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Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Water Resources -Wetlands
WPA Form 1-Request for Determination of Applicability Yarmouth
Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Municipality
A.General Information
Catherine & Jason
First Name
95 Magill Dr.
Phone Number
2.Property Owner (if different from Applicant):
First Name
Phone Number
3.Representative (if any)
First Name
Company Name
Phone Number
B.Project Description
Last Name
MA 01519
State Zip Code
Email Address
Last Name
State Zip Code
Email Address (if known)
Last Name
State Zip Code
Email Address (if known)
1.a. Project Location (use maps and plans to identify the location of the area subject to this request):
10 Mariners Lane
Street Address
Yarmouth Port
Latitude (Decimal Degrees Format with 5 digits after decimal
e.g. XX.XXXXX)
Longitude (Decimal Degrees Format with 5 digits after
decimal e.g. -XX.XXXXX)
132 79
Assessors' Map Number Assessors' Lot/Parcel Number
b.Area Description (use additional paper, if necessary):
Residential land with single family dwelling, fenced back yard, and in-ground swimming pool. Proposed work area is within buffer zone to a bordering vegetated wetland.
c.Plan and/or Map Reference(s): (use additional paper if necessary)
Exhibit A -Plot Map w/ fence and landscape design
Exhibit B -Walpole Fence Sketch
wpaform1 .doc• rev. 4/10/2023 WPA Form 1 -Request for Determination of Applicability • Page 1 of 3
§B.2. a. Activity/Work Description•Replace and extend existing fence line around pool / backyard area.o Replace and extend the existing 4' picket fence with 6' Cedar Privacy fence on
east side of property abutting 132.80 and 132.81.o Replace and extend existing 4' picket and gate(s) on street facing section(s)
with 6' Cedar privacy fence/gate(s).o Replace and extend the existing 4' picket fence with 4' Sag Harbor Cedar fence.
Transition from street facing section on the southwest side of property, follow
existing fence line in northeast direction apx. 25 feet then proceed on an apx.
45°angle until reaching comer of 6' privacy fence on northeast comer of the lot.•Expand fenced-in yard and add plantingsoProposing to install native plant border along the east side of the property. The
property backs up to the Center Street Marsh. The BVW has been delineated
by Paul J. Shea, PWS. For native plantings to be successful, it is proposed that
the invasive ivy and woody root zone left behind from previous cutting of
vegetation be removed and clean loam added. A small 35HP tractor/backhoe is
the proposed means to remove said root zone. Straw wattle will be installed to
prevent any disturbance to adjacent wetlands. Every effort will be made to
avoid disruption to the adjacent area.o Remove and cut flush tagged holly located in landscape bed at front left comer
of the house and remove and cut flush tagged cluster of 3 trees at southwest
comer of fence adjacent to outdoor shower. Trees are shading house and
resulting in mold growth on roof, side of house and adjacent ground. Proposal
to replace 3-tree cluster with 6 new native trees (3 Betula nigra / River birch
and 3 Amelanchier canadensis / Shadbush) with appropriate spacing to enable
tree growth and avoid overshading & mold growth. Proposal to replace holly
with new native planting (Amelanchier canadensis / shadbush).
Fence & Planting Beautification Project
10 Mariners Lane, Yarmouth Port, MA
Detailed Narrative of Project
Revision B
December 6, 2023
10 Mariners Lane, Yarmouth Port - Fence & Planting Project - Revision A - 06 Nov 2023
Project Goals
•Replace old fence with upgraded Walpole cedar
•Expand fenced-in area and add native plantings
•Replace 4 trees growing over house with 7 new
10 Mariners Lane, Yarmouth Port - Fence & Planting Project - Revision B – 06 Dec 2023
Fence |Replace old fence with new fence, increase fenced-in area to add native plantings and increase privacy
•The existing 4’ will be replaced with 6’ Cedar
privacy fence along street facing sections and
east side of backyard.
•The existing 4’ picket fence will be replaced along
the north-west section with 4’ Walpole Sag
Harbor cedar fence. Path of replacement fence
will match existing fence within 35’ buffer.
Beyond 35’ buffer, the fence will continue
straight to meet the 6’ft privacy fence at the
northeast property line.
•Picket gates to be replaced with new gates
matching style of new 6’ cedar fence.
10 Mariners Lane, Yarmouth Port - Fence & Planting Project - Revision B - 06 Dec 2023
Fence Gate Replacement
•Picket gates to be replaced with
new gates matching style of new
6’ cedar fence.
•Examples of new gates are
shown in white but will be
natural cedar in color.
