATURES.PROPOSED STONEOVERLOOKSEATING AREABENCHWILDFLOWER DRIFTLEGENDNOT FORCONSTRUCTION.(ISSUED FORPERMITTING) MMMMMWV MMP T 776M VVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV V V V V V V VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV4367 6-1-12 46 876 7699877867.8 5.97.0 6. 1 6. 2 8.2 7.9 8.38.6 ROUTE 28INSTALL FENCEAROUND TREE TOPROTECT ROOTZONE DURINGCONSTRUCTIONEXIST.BAYBERRY TOREMAINEXISTING SIDEWALKREMOVE & DISPOSE OFEXISTING WALKWAY &ASSOCIATED BASE MATERIALEXISTING SPLIT RAILFENCE TO REMAINREMOVE ROTTEDSPLIT RAIL FENCEINSTALL SILT FENCE AROUNDDEMOLITION AREABRADFORD PEAR10" HONEYLOCUST TO BEPROTECTED &PRESERVED11" LONDON PLANE10" LONDON PLANEBRADFORD PEARORN.CHERRYORN.CHERRY10" LONDON PLANE4" CEDAR8" CEDAR TO BEPROTECTED &PRESERVED6" BLACK OAK16" BLACK OAK(ON BANK)10" PITCH PINE4" BLACK OAKEXISTING TABLES ANDBENCHES TO BEREMOVEDEXISTING OVERLOOKTO REMAIN6" GREY WILLOWEXISTING ASHPALTWALKWAY TO BE REMOVED(2) WHITE POPLAR(4) WHITE POPLARENGLISH YEW(4) WHITE POPLAR(6) WHITE POPLAR4" CEDAREXISTING CEDARSTO REMAINEXISTING PARKING TOREMAIN; CONTRACTORTO PROTECT PAVEMENTDURING CONSTRUCTIONEXISTINGCROSSWALKEXISTING EDGEOF VEGETATIONEXISTING EDGEOF LAWNAPPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINEAPPROXIMATEPROPERTY LINELIMIT OF WORKLIMIT OF WORK LIMIT OF WORKGRANITE CURB, TYP.(3) SAPLING SIZECEDARS FORREMOVALAREA OF JAPANESEKNOTWEED TO BEREMOVEDEXISTING ASHPALTSEATING AREA TOBE REMOVEDAREA OFJAPANESEKNOTWEEDAREA OF JAPANESEKNOTWEEDAREA OFJAPANESEKNOTWEEDAREA OFCOMMON REEDAREA OFNON-NATIVERHODODENDRONSTO BE REMOVEDWITCH HAZELWITCH HAZELWITCHHAZEL4" CEDAROAK11" LONDON PLANE14" PITCH PINE10" PITCH PINE6" PITCH PINEVISTA AREA THIS SIDE OFYANKEEVILLAGEPARCELDEMOLITIONAREAINVASIVE SPECIESREMOVAL AREA(LESS THAN 50% INVASIVE)INVASIVE SPECIESREMOVAL AREA(MORE THAN 50% INVASIVE)SALT MARSH200' RIVERFRONT AREA100' TOCB BUFFER50' TOCB BUFFER35' NODISTURB ZONE50' WETLAND BUFFER35' NO DISTURB ZONEEDGE OF FLAGGEDWETLANDTOCB TOCB20 10 0 20 60NSCALE:DATE:All rights reserved. The drawings, designs, andideas embodied therein are property ofCLM/JS and shall not be copied, reproduced,or disclosed in connection with any work otherthan the project for which they have beenprepared, in whole or part, without priorwritten authorization of CLM/JS.NO:DATE:REVISION:BY:88 Route 6A, Suite 2B | Sandwich, MA 02563www.crawfordlm.com | 508.477.1346www.jenickstudio.com | 508.477.1346261 MA-28 TOWN OF YARMOUTH CHASE BROOK PARK 12/07/20231" = 20'L-201DEMOLITION / REMOVAL PLAN WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 DEMOLITION AREA: REMOVE WALKWAYS ANDBENCHES AS NOTED, AND ANY OLD CONSTRUCTIONDEBRIS. REMOVE ALL VEGETATION EXCEPT ITEMSNOTED TO BE PROTECTED, AND SOIL CONDITIONFUTURE PLANTING AREAS.INVASIVE SPECIES MANAGEMENT AREA(LESS THAN 50% INVASIVE CONTENT)INVASIVE SPECIES REMOVAL AREA(MORE THAN 50% INVASIVE CONTENT)TREE FOR REMOVALEXISTING HARDSCAPE / SITE FEATURESWITHIN LIMIT OF WORK TO BEREMOVEDTREE WITHIN LIMIT OF WORKTO BE PROTECTEDEXISTING EDGEOF VEGETATIONDEMOLITION & SITE PREPARATION NOTES:Call DIGSAFE (1-888-344-7233) to locate existing utilities priorto any excavation. Protect existing utilities to remainthroughout the construction process, and repair anydamage at no cost to the Owner.Orange construction fencing supported on steel orhardwood stakes 5' O.C. to the drip-line shall be used toprotect trees, shrubs and other plantings as indicated onplan. Fencing is to be kept in good repair throughout theconstruction process. In areas where the entire root zonecannot be encompassed, a 3" layer of untreated/un-dyedwood chips is to be placed to reduce soil compaction. Inareas where trenching or excavation cannot be avoided,the roots shall be cut by hand to encourage callusing andhealing. Grading around trees to be preserved shall notexceed an increase of 3".Utilities noted on drawing are illustrative. Contractor to takeextreme precaution during demolition work.Existing water line to be maintained and protected alongwith all existing spigots.A soil compaction meter will be used to determine if soilshave been compacted by previous demolition and gradingactivities. If they have, soils will be ripped to de-compactuntil compaction meter readings are acceptable. Therestoration area will be soil conditioned, raked smooth andprepared for seeding with specified seed mix.RESTORATION NOTES:INVASIVE, NON-NATIVE & SELECTIVE SPECIES REMOVALS:*Note - Invasive species treatment and removals should becompleted between the months of September to April; referto notes sections for timeline for Phragmites & Japaneseknotweed treatments.Flush cut invasive, non-native and aggressive tree, shrub &vine species and treat w/ herbicide to prevent re-sprouting.Do not pull tree stumps; root grapple vines and shrubs wherefeasible. Leave all soils intact and undisturbed in areas ofJapanese knotweed. Leave all native species in placeunless otherwise noted. Dispose of all debris off-site.After vegetation is removed, seed all exposed soils w/ nativeseed mix according to the plan, and cover areas with slopesgreater than 3:1 with bio-degradable erosion controlblankets and untreated hardwood eco-stakes. Install permanufacturer's instructions. In areas where slope is less than3:1, cover with sterile chopped straw & install biodegradablewattles where runs are greater than 50' distances to preventerosion potential before seed germination.JAPANESE KNOTWEED (Fallopia japonica):Inject Japanese knotweed during late August throughOctober, weather dependent. Dispose of all debris off-site.Leave all soils containing Japanese knotweed undisturbed.Seed all exposed soils w/ native seed mix and cover withsterile chopped straw. DO NOT use erosion control blanketson areas with knotweed. If slopes are greater than 3:1, stakebio-degradable wattles in place perpendicular to slopeevery 20'-30' to help prevent erosion while seed isestablishing.In the following growing seasons, treat returning stalks with astem injection method as needed if they are large enoughdiameter to treat. If the re-growth is too small, treat using aselective foliar application or a swipe application.* Note: Knotweed areas may need to be over-seededmultiple times in the coming seasons to establish avegetated groundcover.PHRAGMITES (Phragmites australis):Mow dead stalks when dormant (if feasible) and dispose ofoff-site. For the first treatment, bundle, cut, and treat cutends of stalks w/ wetland approved herbicide duringSeptember. If stalks are sparse, cut individually and treat.Mow dead stalks during dormant season following initialtreatment. Manage any Phragmites re-growth in followingseasons by using either the same cut and wipe method or aswipe method to stalks and leaves during the summer/earlyfall months until Phragmites is eradicated from the projectarea.SEEDING & PLANTING INFORMATION:Refer to Restoration Planting Plan for planting specifications.Seed mixes are noted on the Restoration Planting Plan.MATERIAL INFORMATION:All erosion control measures used for the project should be100% biodegradable. No materials that containpolypropylene or similar nettings or content shall be allowed.FOLLOW-UP RESTORATION MAINTENANCE FOR INVASIVESPECIES:Monitor restoration areas and perform maintenance cutand wipe or selective foliar treatments or hand weedinvasive, non-native, aggressive species that havegerminated from existing seed bank, or re-sprouted fromroots after removal. Site will be monitored and maintainedthroughout the year for both cool season and warm seasoninvasive, non-native, and aggressive species. Maintain areasof Japanese knotweed and Phragmites reed as specifiedabove.MEADOW ESTABLISHMENT:Year 1 Maintenance: (for areas without wildflower plugs, oruntil wildflower plugs are installed)Mow seeded areas to a height of six to eight inches whenannual weeds are in flower or reach a height of 10 to 12inches (often this occurs in June), before weeds set seed.Use a string trimmer on small areas and an off-set flail moweron larger areas. Do not mow past mid-September. If weedemergence is minimal, weeds may be hand pulled or spottreated with an appropriate herbicide. Treat any invasivespecies according to the Land Management plan. In the fallof the first growing season, maintain the vegetation at 8 to10 