HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLDX-23-15771/aonrr*rarroN ADDRE'' ASSESSOR'S N{FOfu\LATION ,r4 EXPRESS BUTLDING PERMIT APPLIC ATIO TOWN OF YARMOUTH Yarmouth Building Department 1 146 Route 28 South Yarmouth , MA 02664 (508) 398-2231 Ext. \261 Parcel PRESENT ADDRESS iPermid 50- lPermit lissue d expir€s 180 days from ,ts&-zstoo /b\ CONTRACTOR: ,t/Eun-p+ffiE o DEC r22023 BUILDING DEPARTMENT By NANIE illA.lLlN..G ADDRESS E Residential Est. Cost ofConstruction S Home Improvement Contrrctor Lic. # Construction Supervisor Lic. # Workmarl's Compensatio[ Insuance: (check one)I I am the homeowner ] [ am the sole prop.ietor I I have Worker's Cornpensation Insurance \\ OIIK TO BE PERFOR\IED Tcnt Duration TEL J l.'- Irsurance Company ,.i..arne: Worker,s Comp. policyl+_ Siding: # of Squares (Fire Retardant Certificate attached?) Replacement windows: p_a..' Roofing: # of Squares_ ( ) Remove existing* (mar. 2 layers) _ Old Kings Highway/Historic Disr. ( ) Replacing like for like rThe dcbris wiil be disposed ofar: Frcilio I d€clare under penaltles ofperju.v lha! the statemens hereln contained are tfle and con'ect to the best ofmy knowl€dge and belief l understard that any false answer(s)wlll bejust cause lor denial or revo lr ofmv I i,lr prosecution under VLG L. Ch. 268, Secrion I Applicant's Si ners Signature (or attxchment) Date ./""Dat€: Approved By Building Oflicia.l (or desigce)E},AIL ADDRESS Zoning District Historical District: a yes _ No Water Resource Protection Disu.ict:I Yes lNo Flood Plain Zone: _ Yes Within 100 ft. of Wetlardsi Yes I No o\ /r_.' 7: /, ili ) /, (z,triht llr/,rtk- Map: i Commercial Wood Stove_ Replacement door r, y'Afu\ /tasvtatioq/b_ Pool fencins Dale ;b:\ \l:orkers'Comp The Commonweatlh o, Mossochmetts Department of Indwtrial Accidents 1 Congress Street, Suite 100 Boston, MA 02114-2017 www.mass.gov/dia ensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors,/Etectricians/plumbers- TO BE FILED WITH TUE PER.&IITTING .ATITHOzuTY.ApDIi cant Inform ation P ease Print L btYName (Busi,ess/O€anizarion/lndividual): Address:7 ,e.1 2/274 oe-/' City/StatelZip:Phone #:Js-l-- aa/b applicant $ai checki box #l must also fill out the section bclow showing their workers ' compensation policy infonnatio[Homeo\rtrers .rho submit this affidavit indicating tbey are doing all work and then hire ouBide contractors must submit a new affidavt indicaliry suchtcon!-actors that cbcck this bo;must attached an additional sheet showing thc name of the sub-contractors and state whether or tlot tiosc entities haveemployees. Ilthe su[contracto rs have einployees,they must prcvide L-' t- Arc you ao employcr? Chcck the appropriate bor l.I I am a employer with _cmployees (full and,lor palt_tinE) * )f] I am a sole proprietor or parmership and have no cmployees working for me inar1y capaciry [No [[am a homeownc workeas'comp_ rnsurance required.] r doing all work myself [No workers' comp. insuEnce requted.] i I am a homeo$/ner alrd wiil be hiring contractors to conduc! all wod< on my properry. I willensure that all conu-aclors either have workcrs, cohpensation usurance o, *a .irl _. propaietors with no crDployccs. I am a gencral con!-actor ard I have hircd the sub-contractors lrsled on dre attached sheet.These sub-confaclors have crl1ployees and have workcas, corflD. insuGncc I ) 6 ! wc are a corporarion and its officrrs have exercised ther nght ofexemption per MGL cI5l- S t (4), and we haye no employees. p.to *ort.o, "ornflrr,*ncc.lqrur!;l Type of project (required) 7. 8. 9. 10 New constuction Remodeling Demolition Building addition t l. fl Electrical repairs or additions 12. ! Plumbing repairs or additions 13 14 Roof repairs Other their workers'comp. policy ouhber I am an emploler that is providing workzn'inlfomutiott compensation insurance for my enplolees. Below is the policy andjob site Insurance Company Name Policy # or Self-ias. Lic. # Job Site Address: Expiration Date Attach a copy of CitYTState/ZiP:- Failure to secure cove*oc r. ..^,,,.ruo.roo, policy declaration page (showing the poti"y or.ri "oa .rpi.rtilo a"t.y. ffi'"'#.:,:Ii;";:iffiil.H:t::'.i#,11"i;,ii?;I,it"tr#'#+#,$sffi,Jd[.f:?"",i::."],,11!13333, ::l.HlJit ff"oTlator' A copv ortr* 't"t.r*t r*fi"i""""i"i.,,r. office of rnvestigations of the DrA for insurance I do hereby certify under ttte pains and.enalties of perjury tho.t the infomd.tion provided above ts trud and correct. S e P ne City or Town: permiul Issuing Authority (circle one):l.BoardofHeakh Z. Building Depanment J. City/Town Clerk6. Other 4. Electrical Inspector 5. plumbing Inspector Phone #: OfJicial use only. Do not y)rite in this area, to be completed b1 ciq or bwn off.cial icense # Contact Person: L----