HomeMy WebLinkAbout1361 Bridge Street MACRIS Local No 488Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System Scanned Record Cover Page ._l Inventory Na: YAR,488 Historic Name: Akin, David K. Store Common Name: Address: 1363 Bridge St CityfTown: Yarmouth VillegelNeighborhood: South Yarmouth Village; Bass River Local No: 2' Y 0 5 Year Constructed: c 1830 Archltect(s): Architectural 5tyle(5): No style Use(s): Post Office; Single Family Dwelling House; Speciality stare Significance: Architecture; Commerce; Politics Government Area(s): YAR.H: South Yarmouth - Hass River Historic District Deslgnatlon(s): Nat'l Register District (5/29/1990) Building Materlats(s): Wall: Wood Shingle; Wood DEMOLISHED FM?--0N,5� t_0-7 a Fa y I t,J G�C� 9 0 -T k 4f5 9 The Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) has converted this paper record to digital format as part of ongoing projects to scan records of the Inventory of Historic Assets of the Commonwealth and National Register of Historic Places nominations for Massachusetts. Efforts are ongoing and not all inventory or National Register records related to this resource may be available In digital format at this time. 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THE ACT OF CHECKING THIS DATABASE AND ASSOCIATED SCANNED FILES ODES NOT SUBSTITUTE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LOCAL, STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS. IF YOU ARE REPRESENTING A DEVELOPER AND/OR A PROPOSED PROJECT THAT WILL REQUIRE A PERMIT, LICENSE OR FUNDING FROM ANY STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCY YOU MUST SUBMIT A PROJECT NOTIFICATION FORM TO MHC FOR MHOS REVIEW AND COMMENT You can obtain a copy of a PNF through the MHC web site (vrrw.sec.state.ma.uslmhc) under the subject heading "MHC Farms." Commonwealth of Massachusetts Massachusetts Historical Commission 220 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, Massachusetts 02125 www.sec.state.ma. uslmhc This file was accessed on: Monday, September 15, 2014 at 10:18 AM FORM B - BUILDING 1n Area no. Form no. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL COMMISSION Office of the Secretary, State House, Boston y in relation to nearest cross streets and other buildings. Indicate north. Old Main Street IJ Pleasant Street I3el l evi ew ss �: �'r1�sn t•PPt nt Ilse 'ntlnll?_ zttorr-, ent owner ,l,cxt Feed ription: Ewurce Si jrit v Vernnculer hitect Exterior wall fabric "ide food shin ;lee Outbuildings (describe) Old saltbox, shed Other features U.-nly po,ted fa•ont porch. 6/6, 916, ?/? lrindolrs. Small back e-xtem;ion leadinr• into 1pr[7e outshot frith chimney. A� reci R Date Moved % Date 5. Lot size: One acre or less x Over one acre. Approximate frontage oSr Approximate distance of building from street 5' 6. Recorded by� T)n- '11- c3+ - -- Organization ,•:, , A; -nr r,1l `ter-i:A�r Date I ga-nt P"Eb?r'C)7Q-- _-- V02 tI!e 7. Original owner (if known) David I'_. _'!kin Original use Jewelry store Subsequent uses (if any) and dates See text 6. Themes (check as many as applicable) Aboriginal Conservation Recreation Agricultural Education Religion Architectural Exploration/ Science/ The Arts r settlement invention Commerce -x _ Industry social/ Communication X_ Military humanitarian Community development rgr Political Transportation 9. Historical significance (include explanation of themes checked above) This tiny building, one of three with inseparable history, is representative of nuch that is unusual about Yarnouth history and more specific about the history of Bass River, where it is located. The fect that it was moved before 1900 and that it was one of a number of buildinus to find their way to Bridle Street in a never endin^' replen isluient of rtrticture, for t'het rtreet, seems to point out som.athinET interesting about the area and the town. 1.'his is , namely, the early versatility with which people moved buildin o -- up said down B .ss --liver and acrocc the field, on .;now, ice and rollers - and ]Iow they Ceencd to never eve up on this constantly productive thorough -- fai-r. All over towm buildings were beinC moved and "adaptively reused" long before that term was coined. On Bride Otreet wdlero traffic moved up and do -inn, across the south isle of the Cape activity never ceased. For instance, this building, or its companion an the river side, (form # 238), ;,as one, probably first located on Pleasant Street, near water. There it vas David K. ld-i^'s jewelry store a p-rt of which acted for a tine, as Alexander Hillnan'w tailor shop. Aften4ards it was moved to Bridge Street and became the Post Office, where letters, at the turn of the century cost 121 cents; and still later if became the dvellin! house of Urialw Sears. Hoeg old this structure is and h_ov old the ones on either side of it are is debatable, for there is not enouji infor;-ition on th-m. ':tlwa,t can bo ,uesoed, is that they have all three been moved from different locations nearby and have I\mctionod well on Bridge Street. Prescntl� all three building:: belo_1, to ~obert I?eeta and are wzsed or unused, an an antique shop. put in the pa-t xa•-'eric'_: '.. Ba-her, (: ee form 7' 234), 0-41-d a liver`- 10. Bibliography and/or references (such as local histories, deeds, assessor's records, early maps, etc.) A. "Old Naker Village", Iwo. 39, r. 7 z, rrence Jenkins, Yarmouth Port, 1915 B. Deed Bool: 352, P. 49, Barnstablc Prob`te C. "Yesterday's Tide", -Florence Baler, 1941 ?1. 1880 "tla,3 of Barnstable County, `talker, Boston E. Forms 7I 234, 238, 23Jly. INVENTORY FORM CONTINUATION SHEET MASSACHUSMS HISTORICAL C(MffSSION Of£ice of the Secretary, Boston Caremmity : Form No: : �3a.., :i.gg�r i�"7 Property Name: Indicate each item on inventory form which is being continued below. on the spot and before that the land :•ras probably olmed by a Kelley. Today on Bridge Street there are only a half dozen older buildin-s vhere originally there were, perhaps a dozen and a half. Places line 3'.anton Crot:ell's carria4e shop and underts':-�r's establishment, .Cohn Larkin's otore, David Lkin's offices, the toll house, teleCranh office and Dr. ,cones' office are no longer there. They were the centers of busine ;s and social activity from the early 1C30's when the first bridue was built acroos t:ie river, but they have been replaced at various. times, by ne•;*er buildings and di.fferan' pu_*Toses. Loo:ins;,; of the yt::eet now, the history is hard to see. it is difficult to visualize the open buoy road ctretchinC across the life blood with ancient housez that no Ion, er e:-.ist. Staple to Inventory form at bot"-)m