HomeMy WebLinkAboutReview Checklist TOWN OF YARMOUTH
Location: A.M. Lot Zone of Contribution: In Out
t Acreage
• 1 Commercial:
Street: , ( -' t IL1 LfY Residential:_ _
Village: y /
Floor Plan: #Bedrooms:
Owner ,1.� _
- ,. �' . \ ��,, << Installer:
Address: Phone:
Address: Engineer: •/':,m,,,i,,z (
Phone: (1,, ,)_ c,c,
Phone: /
1.Re.uired#of cosies received N/A YES NO
2.Date of soils exam and percolation test not older than 2 years ' -
3.4-5 ft of naturall occurrin• .ervious material,above water table
H.P.: /
Fnd: Var.:
.. : c . ar m•ica e• an. s own_ r If Var.: -
i near wetlands
r---• Var.:
' ar.: II . .
caching minimum 100 ft from wetlands Var.:
10. Leachin• minimum 150 ft from drinkino well/25 ft irricration well Var.: I
1 12. System meets all other setback requirements ' Var.:
13. Uses ad•ustment for maximum hi• aloundwater Var.:
14. Leaching set 4-5 ft above adj. water or bottom of test hole Var.`
15. S stem not in to. or subsoil (A,B horizons)or 5' removal
16.Proposed contours are suitable
17. System meets slo.a re.uirements-min. 1/8", '/<" 'referred _1=111111-
18. S stem meets breakout re•uirements �-
19. S•ecified tee sizes are .ro•er, •as baffle on outlet tee PVC liner: Wall: �-
20. Sewage is under 10,000 A.d for .arcel
21.No Barba:a dis•osal 1111111M-=
22. S stem ade uatel sized for its intended use Mil
23.Minimum 6"stone or com.acted below tank and dbox v
25. Ins•ection •ort on •lastic chambers/leach field
2.. 1 t .1 •Ia.1.=��• j .Y.sAi11[=][w Maw b
27.Pum. system-2"line,wce. hole,check valve, tee in •ump size `r -
28.Se.tic tank/.um• chamber to be facto wate 'roofed _ vEMI
29. Vent •rovided if leachin below 3 feet,under driveway/.arkin• iiimUll
30.Buo ant calculations for/oak/sum. chamber
31.En l•neer to ins.ect and certi
32.En_•neer/Re_istered Sanitarian and Land Survesor stam.s/sianature oils: wall: commercial: f
33.H-20 loading is sub•ect to vehicular traffic, : •undwater `' IIIIIIII
34.Title V A••lication and •ermit.fee,installer si:•ature
35.Foundation footin: min.2 feet above ad usted : ound water for new -
36.Deed Restriction re•uired max. house �-
37. Check area lots for_ oundwater/Label u ound water in Assessora's Ma.
Plan reviewed by: �sJ//a � '