HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplicationlofrice Use only(r*,bu_ Am"rnt 50 iPermit expires 180 days from issue date BL,DK-1.31593t CEIVE DEXPRESS BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAT TOWN OF YARMOUTH Yarmouth Building Department I 146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, NtrA 02664 (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1261 +0 t-[q{ch Rd T CONSTRUCTION TDDRISS: AS SE S SO R' S llT ORr\LATIO,'I" : Map: tqltZ Parc el O\-INER N{\IE '+o (na(: PRESENT.{DDRESS TEL 4 i[OU',"(flono Ras :!AILrn-C SS \\.ORK TO BE PERFOR\IED (Fire Retardant Certificate attached?) a{rnov+s*oE- 6FJ--.J-6S-6 TEL. #I Pool fencine Ae3 gResidential - Commercial Est. Cost ofConstruction S {6r1a oo Home Improvement CoItractor Lic. #/7?07d Constructioo supervisor ri". * C-S - O 7a Jld Workman's Compensation lasurance: (check one) f I am the homeowner XI am the sole proprietor : I have worker's Compensation Insurance Insurance Company Name: _\}-orker's Comp. Policy$_ Tetrt Du rrtion Siding; # of Squares Replacement windows: E- 9-_ Roofing: # of Squares_ ( ) Remove existing* (mar. 2 lal'ers) _ Old Kings Highway/Historic Dist. ( ) Replacing tike for tike rThc debris will be disposed ofa! I declare under penalties of will bejun cause for denial Applicanr's Signaore: Owoers Signature (or attachment) h peiu]- lhat the stat€ments herern con ion olmy lrcense and lbr p Location ofFacilit-v tained are tlue and correct rosecutioo under lvl.G L. C €. rt. to the best ofmv knowledge arld belief. I undcrstand that any false answer(s) h.263, Sccrion l. Date )-aq-a3 Drte: /r.49 -a 3 Approved By j kon< e qSg f ohoo go{v1 Building Official (or designee)ElvL,\,lL .ADDR ESS Zoning District Historical District: a yes I No Water Resource Protection District:i Yes -No Flood Plain Zone: i Yes I No Within 100 ft. of Wedandsi Yes I No CONTRACTOR: NA.\,IE lvood Stove Replacement doors: #_ Insulation Dale The Commonwedlth of Massachusetts D ep artme nt oJt I nd ustr ial A ccide nts I Congress Street, Sutte 100 Boston, MA 02114-2017 t|we.mass.gov/dia \\:orkers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers. TO BE FILED WITH THE PER.NIITTING .{IITHORITY. Applicant In orma ti on Please Print Legibly Address: 3 q f0onomo.7 R d Arc you a[ €mployer? Ch.ck th. appropri.t. bor: l.! I am a cmployer with -employees (full and/or pan-time).. 2.[l am a sole propri.to. or paroe.ship and have no cmploy.es working for me in any capacity. [No workcrs' comp. insuBncc requircd.] I an a hooeowner doing al) work mysclf [No work.rs' comp. insurance required.] t I am a homcowltcr and wil] b. hiring cont.actor5 to qonduct all wo* on my property. ! ]/ill ensue that a.ll contractors cithcr havc workers' compcosation insuranca or are sole poprictors with no cmployccs. I arn a gensral conEactor ard I have hircd thc suuconfaltors listcd oD the attached sheer Thcsc sub-contractgE have ernployecs and have workcrs' comp. insurancc.l W. arE a corporalon and its officers hav. cx.rciscd lhcf oght ofexcmption pcr MGL c. 152, $l(4), and we haYe no employees. fNo workers' comp. insuraDce rcquir.d.l 4 5 5 CitylStatelZip:S. V ar mo ufr.r fnu Phone #: 5-0& -6 tr.t -.}6 S6 rAny applicant that checksi Homeowncrs who submit lconE_actors rhat chcck this box #l must also fill out the section bclow showing their workars' compensation poliry infoarnatiod this affidavit indicating thry arc doing a.ll work and thco hilc ousjdc conu-actols must submit a ncw affidavit indicaling such. box must attachad ar additional shcet showing thc namc of thc sub-contractors and state whcthd or no! lhose cntitics have employccs. lfth. suLcoDE-actors have employees, thcy must p.ovidc &cir workcrs' comp. poliry oumber I am an employer thqt is Providing workers' compensation insurancelor my employex. Below is the policy andjob sire inlornwtion- Insuraace Company Name Policy # or Self-ins. Lic. #:Expiration Date Job Site eddress: t#O tlqfoh Rcl. S"Yavw,o'.ritr fiq Ciry/State/Zip:_ Attach a copy ofthe workers' compensation policy declaration page (showing the poticy nu*b"r "od expiration dxe), Failure to secure coverage as required under MGL c. 152, $25A is a criminal vioiation punishable by a fine up to S I,5 00.00 and/or one-year imprisonment, as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to $250.00 a day against the violator. A copy of this statemert may be forwarded to the Offrce of hvestigations ofthe DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby certify nd.er the pains and.penalties of perjury that the in|ormation provid.ed abow b true and co ecL Si atule:(<.^_/t a .s* Official use only. Do not write in thb arca, to be compteted by city or town ofJiciat. City or Town: __.- permif/License # lssuing Authority (circte one): 1. Board of Health 2. Building Department 3. City/Town Cterk 6. Other ,{. Electrical Inspector 5. Plumbing Inspector Phone #:Contact Person: Name(Busbesyorgarization4ndiyidual): Joh,^ t<qn< Type of project (required): 7. ! New construction 8. fi.Remodeling 9. n Demolition 10 x Buildiog addition I l.E Electical repairs or additions 12. I Plumbing repairs or additions 13 . fl Roof repain 14.I Olher....-.....-..-........-- JOHN E. KANE 39 MONOITTOY RD SOUTH YAHMOUTH, MA 8664 THE COIIIIONWEALTH OF IiAGSACHUSETTS Ottlc. d Cooaumar Altdrt & Budn..a RaguLdon HOXE IUPBOVETENT CONTRACTOR TYPE: lndlvldualB.Or.Edoi EElrldoo17?0€, O5t2,,t?0,24 JOHN KANE Unders€cretary 7 t2025 commissioner d* X dA'U- ) {*^'ra,'/''*'a'