inches through the winter. In areas where wildflower plugsare installed (or at the time plugs are installed),maintenance will switch from strictly a mowing routine tohand weeding and/or spot treatment routine for annualweeds and resprouting or newly germinating invasivespecies.Year 2 Maintenance:During the spring of the second year, mow any standingvegetation in April to a height of 2” to allow soil to warmmore quickly to stimulate the emergence and growth ofnative seed. Rake off the cuttings. A second or third mowingmay be required depending on weed species composition.Year 3+ Maintenance:Mow once each year in April. Do not mow in fall. Leavemeadow standing until the following spring for the annualmowing in April.CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS:Restoration work should only be completed by a companythat specializes in natural resource management/ecologicalrestoration work with a proven track record of successfulinvasive species management and restoration projects.All work should be overseen by a Certified EcologicalRestoration Practitioner as certified by the Society forEcological Restoration.All tree work should be completed or overseen by a licensedarborist.All machine work should be completed by an insuredoperator with the appropriate hoisting and hydraulicslicenses.All herbicide applications should be completed byMassachusetts state-licensed and insured applicators thathave extensive knowledge of native / invasive species andare able to identify species in bare twig conditions.SITE GRADING:*Note - It is the contractor's responsibility to complete athorough site investigation and to accommodate for gradingmodifications as necessary to ensure transitions fromdemolition areas to undisturbed adjacent areas are smoothand prepared for seeding. Areas of note are south of theexisting parking where grading work needs to becompleted in order to install the new aggregate trail.Contractor is responsible for ensuring all work maintainspositive drainage with no low spots and that trails meet allADA standards for slopes.Provide samples of materials proposed for use for the reviewand approval of the Landscape Architect/RestorationDesigner, including fill, topsoil, and pavements.Promptly notify the Landscape Architect/RestorationDesigner of unexpected sub-surface conditions. Contractorto set grade stakes showing lines and elevations for reviewand approval by the Landscape Architect/RestorationDesigner prior to finish grading.Perform grading within contract Limits of Construction,including adjacent transition areas, to new elevations, levels,profiles, and contours indicated. Provide subgrade surfacesparallel to finished surface grades. Provide uniform levelsand slopes between new elevations and existing grades.Grade surfaces to prevent ponding and pockets of surfacedrainage.Topsoil to be installed shall be natural, friable, fertile soilcharacteristic of productive soil in the vicinity, reasonablyfree of stones, clay lumps, roots, and other foreign matter.Do not use muddy topsoil. Place during dry weather. Allowfor 4" average depth of topsoil.Fine grade topsoil eliminating rough and low areas to ensurepositive drainage. Maintain levels, profiles, and contours ofsubgrades.Protect finish graded areas from traffic and erosion. Keepfree of trash and debris. Repair and re-establish grades insettled, eroded, and damaged areas. Where completedareas are disturbed by restoration operations or adverseweather, scarify, re-shape, and compact to requireddensity.Upon completion of earthwork operation, clean areas withincontract limits, remove tools, and equipment. Provide siteclear, clean, free of debris, and suitable for further site workoperations.NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONEXISTING SURVEYEDEVERGREEN TREEEXISTING UNSURVEYEDEVERGREEN TREEEXISTING UNSURVEYEDDECIDUOUS TREE OR LARGESHRUBEXISTING SURVEYEDDECIDUOUS TREETHE SURVEY INFORMATIONSHOWN ON THESE PLANS ISLIMITED. SIGNIFICANT TREELOCATIONS, UTILITIES ANDPROPERTY LINES SHOULD BEVERIFIED PRIOR TO ANYWORK TAKING PLACE INCLOSE PROXIMITY TO THOSEITEMS.THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAN ISFOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OFA LAND MANAGEMENT PLANAND ASSOCIATEDLANDSCAPE FEATURES.LIMIT OF CONSTRUCTIONWORKSILT FENCEEXISTING SALT MARSH TO REMAINPHRAGMITES / COMMON REEDFOR REMOVALLONDON PLANE TREEFOR PROTECTION (REMOVE IF HEALTHCONTINUES TO DECLINE)CONTOURPROPERTY LINE T MMMP T0512346777556MVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV0543676-1-12 4 5 8765 5760175556523467.8 5.97.0 6.1 6.3 6.2 6.3 6.5 6. 6 6. 4 6. 7 6.5 9. 2 8.2 ROUTE 28EX. HIGHTIDE BUSH W/MINOR INVASIVE SPECIESMANAGEMENT20" HONEYLOCUST8" CEDAR4" CEDAR4" CEDAR8" BLACK OAK6" BLACK OAK8" BLACK OAK10" BLACK OAK10" CEDAR10" M.S. BLACK CHERRYFOR REMOVALAUTUMN OLIVEFOR REMOVALYOUNGOAKSPREVIOUS DEMOLITIONAREA; REMOVE WOODCHIPS; TREAT AND REMOVEEXISTING VEGETATION;RE-GRADE AND SOILCONDITIONMILL CREEKEXISTING EDGEOF VEGETATIONAPPROXIMATEPROPERTY LINEAPPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINE AREA OFCOMMON REEDTO BE REMOVEDAREA OFJAPANESEKNOTWEEDTO BEREMOVED4" CEDARMILLCREEKPARCELCHASEBROOKPARCELINVASIVE SPECIESREMOVAL AREA(MORE THAN 50% INVASIVE)INVASIVE SPECIESREMOVAL AREA(LESS THAN 50% INVASIVE)PHRAGMITESMANAGEMENT AREAVISTA AREA THIS SIDE OFDASHED LINE; MAINTAINHIGHTIDE BUSH @ 5'; HANDPRUNE ONLY; DO NOTSHEAR35' NODISTURB ZONE50' TOCBBUFFER100' TOCBBUFFEREDGE OF FLAGGED WETLAND20 10 0 20 60NSCALE:DATE:All rights reserved. The drawings, designs, andideas embodied therein are property ofCLM/JS and shall not be copied, reproduced,or disclosed in connection with any work otherthan the project for which they have beenprepared, in whole or part, without priorwritten authorization of CLM/JS.NO:DATE:REVISION:BY:88 Route 6A, Suite 2B | Sandwich, MA 02563www.crawfordlm.com | 508.477.1346www.jenickstudio.com | 508.477.1346275 MA-28 TOWN OF YARMOUTH YANKEE VILLAGE PARCEL 12/07/20231" = 20'L-202DEMOLITION / REMOVAL PLAN WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 EXISTING SALT MARSH TOREMAINPHRAGMITES MANAGEMENT AREAINVASIVE SPECIES MANAGEMENT AREA(LESS THAN 50% INVASIVE CONTENT)INVASIVE SPECIES REMOVAL AREA(MORE THAN 50% INVASIVE CONTENT)TREE FOR REMOVALEXISTING EDGEOF VEGETATIONDEMOLITION & SITE PREPARATION NOTES:Call DIGSAFE (1-888-344-7233) to locate existing utilitiesprior to any excavation. Protect existing utilities toremain throughout the construction process, andrepair any damage done to these at no cost to theOwner.Orange construction fencing supported on steel orhardwood stakes 5' O.C. to the drip-line shall be usedto protect trees, shrubs and other plantings asindicated on plan. Fencing is to be kept in goodrepair throughout the construction process. In areaswhere the entire root zone cannot be encompassed,a 3" layer of untreated/un-dyed wood chips is to beplaced to reduce soil compaction. In areas wheretrenching or excavation cannot be avoided, the rootsshall be cut by hand to encourage callusing andhealing. Grading around trees to be preserved shallnot exceed an increase of 3".Contractor should include any debris removal foundon site in contract as well as removal and disposal ofall old erosion control measures.Utilities noted on drawing are illustrative. Contractor totake extreme precaution during demolition work.Existing water line to be maintained and protectedalong with all existing spigots.A soil compaction meter will be used to determine ifsoils have been compacted by previous demolitionand grading activities. If they have, soils will be rippedto de-compact until compaction meter readings areacceptable. The restoration area will be soilconditioned, raked smooth and prepared for seedingwith specified seed mix.RESTORATION NOTES:INVASIVE, NON-NATIVE & SELECTIVE SPECIESREMOVALS:*Note - Invasive species treatment and removalsshould be completed between the months ofSeptember to April; refer to notes sections for timelinefor Phragmites & Japanese knotweed treatments.Flush cut invasive, non-native and aggressive tree,shrub & vine species species and treat w/ herbicide toprevent re-sprouting. Do not pull tree stumps; rootgrapple vines and shrubs where feasible. Leave allsoils intact and undisturbed in areas of Japaneseknotweed. Leave