HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.10.2022 YHC Packet for 12 Saltworks Demo RequestTOWN OF YARMOUTH��w� 0==P Notice of Meeting Per M.G.L.: All town and school boards, committees, commissions, and authorities shall post a notice of every meeting at least 48 hours prior to such meeting, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. Notice shall contain a listing of topics/agenda that the Chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting. As required by Open Meeting Law and Mass. General Law, we are informing you that this meeting will be video and audio recorded, as well as rebroadcast. Anyone intending to video or audio tape this meeting is required to inform the Chair. Name of Committee, Board, etc.: Yarmouth Historical Commission Date of Meeting: Thursday, March 10, 2022 Time: 10:00 AM Yarmouth Town Hall — Room A Route 28, South Yarmouth OR Place: Zoom Link: https:Hus02weh.zoom. us/s/81838247451 #success Phone: +1 301 715 8592 ID: 818 3824 7451 This is to formally advise that, as required by G.L. Chapter 30A, §§ 18-25, and pursuant to Chapter 20 of the Acts of 2021, An Act Relative to Extending Certain COVID-19 Measures Adopted During the State of Emergency, signed into law on June 16, 2021, the Yarmouth Historical Commission will hold a public meeting on Thursday, March 10, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. in Room A, Yarmouth Town Hall, 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664. The public is welcome to attend either in -person or via the alternative public access provided above. AGENDA ITEMS 1, CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. NEW BUSINESS a. Demolition Requests i. 12 Saltworks Lane ii. 33 Pleasant Street 3. COMMITTEE MEMBER ITEMS a. Town Seal Update 4. STAFF REPORTS/ CORRESPONDENCE a. Update on Baxter Grist Mill b. Update on TBF barn 5. MINUTES a. February 10, 2022 b. February 17, 2022 6. NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING: APRIL 14, 2022 7. ADJOURNMENT YARMOU � -f � AWN G'' _ERK '22M-"§R8AmlE:.37 R C, Page 1 of 2 1i r O TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext.1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 YARMOUTH HISTORICAL. COMMISSION NOTICE OF INTENT TO DEMOLISH A HISTORIC BUILDING To be submitted to the YHC along with Demolition Permit Application Date of Application: W 2-2- Demolition: (circle one): Partial or Total Building Address: 2- S R L--r Wo (Z 1, �C)VTH �/,i(ZMov11 2.6(% Assessor's Map # l Parcel # 2 Year built: ) 9 11a Reason Building is Considered Historic (check all that apply): ✓ Over 75 Years Old Located in the South Yarmouth/Bass River National Register Historic District Listed on National Register of Historic Places Resource for historic listings: Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System: www.mhe-macris.net Property Owner: i +rbo ",A s Address: _35 Wc,/12 12t, Cityfrown: U crG, [ e 27 State: M 4 Zip Code: D 7 Phone#: �2 Cell# S;V n0 e_ Email: A4.4 . C o Signature: Date: 2- - ZZ Anent/Contractor: Address: CitylTown: State: Zip Code: Phone#: Cell# Email: Signature: Date: Reason for demolition request: Proposed reuse of Descriotion of structure to be demolished: 6/-/,� 4- g, Ho Please include with application: • Color photographs of all sides of the structure being proposed for demolition • Map showing location of property • History of the building/property (if known) Updated OM17 X Map 60.pdf - O+ U kC 206 60 AC 193 0.73 AC I 21d' 0.31 42 ffm.vR,� A) ii Ate, ill A FP , P H I[ N f'N p Sherman, Lisa From: Bob Kelley <bk.bassriver@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, February 11, 2022 6:58 AM To: Greene, Karen; Sherman, Lisa; George Slama; John Duggan; snlawrence1994 @gmail.com; melaniebarron54@gmail.com; Julie Mockabee; Bob Kelley; 'Sarah Korjeff' Subject: Deed Search results for 12 Saltworks Lane Attachments: 12 Saltworks Lane Deed search,docx �................. ............................... .......... .................................................................. ...... ........... ..... ..... ....... ........_.........................