HomeMy WebLinkAbout58 County Road Addition RenoVw 'H1noA6vA 1S3M GVOa A1Nn00 8s W NOIS30 IVEW311HOa7 30N341S3a MONS 3Hl a S131NVU '9'M Ol G NOliVAON3a/NOIllQOy o aR RSrj ` C.. eSi _ Q � v Y o o � a z �o E= z r=� 0 fx a➢' dd Ul o � oZmL ze 'Vh 'HlnOVq"), 1S3M Z s CVOd AlNCl00 S9 O I Z� Z Nt wewwnaumw.wo a.r_3 tsu-99e-9a9 w 01 CJJ Z 30N301S3a MONS 3Hl NOG343 lvhnl33ilu3av Sl31NVa 'B-M Ol a 0 NOIlVAON]WNOIlI00V 0 � E ix i o o � 5� omg�� y rx v F e } I W `z r-- z C: Isys lrynsl 1 °}pia �^ v I I r___J I 42 , I �6m a y�� - � `� --� r - r--� I L i'b pyl����? n 7a• uF � I I b I ,CLNa I I Uw - 6I;3 IL I 1 L_______ -------------- I I I I I m� O i do 3 _ -u 4 w $� I KY1Tl9 I ? 1`s Z6 a m m �_______________� h p d 'kco�a. r Qinr ie 3e• L W O_ „(9J >r# o C� ]:c ¢„ Z\' yh' LL 5::i 45 Q 4� a� $P CD F. IL SUNC8 6 e E >s g8<„F'35a rinlmvr �L :d .k9- rlr W 'H novmv), 1S3M o "s GVoa A1Nnoo es 0 33NKIS3a MONS ]HI a w' N�is3a 7veru3�iHaaa S131NVa 'e'M 01 0 3 Q NOIlVAON3WNOIlIdaV F t o 0 � o s= � n m n u efi .g C rs Z =� g e g�SLP of 5r o s �a A -AL. Q C ea j x� O. 13 � ^E J € 3C 0 $ ao • ��• M�nRtlY' aaasa b:bbe a � a a l�bb as bb � :$0 8"�YoS' ao�na a oS• ve b b's bbL k big j°b °: 8A ��g 88�g8Sg ddd ih 88888 8 8g e �g 8gg �8�8�SF gg8gg a e ! goo g8 �s 0�8 A�4 oq s sSy g���af5 Y E g �gdig E Sj a9ff _86aeae RIECEr'vFD JUL 0 6 2023 YCGA cottage renovation approval r1�HivlUlJ��h1 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY ROBERT MCDOWELL <robert.mcdowell@comcast.net> Sun, Jun 4, 2023 at 9:46 PM To: Iittlewren58@gmail.com <Iitt1ewren58@gmai1.com> Dear Judy, This note is to inform you that the YCGA Board of Directors has approved your plans to put a basement under your cottage at 58 County Road and to extend the bathroom by 4 feet as indicated in the blueprints you provided. Your request was approved by the Board on June 3rd, 2823 with the following stipulations: • Any damage done from trucks during construction will be the responsibility of the home owner. • If there is a significant design change, the home owner must reapply to the board for approval. • Any debris resulting from the project must be removed from the grounds at the home owner's expense. • The home owner will abide by YCGA Standing Rules Section I Oa: "...no excavation or major construction or reconstruction shall be started between July 1 and Labor Day. All excavations shall be filled, and foundations capped, and heavy construction equipment shall be removed from the Campground properties prior to July 1 st until the clay following Labor Day.,, A condition of this approval also requires that you or your agent obtain the necessary permits from the Town of Yarmouth and that the project conform to all town regulations and codes. You should also provide the clerk with a copy of the permit and a copy of your agent's liability insurance coverage before the project begins. For the Directors. Rob McDowell, Clerk YCGA YCGA Abutters Project Request - Snow Cottage Ron Cook <cooktax@u gmail.com> To: Judy Snow <1itt1ewren58@gmai1.com> To the YCGA BOD. I say Yes to Judy's project. So as a indirect neighbor I see no issues with putting in a basement Thanks for asking though Ron Cook µ -7` r Gaol Tax & € etirement Social Security Strategy Group Federal Retirement Consultant Sun, May 28, 2023 at 10:55 AM RECFIVED JUL 0 6 2023 Y 1�i-fiV�iJl11 F-� OLD KINGSHIGHMAY This a -mail, including attachments, is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. 