all native species in place unlessotherwise noted. Dispose of all debris off-site.After vegetation is removed, seed all exposed soils w/native seed mix, according to the plan, and coverareas with slopes greater than 3:1 withbio-degradable erosion control blankets anduntreated hardwood eco-stakes. Install permanufacturer's instructions. In areas where slope is lessthan 3:1, cover with sterile chopped straw & installbiodegradable wattles where runs are greater than50' distances to prevent erosion potential before seedgermination.JAPANESE KNOTWEED (Fallopia japonica):Inject Japanese knotweed during late August throughOctober, weather dependent. Dispose of all debrisoff-site. Leave all native species in place. Leave allareas containing Japanese knotweed undisturbed(soils). Seed all exposed soils w/ native seed mix andcover with sterile chopped straw. DO NOT use erosioncontrol blankets on areas with knotweed. If slopes aregreater than 3:1, stake bio-degradable wattles inplace perpendicular to slope every 20'-30' to helpprevent erosion while seed is establishing.In the following growing seasons, treat returning stalkswith a stem injection method as needed if they arelarge enough diameter to treat. If the re-growth is toosmall, treat using a selective foliar application or aswipe application.* Note: Knotweed areas may need to be over-seededmultiple times in the coming seasons to establish avegetated groundcover.PHRAGMITES (Phragmites australis):Mow dead stalks when dormant (if feasible) anddispose of off-site. For the first treatment, bundle, cut,and treat cut ends of stalks w/ wetland approvedherbicide during September. If stalks are sparse, cutindividually and treat. Mow dead stalks duringdormant season following initial treatment. Manageany Phragmites re-growth in following seasons by usingeither the same cut and treat method or a swipemethod to stalks and leaves during the summer / earlyfall months until Phragmites is eradicated from theproject area.SEEDING & PLANTING INFORMATION:Refer to Restoration Planting Plan for plantingspecifications. Seed mixes are noted on theRestoration Planting Plan.MATERIAL INFORMATION:All erosion control measures used for the projectshould be 100% biodegradable. No materials thatcontain polypropylene or similar nettings or contentshall be allowed.FOLLOW-UP RESTORATION MAINTENANCE FORINVASIVE SPECIES:Monitor restoration areas and perform maintenancecut and wipe or selective foliar treatments or handweed invasive, non-native, aggressive species thathave germinated from existing seed bank, orre-sprouted from roots after removal. Site will bemonitored and maintained throughout the year forboth cool season and warm season invasive,non-native, and aggressive species. Maintain areas ofJapanese knotweed and Phragmites reed asspecified above.MEADOW ESTABLISHMENT:Year 1 Maintenance: (for areas without wildflowerplugs, or until wildflower plugs are installed)Mow seeded areas to a height of six to eight incheswhen annual weeds are in flower or reach a height of10 to 12 inches (often this occurs in June), beforeweeds set seed. Use a string trimmer on small areasand an off-set flail mower on larger areas. Do notmow past mid-September. If weed emergence isminimal, weeds may be hand pulled or spot treatedwith an appropriate herbicide. Treat any invasivespecies according to the Exotic InvasivePlant Species Management plan. In the fall of the firstgrowing season, maintain the vegetation at 8 to 10inches through the winter. In areas where wildflowerplugs are installed (or at the time plugs are installed),maintenance will switch from strictly a mowing routineto hand weeding and/or spot treatment routine forannual weeds and resprouting or newly germinatinginvasive species.Year 2 Maintenance:During the spring of the second year, mow anystanding vegetation in April to a height of 2” to allowsoil to warm more quickly to stimulate the emergenceand growth of native seed. Rake off the cuttings. Asecond or third mowing may be required dependingon weed species composition.Year 3+ Maintenance:Mow once each year in April. Do not mow in fall.Leave meadow standing until the following spring forthe annual mowing in April.CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS:Restoration work should only be completed by acompany that specializes in natural resourcemanagement / vegetation management / ecologicalrestoration work with a proven track record ofsuccessful invasive species management andrestoration projects.All work should be overseen by a Certified EcologicalRestoration Practitioner as certified by the Society forEcological Restoration.All tree work should be completed or overseen by alicensed arborist.All machine work should be completed by an insuredoperator with the appropriate hoisting and hydraulicslicenses.All herbicide applications should be completed byMassachusetts state-licensed and insured applicatorsthat have extensive knowledge of native / invasivespecies and are able to identify species in bare twigconditions.SITE GRADING:*Note - It is the contractor's responsibility to completea thorough site investigation and to accommodate forgrading modifications as necessary to ensuretransitions from wood chip areas to undisturbedadjacent areas are smooth and prepared for seeding.Contractor may need to remove woodchips fromareas if they are more than 2" thick or cannot be soilconditioned. Contractor may also need to provideadditional fill and/or topsoil. Areas of note are alongthe northern property line where the wood chips abutthe top of bank at Chase Brook and along thesouthern and eastern property line where thewoodchips abut the Phragmites.Provide samples of materials proposed for use for thereview and approval of the Landscape Architect /Restoration Designer, including fill, topsoil, andpavements.Promptly notify the Landscape Architect / RestorationDesigner of unexpected sub-surface conditions.Contractor to set grade stakes showing lines andelevations for review and approval by the LandscapeArchitect / Restoration Designer prior to finish grading.Perform grading within contract Limits of Construction,including adjacent transition areas, to new elevations,levels, profiles, and contours indicated. Providesubgrade surfaces parallel to finished surface grades.Provide uniform levels and slopes between newelevations and existing grades. Grade surfaces toprevent ponding and pockets of surface drainage.Topsoil to be installed shall be natural, friable, fertilesoil characteristic of productive soil in the vicinity,reasonably free of stones, clay lumps, roots, and otherforeign matter. Do not use muddy topsoil. Placeduring dry weather. Allow for 4" average depth oftopsoil.Fine grade topsoil eliminating rough and low areas toensure positive drainage. Maintain levels, profiles, andcontours of subgrades.Protect finish graded areas from traffic and erosion.Keep free of trash and debris. Repair and re-establishgrades in settled, eroded, and damaged areas.Where completed areas are disturbed by restorationoperations or adverse weather, scarify, re-shape, andcompact to required density.Upon completion of earthwork operation, clean areaswithin contract limits, remove tools, and equipment.Provide site clear, clean, free of debris, and suitablefor further site work operations.EXISTING SURVEYEDEVERGREEN TREEEXISTING UNSURVEYEDEVERGREEN TREEEXISTING UNSURVEYEDDECIDUOUS TREE OR LARGESHRUBEXISTING SURVEYEDDECIDUOUS TREELIMIT OF CONSTRUCTIONWORKSILT FENCETHE SURVEY INFORMATIONSHOWN ON THESE PLANS ISLIMITED. SIGNIFICANT TREELOCATIONS, UTILITIES ANDPROPERTY LINES SHOULD BEVERIFIED PRIOR TO ANYWORK TAKING PLACE INCLOSE PROXIMITY TO THOSEITEMS.THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAN ISFOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OFA LAND MANAGEMENT PLANAND ASSOCIATEDLANDSCAPE FEATURES.EXISTING PREDOMINANTLYNATIVE VEGETATION TO REMAINPROPERTY LINEDEMOLITION AREA: REMOVE ANY OLDCONSTRUCTION DEBRIS. REMOVE ALL VEGETATIONEXCEPT ITEMS NOTED TO BE PROTECTED, SOILCONDITION FUTURE PLANTING AREAS.EXISTING CONTOURNOT FORCONSTRUCTION.(ISSUED FORPERMITTING) T MOSW M1234897 8 9 10 109 91205234789016.66.4 9. 3 9. 1 9. 8 9. 