HomeMy WebLinkAbout21-A153-A2 361 Route 6A ApprovedTOWN OF YARMOUTH RECTIV-F 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YAR-NIOUTH, NIASSACHL:SETTS 02664-4451 NOV 2 3 o 4 Telephone {SOS} 348-2231 Est. 1292 Fax (508) 348-0$36 OI.D KING'S HIGHWAI' HISTORIC DISTRICT COAIAIITTEE r�Fs+v+v� + � OLD KING'S HIGHWAY AMENDMENT FORM ("MINOR CHANGE REQUEST") A minor change request must be submitted within one year of the original approval date or while the work is still in progress. Only a minor change may be approved by the Committee without the filing of a new application. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY Original Application #:7- 1 - N i j l Original Approval Date: 10 - 25 • Z. 1 Address of proposed work: (o N-PcA N ST 'i f��-I,riOUi"�-i Q 4vT O zo 7 5 Owner(s): W0 9-f-V-S ---Phone #: P02 - ` -13 , U033 Mailing address: 36 BF -or" sT . S ftV ff*Vc_4,i c-0 C' R _.q a-{ t I O Email: a► rid e. ba��F-S (p 4 " I - M Preferred notification method: Phone Email US Mail Agent/Contractor: o fty R Phone #: 11 `i • 2-12 • Z`i qtj Email: Jka1-91 ce- - C,C. V t Preferred notification method: Phone V Email Please describe proposed change(s) and attach plans/photos (as necessary): Signed (Owner or Agent) ................. .............................. Approved by OKH Reason for Denial: s j2,� v- W,, V1 e,-�- P 4_y/;�.V7 dro Denied by OKH Date 10 • 2ta - 2 uired? _..'... yes No Signed OKH Chairman yr6V i-�1\M Date AMENDMENT # �, r -A53 '/�2 1112015 Sherman, Lisa From: Dana Greene <dana@re-cc.net> Sent: Monday, December 11, 2023 4:36 PM To: Sherman, Lisa Cc: ANDYEBANKS@GMAIL.COM Subject: RE: 21-Al 53-A2 361 Route 6A Attention!: This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Hello Lisa, I have pasted an image below for reference/clarification. On this image I have outlined the window I believe to be in question below in red. This window is not within the original structure and will be a new construction window. We have shifted this unit to ensure the blend of old to new structure is seamless and evenly distributed instead of accentuating the split between the two. The two units I highlighted in yellow below are existing to remain. We had to remove them as the existing frames were not salvageable. These existing sashes are being re -installed in a new constructed frame similar to the original frame. Please also advise him that we have decided to try and maintain the main entry in lieu of replacing it per his request in our last hearing. APPROVED JAN 4 2 2024 YARMOU ; F — NEW STRUCTURE. ORIGINAL STRUCTURE I 6 'L-- f Hk 01i)GINAL HOUSE HAD A UUORWAY HEM f HAI WAS DING (FROM RT. 6A) REMOVED IN THE ORIGINkHISTORIC SUBMITT.AUAPPROVAL ADLn + I WINDOW HERE Dana F. Greene C: 774.212.2984 Support Our Troops: CLICK HERE TO DONATE From: Sherman, Lisa <LSherman@yarmouth.ma.us> Sent: Monday, December 11, 2023 9:51 AM To: Dana Greene <dana@re-cc.net> Cc: Sherman, Lisa <LSherman@yarmouth.ma.us> Subject: 21-A153-A2 361 Route 6A I 4PPOV D YAF4�IJ�,� �WA� z Hi Dana, Some additional questions regarding your amendment request from the Chair: have watched the referenced July 24 meeting discussion regarding 361 several times. what is clear to me is that the committee was (and is) very concerned that the original windows that remain on the original portion of the house be preserved and (presumably) remain in place. I have two questions for Mr. Greene: 1) Comparing the two drawings, it would appeorthat the third window from the front on the left side of the original house is being slightly shifted toward the rear. is that a mistake in one of the drawings, and in fact that window will not be moved.? 2) Has Mr. Greene made his determination as to whether any of the original windows on the remaining original portion of the house need to be replaced. If the answer to the first question is "no," the window will not be shifted, and the answer to the second question is none of the original windows on the remaining original portion of the house will be replaced, then I believe they application is eligible for the amendment. Any clarifications on the above you can provide would be appreciated. Thanks Dana. Best regards, Lisa Sherman Lisa Sherman Town of Yarmouth Administrator, Old King's Highway Historic District and Yarmouth Historical Commission - nn 508-398-2231, ext. 1292 i A PRn V■� ED Isherman@varmouth.ma.us JAIL 0 2 Z024 r AHMUU 1 M