HomeMy WebLinkAboutImage_002.pdf - BSHD-23-102 29418o + CO\S TRT ('TIO\DDR[-SS: EXPRESS SHED PERMIT APPLIC TOWN OF YARMOUTH Yarmouth Building Department I 146 Route 28 South Yarmouth^ MA 02664 508 398-22 Ext. I 261 PRFST,NT ADDRFSS 0fllce tlse Onl) Pernrt, O^"rrr 35,D? Permit expires 180 days from issue date luA \\ \I:R CON I R.\C II )R NA II: Rm{E lV E D t)Ec 13 2023 eutrottlc orpnnrni|erur Ay N A\{ I:MAIT-ING AI)DRFSS 't[r , dRcsidential O Commercial Home lmprovelnent Contractor Lic. # I drclarc undcr pcnaltrcsrill beJUsl caLrse lbr drn Esl. Cost ofConstruction S Construction Supervisor Lic. #_ ,,1 Dare (or atlachmrnl). t rte pEqur) lhal lhe statenents hclcln contained alc Irue and correcl to the be5t ofnl] kno\\ledee and b.lief I lndersland that an) falsc ans$€(s)or.E\ocation ofm) hcense and for prosacurion (nder M G L Ch 26E. Scclio l App,rLJrt s Sr!nrtLr /<.r" n.,. sisrrr,." Approrcd B):_Ilate EN4AII- ADDR!'SS Historical District: Yes N-o Flood Plain Zone: Yes No Z,oning District Water Rciource Prolec(ion District: Within 100 fi. ofWetlands: *** Yes No Yes No***Note: Conservalion revii,* rcquired if within 100 it. of Wetlands l/21 aL Burlding Ollicial (or designee) Rdepealn@ jodaq ftalar/*tt -(/r^- l,/ \\ orL,n.y \ ( (,mpcnialion lnsurance {eheck onrt/ I rm the humcos nrr I am the solc proprictor I ha.r e \\irrker.s Compcnsation lnsurance lnsurlncc Companr Namc: _ Worker.s Comp. polic\4_ ./ SHE,D INFORMATION 'l ,-^,/' N"w_ size L /0 ,wl5- *H fr cornerlor: yes y' No Pu.'linvt o/ litrrttttrtlr Zorrirtt Bt l,tt ,\r,r. )0.1.5 \t,,t" L, Replace existing* _ Size L_ _* ,\ H _ 'The dchns \Ill he drsp oscd of at - 4@ t r ation Name (Bushesyorganization/l Civi Address: The Commonwealth of Massach usetrs DeparIment of Industial Accidents 1 Congress Street, Suite 100 Bostott, MA 02114-2017 Phone #: PI se Print Le bl Type of project (required) New c!nstruction Remodeling Demolition Building addition Electrical repairs or additions Plumbing repairs or additions Roofrepairs Other \\iorkers' compensation r"..."'""'#X;If,,t;iouYlrlJarrrr^rr"r"/Electricians,/prum bers.TO BE FILED WITH TIIE PERMITTINC .{TITHORIT\'. al): CitylStatelzip o applicant tha! checks box #l must also frll oul tic sectjon bclow showing thair workaB'cohpensadon poliry inforrnalioniHomco.;r'Dcrs who subIllit thrs affidavit indicating tbey arc doint all work ard then hirc ousidc contractors must submjt a new affidavir Llrdlcating such.1Contractors that check this box must aBachcd ar additional shcct shoqing the namc of$e sub-contractors and state whethcr or hot thosc entities havcemployees. If thc suE.coDEactors have cmployccs, thcy must providc thcir wo I am a employer with _employecs (full and./or pan dme) r I a]n a sole proprictor or parbcrship and hale no cmployres working ior m. inany capacity [No work.rs' comp. insurancc rcquircd.]' I am a homeowner doing all work myscll [No workco, comp. insurancc rcquircd ] t i aIn a homcowner and will be hiring contractors to conduct a.ll work on my proDcrry I willensurc rhat all contractors cithcr have workcrr. "orp*."rion ,n*r_". ";;'. 4;;.propnctors with no qoployecs. I arn a gcncral confaoor and I havc hir.d $c sub-conE-acrors Lsrcd on lhc altachcd shcclThcsc sub-contactgB have cmployecs and hav" *o.t"n, "orp. ;;;.i* * *' We arc a corporatjon and is officers have cxercised their right of€xernptjon per MGL c.I52, ! I {4), and wr hav. no cmployecs. ;No workcrs. compi ins,rr"";;q;;:;l --- l ) 6 4 rM/ Ar. you r[ .mployer? Chc.k th. .pproprilt. bor I om an emplo)er that is ptoviding in1[ormaion- I-nsurance Company Name rkers' comp. policy nuober worken' compensation insurance for m1t employees- Below is the poticlt andjob site Policy # or Self-ins. Lic. # Job Site Ad&ess:_ o*r.0, "oo, or ii"l,1rl"r.*m"-*,,", *",Failure to secure. coverage as required.under MGL c. 152, !25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to $1,500.00and'/or one-year imprisonment, as well as civil penaities in the fo.m of a STop woRK oRDER ania frne of up to $250.00 aday against the violator' A copy ofthis statement may be forwarded to the office of Investigations ofthe DIA for insurancecoverage verification. I do hercby under the pains and penalties of perjury thal the information provid.ed aboye is ttud o.nd coffect. ate 7- Phone # o noljerite in this drea, to be completed b) cit! or town olrtciaL Issuing Authority (circle one): l. Board of Health 2. Building Department 3. City/Town Clerk6. Other OfJicial use only 4. Electrical Inspector 5. plumbing lnspector Phone #: D City or Town: Contact Person: I 't l-- l,. LJ 8.D e.E l0E ll.x 12E 13n 148