7 9.9 9.6 9.4 9.2 9.69.910.1 9.99.5 ROUTE 28TINSTALL SILT FENCEAROUND DEMOLITIONAREA ON DOWNHILLSIDE OF WORK AREAEXISTING SIDEWALKEXISTING SIDEWALKEXISTINGFENCE TOREMAINREMOVE INVASIVEVEGETATION AND TALLSHRUBS BY HANDEXISTINGSALT MARSHTO REMAINEXISTING PARKING TOREMAIN; CONTRACTOR TOPROTECT PAVEMENTDURING WORKREMOVE NON-NATIVE RUGOSA ROSE; KEEPAMERICAN BEACHGRASS AND OVERSEEDW/ BLUESTEM MEADOW MIXHIGHTIDEBUSH6" RED MAPLE6" TUPELO TO BETRANSPLANTED4" JAPANESEBLACK PINE2" DEAD JAPANESEBLACK PINE6" JAPANESEBLACK PINE4" ORN.CHERRY(2) GREY WILLOWEXISTING BENCHESTO BE REMOVEDEXISTING VISTAPLATFORM TOREMAINEXISTING PICNICAREA TO REMAIN(2) NORWAY MAPLEGREY WILLOWGREY WILLOWEXISTING BAYBERRY WITHIN VIEWCORRIDOR FOR REMOVALMILL CREEKLIMIT OF WORKLIMIT OF WORKAP P R O X I M A T E P R O P E R T Y L I N E APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINE EXISTING EDGE OF LAWN4" DEADJAPANESEBLACK PINE4" ORN.CHERRYINSTALL FIBER ROLL ANDASSOCIATED EROSIONCONTROL PLANTINGS (IFBUDGET ALLOWS). SEEINSTALLATION DETAIL BYENGINEER.REMOVE NON-NATIVE RUGOSA ROSE; KEEPAMERICAN BEACHGRASS AND OVERSEEDW/ BLUESTEM MEADOW MIXREMOVE ANDDISPOSE OF EXISTINGWALKWAY AND ANYASSOCIATED BASEMATERIALINVASIVE SPECIESREMOVAL AREA(LESS THAN 50% INVASIVE)INVASIVE SPECIESREMOVAL AREA(LESS THAN 50%INVASIVE)EXISTING BENCH TOREMAIN OR BEREPLACED IN KINDINVASIVE SPECIESREMOVAL AREA(MORE THAN 50% INVASIVE)EXISTING SALT MARSH; CONTINUETREATMENTS OF ANY SPORADICPHRAGMITES RE-SPROUTSPHRAGMITESMANAGEMENT AREATRANSPLANTED6" TUPELO(2) 6" JAPANESEBLACK PINEDEMOLITIONAREA6" RED MAPLE4" SERVICEBERRYSIGNIFICANT MAPLESIGNIFICANT M.S. BLACK CHERRY;PRUNE OUT/REMOVE ANY DEADSIGNIFICANT M.S.BLACK CHERRY12" BLACKCHERRY24" RED MAPLE4" RED MAPLESERVICEBERRYMAPLE(2) BLACK CHERRY10" BLACKCHERRYORN. CHERRY(2) 10" BLACK CHERRY(2) 14" BLACK CHERRY8" BLACK CHERRYYANKEEVILLAGEPARCELVISTA AREA THIS SIDE OFDASHED LINE; DO NOT REMOVEEXISTING HIGHTIDE BUSH IN THISZONE; MAINTAIN @ 5'; HANDPRUNE ONLY; DO NOT SHEAR35' NODISTURB ZONE50' WETLAND BUFFER100' WETLAND BUFFER200' RIVERFRONT AREAAPPROX. EDGEOF WETLANDT120 10 0 20 60NSCALE:DATE:All rights reserved. The drawings, designs, andideas embodied therein are property ofCLM/JS and shall not be copied, reproduced,or disclosed in connection with any work otherthan the project for which they have beenprepared, in whole or part, without priorwritten authorization of CLM/JS.NO:DATE:REVISION:BY:88 Route 6A, Suite 2B | Sandwich, MA 02563www.crawfordlm.com | 508.477.1346www.jenickstudio.com | 508.477.1346281 MA-28 TOWN OF YARMOUTH MILL CREEK PARCEL 12/07/20231" = 20'L-203DEMOLITION / REMOVAL PLAN WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673EXISTING SALT MARSH TOREMAINPHRAGMITES MANAGEMENT AREAINVASIVE SPECIES MANAGEMENT AREA(LESS THAN 50% INVASIVE CONTENT)INVASIVE SPECIES REMOVAL AREA(MORE THAN 50% INVASIVE CONTENT)TREE FOR REMOVALTREE FOR TRANSPLANTINGEXISTING FEATURES WITHINLIMIT OF WORK TO BE REMOVEDEXISTING EDGEOF VEGETATIONDEMOLITION & SITE PREPARATION NOTES:Call DIGSAFE (1-888-344-7233) to locate existing utilities priorto any excavation. Protect existing utilities to remainthroughout the construction process, and repair anydamage done to these at no cost to the Owner.Orange construction fencing supported on steel orhardwood stakes 5' O.C. to the drip-line shall be used toprotect trees, shrubs and other plantings as indicated onplan. Fencing is to be kept in good repair throughout theconstruction process. In areas where the entire root zonecannot be encompassed, a 3" layer of untreated/un-dyedwood chips is to be placed to reduce soil compaction. Inareas where trenching or excavation cannot be avoided,the roots shall be cut by hand to encourage callusing andhealing. Grading around trees to be preserved shall notexceed an increase of 3".Utilities noted on drawing are illustrative. Contractor to takeextreme precaution during demolition work.Existing water line to be maintained and protected alongwith all existing spigots.A soil compaction meter will be used to determine if soilshave been compacted by previous demolition and gradingactivities. If they have, soils will be ripped to de-compact untilcompaction meter readings are acceptable. The restorationarea will be soil conditioned, raked smooth and prepared forseeding with specified seed mix.RESTORATION NOTES:INVASIVE, NON-NATIVE & SELECTIVE SPECIES REMOVALS:*Note - Invasive species treatment and removals should becompleted between the months of September to April; referto notes sections for timeline for Phragmites & Japaneseknotweed treatments.Flush cut invasive, non-native and aggressive tree, shrub &vine species species and treat w/ herbicide to preventre-sprouting. Do not pull tree stumps; root grapple vines andshrubs where feasible. Leave all soils intact and undisturbedin areas of Japanese knotweed. Leave all native species inplace unless otherwise noted. Dispose of all debris off-site.After vegetation is removed, seed all exposed soils w/ nativeseed mix, according to the plan, and cover areas with slopesgreater than 3:1 with bio-degradable erosion controlblankets and untreated hardwood eco-stakes. Install permanufacturer's instructions. In areas where slope is less than3:1, cover with sterile chopped straw & install biodegradablewattles where runs are greater than 50' distances to preventerosion potential before seed germination.JAPANESE KNOTWEED (Fallopia japonica):Inject Japanese knotweed during late August throughOctober, weather dependent. Dispose of all debris off-site.Leave all native species in place. Leave all areas containingJapanese knotweed undisturbed (soils). Seed all exposedsoils w/ native seed mix and cover with sterile choppedstraw. DO NOT use erosion control blankets on areas withknotweed. If slopes are greater than 3:1, stakebio-degradable wattles in place perpendicular to slopeevery 20'-30' to help prevent erosion while seed isestablishing.In the following growing seasons, treat returning stalks with astem injection method as needed if they are large enoughdiameter to treat. If the re-growth is too small, treat using aselective foliar application or a swipe application.* Note: Knotweed areas may need to be over-seededmultiple times in the coming seasons to establish avegetated groundcover.PHRAGMITES (Phragmites australis):Mow dead stalks when dormant (if feasible) and dispose ofoff-site. For the first treatment, bundle, cut, and treat cutends of stalks w/ wetland approved herbicide duringSeptember. If stalks are sparse, cut individually and treat.Mow dead stalks during dormant season following initialtreatment. Manage any Phragmites re-growth in followingseasons by using either the same cut and treat method or aswipe method to stalks and leaves during the summer / earlyfall months until Phragmites is eradicated from the projectarea.SEEDING & PLANTING INFORMATION:Refer to Restoration Planting Plan for planting specifications.Seed mixes are noted on the Restoration Planting Plan.MATERIAL INFORMATION:All erosion control measures used for the project should be100% biodegradable. No materials that containpolypropylene or similar nettings or content shall be allowed.FOLLOW-UP RESTORATION MAINTENANCE FOR INVASIVESPECIES:Monitor restoration areas and perform maintenance cut andwipe or selective foliar treatments or hand weed invasive,non-native, aggressive species that have germinated fromexisting seed bank, or re-sprouted from roots after removal.Site will be monitored and maintained throughout the yearfor both cool season and warm season invasive, non-native,and aggressive species. Maintain areas of Japaneseknotweed and Phragmites reed as specified above.MEADOW ESTABLISHMENT:Year 1 Maintenance: (for areas without wildflower plugs, oruntil wildflower plugs are installed)Mow seeded areas to a height of six to eight inches whenannual weeds are in flower or reach a height of 10 to 12inches (often this occurs in June), before weeds set seed. Usea string trimmer on small areas and an off-set flail mower onlarger areas. Do not mow past mid-September. If weedemergence is minimal, weeds may be hand pulled or spottreated with an appropriate herbicide. Treat any invasivespecies according to the Land Management plan. In the fallof the first growing season, maintain the vegetation at 8 to 10inches through the winter. In areas where wildflower plugsare installed (or at the time plugs are