HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLDE-23-8237 - image 29805.ffi""*monweatth of-\- Massachusetts i BOARD OF FIRE PREVENTION REGT'LATIONS Pcrmit No Omcial Usc Only BLDE-I9{02611 Occupancy and Fce Chccted tRcv.tl07| APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK I All vork !o bc pedoredd in.clod.ncc eith tt Ma$.chusrB Etcctic.t Codc (MECI 527 CMR 12.00 (PLEISE PNNT N NK OR TWE ALL Dr'FOR,V,IIION)Dat€:10a r2014 City or Toin of: By thir .pplicstion thc urdcrsigncd giv@trt dcscribed bclou YARMOUTH fo the l,sp..tot o! tfint: LocrtioD (Strc.t & Nuob.r) 36 APPLEBY RD O?DcrorTGDrDl FERREI M Orvnar'a Addretr 35 APPLEBY RD, WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Tclcphouc No. It ttb p.rEit ltr .oDjrD.doD wlth r b ldlng PcrElr? Purpo* of Bolldio! Erlrtiag Scrvicc / _ ltnp" N.w S.rvlc. i _.foprN[Ebe] of F..derr rtrd AEp.clty Y6 O No 0 (CDcck Appropr'retc.or) Ulillty Autiorizrthr No. Voltt Volt! No. of Meter. No. of Mclert Ov.rt.rd O Undgrd tr Ovrrlcld O UEdgrd O lrtrdon rld N.lurc ot Propor.d El.clric.l worl: lnstallalion of solar PV systBm (48 Panels) on fiay wsived by ,he l$pectot lfiles. i Estimatcd VEluc of Elccrricrt wort: Wo* to sta.l: or a, r.qdr.d by th. INpcttot (Whcn rcquired by municipal policy.) to bc Gquestcd in sccordarcc with MEC Rulc lQ and rpon completioD. Llccnrcc:R Smith Sign.ture (lfapplicabh..tta.r '.x.t,,.pl" in ti. li..nte ;ufibcr rAddrcrr: 30 tST ST, MELROSE MA 021764010 'Per M.G.L c. 147,s, 57-6 I , sccurity worl rcquirB De[,artrncnt of Public Safcty ,S" Liccnsc: Sigo.trr.T.I.photcNo.FEE:EI50.00 lNslrRANcE C0!'ERAGE! Utrlcss wtiYcd by 0u owncr, no pcrmit for Gc pcrformaacc ofelecuical wort may issuc unlcss the licenscc Prolides prcof of li.bility insurancc including 'completed opeDtion' covcragc or its lubsrantial cquivalcnt. Tho unde$igncd c.rtifies thst such covcragc ir io forcc, snd has cxhibi&d proofofsaDe to thc l€Ioit irsuirlg oftrcc. CHECK ONE: INSURANCE O BOND tr OTIIER tr (Specify) I ictdfy, udct thc peias cid pe a.ld6 of pe lary, th.,l ,h. lrrtor ation on rtis application ls n c rnd compl.ra trTR.v NAiIE: IIOYD R SMITH LIC NO,: '15688 owNER's INSURANCE wAIvEk I rm 8w.E ual tic Licctrrc doet ,ar rdE thc liability inslrancc covcagc nomElly rcguired by law. Butsignaturc bclow, I hcrcby waive this rcquircment. I rm the (chcck onc) O owncr rf owueis ogoriOs!cr/A8ctrt Brt. TlL No.: AIL TtL No-: adt (,?[n e catnwr t! ae<a ,fu/oa_druoNtnD Qrt 6sa) No. of Rccaocd Lunhrlrcr No. of Ccll.-Sury.(Prddlc) Fenr No. ofTrr[!fornrrl!TorrlKVA No- of Lumlnrirc Oullet!No. ofHol Tobr KVACaDarrtort No. ofLumlnrlrcr Ia-grDd,o trswltllmlng Pool HJ€No. of Ughring No. of R.ceptrclc Oofletr No. of Oil Bomrrt FIRE ALAR, IS No. of ZoDGt No. of Swltch.t No. ofGrs Bumers No. of Datcclion indInitl.tlns DGrdcpr No. of Ruger No. olAir Cord.ToldTont No. of Alertiog Devlccr l{umbcr Tonr KWNo. of lf,utc Dlrpmcn H..t Pu6pTotrls:No. ot Sclf-Colt.iocdD.lattion/Al"filno Devl... No. of Dishwrshrrr Sprcc/Arc. Il.rting IcW L,otel tr Iuuoiclp.t Co[nectlon E Otier: No. of Drycrt EcrUog Appliru..r KW Sacorltv Svrlemt:r No- of Devlcc. or Edulvrlont Krl'No. of Wrl.rll?.terr No, ofBdhittNo. of Sisnr Drt Wlrlng: No, of Dcvlce! or EoulYrlent No. Ilydromr!titc B.thtub.No. of lllolorr TOI'I HP TcletotnuroricitioDr Wlrtng: No. of Devlcor or Enuivehn'i OTIIER: E-- G*- ilohe re f.i.r"*-(fzq d.T,r,Nitt 4o(,tft|(?xo