HomeMy WebLinkAbout9 Vacation Lane paper application #1I I Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Detectors are Required! owners: I have ensured the batteries are changed, have tested ALL smoke Detectors{ca Monoxide Detectors and verified that they are less than lo years old: p/ease initial (;,b Contact the Building Depanment regarding questions on type and tocation prior to purchalii!- httos://wryvw varmouth.ma.us/DocumenlCenler/View1 1221lSmoke_detector_location rbon Rental Property lnformation All fields are t uired! lncom eb forms withoul a valid one # or email cannot be rocessed A non-refundabte apptication fee of $80 pef Uniufental js required. Rental Certificates expire on December 31"t, 2024. lf NOT registering online, please makechecks payable to: Town of YanrDuth and mail completed application & payment to: Town of Yarmouth Health Department. The Health De aftment willcallto schedule an i if required,recoipt of yourapplication and fee \U"-\} t*iRental Pro perty Address /*Ann ual Rental Period asonal Short Term (less than 3'1 days)Trash Removal bv: owner- t.n^nt /nousefiuptex-conao_ Apartment_ Room Rental of: Property Owner NamE Keo t hot,BlUq'o Mailing Address:3t OStc 51 firlarc ,,,?rn 0ZO1S ( required)Primary Phone Iilo. tub- 6?8- rmt Alternate Phone No (required)E-mail Address Krrl@B Atsmo orsp.r,rrL. cur" owners ReoresentatiteTRenta-AgenUAgeney 3,1^^,i,q Otor". Primary Phone No 5k- bs?3 (required)E-mail Address d,,rt. Lr s,S47)f ,ryr, r(-.corr Furthermore l understand I must notify the Health Department in writing when I am no longer renting the property, or I may besub.iect to fines and bes. r( s/ Co 1MState SanitaryhttDs://www e,Chapter Minimum Standa rds of Fitness sino-Prooramrmouth.ma.u 423/RentalHo I Bylaw which a ara ownaYUtrmohShoTrtRenermtaa rcable thande(rf ppl fo uH am Hn baita nio al of re a a able ouon SIbte Sign Date: I Revised 1O/23l2024 l 1rGoT- .i.=f.tV€2trrkt& =3 o (.Jq *