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Decision 833
TO%N OF •YAR'r YE--H BOARD OF A MMS' Fi7.cd hrith Tom Clork: FEB 3 1967 Hearing Date: V5/67 Potitioner: Richard L. P.oppan Petition #333 ' TJtiCFa�CJP1 The petitioner requected variance rnd/or ap royal to allow an all meta building 3n as rock; ,- tr zl zone on Lots 4 and 5, Ind trial Park Row1, goat 1=6uth. Humber of Board of Ap =lo present: Rabort Shonami, Stumrt' Rydtir, M=znuel DiTiberio, Harold L. Hayeo, Jr., Albert E. Z:abb. It appearing that notice of said haarJmg hao been given by crnding notice thereof to the pot.itioner and all thoso o-ahers of property do=od by the Board to ba affected thereby, and that public notice of such hearing having boar gi-..a by pitblf cation in the Capo Cod Umdard Tines on 12/22 and 12/29/65 the hearing uas opined and hold on the date first above trritton. Tho follo- ing appeared in favor of the petition: - Richard L. Koppon Die following appeared in oppoDition: Pion© Reason for dacioim: It appeared at the hearing that petitioner desired to oroct a building for the storago of boats. It farther appaarod that the property was In fact in an industrial area. It further appeared that the structure could eo;iforan in all Timys to the •zoningby law with the exception being that it is constructed of rzatal. All setback and sideline requirements frill. be mot., It further ap;�earad that this typo of structure had been provicuoly approved in this area and in -fact was used on rn adjoining lot. It.appearod that. all the statutory requiremento for r. variaaco wore present and thoroforo the request of tho Datitioner uas approved. Member of Board votirgi Rabort Cne=nnj Stuarb Rydar, rmantial. DiTiberio, Harold L. i ryezq Jr. Albert E. Webb. - All votad in favor. Thorofore, the Petition for lipproval is granted. And we Faatborizo a v..rl.anco to: alloy* an all.»raotal building on lots 4 tud 51 Induatrial rzek Road, West; Ya=outh: Ho pom t issuod until. 20 days from date _Harold L. Havoc, Jr. of f'iling,deeioien idth the lbtn ClerI, Chair=n W jF, C t, ,Q C0 / �okry r ADDRESS: PETITIONER: NAIC: ADDRESS: BOARD OF APPEAIS - YAMOUTH$ MASS. APPEAL # 833 This petition then completed aid signed must be filed with the Board of Seleotraoa Yarmouth# Massachusetts, along with the feu of $20.00. Dates S'%J�c /g6G Paid: -2 0.0V 1. I, t:: hereby appeal from decision of the Building Inspector and petition your 1' Board for a public hearing on the action chocked below: v 1. Review refusal of Building Inspector to grant pernito 2. Decision of Selectmen. 24, I, Wo hereby request the action checlmd belain 1PIVariance from requiromcnta of Yar, mouth Zoning By-law. 2. VApproval of the &lord of Appeals. 3. A special permit from the Board of Appoals to allow: �r/Ot� 5 T.C�/A L /�� /� peg. ly- /�,P, yR T—�c�zr f}«ON 3a Reason for the Board of Appoals action as checked below: 1. Contrary to Zoning By-Lwi3 as follows: 11 2. 3. 2. Approval of Board of Appeals) or Specin..l Permit roquested under the following section of ZoninZ By -Law: 2. Nmo and addresses of abuttiug properby oimera, and those persons deemed affected by this application. (at leasS. t three) Signed Ivef RespoctfUl.ly subritt� ,1 �al,r q�',��:rtrsou�'x I BOATID,01', APISALS Filed With Tei.•n Clerk: IL-arirc Dater 1/5/67 -Potitionerv, ':.- Richard 'I :Koppen Petition # 833 D9f1ISITIT �ha petitioner requovved Eaa- .Uxbr.cx? variance;and/or• approval 'to, allow `an all metal build.'ing in an,•;industrial%zone on:Lots .4 and'59. Industrial Park Road ,•.Vlest-Y.armduth. RobertSherman ' ... _ , Hambern of Board of Appeals present:''.., Stuart Ryder Dee: DiTiberio' .TTarold L.: Hays, "Jr.. Albert E:,*Vlebb It appearing that notice:. of Eaid hearing has neon g1i&n.by scndin, notico ther6of. to thu ptitioner and 0.1..tho w Ounexp'of propzrty clae=d by the Bored to. ba affected thareby: and that iubl•ic notice such haaring havinu txen given by piOlication in the Gapa Cod "Stanci3rd' Tunes on 1-2/:�2 `' ? 12 29 66 tt o hearing teas oxrced and hold on the-.date,.first abov6 trri en Ths following app\•:arzd *in favor, a tl a petition: Richard ::L:, Kopper The following appeared-iii,oppoziltdons None .' ,.. Reason for decision; It appeared at the hearing that petitioner desired to erect a building for the storage of boats. It further appeared that S the property was in factin an industrial area. It further appeared that the structure would conform in all ways to the zoning by law with the exception,'being that it is constructed of metal. All setback and sideline requirements will be met. It further appeared that this type of structure had been previously approved in this area and in -fact was used on an adjoining lot. It appeared that all the statutory requirements for a variance were present and therefore the request of the petitioner was approved. pago 2 Decision Petition # t Reason for Decision: I Voted Voted ItrberaofBoard vOtingt Robert Sherman in favor Harold L. Hayes, Jr. in Stuart Ryder in favor Albert E. Webb favor Dee DiTiberio - in favor Therefore, the , &s"Y�iGfl for Approval is granted Apge:u7X1dMiG& /lad va authorfiz-a u vari=e to: -al low an, all -metal building on' Lots 4 and 5, Industrial Park,Road, West Yarmouth No pe= t issued until 20 days from date+ of filing deaiaien frith the Toum C ko r- / TOWN OF. YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS Appeal No. 833 Richard L. Koppen 135 South St. 11yannis, Lass. Members present: Harold Hayes, Chairman Albert Webb Emanuel DiTiberio Robert Sherman H.Stuart Ryder J: Chairman called the meeting to order and read the petition. All abutters were notified by Certified mail and the necessary publication was made in the Cape Cod Standard Times and the Dennis -Yarmouth Register. 1.1r. Koppen: I would like a building put up, all metal..' Mr. Hayes: The only reason you are here is becaude of the all -metal building. There is nothing in the by-laws for this type of building,'that is all. There are other ones in the town. Mr. Koppen: do will use it for boat storage. Mr. Ryder: Is it to be 24, from the street? Mr. Hayes: I think the by-law is 301, but the only question is about the building. If 301 is required, he will put it back 301, I am sure. Hearing closed. Plans presented.