HomeMy WebLinkAboutsero submittal DiRienzo, Brittany
From: Crawford,Kelly<kcrawford@bscgroup.com>
Sent: Thursday,January 4,2024 9:20 AM
To: SERO_NOl@mass.gov;DiRienzo,Brittany
Cc: Brooks,Kathryn
Subject: YARMOUTH-RDA-15 Shore Rd.-DUCOTE
Attachments: YARMOUTH-RDA-15 Shore Rd.-DUCOTE.pdf
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Flagged
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Attached please find the RDA materials for 15 Shore Road.
Brittany and Kathryn,Hardcopies and checks are being dropped off today by noon.I will forward the proof of certified
mailing of the RDA application/plan to the Owner later on today,thanks!
Kelly Crawford
Office Administrator
349 Main Street,Route 28,Unit D/West Yarmouth,MA 02673
617-896-4588 or 508-778-8919