— -_ _. F Attention! This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. i Otherwise delete this email. k Hello all, I did a deep dive into the deed history on 12 Saltworks Lane last night. Briefly, in 1866 salt -maker Isaiah Crocker sold a large piece of land around and near the Saltworks Lane area and beyond to salt -maker Isaiah Homer. The works were active then, but Homer is the one who began to break up the works into residential lots. was able to find the track with the house standing on that 66' X 165' lot to a piece of property Isaiah Homer, the Saltmaker, sold to James A. Baker in 1881, so with the house standing, the house is at least 140 years old, and probably older. I have included all the successive deeds, which state the lot dimension and house and other buildings standing. The barn on the lot is old as well. So Sam you were right when you said it looked older than 1940. Kind regards, Bob c: A_ Deed 5carck 12 5altworLs sane Current owners are Virtom Limited Partnership. This is the deed search for 12 Saltworks Lane, South Yarmouth, MA. Deed: 19 February 1866 — Isaiah Crocker in consideration of $850.01 pd. by Isaiah Homer ... a large parcel northwest of the County Road [in the area now called Saltworks Lane] containing Saltworks, with privilege of one-half a Mill and aqueduct to supply water to the Saltworks. (BCRD, Deed Bk. 93:286) The saltworks were in operation when Isaiah Homer bought the works from Isaiah Crocker in 1866. Homer ran these and other works, but he was the transitionary actor that converted all those saltworks lands to residential. The house at 12 Saltworks lane was built at some point between February 1866, when there were active saltworks on the property, and December 1881 where there is a house and lot dimensions listed on a deed as belonging to James A. Baker, in the next deed below. Deed: 12 December 1881— Isaiah Homer in consideration of $60.0° pd. by James A. Baker conveys a certain piece of cleared land situated in South Yarmouth —being the rectangular lot measuring Easterly and Westerly four rods and Northerly and Southerly ten rods; upon which the dwelling house and outbuildings owned by Henry Baker now stand. The said lot contains one fourth of an acre and the said Baker is to make and maintain all fences between the herein described premises and all adjoining land owned by the said Homer. (BCRD, Deed Bk. 140:507) Deed: 27 October 1905 — James A. Baker in consideration of $10.°D pd. by Henry E. Baker ... land situated in Yarmouth... being a rectangular lot measuring EASTERLY and WESTERLY 4 (4) rods; NORTHERLY and SOUTHERLY ten (10) rods and Deed Search 12 5altworL,5 Dane containing one-fourth (114) of an acre; together with the dwelling -house and all other buildings standing thereon." (BCRD, Deed Bk. 279:489) Deed: 18 June 1937 -- Henry E. Baker conveys to Henry E. Baker & Annie M. Baker, husband and wife ... land in Yarmouth (South)... being a rectangular lot measuring EASTERLY and WESTERLY 4 (4) rods; NORTHERLY and SOUTHERLY ten (10) rods and containing one-fourth (114) of an acre; together with the dwelling -house and all other buildings standing thereon." [Reference deed dated 1905 from James A. Baker to Henry E. Baker, Bk. 279:489] (BCRD, Deed Bk. 527:395) Deed: 15 September 1943 — Henry E. Baker conveys to Eva L. Grew ... land situated in Yarmouth (South)... being a rectangular lot measuring EASTERLY and WESTERLY 4 rods; NORTHERLY and SOUTHERLY ten (10) rods and containing one- fourth (1/41h) of an acre; together with the dwelling -house and all other buildings standing thereon." (BCRD, Deed Bk. 605:556) Deed: February 1953 --- Eva L. Grew of Yarmouth in consideration paid by Thomas A. & Virginia A. Grew, husband and wife conveys...land situated in Yarmouth...being a rectangular lot measuring EASTERLY and WESTERLY 4 (4) rods; NORTHERLY and SOUTHERLY ten (10) rods and containing one-fourth (114) of an acre; together with the dwelling -house and all other buildings standing thereon. (BCRD, Deed Bk. 837:523) Deed: 29 December 1980 — Thomas A. & Virginia A. Grew, husband and wife quitclaim covenant to themselves, as Trustees of Atlantic Realty Trust...land in Yarmouth (South)... being a rectangular lot measuring EASTERLY and WESTERLY 4 t ice} Deed 5earch 12 5altworLs sane rods; NORTHERLY and SOUTHERLY ten (10) rods and containing one- fourth (1/4th) of an acre." Premises are conveyed subject to the matters set forth in the deed from Eva L. Grew, dated February 1953, recorded... BCRD, Bk. 837:523. (BCRD, Deed Bk. 3221:32) Deed: 23 December 2003 — (Last recorded deed for 12 Saltworks Lane) Thomas A. & Virginia A. Grew in consideration of $1.00 to Virtom Limited Partnership, whose principal place of business is South Yarmouth. Land situated in Yarmouth —being a rectangular lot measuring EASTERLY and WESTERLY 4 rods, NORTHERLY and SOUTHERLY ten (10) rods and containing one-fourth (1/41h) of an acre." (BCRD, Deed Bk. 18921:98)