251 p-2521, is confidential, and may be legalty privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any retention, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. Please reply to the sender that you have received the message in error, and then please delete it. Thank You YCGA Abutters Project Request - Snow Cottage David and Nancy Tuthill <tothill@tds.net> To: Judy Snow <littlewren58@gmail,coro> RFCF V JUL 06 202; YAhNiUU1 r, OLD KINr HIGHWAY Mon, May 29, 2023 at 9:00 AM Good Morning Judy, David and I have no objection to your proposed project. We wish you the Kest with it and look forward to seeing you this summer!! Best, Nancy and David Sent from my Phone On May 27, 2023, at 11:59 AM, Judy Snow < > wrote: YCGA Abutters Project Request - Snow Cottage Craig Halt <craigho44@yahoo.com> To: Judy Snow <httlewren58@gma€I.com> No objections. Craig Holt Wed, May 31, 2023 at 9:43 AM ECFIVF D JUL 0 6 70?3 YANv€ULI I r, i am fine with you putting in a basement. RECEIVED JUL 0,6 2023 �AHMOUI-f Jesslyn McManus cjesstess1969(?a gmail.eom> Wed, May 31, 2023 at 10:06 AM To: littlewren58 gmail.com R CF-# M F D ,JUL 0 6 2023 YCGA Abutters Project Request - Snow Cottage op x NG IO 1" Gerry Desautels <gerryd@comcast.net> Wed, May 31, 2023 at 9:01 PM To: Judy Snow <1ittlewrenS8@gmail.com> Mello Judy I have no objections. I just ask that the workers not start too early in the morning, I am up by 7am. I am excited for you and your family. Look forward to seeing you soon. Best Gerry Desautels On May 27, 2023, at 12:02 PM, Judy Snow < > wrote: bk_.2-3-IoZ7CoJ 7RECEIV�f�Yarmouth Camp Ground Association, Inc.UN 1 (2) 2023 LEASE FOR COTTAGE LOT FOR CAVE YEAR BUM)l DEPARIME N1 gy- KNOW A.11 Pl,'RSt)NS ItY TI ll-'% PRF:SI-,N1'S that the Yannuuth Camp (}maid Aar wiatton, Inc a eorporatum duh kxganuod tmda the lml%s of the C'otnmonwealth of Masrachawwt and raving its pnncipal place of busanccti at Yarmouth, Barn%tabie County. Mamwhusrlts, hY its President and Tremwer, hereto duly authorved, for and to twosi3c74gon of the Orurmd Rent as vipulated in the standing Rule+ of the Corporation, to it paid by ludV 1. Show of Stunmerville of the Stale of South Carolina mt�4 kni rlecopt and payment in full whereof, do by there prommu, demist and let unto the said Judy L.Snoµ a lot of land-ntuated upon property of the Corporation, in the Town of Yarmouth, MasvaGhusetb, and more particularly shown on a plan on file in the office of said Corporation and being the premises at 59 County Road for the purpose of erecting and maintaining a cottage thereon for the occupancy of said Lessees) and members of their immediate families, guests, or such other persons as the said LcKxe(s) may permit, subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth during the term of this lease. To hav-c and to hold the aforementioned lot of land with all the rights and privileges hereinafter granted and subject to tiff of the liabilities and penalties hereinafter set forth, frorn the date of this instrument until the I st day of July, 2023 at 12 o'clock noon. SMUI.ATIONS AND CO"ffIONS UPON WHICH 17M LEASE IS GRANTED: 1. E ,, =y Leas drill be a stockholder of Yarmouth Catrtp Ground AasociadM Inc. 2. No asaip am of the Lease shall be made to any person unless heAh6ihq shall be a stockholder of Yartstouth Camp Grorm+d A.isociabon, Inc. and upon further oondidw that the written assent of the Hoard of Dinars of said Coo*ration shall be first obtained. 3. Lesve(s) must familiarize there Oves with the Standing Ruffles and the Regulabom for cottage OwTien and Guests in order to W fully knowledgeable of all rules governing the Yarrnoutth Camp Grounds axnmunity. 4 Lcwx(s) and C ccvpaats tender the lavve agree to abide try SWAIIrrg rules Of Yarmouth Caunp Crr%Md Ate, Inc, wd by the reg laww and ordinances of the Board of Public Health and/or the Zoning Board of the town of Yartrivmth or Barnstable and all Other appliatble g0uerrtment rules and r%Watioes. 5. The Baird of Dit� of Yarmouth Camp Ground Amiociation. Inc_ shall be the sole judge of trey or dl violations of the terms and conditions of thtc lease, mcoept for violsllkN t of airy govermneutal regulations. E.cmcx1s) and aDd aril agree that waiting s cottage primarily fortee "atal inane is prohibited and is cause for u minat" of the Jesse unless othe-tirise provided for hers n. No sak of o ")naive tw other tmnldmg upcm said Lot !hall be made without first obtauung in ►+nttng the Nntten a*aW cif the fioarJ 44 FAreck" of saeei Corporation Ncrtte)e ref lnteritrorr rTf +mate cif such uttage �r ,oehtY fiusldtng "hall be filed in the I "wic with the Board of l)treclrtrs. and the Board of Directors 4=11 have: thtn�, t W) day s in whtrb am cetreulct the +aim of said cottage or lxuidmgs, dururg which time the Beard of IArcx:tom shall hmvc a right of first rti`uvd to putri;*&w .wc:h cottage under the ume te.