HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplicationc -J RECEIVED t)EC 21 2023 BUILDING DEPARTMENT EXPRESS BUILD Officc Use Only P", i# A/g//q ^r,,o,,,i / /l/), dl) Permit expires lEo day5 froln issue dale 6ct>tr-dj-/5ru'l LICATION TOWN OF YARMOUTH Yarmouth Building Department I 146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 0166+ (508)398-2231 Ext. l26l 1152 {e'r}) fi ore 0a --,€ [!!"n Parcel CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS: ASSESSOR'S TNFORMATION: N,A.r\lE ^/c L So,t mercial PRESE}.]T .{DDRESS G ADDRESS ,atLL/ or-r-- * ^6 27rl93 E 1Z+ CONTRACTOR] UT il..atn .9.o t*4 TEL. #t7 (_--,./ L-,- NA.!tE ! Residential IiIome Improvement Contractor Lic. # Workman's Compensation Insurance: ( / Est. Cost ofConsuuction S 5 Construction Supe rYisor Lic. # am the sole propri etor - I have Worker's Compensation InsuEnce A.-1 4'A,t {-*r,r-)7 gs76 ok?Lo b Wood Stoye_ Replacement doors: # Iusulation lq i I am the homeowner losulancc Company Name: Tent Worker's Comp. Policl# \\.ORK TO BE PERFO R\IED Duration (Fire Retardant Certificate attached?) Siding: # of Squares - Replacemert wind on* l-!2 Roofing: # ofSquares_ ( ) Remove existing* (max.2 layers) _ Old Kings Highway/Historic Dist. ( ) Replacing like for like Pool fencins rThe debris will be disposed ofar I declare under pena.hies ofpequr] that the statements herein conrained wrllbe just cause for denial or revocation of of Frrili n coftect to the best ofmy knowledgc and .G.L. Ch. 268, Section l. Dale lief. Ibe I that any false answer(s) /,.* hners Sigln ttfie lor ettachment) licant's Signature 2-Date Date: Buildiry Official (or designee)E]VL,\IL ADDRESS Zoring District Historical District: a Yes I No Flood Plain Zone: , Yes lNo Warer Resource ProtectioD District:i Yes aNo Within 100 ff. of Wedands ! Yes I No Approved By i H ) € C r AR**)Q o??ir't' G rl t--t' I TEL. # @e*1-a o2rlf { one) 4 Name@usinesyOrgadzarionnnd.ividuat): (wAA.X Address: CitylStatelZip: apPIicant tha! check! box I t must also fill out thc section bclow iiowin The Commonwealth of Massachuse s D ep artme nl of I n d ustrial A c c ide nts 1 Congress Street, Suite 100 Boston, MA 02114-2017 \\iorkers, compensatior ,",,.".""'#I;friiii?rY!Jr7""^r,^,r,,,/Erectricians/prumbers. TO BE FILED WITH THE PER]VIITTINC .ATITHOzuTY. cant rmati PIease t bl C-L,/- t-.- l--""'' -a 0 €.<- l,te e otroN'41!#0,b// ?t 7 f7r Type of project (required) 7. 8. 9. 10 L__.t 1\nstructon odeling Demolition Building addition I I.E Electical repairs or additioos 12. I Plumbing repairs or additions 13. 'I4. Roof repairs Other Homeowners who subrrut thls affidavlt irdicating thry are doilg all work andlcodfactors that chack this box must anached an additional shee! showing the eoployees. lf the suLconE_actors have employccs, d1ry must providc thcir wo thcirworkcrs' coopcnsation policy informatio[ Arcn hirc ouEidc contractoE aoust submit a new afidavit indicating such nalne oftha sub-cootractors and state whethea or not thosc cntities have rkcrs' coftp. policy ouElber. a employer with employees (full and./or pan-time).* am a sole proprietor or parorership and have no employees any capacity. [No workers' comp. insurance required.] ! I am a homeowner doing all work myself [No workers, comp. insurance required.] i I am a hor.eowner and will be hiring contracrors to conduct all work on my propcny. I will ensrre thai all conEactors either havc worl(ers' coopensation irsu-ance or arc soleproprictoG with no .rtrployees. 5.! I am a geueral cont-actor and I have hircd the sub-cont-actors listEd on the attachcd shecr These sub-contEctgas have employecs and have workers' comp_ insuraacc.i 6.! We arc a corporatioD and its officers have exercised their right ofexemption pra MOL c. 152, $1(4), and we hav. no employees. [No workers' cornp. ilEurdnce rEquiEd.] wo.king for me in Are you an employer? Ch.ck the appropriate boll I I dm an emploler that is pro informotiott- Insuraace Company Name: Policy # or Seif-ins. Lic. # Job Site Ad&ess Attach a copy o Failure to secure coverage as and./or one-year imprisounen day against the violator. A co coverage verification. viding workers' compensation insurancefor nE enptoyees. Beloll, is the polic! kfl'tR"s-t- fl:Nf- ( a NC-t375 Expiration Date and.job stte /+\,/ 9rA tJ <_City/State/Zi 02ee fthe workers' compensation policy declaration page (showing the policy number and expiratio n date). required under MGL c. 152, g25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to $1,500.00 t, as well as cMl penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to $250,00 a py ofthis statement may be forwarded to the office of Investigations ofthe DIA for insurance o.€ I do hereby certify under the p the information provided above b trud an ate l2 /,,T; L-) rrecl. e P alties of per Official use only. Do not wfite in this drea, to be completed by city or town ofJicial. City or Town: .- permit/License # Issuing Authority (circle one): 1. Board of Health 2. Building Department 3. City/Town Clerk 6. Other 4. Electrical lnspector 5. Plumbing Inspector Phone #:Contact Person: l--" Licensee Details flemographic Informetion ull Name Name License Address Information MA 02114 United States,Pcde License Information Licenses Lice SEn Type usln6ss As:s se struction Supervisor ton ssue Oate: Status: Curragh Dobbin lnc Renewal Building 115t2011 Active Dale of Last Renewal Expiration Date: Today's Date; '1ot20t2022 10110t2024 12j212023 uisite lBformation lnlormationNo m€nts { cens(l