installed), maintenancewill switch from strictly a mowing routine to hand weedingand/or spot treatment routine for annual weeds andresprouting or newly germinating invasive species.Year 2 Maintenance:During the spring of the second year, mow any standingvegetation in April to a height of 2” to allow soil to warmmore quickly to stimulate the emergence and growth ofnative seed. Rake off the cuttings. A second or third mowingmay be required depending on weed species composition.Year 3+ Maintenance:Mow once each year in April. Do not mow in fall. Leavemeadow standing until the following spring for the annualmowing in April.CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS:Restoration work should only be completed by a companythat specializes in natural resource management /vegetation management / ecological restoration work witha proven track record of successful invasive speciesmanagement and restoration projects.All work should be overseen by a Certified EcologicalRestoration Practitioner as certified by the Society forEcological Restoration.All tree work should be completed or overseen by a licensedarborist.All machine work should be completed by an insuredoperator with the appropriate hoisting and hydraulicslicenses.All herbicide applications should be completed byMassachusetts state-licensed and insured applicators thathave extensive knowledge of native / invasive species andare able to identify species in bare twig conditions.SITE GRADING:*Note - It is the contractor's responsibility to complete athorough site investigation and to accommodate for gradingmodifications as necessary to ensure transitions fromdemolition areas to undisturbed adjacent areas are smoothand prepared for seeding. Areas of note are parallel to Route28 where grading work needs to be completed in order tolevel existing berm. Contractor is responsible for ensuring allwork maintains positive drainage with no low spots and thattrails meet all ADA standards for slopes.Provide samples of materials proposed for use for the reviewand approval of the Landscape Architect / RestorationDesigner, including fill, topsoil, and pavements.Promptly notify the Landscape Architect / RestorationDesigner of unexpected sub-surface conditions. Contractorto set grade stakes showing lines and elevations for reviewand approval by the Landscape Architect / RestorationDesigner prior to finish grading.Perform grading within contract Limits of Construction,including adjacent transition areas, to new elevations, levels,profiles, and contours indicated. Provide subgrade surfacesparallel to finished surface grades. Provide uniform levelsand slopes between new elevations and existing grades.Grade surfaces to prevent ponding and pockets of surfacedrainage.Topsoil to be installed shall be natural, friable, fertile soilcharacteristic of productive soil in the vicinity, reasonablyfree of stones, clay lumps, roots, and other foreign matter.Do not use muddy topsoil. Place during dry weather. Allowfor 4" average depth of topsoil.Fine grade topsoil eliminating rough and low areas to ensurepositive drainage. Maintain levels, profiles, and contours ofsubgrades.Protect finish graded areas from traffic and erosion. Keepfree of trash and debris. Repair and re-establish grades insettled, eroded, and damaged areas. Where completedareas are disturbed by restoration operations or adverseweather, scarify, re-shape, and compact to required density.Upon completion of earthwork operation, clean areas withincontract limits, remove tools, and equipment. Provide siteclear, clean, free of debris, and suitable for further site workoperations.EXISTING SURVEYEDEVERGREEN TREEEXISTING UNSURVEYEDEVERGREEN TREEEXISTING UNSURVEYEDDECIDUOUS TREE OR LARGESHRUBEXISTING SURVEYEDDECIDUOUS TREELIMIT OF CONSTRUCTIONWORKSILT FENCELEGEND :THE SURVEY INFORMATIONSHOWN ON THESE PLANS ISLIMITED. SIGNIFICANT TREELOCATIONS, UTILITIES ANDPROPERTY LINES SHOULD BEVERIFIED PRIOR TO ANYWORK TAKING PLACE INCLOSE PROXIMITY TO THOSEITEMS.THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAN ISFOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OFA LAND MANAGEMENT PLANAND ASSOCIATEDLANDSCAPE FEATURES.PROPERTY LINECONTOURFIBER ROLL EROSIONCONTROLDEMOLITION AREA: REMOVE WALKWAYSAND BENCHES AS NOTED, AND ANY OLDCONSTRUCTION DEBRIS. REMOVE ALLVEGETATION EXCEPT ITEMS NOTED TO BEPROTECTED, AND SOIL CONDITION FUTUREPLANTING AREAS.NOT FORCONSTRUCTION.(ISSUED FORPERMITTING) MMMMMWV MMP T 051 2346 7 7 5 556 MVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV V V V V V VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV0543676-1-12 4 56 8765 576998778 015556 52346 ROUTE 28ROUTE 28x6.1876 8.2x8765677 66654321043210-1210-13455565.0x5.0xHONEY LOCUST *WILDFLOWERAREA 1WILDFLOWERAREA 1WILDFLOWERAREA 2WILDFLOWERAREA 3WILDFLOWERAREA 3EXISTING SALT MARSHTO REMAINEXISTING VISTAPLATFORM TOREMAINPROPOSED BRIDGESEE PLANS BYCOASTALENGINEERINGGRAY BIRCHGROVEGRANITE CURB, TYP.PROPOSEDSEATINGPROPOSEDSEATINGSTABILIZEDAGGREGATE PATH(2) HONEY LOCUST *VISTA AREA THIS SIDE OFDASHED LINE; MAINTAINHIGHTIDE BUSH @ 5'; HANDPRUNE ONLY; DO NOT SHEARHONEY LOCUST *YANKEEVILLAGEPARCEL71.5% CROSSSLOPE, TYP1.5%1.5% CROSSSLOPE, TYPWALKWAYS1.5% CROSSSLOPE, TYP1.5%APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINE EXIST.BAYBERRY TOREMAIN10" HONEYLOCUST TO BEPROTECTED &PRESERVED11" LONDON PLANE10" LONDON PLANE10" LONDON PLANE4" CEDARS8" CEDAR TO BEPROTECTED &PRESERVED6" BLACK OAK10" PITCH PINE4" BLACK OAKEXISTING CEDARSTO REMAINWITCH HAZELWITCH HAZELWITCHHAZELOAK11" LONDON PLANE14" PITCH PINE10" PITCH PINE6" PITCH PINEHONEY LOCUST *HONEY LOCUST*EXISTING PARKINGTO REMAINNO-MOWFESCUE LAWNSTABILIZEDAGGREGATEPICNIC AREABLUESTEMMEADOWNO-MOWFESCUE LAWNBLUESTEMMEADOWGRAY BIRCH GROVECROSSWALKNO-MOWFESCUE LAWNSTREAM-BANKOVERLOOKSALT MARSHHIGHTIDEBUSHCHASEBROOKGRAYBIRCHGROVEBRIDGEBAYBERRYEDGE OFFLAGGEDWETLAND35' NO DISTURB ZONE50' WETLAND BUFFERTOCB 100' TOCB BUFFER50' TOCB BUFFER35' NO DISTURB ZONETOCB PROPERTY LINE FLOOD ZONEAE (EL. 11)FLOOD ZONEAE (EL. 13)720 10 0 20 60NSCALE:DATE:All rights reserved. The drawings, designs, andideas embodied therein are property ofCLM/JS and shall not be copied, reproduced,or disclosed in connection with any work otherthan the project for which they have beenprepared, in whole or part, without priorwritten authorization of CLM/JS.NO:DATE:REVISION:BY:88 Route 6A, Suite 2B | Sandwich, MA 02563www.crawfordlm.com | 508.477.1346www.jenickstudio.com | 508.477.1346261 MA-28 TOWN OF YARMOUTH CHASE BROOK PARCEL 12/07/20231" = 20'L-301RESTORATION PLANTING PLAN WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 LEGEND :Bluestem Meadow - 12,900 +/- sfSeed with Bluestem Meadow Seed Mix. Overseed Area 1 with Echinacea pallida @ 4 oz/acre.PLANT SCHEDULESCIENTIFIC NAMECOMMON NAMEQUANTITYSIZE SPACINGNOTESWILDFLOWER AREA 1 (850 sf)Monarda fistulosaWild Bergamot200DP50 24" oc100% of areaAsclepias syriacaCommon Milkweed200DP50 24" oc100% of areaAsclepias purpurescensPurple Milkweed250Seed 4 oz per acre100% of areaWILDFLOWER AREA 2 (1620 sf)Rhus typhinaStaghorn Sumac404'-6' 6' oc100% of areaSymphyotrichum ericoidesHeath Aster50DP50 24" oc15% of areaWILDFLOWER AREA 3 (450 sf)Allium cernuumNodding Onion200DP50 18" oc100% of areaAsclepias tuberosaButterfly Weed200DP50 18" oc100% of areaPLANT SCHEDULESCIENTIFIC NAMECOMMON NAMEQUANTITYSIZE SPACINGNOTESAster divaricatusWhite Wood Aster50DP50 30" oc15% of areaBetula populifoliaGrey Birch254'-6'5' oc100% of areaBetula populifoliaGrey Birch253'-4'5' oc100% of areaBetula populifoliaGrey Birch5018"-24"5' oc100% of areaSolidago caesiaBluestem Goldenrod50DP50 30" oc15% of areaSEEDING INFORMATION:NO MOW LAWN MIX by PRAIRIE NURSERYhttps://www.prairienursery.com/no-mow-lawn-seed-mix.htmlGeneral Product Information:No Mow Lawn, also called eco-lawn, is a drought tolerant,low-maintenance grass that needs mowing only once or twice a year. Acool-season blend of fescues, No Mow grows actively in spring and fall.Once fully established, No Mow requires very little water, due to a largedense root system that also serves to inhibit weed growth. Moderate foottraffic is well tolerated and No Mow grows well in most soil types and lightconditions. However, consistently moist soils and heavy clay soils should beavoided.Seed Rate: 