HomeMy WebLinkAbout34 Driftwood Lane paper applicationApplication tor 2024 Rental Registration
Health Department
Tefephone (508) 398-2231 , ext. 1240
Fax (508) 760-3472
E-mail: epolite@yarmouth. ma. us
ZHF rn" ro*n of Yarmouth is excited to announce that we've streamtined the online registration process to
make it more user-friendly than ever before! Simply visit https://varmouthma. portal.oDenqov.com/ to get
started. There, you can effortlessly create your account and conveniently pay the registration fee.
Using this upgraded system. vou'll have the power to engage with us throughout the entire process. Nct onlv
can yuu seoureiy comrnunicate witn our team, but you'll also gain access to your important documents, the
ability to upload photos, and much more! This improved platform is designed to make your registration
experience smooth and efficient.
Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Detectors are Required!
Owners: I have ensured the batteries are changed, have tested ALL Smoke Detectors/Carbon
Monoxide Detectors and verified that they are less than 10 years old: P/ease initial
Conlact the Building Deparlmenl regarding questions on type and tocatron prior to purcha !-htlosJ/www.varmouth ma us/DocumentC ntern /iew1 1 221lSmoke detector localion
Anon refundable apptrcation fee of $80 pef UniUfgntal isrequrred 'n-':11 ;,'19 /)3
Rental Certificates expire on December 31"i. 2024.
lf NOT registering online, please make checks payable to: Town of Yarmouth and mail completed application &
payment to: Town of Yarmouth Heallh Department.
The Health Depaftment willcallto schedule an inspeclion if required. upon receipt of yourapplication and fee.
Rental Property Address
97 DilfTwool L-^r..E
Rental Periocl:
Annuall Seasonal Short Term (less than 3'1 davs)
Trash Removal bv:
o*n", { ,"nrn
Property Owner Name
htt|t:rct CALAGiovr,AuGrcss ti.) wlltunq h/+ ,oi1i7c),ub
Mailin g Address
(required)Primary Phone No
Sffi-353'33rr ^tirtlpfi?r: zcr (required)E-mail Address:
h.ct-.4 tt cl OetX UL-r"'
Owner's Representative/RentalAgert/Agen y(/'7.".(r
Primarv Phone No
-<.rq ^?D- =t-"(required)E-mail Address
L LlucKS P@not"c-4
I have rdad and lam familrrr with the Town ofYarmouth Chapter 108 Rental Housing Bylaw, Chapter 104 Antr-Noise Bylaw. Town ofYarmouth Short Term Rental Bylaw (rf applic€ble) and the lVlA. Stale Sanrtary Code. Chapler ll (l\rrnimum Standards of Fitness
For Human Habrtalron) all of whrch are available on ourwebsite. httos://www.varmouth.ma.us/423i RentalHousino-Proqram
Fufihermole, I understand t must notify the Health Department in writing when I am no longer renting the property, or I may be
subject to flnes and bes
Sign Date. I L lv/tslJ^,f\. \rlald\L
Rental P roperty lnformation
All fields are re uiredl lncom lete forms without a valid hone # or email cannot be rocessed
ouse Du
Rental of
lex Condo A rtment Room
Revisedr 10/2312023