10 Mariners Lane, Yarmouth Port - Fence & Planting Project - Revision B - 06 Dec 2023
Fence Key
Fence Comment H
Picket Cedar To be replaced 4’
Walpole Sag Harbor Cedar To be Installed 4’
Walpole Princeton Cedar To be Installed 6’
Expanded Fenced in Area
•Illustration of fence
replacement and increase in
fenced in area
•Fence replacement and
fenced-in area extension does
not result in fencing any closer
to wetland area.
Fenced-in Area Extension
10 Mariners Lane, Yarmouth Port - Fence & Planting Project - Revision B - 06 Dec 2023
•Extended area is currently
occupied with invasive
species / ivy
•Extended area is currently
grass and stone walkway
Fenced-in Area Extension
Image A – view of fenced-in area extension Image B – view of fenced-in area extension
Image C – view of fenced-in area extension
10 Mariners Lane, Yarmouth Port - Fence & Planting Project - Revision B - 06 Dec 2023
10 Mariners Lane | Planting Design
Planting Key
Location of new Native Plantings A and D
•Add Native Plantings for privacy and beautification
Image of Holly to be replaced
with Native Planting C
Image of 3 trees to be replaced
with Native Plantings B and C
10 Mariners Lane, Yarmouth Port - Fence & Planting Project - Revision B - 06 Dec 2023
A -- 3
0 4-10 --.f 1
Project/Site:1 v:'<- 3n,,,• City/Town: / 7, I'. rrt c.)Ct.-111 Sampling Date: jv - 21
Applicant/Owner: sj c4 -/-- CI c'i uG 1 '/ i'vt.Ck- Sampling Point or Zone: A— 3
Investigator(s): t,.( s)
Soil Map U it Name:`.4 Vor 4',,nry C'c-cr's -.e, ` NWI or DEP Classification:(r-• c,13
Are crimatic/hydrologic cyondtio ion t e to typical for this time of year? Yes . No If no,explain in Remarks)
Are Vegetation .4/ ,Soil 4i1U ,or Hydrology 41'u significantly disturbed?(If yes, explain in Remarks)
Are Vegetation "1/, ,Soil ,v. ,or Hydrology —1 0 naturally problematic?(If yes, explain in Remarks)
SUMMARY OF FINDINGS-Attach site map and photograph log showing sampling locations,transects,etc.
Wetland vegetation criterion met? Yes X. No Is the Sampled Area Yes ' No
Hydric Soils criterion met? Yes X No within a Wetland?
Wetlands hydrology present? Yes No
Remarks,Photo Details, Flagging,etc.:
L'73/!L e,r -
S, ; I\) - r v L ?I-My, c
C cg l'"ab-/-eii X:i,s- ,(f it:c,a_5.,, ,f'C;J//p•?.--)-A), a vt I `c'vbLe,, c-PV0i "
Field Observations:
Surface Water Present? Yes No X Depth(inches)
Water Table Present? Yes '` No Depth(inches)
f' a
Saturation Present(including capillary fringe)? Yes ,X, No Depth(inches) /3
Wetland Hydrology Indicators
Reliable Indicators of Wetlands I Indicators that can be Reliable with Indicators of the Influence of Water
Hydrology Proper Interpretation
Water-stained leaves Hydrological records Direct observation of inundation
Evidence of aquatic fauna Free water in a soil test hole Drainage patterns
Iron deposits X Saturated soil Drift lines
Algal mats or crusts Water marks Scoured areas
Oxidized rhizospheres/pore Moss trim lines Sediment deposits
Thin muck surfaces Presence of reduced iron Surface soil cracks
Plants with air-filled tissue Woody plants with adventitious Sparsely vegetated concave
aerenchyma)roots surface
Plants with polymorphic leaves Trees with shallow root systems x Microtopographic relief
Plants with floating leaves Woody plants with enlarged j> Geographic position(depression,
Hydrogen sulfide odor lenticels toe of slope,fringing lowland)
Remarks(describe recorded data from stream gauge, monitoring well,aerial photos, previous inspections,if available):
We 16/1'1- dt:d"-'•1 4'4 e ti" -(
x,,`„,34c,Gij --c---•e_pLe.L.e.,.„
This form is only for BVW delineations. Other wetland resource areas may be present and should be delineated
according to the applicable regulatory provisions.
