HomeMy WebLinkAbout109 Seaview Avenue Unit #3 paper application&bdd
Application for 2024 Rental Registration (
1 1 46 RourE .*, =" u'iiilf*?n"3iTfiifi I ""o" *u sErrs 02664 -rerephone I uory ."r-rr.''il':;;?;#'=''' "fiEbgtVgD
Fax (508) 7 60-3472 ^ onel
E-mail: epolite@yarmouth.ma.us \AN l) a rur-'
* ,n" ,own of Yarmouth is excited to announce lhal we've streamllned the online r€gistration process to
make it more user-friendly than ever before! Slmply vlslt httoB:r/varmouthma.portal.openoov.com/ to got
started. There, you can efforflessly cr6al€ your accounl and conveniently pay the registration fee.
Using this upgraded system, you'U hav6 the power to ongBge with us lhroughout th€ €ntire process. Not oflly
can you s€curely communicate with our team, bul you'll also gain access to your important documents, the
ability to upload photos, and much mor6! This improved platform is designed to make your regbtration
experience smoolh and effcient.
Smoke Oetectors and Carbon Monoxido Detoctors are Requiredl
OwneE: I have ensured the batteries are changed, have tested ALL Smoke Detectors/Carbon
Monoxide Oetectors and vsrified that they are less than 10 y€ars old: Ptease inrtiat ')s/
Contacl the BuikJirE D€partmer Egardlng qussllon6 on typc end locaton prlor to p.rrahaart.
htt!6 ,www.vsnrrcuth.ma.us,/Dlaun€nlc€nterM!w/ 1 122'llSmok6-d€l6ctor-locadofi
Anon-refundabta apptication feeof $80 pef UniUfeht?l is required.
Rental Cartitic€tes axpi.6 on Oacemb6r 3r3t, 2024.
lf NOT registering online, please make chocls payable to: Town of Yannouth fid mail completod application &
payment to: Tohrn ot Yarmouth HGalth Oepartment.
The Heafth Depadmenl will call lo schedul€ an inspeclnn if req uired, upon rgceipl ot your apdicalion and tee .
A fields are
Rental Property lnformation
foms wilhoul a valid t ot email cannol be
Rental Prop€rty Address:
109 Seaview Avenue, Unit 3
South Yarmouth MA 02664
Rental P€riod:
Annud Seasonal_X Short Torm (lsss than 31 days)
Trash Removal by:
owner- Tenant x to Assn's DumPster
R€ntal of:
House- Ouplex Condo Apartmentx Room
Properly Own€r Nam€:
Jeanne S. Hines
Mailing Address:
109 Seaview Avenue, Unit 3, South Yarmouth, MA 02664
(requrred)Pnmary Phone t{o.
Alternate Phons No
( req u ir6d )E-m ail Add16ss:
Owner'a Repressntativ€,fR6ntalAgenuAgoncy paulChatelain
Chatelain Real Estate
Primary Phone No
(requlred)E-mail Address:
info@chatelainrealestate. com
I must mtiry th€ H€alh Dep tneot in Miting when I am no longer rontlng Ure property, oi I may be
fY/z4z 0110312024
Rental Bylaw
) all of which a
I have raad and lam familiar witli 6e Yown of
Yarmorrlh Shqt Term (il applicable) and the Minimum of Fitnsssfor Human Habrlation re availablaon ourwebste.