220 lbs per acre/5 lbs per 1,000 sq ftSpecies: Festuca brevipila (Hard fescue), Festuca ovina (Sheep fescue),Festuca rubra subs. fallax (Chewings fescue), Festuca rubra (Red fescue),Festuca rubra var. rubra (Creeping red fescue)PLANT SCHEDULESCIENTIFIC NAMECOMMON NAMEQUANTITYSIZE SPACINGNOTESElymus virginicusVirginia Wildrye300DP50 30" oc50% of areaEXISTING SURVEYEDEVERGREEN TREEEXISTING UNSURVEYEDEVERGREEN TREEPROPOSED TREEPROPOSED GRAYBIRCH TREESEXISTING UNSURVEYEDDECIDUOUS TREE OR LARGESHRUBEXISTING SURVEYEDDECIDUOUS TREETREE SCHEDULE*SCIENTIFIC NAMECOMMON NAMEQUANTITYSIZE SPACINGNOTESGleditsia triacanthosHoney Locust62" to 2 12"cal.see plan*These will be planted ifthe existing LondonPlane Trees areremoved.PROPOSED PLANT COMMUNITIES :SEEDING INFORMATION:BLUESTEM MEADOW MIX by ERNST CONSERVATION SEEDSGeneral Product Information:Tall grass meadow with cool season and warm season grasses.Seed Rate: 20 lbs/acreSpecies: Schizachyrium scoparium (Little Bluestem, Albany Pine Bush- NYEcotype); Festuca brevipila (Hard Fescue, 'Jetty'); Festuca glauca (BlueFescue, 'Azure'); Festuca ovina (Sheep Fescue)Stabilized Aggregate Path (5' wide) - 2,020 +/- sfStabilized Aggregate Picnic Area - 1,520 +/- sf(SEE LAND MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR STANDARD DETAIL)Grey Birch Edgeland - 2,540 +/- sfSeed with Bluestem Meadow Seed Mix.Chase Brook Streambank - 4000 +/- sf .Seed with Bluestem Meadow Seed Mix.Hightide Bush Colonies - 2550 +/- sfExisting colony, no planting/seeding required.No-mow Fescue Lawn - 8855 +/- sfSeed with No Mow Lawn Seed Mix.THE SURVEY INFORMATIONSHOWN ON THESE PLANS ISLIMITED. SIGNIFICANT TREELOCATIONS, UTILITIES ANDPROPERTY LINES SHOULD BEVERIFIED PRIOR TO ANYWORK TAKING PLACE INCLOSE PROXIMITY TO THOSEITEMS.THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAN ISFOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OFA LAND MANAGEMENT PLANAND ASSOCIATEDLANDSCAPE FEATURES.PRIOR TO PLANTING:Call DIGSAFE (1-888-344-7233) to locate existing utilities priorto any excavation. Protect existing utilities to remainthroughout the construction process, and repair anydamage at no cost to the Owner.SILT FENCE:Silt fence between areas of site disturbance and resourceareas to be maintained in good repair until vegetation hasbeen established.SUPPLEMENTAL IRRIGATION:Install a temporary, above-ground irrigation system to provide supplementalwater to all plantings for 2-3 growing seasons, or until plants are fully established.RESTORATION AND MAINTENANCE NOTES:Refer to Demolition / Removal Plans and Land ManagementPlan by Crawford Land Management for detailed protocolon restoration work.CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS:Restoration work should only be completed by a companythat specializes in natural resource management/ecologicalrestoration work with a proven track record of successfulinvasive species management and restoration projects.All work should be overseen by a Certified EcologicalRestoration Practitioner as certified by the Society forEcological Restoration.All tree work should be completed or overseen by a licensedarborist.All machine work should be completed by an insuredoperator with the appropriate hoisting and hydraulicslicenses.All herbicide applications should be completed byMassachusetts state-licensed and insured applicators thathave extensive knowledge of native / invasive species andare able to identify species in bare twig conditions.EXISTING CONTOURPROPERTY LINEPROPOSED BENCHWILDFLOWERAREATYPICAL SLOPEAT WALKWAY%EXISTING SPOT GRADEPROPOSED SPOT GRADE+8.0x8.0PROPOSED CONTOURNOT FORCONSTRUCTION.(ISSUED FORPERMITTING) MMP T123467776 MVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV43676-1-12 4 876 761762346 ROUTE 28WILDFLOWERAREA 1WILDFLOWERAREA 2WILDFLOWERAREA 3WILDFLOWERAREA 4WILDFLOWERAREA 5MULCH PATHPROPOSEDSEATINGEDGE OF PROPOSED VIEWCORRIDORPROPOSEDSEATINGPROPOSEDOVERLOOKSEATINGPROPOSEDOVERLOOKSEATINGCHASEBROOKPARCELMILLCREEKPARCELWALKWAYS1.5% CROSSSLOPE, TYP1.5%1.5%1.5%1.5%1.5%1.5%+5.0+5.51.5%1.5%APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINE APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINE PROPOSEDBRIDGESEE PLANS BYCOASTALENGINEERINGSHRUBLANDSHRUBLANDNO-MOWFESCUE LAWNMILL CREEKBLUESTEMMEADOWBLUESTEMMEADOWEXISTING SALTMARSH TOREMAINSTREAM-BANKSTREAM-BANKEXIST. HIGHTIDE BUSHSWITCHGRASSBLUESTEMMEADOWGRAY BIRCHGROVEGRAY BIRCHGROVEEXIST. OAKS20" HONEYLOCUST8" CEDAR4" CEDAR4" CEDAR10" CEDARYOUNGOAKS4" CEDAR1.5%GRAY BIRCHGRAY BIRCHGRAY BIRCH100' TOCB BUFFER50' TOCB BUFFER35' NO DISTURB ZONETOCBEDGE OFFLAGGED WETLANDTOCBSLOPE TO MEET BRIDGE (5% MAX)20 10 0 20 60NSCALE:DATE:All rights reserved. The drawings, designs, andideas embodied therein are property ofCLM/JS and shall not be copied, reproduced,or disclosed in connection with any work otherthan the project for which they have beenprepared, in whole or part, without priorwritten authorization of CLM/JS.NO:DATE:REVISION:BY:88 Route 6A, Suite 2B | Sandwich, MA 02563www.crawfordlm.com | 508.477.1346www.jenickstudio.com | 508.477.1346261 MA-28 TOWN OF YARMOUTH YANKEE VILLAGE PARCEL 12/07/20231" = 20'L-302RESTORATION PLANTING PLAN WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Bluestem Meadow - 23,750 +/- sfSeed with Bluestem Meadow Seed Mix.PLANT SCHEDULESCIENTIFIC NAMECOMMON NAMEQUANTITYSIZE SPACINGNOTESAster divaricatusWhite Wood Aster300DP50 30" oc20% of areaBetula populifoliaGrey Birch1004'-6'5' oc100% of areaBetula populifoliaGrey Birch1003'-4'5' oc100% of areaBetula populifoliaGrey Birch25018"-24" 4-5' oc100% of areaComptonia peregrinaSweetfern300#24' oc50% of areaNyssa sylvaticaTupelo2#25As shownAs shownSolidago caesiaBluestem Goldenrod150DP50 30" oc10% of areaPLANT SCHEDULESCIENTIFIC NAMECOMMON NAMEQUANTITYSIZE SPACINGNOTESElymus virginicusVirginia Wildrye400DP50 30" oc50% of areaPLANT SCHEDULESCIENTIFIC NAMECOMMON NAMEQUANTITYSIZE SPACINGNOTESAster divaricatusWhite Wood Aster200DP50 24" oc20% of areaComptonia peregrinaSweetfern150#24' oc50% of areaMorella pensylvanicaBayberry40#142" ocFill in area as neededSolidago caesiaBluestem Goldenrod200DP50 30" oc30% of areaPLANT SCHEDULESCIENTIFIC NAMECOMMON NAMEQUANTITYSIZE SPACINGNOTESWILDFLOWER AREA 1 (600 SF)Asclepias tuberosaButterfly Weed150DP5024" oc100% of areaWILDFLOWER AREA 2 (3100 SF)Asclepiaspurpurescens/syriacaPurple / Common Milkweed800DP 50 24" oc100% of areaWILDFLOWER AREA 3 (2100 SF)Monarda fistulosaWild Bergamot500 DP5024" oc100% of areaWILDFLOWER AREA 4 (3600 SF)Lupinus perennisWild Lupine3600 sfseed10 lbs/acre100% of areaSolidago odoraSweet Goldenrod500DP50 32" oc100% of areaWILDFLOWER AREA 5 (1850 SF)Asclepias tuberosaButterfly Weed300DP5024" oc70% of areaAllium cernuumNodding Onion500DP5012" oc30% of areaLEGEND :EXISTING SURVEYEDEVERGREEN TREEEXISTING UNSURVEYEDEVERGREEN TREEPROPOSED GRAYBIRCH TREESEXISTING UNSURVEYEDDECIDUOUS TREE OR LARGESHRUBEXISTING SURVEYEDDECIDUOUS TREEPROPOSED PLANT COMMUNITIES :SEEDING INFORMATION:NO MOW LAWN MIX by PRAIRIE NURSERYhttps://www.prairienursery.com/no-mow-lawn-seed-mix.htmlGeneral Product Information:No Mow Lawn, also called eco-lawn, is a drought tolerant,low-maintenance grass that needs mowing only once or twice a year.A cool-season blend of fescues, No Mow grows actively in spring andfall. Once fully established, No Mow requires very little water, due to alarge dense root system that also serves to inhibit weed growth.Moderate foot traffic is well tolerated and No Mow grows well in mostsoil types and light conditions. However, consistently moist soils andheavy clay soils should be avoided.Seed Rate: 220 lbs per acre/5 lbs per 1,000 sq ftSpecies: Festuca brevipila (Hard fescue), Festuca ovina (Sheepfescue), Festuca rubra subs. fallax (Chewings fescue), Festuca rubra(Red fescue), Festuca rubra var. rubra (Creeping red fescue)SEEDING INFORMATION:BLUESTEM MEADOW MIX by ERNST CONSERVATION SEEDSGeneral Product Information:Tall grass meadow with cool season and warm season grasses.Seed Rate: 20 lbs/acreSpecies: Schizachyrium scoparium (Little Bluestem, Albany Pine Bush- NYEcotype); Festuca brevipila (Hard Fescue, 'Jetty'); Festuca glauca (BlueFescue, 'Azure'); Festuca ovina (Sheep Fescue)Switchgrass Ribbon - 1750 +/- sfSeed with Switchgrass Seed Mix and supplemental Wildflower SeedGrey