`rrrts and cx4rtdrttons err the Icemcc hmi rooci% ad few said canape Fat lure of the hoard of Dirvcvws to e%erciw its right of first rrfwal within ward paind sisalI be doctrtexl a waiver of amch right regardmg the offer being made to the ksaee Such rights of first refuval +halt oot be ap+pkicahle in a traade rlsak of ihr cottage w any members of dieamagc o+tncrs' unmodrate fsmrly of the first degree (xpouse, cluldret). h No bustnm�,, trade or prekmion shall be maintained upon the detnmed pmuti. m without %*Tnwn permissxxt from the Board of Lhrovtors of said C:orlxxatron 1) All pmnmd rent and takes Sball be paid to the tremrcr of Yarmouth Cramp CA"Md Araociauon, Inc., upon prextitation of a written tn►vroe for amounts then due. In no event less than 0 days after rccnpt the failure cif ulucb shall be a defaull of this lease for whiL.it the omporaho n may excrcmae its rights under law including tort not limited to the e►-tcuon proem In the event of such default, all legal ckpmws- incurred bti the A srociation shall be reunbu rwd to the Lc*%)r 10 1Ins leave maybe rcnewcxl annually at the dk.crrtxwi of the Hoard of Lhroctcus for a tcxm of me( I) year cm the saute terms and conditions hercinbefore set ftxih and on further condition that all gnvmd =1 and taxes for the paeruws Scar have beeim paid in full as ceruriied by the Treanrrcr 1 I The Lcs-9c03) by the stgntog of this Lease ace" all of the foregoing conditions, supatlatims. and regulations mud hen4b) apt+ es to comply with the same. 12. No sublesme shall occupy a oamage far a sum of days in mamas of 42 during any calendar year 13 A oottape owner aNkmg to A*4m e a cottage shall apply to the b=4 ia writing not kn than 30 day s poor to the proposed suWca,+e hsbng the natoe, addrt set aid tckpireo somber of the sul&-me. Upon receipt of swit Dadoe, tic Ekwd dial) make a der) tmmabou wWun ten drays ofrcoetpt of sorb,. No sublease to ani paxrn shall be made to anyone hilted in the National or Starr Sex Offender Registry 14_ Cowphawe vinh rho Trnra of Sfetrmcrat� err Ta9rnof Hemaataltiie atdiartmcx regarding ex ltemge trnaos.Y and the YCGA Standu* Ruler u the mWonibilky of ftest*Avow= Proof of Iowa rental itta}x=b n must be given to okrk at the tare of matttatimm of the roque by !bc kamb—t 15, Upon pdiU m to and mvww try be BOW of Diraestearm, a dewmArtried baddmp may be e*1"shed end a 3wdKddie r way be perms tat Mixuph n tram camVhwsce with tbes toles Sava erg conar rental +wad oompowy The Bowd of rmtcwn may mgae l aEtd the shxtbokUr shill premmi wntie n docaaatnta#im io strppagt and deed to a bz*hip if a 6ardaknp r tim is grwaod tiro dum6olde r ahail agsec to bet: honod by the to tus aad c+oadmm as may be delcrmtmed by the bow d of Du=tears with. to the dttraboo of the =ngvbm. No barilkw eatcwpow dwH contmW beycmd one year from the date eif tie g tai 4he a ra tiles etarrmdod try �e actiat � the )daa:d d Uir+sctara DEFINITION. f1 maAdup ritual be defined EMM as the mabibly of a sbwahalder to &A to aeaerdamm with theme rental min m a n mtk of a agday®mt, hicait nopmanea o- or frcmrl di$iemkmn M a oottage owner sag On Po"de ten"ray boum8 to ntMM" ins Dud 16. Um e$tht outtsfae fix home Awring sitars (e.g. AirBUB) is et provdy pmhrbacd w Z , 0 E C.0 • Q cn oc Q 4 -c:; 8 S CD in E Z Ca g CU a E L cu a 1 IN W 1 NF'SS A111, RF OF , the parties h•xe to and to awther immnunem of like tenor, the President and 1 reamrer of the Yarmouth Camp 0totuhlr A3..k tatwn, Inc wt t}n;tr hands and wait' and the vwal of %aid C'orpiration this la dap of Juh . -tt2 1 L"ftv(S) YARMOUTH CAMP GROUND ASSOCIATION, INC. �- � f'rrstdenr fit hate Treaswur •••,ee,eee��,,l� • `;+ u. v ,ten • `•`. Inifial4 �_ _