HomeMy WebLinkAboutworkers compThe Co mtnonwealth of Massacltusetts D epartment of I ndustrial A cc ide nts 1 Congress Street, Suite 100 Boston, MA 02114-2017 www.mass.gov/dia \\:orkers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers. TO BE FILED WITH TIIE PET{\IITTING .4,ITTHOzuTY. lica t ation e b Name (Business/Orgarization{ndividual): Address: LL //orsg Ors fuc o lLc a*sa-nJ f'/ u,ra- rt / Pr*.1 rJ Ar. you .tr .mplorcr? Ch.cL th. eppropri.t. bot: 1.ffi I am acmployerwi$ 3 c.ploy".s (tult and/or pan-timc).i I arn a sole proprictor or parhcrship and have no emp loyees working for me in any capacity. fNo workcn' comp. insuranc. rcquircd.] I aJIl a homeowncr doing all work hysclf [No workers' comp. insu-ance requhed.] 'r I am a horlcowncI aIId will bc hiring contr.actoG to conduct all work on my propcrty. I will cnsure that a.ll conE-acloE cithcr havc workqs' compcnsation iruurancc or arc solc pEprictors with no amployces. I anl a gcocral contaactor and I havc hircd thc sub.coflEactors listcd on thc afiachcd shecl Thasc subconEactpE have cmployrcs and bavc workc6' comp. irlsl,lrancc.t We aI! a corporalioD and ils officcrs havc cxerciscd thcir righ! ofcxemptjoD pcr MGL c. 152, $l(4), and wc hav. no employccs. [No workeG' comp. ilsurancr rcquiEd.l 5 6 3. 4. CitylStztelZip,t/.yr4 oa4L HA o)6X3 Phon"*, 5o&-3 CO- /3 8{ Type of project (required): 7. f] New constructior 8. I Remodeling 9. E Demolition Building addition Elecfical repairs or additions 12. f] Plumbing repairs or additions 13. f] Roofrep 10 II r4.El oth"rS,tA-r) )*alrs w9 'Any applicant that checks box #l must also fill out thc scction below showing their workers' compcnsalion policy information. T Homcorrmcrs who submit this affidavit indicaning thry are doiag all work ana then hire ouBidc cont'actots must submir a ncw affidavir indicating such.tcontractors lhat chcck this box must attachcd an additional sheei showing lhe namc of th. sub-cootractors and state whetier or not thosc cntitics havc eftployccs. lfth! sub-cooEactors havc employccs, thc/ must providc thcir workcrs'comp. policy number. I a.m an emPlo)et that is providing worken' compensation insurancefor my enployees. Below is the poticy andjob site inJornntion- Insurance Company Name:Zu*o-& tQ-r / Policy # or Self-ins. tic. *: WC y' 01 q x2 ,o{Exp l;aaonDag: y'L 2"4 uasitetaarcss:?Z fZ)ver SJr<lrf city/statdzi .l /arn "11" A 0L66qD Attach a copy of the workers' compensation policy declaration page (showing the policy number and expira OD te). Failure to secure coverage as required under MGL c. 152, $25A is a criminal violation punishable by a hne up to $1,500.00 and./or one-year imPrisonmert, as well as cMl penalties in the form of a STOp WORKbnOeR uni " fin. of up to $250.00 aday against the violator. A copy of this statement may be forwarded to the office of lnvestigations ofthe DIA for insurancecoverage verification. I do hereby certify undet te P e#3- pains and penalties of perjury that the information provid.ed above is hud and correct. o o XnzItco- use only. Do not write in this area, to be conpteted b cit! or tolen ofrtcial Issuing Authority (circle one): l. Board of Health 2. Building Department 3. City/Town Clerk6. Other 4. Electrical Inspector 5. plumbing Inspector Phooe #: OfJicial City or Town: Contact Person: -PermiUlicense# C ACORD- COVERAGES CERTIFICATE t{U BER: 159385271 REVISION NUMBERi OATE {TT'DD/YYYYI 't2t11t2023 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A I'ATTER OF INFOR ATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE OOES NOT AFFIR]'ATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY A END, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETMEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, A'{D THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, IMPORTANT: It the certificate holder is an ADOrnONAL INSURED, tho policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or bo endolsed. lf SUBROGATION lS WAMD, subiect to tllg terms and conditlons ot the policy, certain policio! may rEquins an ondonBmonl A statqment on this certjficate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PROOUCER Eastem lnsurance Group LLC 233 West Central Sl Natick MA 01760 It{suRrEo ALT Construclion LLC 22 Horse Pond Road W Yarmouth MA 02673 ALTCONS4l ADOt SUARINSR LTR THIS IS TO CERNFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAT'ED ABOVE FOR THE INDICATED, NOT\A/ITHSTANOII{G ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT VUTH RESPECT TO ',l,{ICH THIS CERIIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFOROEO BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBEO HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOV\,t'l MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS IYPE OF INSURANCE NUlllBER LIMITS POLICY PERIOD 11,000,000EACH OCCURR€NCE D}'FGFIO'FENTE PREMISES IE' tr',JlreE]r 100.000 MEO D(P (Aiy dl€ pe.56)a 5,000 PERSONAL A ADV INJURY ! 1.000.000 GENERAL AGGREGCTE PRODUCIS , COMP/OP AGG 32,000,000 s2 000.000 1i,1t2023 'l2l'lDo21 $ COIXERCIAL GEI{EFAL LIABLITY G€N'L AGGREGATE LIMITAPPLIES PER E55"t E.o" xI POUCY OTHER: 9520049457 BODILY TiUURY (PF dds't) AODILY IiUURY (Pd F.$) E LIMIT6t212024 i40,000 s s 120,000 ovtl{Eo AUTOS ONLY HIREO AUTOS OIIY SCHEOULED AUIOS NONOIM{EO AUTOS ONIY AUTOTOBILE LjABITITY MCA1002609 6122023 I $ $ EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE $ X PER SIATU TE OTH, ER E L EACH ACCIOENT I1,000,000 TYORXERS COIPEI|SATTOiI A'{D ETPLOYERS' IIASIITY ANYPROPRIETOR/PARTNEF'EXECUIIVE OFFICER/MEMBEREXCTUDED? DFSCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS b€.d !\icvo1 420405c 12t1t2023 12t4t202! Et OISEASF EA EMPIOYFF E L OISEASE. POLICY LIMIT i 1,000,000 c 1,000.000 CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD AI{Y OF THE ABOVE OESCRIBED POLICIES BE CA CELLED BEFORETHE EXPIRATIOTI DAIE THEREOF, }{OTICE ffLL BE DELIVEREO ITaccoRoANcE wlrH I{E pOLtCy pROVtglOr{S. Display Purposes Only o 1988-201s AcoRD coTho ACORD name and logo are rBgistsred marks ofACORDACORD 25 (2016/03)RFORAnON. All rights r€served CERTIFTCATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE INSURER(sI AF'ORONG COVERAGE DrsuRER A: Arbella Protedion lnsurance Co 41360 ri/suRER B : Merchants Mutual lnsurance companY 23329 DtsuRER C: Atlantic charter lnsurance comDany 44326 X OCCUR t 1,000,000 x x B UTBRELLAUAE EXCESS UAA occuR E O€SCRPnON Or OPEiAT|O S / LOGATIOiIS, VEHICLES IACORO 1Ol, Ad.lhlorxl Rm.rb S.n di.. rh.y b. .nsl. d|l l|E6.p.c. lt r.qurd) AUTHORIZED REPRESENIANVE//