Birch Edgeland - 9300 +/- sfSeed with Bluestem Meadow Seed Mix.Chase Brook Streambank - 5575 +/- sfSeed with Bluestem Meadow Seed Mix.Shrubland - 4260 +/- sfSeed with Bluestem Meadow Seed Mix.Stabilized Aggregate Path (5' wide) - 3,820 +/- sf(SEE LAND MANAGEMENTPLAN FOR DETAIL)Mulch Path (3' wide) - 725 +/- sfInstall mulch path w/ 3" layer ofwood chips.Hightide Bush Colonies - 1,150 +/- sfExisting colony, no planting/seeding required.Salt Marsh - 3940+/- sfExisting salt marsh, no planting/seeding required.No-mow Fescue Lawn - 2,870 +/- sfSeed with No Mow Lawn Seed Mix.SWITCHGRASS MIX by ERNST CONSERVATION SEEDSGeneral Product Information:Short grass meadow with cool season and warm season grasses.Seed Rate: 20 lbs/acreGrass Species Composition: Panicum virgatum (Switchgrass, Long Island-NYEcotype), Festuca brevipila (Hard Fescue, 'Jetty'), Festuca glauca (BlueFescue, 'Azure'), Festuca ovina (Sheep Fescue)Supplemental Wildflower Seed Composition: Asclepias incarnata (SwampMilkweed), Aster novae-angliae (New England Aster), Eupatoriumperfoliatum (Boneset), Monarda fistulosa (Wild Bergamot)THE SURVEY INFORMATIONSHOWN ON THESE PLANS ISLIMITED. SIGNIFICANT TREELOCATIONS, UTILITIES ANDPROPERTY LINES SHOULD BEVERIFIED PRIOR TO ANYWORK TAKING PLACE INCLOSE PROXIMITY TO THOSEITEMS.THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAN ISFOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OFA LAND MANAGEMENT PLANAND ASSOCIATEDLANDSCAPE FEATURES.PRIOR TO PLANTING:Call DIGSAFE (1-888-344-7233) to locate existing utilities priorto any excavation. Protect existing utilities to remainthroughout the construction process, and repair anydamage at no cost to the Owner.SILT FENCE:Silt fence between areas of site disturbance and resourceareas to be maintained in good repair until vegetation hasbeen established.SUPPLEMENTAL IRRIGATION:Install a temporary, above-ground irrigation system to provide supplementalwater to all plantings for 2-3 growing seasons, or until plants are fully established.RESTORATION AND MAINTENANCE NOTES:Refer to Demolition / Removal Plans and Land ManagementPlan by Crawford Land Management for detailed protocolon restoration work.CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS:Restoration work should only be completed by a companythat specializes in natural resource management/ecologicalrestoration work with a proven track record of successfulinvasive species management and restoration projects.All work should be overseen by a Certified EcologicalRestoration Practitioner as certified by the Society forEcological Restoration.All tree work should be completed or overseen by a licensedarborist.All machine work should be completed by an insuredoperator with the appropriate hoisting and hydraulicslicenses.All herbicide applications should be completed byMassachusetts state-licensed and insured applicators thathave extensive knowledge of native / invasive species andare able to identify species in bare twig conditions.PROPOSED BENCHEXISTING CONTOURWILDFLOWERAREAPROPOSED OVERLOOK:NATURAL BOULDERS/ROCKSSET INTO EXISTING GRADENOT FORCONSTRUCTION.(ISSUED FORPERMITTING) T MOSW M1234897 8 9 10 109 9120523478901ROUTE 289765432121004 x8.0x9.987695TGRANITE CURB, TYP.WILDFLOWERAREA 3WILDFLOWERAREA 3PROPOSED SEATINGEXTENTS OF PROPOSED VIEWCORRIDORWILDFLOWERAREA 1TRANSPLANTED TUPELOPROPOSED SEATINGEXISTING LAWN TO REMAINOR BE REPLACED WITH NOMOW FESCUEEXISTING AMERICAN BEACHGRASS TO REMAIN;MANAGE INSTANCES OF RUGOSA ROSEWILDFLOWERAREA 2EXISTING VISTA PLATFORM TO REMAINBENCHWILDFLOWERAREA 281.5%66.5+95% MAX SLOPE5% MAXSLOPE1.5%1.5% CROSS PITCH, TYP.55.0+APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINE APP R O X I M A T E P R O P E R T Y L I N EEXISTING SALT MARSHTO REMAINSWITCHGRASSMEADOWBLUESTEMMEADOWSHRUBLANDEXISTING PARKINGTO REMAINMILL CREEKSWITCHGRASSMEADOWBLUESTEMMEADOWEXISTING SALT MARSHTO REMAINBLUESTEMMEADOWNO MOW ORDROUGHTTOLERANTFESCUE LAWNOVERLOOKBEACHGRASSBEACHGRASSSHRUBLANDNO MOW ORDROUGHTTOLERANTFESCUE LAWN6" RED MAPLE4" SERVICEBERRYSIGNIFICANT MAPLESIGNIFICANT M.S. BLACK CHERRY;PRUNE OUT/REMOVE ANY DEADSIGNIFICANT M.S.BLACK CHERRY12" BLACKCHERRY24" RED MAPLE4" RED MAPLESERVICEBERRYMAPLE(2) BLACK CHERRY10" BLACKCHERRYORN. CHERRY(2) 10" BLACK CHERRY(2) 14" BLACK CHERRY8" BLACK CHERRYYANKEEVILLAGEPARCELEROSION CONTROL PLANTING200' RIVERFRONT AREA200' RIVERFRONT AREA50' WETLAND BUFFER100' WETLAND BUFFER35' NO DISTURB ZONEAPPROX. EDGEOF WETLADNFLOOD ZONE AE (EL. 11)FLOOD ZONE AE (EL. 13)PR O P E R T Y LIN E 5% MAXSLOPE1020 10 0 20 60SCALE:DATE:All rights reserved. The drawings, designs, andideas embodied therein are property ofCLM/JS and shall not be copied, reproduced,or disclosed in connection with any work otherthan the project for which they have beenprepared, in whole or part, without priorwritten authorization of CLM/JS.NO:DATE:REVISION:BY:88 Route 6A, Suite 2B | Sandwich, MA 02563www.crawfordlm.com | 508.477.1346www.jenickstudio.com | 508.477.1346261 MA-28 TOWN OF YARMOUTH MILL CREEK PARCEL 12/07/20231" = 20'L-303RESTORATION PLANTING PLAN WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Bluestem Meadow - 14,280 +/- sfSeed with Bluestem Meadow Seed Mix. Overseed Area 3 with Echinacea pallida @ 4 oz/acre.PLANT SCHEDULESCIENTIFIC NAMECOMMON NAMEQUANTITYSIZE SPACINGNOTESWILDFLOWER AREA 1 (460 SF)Lupinus perennisWild Lupine460 SFSEED10 lbs/acre100% of areaSolidago odoraSweet Goldenrod100DP50 24" oc100% of areaWILDFLOWER AREA 2 (1225 SF)Allium cernuumNodding Onion200DP 5015" oc30% of areaAsclepias tuberosaButterfly Weed200DP50 24" oc70% of areaWILDFLOWER AREA 3 (1175 SF)Asclepias purpurescensPurple Milkweed1175 SFSEED 4 oz per acre100% of areaAsclepias syriacaCommon Milkweed150DP50 24" oc50% of areaMonarda fistulosaWild Bergamot150DP50 24" oc50% of areaPRIOR TO PLANTING:Call DIGSAFE (1-888-344-7233) to locate existingutilities prior to any excavation. Protect existingutilities to remain throughout the constructionprocess, and repair any damage at no cost tothe Owner.SILT FENCE:Silt fence between areas of site disturbanceand resource areas to be maintained in goodrepair until vegetation has been established.SUPPLEMENTAL IRRIGATION:Install a temporary, above-ground irrigation system to providesupplemental water to all plantings for 2-3 growing seasons, oruntil plants are fully established.RESTORATION AND MAINTENANCE NOTES:Refer to Demolition / Removal Plans and LandManagement Plan by Crawford LandManagement for detailed protocol onrestoration work.SEEDING INFORMATION:BLUESTEM MEADOW MIX by ERNST CONSERVATION SEEDSGeneral Product Information:Tall grass meadow with cool season and warm season grasses.Seed Rate: 20 lbs/acreSpecies: Schizachyrium scoparium (Little Bluestem, Albany Pine Bush- NYEcotype); Festuca brevipila (Hard Fescue, 'Jetty'); Festuca glauca (BlueFescue, 'Azure'); Festuca ovina (Sheep Fescue)Switchgrass Meadow - 7,300 +/- sfSeed with Switchgrass Seed Mix and supplemental Wildflower SeedShrubland (Existing Shrub Colonies to be Managed) - 10,400 +/- sfSeed with Bluestem Meadow Seed Mix.SWITCHGRASS MIX by ERNST CONSERVATION SEEDSGeneral Product Information:Short grass meadow with cool season and warm season grasses.Seed Rate: 20 lbs/acreGrass Species Composition: Panicum virgatum (Switchgrass, Long Island-NYEcotype), Festuca brevipila (Hard Fescue, 'Jetty'), Festuca glauca (BlueFescue, 'Azure'), Festuca ovina (Sheep Fescue)Supplemental Wildflower Seed Composition: Asclepias incarnata (SwampMilkweed), Aster novae-angliae (New England Aster), Eupatoriumperfoliatum (Boneset), Monarda fistulosa (Wild Bergamot)SEEDING INFORMATION:NO MOW LAWN MIX by PRAIRIE NURSERYhttps://www.prairienursery.com/no-mow-lawn-seed-mix.htmlGeneral Product Information:No Mow Lawn, also called eco-lawn, is a drought tolerant, low-maintenance grass that needsmowing only once or twice a year. A cool-season blend of fescues, No Mow grows actively inspring and fall. Once fully established, No Mow requires very little water, due to a large dense rootsystem that also serves to inhibit weed growth. Moderate foot traffic is well tolerated and No Mowgrows well in most soil types and light conditions. However, consistently moist soils and heavy claysoils should be avoided.Seed Rate: 220 lbs per acre/5 lbs per 1,000 sq ftSpecies: Festuca