Sampling Point _A-• 3
SOIL dI 74 ZzAYlt
Profile Description:(Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators)
Depth Matrix Redox Features
inches) Color(moist) % Color(moist) C % Type"Location' Texture Remarks
Y -3 Fes, f y,
Type:C=Concentration, D=Depletion,RM=Reduced Matrix,MS=Masked Sand Grains 'Location:PL=Pore Lining,M=Matrix
Hydric Soil Indicators(Check all that apply) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils
Histosol(Al) X Sandy Redox(S5)2 cm Muck(A10)
Histic Epipedon(A2) Stripped Matrix(56) 5 cm Mucky Peat or Peat(S3)
Black Histic(A3) Polyvalue Below Surface(S8) Dark Surface(S7)
Hydrogen Sulfide(A4)Thin Dark Surface(59) Polyvalue Below Surface(58)
Stratified Layers(A5) X Loamy Mucky Mineral(F1) Thin Dark Surface(S9)
Depleted Below Dark Surface(All) Loamy Gleyed Matrix(F2) Iron-Manganese Masses(F12)
Thick Dark Surface(Al2) Depleted Matrix(F3) Mesic Spodic(A17)
Sandy Mucky Mineral(51) Redox Dark Surface(F7)Red Parent Material(F21)
Sandy Gleyed Matrix(S4) Depleted Dark Surface(F8) Very Shallow Dark Surface(TF12)
Dark Surface(S7) Other(Include Explanation in Remarks)
Restrictive Layer(if observed)Type: Depth(inches):
Remarks: " j
Hydric Soils criterion met? Yes / No
Sampling Point ly 3
VEGETATION-Use both common and scientific names of plants.71
Tree Stratum Plot size
Indicator Absolute Dominant? Wetland
Status %Cover (yes/no)Indictor?
Common name Scientific name yes/no)
1.A'z I
J `y-
i -
G 1r-. J J r( F!¢c_ L e_)"ty2."
l6'L `:
6't"i'1li ! //2(4s. `"uI t J`,4C l/
3. J
Total Cover
Shrub/Sapling Stratum Plot size
Indicator Absolute Dominant? Wetland
Status %Cover (yes/no)Indictor?
Common name
Scientific name yes/no)
1`5t/z /;7'c1 77rA `h. , 1,
0 iL7!l o f/'l1I.-41/ 3 /
2. `
e4,(,.. 43 k_rv- v:% %g t..4.4t. r' P t i t F40 W c 9 /.7l/l-V{1 ,/'(1,40G'4y V`iLo-rta C i' •t_ 4 4+t& 42
5. I
9. E I
Total Cover
Herb Stratum Plot size
Indicator Absolute Dominant? Wetland
Status %Cover (yes/no)Indictor?
Common name Scientific name yes/no)
1.0 . Ire.-vstt,C+;v1,4 a.0 Q A-
72, S S ^1 LT P 'y
Total Cover
Sampling Point'3
A /4-/J /V 7_, ,t,_Woody Vine Stratum Plot size
Indicator Absolute Dominant? Wetland
Status %Cover (yes/no)Indictor?
Common name Scientific name
1-(,..%'-C, k,4 v- -v• c ' l q,>C FA eV, 4/42.
Total Cover
Rapid Test: Do all dominant species have an indicator status of OBL or FACW? Yes X No
Dominance Test: Number of Number of dominant species that are Do wetland indicator plants make
dominant species wetland indicator plants up 2.50%of dominant plant
7 7 species?
XYes No
Prevalence Index: Total%Cover(all
strata) Multiply by: Result
OBL species X 1
FACW species X 2
FAC species X 3
FACU species X 4
UPL species X 5
Column Totals (A)6- B)
Prevalence Index B/A= Is the Prevalence Index<_3.0?
i Yes XNo
Wetland vegetation criterion met? Yes f\ No
Definitions of Vegetation Strata
Tree- Woody plants 3 in.(7.62 cm) or more in diameter at breast height(DBH),regardless of height
Shrub/Sapling- Woody plants less than 3 in.(7.62 cm)DBH and greater than or equal to 3.3 ft.(1 m)tall
Herb- All herbaceous(non-woody)plants,regardless of size,and woody plants less than 3.3 ft.(1 m)tall
Woody vines-All woody vines greater than 3.3 ft. (1 m)in height
Cover Ranges
Range Midpoint
1-5% 3.0%
6-15% 10.5%
15-25% 20.5%
26-50% 38.0%
51-75% 63.0%
76-95% 85.5%
96-100% 98.0%
tim e, 4 CI?
up\c— 6 01' -` f/
Project/Site: Jo/4..‘/ ,yl•c_tr-s-• -cam,i/(,f; City/Town: Ya if" 0kc+L Sampling Date: /U '-7 - c23
Applicant/Owne is%..-z f ,r; te, vve- h,er' Sampling Point or Zone: /4+ 3
Investigator((s): ' ?i/ .(,.? P1,/,,.,5 Latitude/Longitude:
Soil Map Unit Namee Zr-w.s'7/4 jt. .1 Sc fV / NWI or DEP Classification:cc,) 6. tirty-/Anly C,' ItW sfAreclimatic/hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes No If no,explain in Remarks)' Y
Are Vegetation Vt. ,Soil 1,5 ,or Hydrology y.e significantly disturbed?(If yes,explain in Remarks))a/ er I
Are Vegetation i f ,Soil 4, ,or Hydrology t
e y naturally problematic?(If yes,explain in Remarks)t/V/)j,- ylejv 7
SUMMARY OF FINDINGS-Attach site map and photograph log showing sampling locations,transects,etc. - 'T -e, 4-61c•52
Wetland vegetation criterion met? Yes No >
Is the Sampled Area Yes No r`>/
Hydric Soils criterion met? Yes No within a Wetland?