brevipila (Hard fescue), Festuca ovina (Sheep fescue), Festuca rubra subs. fallax(Chewings fescue), Festuca rubra (Red fescue), Festuca rubra var. rubra (Creeping red fescue)Drought Tolerant Tall Fescue Lawn or No-mow Fescue Lawn - 8345 +/- sfSeed with No Mow Lawn Seed Mix or Black Beauty Original Tall FescueGrass Seed BlendLEGEND :EXISTING SURVEYEDEVERGREEN TREEEXISTING UNSURVEYEDEVERGREEN TREEEXISTING UNSURVEYEDDECIDUOUS TREE OR LARGESHRUBEXISTING SURVEYEDDECIDUOUS TREEStabilized Aggregate Path (5' wide) - 2,480 +/- sfSEE LAND MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR DETAILPROPOSED PLANT COMMUNITIES :NPLANT SCHEDULESCIENTIFIC NAMECOMMON NAMEQUANTITYSIZE SPACINGNOTESAster divaricatusWhite Wood Aster250DP50 24" oc10% of areaComptonia peregrinaSweetfern250#2 48" oc40% of areaSolidago caesiaBluestem Goldenrod100DP50 36" oc10% of areaCONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS:Restoration work should only be completed by a companythat specializes in natural resource management/ecologicalrestoration work with a proven track record of successfulinvasive species management and restoration projects.All work should be overseen by a Certified EcologicalRestoration Practitioner as certified by the Society forEcological Restoration.All tree work should be completed or overseen by a licensedarborist.All machine work should be completed by an insuredoperator with the appropriate hoisting and hydraulicslicenses.All herbicide applications should be completed byMassachusetts state-licensed and insured applicators thathave extensive knowledge of native / invasive species andare able to identify species in bare twig conditions.EXISTING SALT MARSH TO REMAINEXISTING BEACH GRASS TO REMAINTHE SURVEY INFORMATIONSHOWN ON THESE PLANS ISLIMITED. SIGNIFICANT TREELOCATIONS, UTILITIES ANDPROPERTY LINES SHOULD BEVERIFIED PRIOR TO ANYWORK TAKING PLACE INCLOSE PROXIMITY TO THOSEITEMS.THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAN ISFOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OFA LAND MANAGEMENT PLANAND ASSOCIATEDLANDSCAPE FEATURES.NOT FORCONSTRUCTION.(ISSUED FORPERMITTING)PROPOSED BENCHLOCATIONEROSION CONTROL PLANTING AREA (50 to 100 SF)Seed with Switchgrass Seed Mix and supplemental with salt marsh grass plugsPLANT SCHEDULESCIENTIFIC NAMECOMMON NAMEQUANTITYSIZE SPACINGNOTESDistichlis spicataSpike Grass50DP50 12-24" oc100% of areaSpartina patensSaltmeadow cordgrass50DP50 12-24" oc100% of areaPROPERTY LINECONTOURWILDFLOWERAREA VVVV V7.87.06 0 54367-1 -1 2 4 56 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV V VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV BL-3*BL-4*CHASEBROOKPARCELYANKEEVILLAGEPARCEL35' NO DISTURBBUFFER35' NO DISTURBBUFFERTOP OF BANKTOP OF BANK 50' WETLANDBUFFER50' WETLANDBUFFEREDGE OFWETLANDEDGE OFWETLANDMHW MHW7.87.06 0 54367-1 -1 2 4 56 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV V VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV BL-3*BL-4*CHASEBROOKPARCELPREFABRICATED GLULAMTIMBER SUPERSTRUCTURE(BY OTHERS)YANKEEVILLAGEPARCELREINFORCED CONCRETEABUTMENT (TYP.)REINFORCED CONCRETEWINGWALL (TYP.)4'-6" CLEAR WIDTH5' OUT-TO-OUT7' ABUTMENTWIDTHWATTLE SILT BARRIER(SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET)35' NO DISTURBBUFFER35' NO DISTURBBUFFERTOP OF BANKTOP OF BANK 50' WETLANDBUFFER50' WETLANDBUFFEREDGE OFWETLANDEDGE OFWETLANDMHW MHW40' SPANDOWNSLOPE GRADE TOFINISHED WALKWAY WITHSTABILIZED AGGREGATEMMWVM8.27.98.2M7. 765 9 9877 8 FLOOD ZONE AE (EL. 13)FLOOD ZONE AE (EL. 11)VVVVVVVVVVVV V V V VVVVVVVVVV V STAGING AREA50' WETLANDBUFFER100' BUFFER FROM TOPOF COASTAL BANK35' NO DISTURBBUFFERTOP OF COASTAL BANK6. VVVVVVV VVV FLOOD ZONE AE (EL. 11)FLOOD ZONE AE (EL. 13)STAGINGAREA50' WETLANDBUFFER100' BUFFER FROM TOPOF COASTAL BANK35' NO DISTURBBUFFERYANKEEVILLAGEPARCELMILLCREEKPARCELCoastal Engineering Co., Inc. © 2023 PROJECT NO. OF SHEETSDRAWN BYDRAWING FILECHECKED BYDATEPROJECTSCALE SHEET TITLE SEALDATENO.REVISION BY G:\C23\C23015.01 - Town of Yarmouth - WFM\CAD\WIP\C23015-01-MAR-IFP.dwg 11/29/2023 12:56 PM CHASE BROOK PARK RESTORATION TOWN OF YARMOUTH 261 & 275 ROUTE 28 WEST YARMOUTH, MA C23015.01PLAN SHOWING EXISTING & PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN BRIDGEC-10111 13AS NOTED12/7/2023C23015-01-MAR-IFP.dwgTGDCCRKEY PLANSCALE: 1" = 200'PEDESTRIANBRIDGE LOCATIONPLAN VIEW SHOWING EXISTING BRIDGE LOCATIONSCALE: 1" = 10'PLAN VIEW SHOWING PROPOSED BRIDGE LOCATIONSCALE: 1" = 10'1 inch = 10 ft.10501030THIS DRAWING IS PREPARED FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES ONLYAND SHALL NOT BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION.1" x 2' x 4' WOODEN STAKE6' ON CENTER (MAX)2' 4'FILTER FABRIC STAPLEFABRIC TO POSTBURRY BOTTOMOF FILTER FABRICIN 6" x 6" TRENCH9" STRAW WATTLESLOPENOT TO SCALEWATTLE SILT BARRIER DETAILPLAN VIEW SHOWING STAGINGAREA FOR CHASE BROOK PARCELSCALE: 1" = 30'PLAN VIEW SHOWING STAGINGAREA FOR YANKEE VILLAGE PARCELSCALE: 1" = 30' VV2 SCARP20'± FIBER ROLL EROSION PROTECTION(IF BUDGET ALLOWS)EXISTING TIMBER PIEREDGE OF FLAGGED WETLANDSMHWEXISTING TREE LINESEE PLANTING PLAN6"-12" LAYER OF SANDNOURISHMENT20" Ø LOW DENSITY FIBER ROLL900 GRAM COIR FABRICDB88 DUCKBILL ANCHORSWITH HDG CABLESTOP EL 4.0BOTTOM EL 3.01.51OSWM9. 0 1099 STAGING AREAEDGE OF FLAGGED WETLANDS35' NO DISTURBBUFFER50' WETLANDBUFFER100' BUFFER FROM TOPOF COASTAL BANKFLOOD ZONE AE (EL. 13)FLOOD ZONE AE (EL. 11)200' RIVERFRONT AREAMMWVM8.27.98.2M7. 9 98778 FLOOD ZONE AE (EL. 13)FLOOD ZONE AE (EL. 11)VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV STAGING AREA50' WETLANDBUFFER100' BUFFER FROM TOPOF COASTAL BANK35' NO DISTURBBUFFERTOP OF COASTAL BANK6. VVVVVV VVV FLOOD ZONE AE (EL. 11)FLOOD ZONE AE (EL. 13)STAGINGAREA50' WETLANDBUFFER100' BUFFER FROM TOPOF COASTAL BANK35' NO DISTURBBUFFERYANKEEVILLAGEPARCELMILLCREEKPARCELKEY PLANSCALE: 1" = 200'EROSION CONTROLLOCATIONPLAN VIEW SHOWING SHORELINE EROSION CONTROLSCALE: 1" = 5'Coastal Engineering Co., Inc. © 2023 PROJECT NO. OF SHEETSDRAWN BYDRAWING FILECHECKED BYDATEPROJECTSCALE SHEET TITLE SEALDATENO.REVISION BY G:\C23\C23015.01 - Town of Yarmouth - WFM\CAD\WIP\C23015-01-MAR-IFP.dwg 11/29/2023 12:56 PM CHASE BROOK PARK RESTORATION TOWN OF YARMOUTH 281 ROUTE 28 WEST YARMOUTH, MA C23015.01SHORELINE EROSION PROTECTION PLANC-10212 13AS NOTED12/7/2023C23015-01-MAR-IFP.dwgTGDCCR1 inch = 30 ft.301503090FIBER ROLL DETAILSCALE: 1" = 4'THIS DRAWING IS PREPARED FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES ONLYAND SHALL NOT BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION.1 inch = 5 ft.5 2.5 0515PLAN VIEW SHOWING STAGINGAREA FOR MILL CREEK PARCELSCALE: 1" = 30'PLAN VIEW SHOWING STAGINGAREA FOR CHASE BROOK PARCELSCALE: 1" = 30'PLAN VIEW SHOWING STAGINGAREA FOR YANKEE VILLAGE PARCELSCALE: 1" = 30' COASTALBANKCOASTALBANK-5-4-3-2-1012345678910111213141516171819200+000+100+200+300+400+500+600+700+800+901+001+10GRADE PATHWAY TO MEET BRIDGE SURFACE PREFABRICATED GLULAM TIMBERSUPERSTRUCTURE (BY OTHERS)EXIST. GRADEMLW EL. = -2.05REINFORCED CONCRETE ABUTMENT (TYP.)HELICAL PILES (TYP.)5' CLEARANCELAND SUBJECT TO COASTAL STORM FLOWAGERIVERFRONT AREARIVERFRONT AREA3'±SALTMARSH1'±SALT MARSHMHW EL. = 1.32HTL EL. = 2.74PROPOSEDGRADEFILL AREACUT AREA3' MIN. CLEARANCEFOR INSPECTIONACCESS5% MAX.WATTLE SILT BARRIER (TYP.)(SEE DETAIL SHEET C-101)PROPOSED SLOPE 25:1PROPOSED SLOPE 6.4:13'-6"5' OUT-TO-OUT WIDTH4'-6" CLEAR WIDTHGLULAM TIMBERS (TYP.)TIMBER DECKINGRAILING WITH VERTICALPOSTS & PICKETSBRIDGE PROFILESCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"TYPCIAL BRIDGE CROSS SECTIONSCALE: 1" = 1'-0"Coastal Engineering Co., Inc. © 2023 PROJECT NO. OF SHEETSDRAWN BYDRAWING FILECHECKED BYDATEPROJECTSCALE SHEET TITLE SEALDATENO.REVISION BY G:\C23\C23015.01 - Town of Yarmouth - WFM\CAD\WIP\C23015-01-MAR-IFP.dwg 12/5/2023 3:37 PM CHASE BROOK PARK RESTORATION TOWN OF YARMOUTH 261 & 275 ROUTE 28 WEST YARMOUTH, MA C23015.01PROPOSED BIRDGE SECTIONS & DETAILSC-20113 13AS NOTED12/7/2023C23015-01-MAR-IFP.dwgTGDCCR1 inch = 1 ft.10.50131/4 inch = 1 ft.4 2 0412EXAMPLE PREFABRICATED BRIDGE STRUCTURENTSTHIS DRAWING IS PREPARED FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES ONLYAND SHALL NOT BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION.*NOTE:BRIDGE RAILING NOT SHOWNFOR CLARITY