Wetlands hydrology present? Yes No
Remarks, Photo Details, Flagging,etc.: 1
44n 01 ite3 n•exA tc 4.et. r66 /,0 ,ram' /
Wir4614.) -1-7-t ijA --//ely /4 - 2 63 V W) #
Field Observations:
Surface Water Present? Yes No _ Depth(inches)
Water Table Present? Yes No Depth(inches)
Saturation Present(including capillary fringe)? Yes No _ Depth(inches)
Wetland Hydrology Indicators
Reliable Indicators of Wetlands Indicators that can be Reliable with Indicators of the Influence of Water
Hydrology Proper Interpretation
Water-stained leaves Hydrological records Direct observation of inundation
Evidence of aquatic fauna Free water in a soil test hole Drainage patterns
Iron deposits Saturated soil Drift lines
Algal mats or crusts Water marks Scoured areas
Oxidized rhizospheres/pore Moss trim lines Sediment deposits
Thin muck surfaces Presence of reduced iron Surface soil cracks
Plants with air-filled tissue Woody plants with adventitious Sparsely vegetated concave
aerenchyma)roots surface
Plants with polymorphic leaves Trees with shallow root systems Microtopographic relief
Plants with floating leaves Woody plants with enlarged Geographic position(depression,
Hydrogen sulfide odor lenticels toe of slope,fringing lowland)
Remarks(describe recorded data from stream gauge,monitoring well,aerial photos, previous inspections, if available):
I i/lpI›val aev )7 iC/ ...S / 4i D. / --7?-JjreSa
This form is only for BVW delineations. Other wetland resource areas may be present and should be delineated
according to the applicable regulatory provisions.
Sampling Point. 413
SOIL C Ma rt.t r y
Profile Description:(Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators)
Depth Matrix Redox Features
inches) Color(moist) % Color(moist) 1 % Type'Location2 Texture Remarks
A a /c 1 P, I
Q ti /.°A --3 X-JA-- --? AT ,..,)„,:f
Type:C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix,MS=Masked Sand Grains 2Location:PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix
Hydric Soil Indicators(Check all that apply) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils
Histosol(Al) Sandy Redox(55) 2 cm Muck(A10)
Histic Epipedon(A2) Stripped Matrix(S6) 5 cm Mucky Peat or Peat(S3)
Black Histic(A3)Polyvalue Below Surface(58) Dark Surface(S7)
Hydrogen Sulfide(A4) Thin Dark Surface(S9) Polyvalue Below Surface(58)
Stratified Layers(A5) Loamy Mucky Mineral(Fl) Thin Dark Surface(S9)
Depleted Below Dark Surface(All) Loamy Gleyed Matrix(F2) Iron-Manganese Masses(F12)
Thick Dark Surface(Al2) Depleted Matrix(F3) Mesic Spodic(A17)
Sandy Mucky Mineral(S1) Redox Dark Surface(F7) Red Parent Material(F21)
Sandy Gleyed Matrix(S4) Depleted Dark Surface(F8) Very Shallow Dark Surface(TF12)
Dark Surface(S7) Other(Include Explanation in Remarks)
Restrictive Layer(if observed)Type: Depth(inches):
Remarks• /
D,,,/ .),,,,,L,-/„,/ <1)/ k r__?L c, v 4 rfe - -,-))/,')5-6 eis
Ji, e...X "I--- ,74, /4),:.-4/1-e i100 6-0/ ---/-- -ri,e..„6 4,,
i-(1,o y r ,.. d.` ,i,i/74-"-' -,-.--/---VW
W` i— A4
Hydric Soils criterion met? Yes No
Sampling Point
VEGETATION—Use both common and scientific names of plants. 42 1c ,
Tree Stratum Plot size
Indicator Absolute Dominant? Wetland
Status %Cover (yes/no)Indictor?
Common name Scientific name yes/no)
1. I I 1
Total Cover
Shrub/Sapling Stratum Plot size
Indicator Absolute Dominant? Wetland
Status %Cover (yes/no)Indictor?
Common name Scientific name yes/no) I
Total Cover
Herb Stratum Plot size
Indicator Absolute Dominant? Wetland
Status %Cover (yes/no)Indictor? '
Common name Scientific name
7 te
Total Cover
7*re / r s'