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4180 759 Route 28 Decision
TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS DECISION FILED WITH TOWN CLERK: March 17, 2008 PETITION NO. HEARING DATE: PETITIONER: PROPERTY: #4180 March 13, 2009 Carey Commercial -Chuck Carey YARMOUTH TOWN r-! cRK 7'�3 RR 17 Pii 2: 43 RECE`IIV,, ED A , 759 Route 28, South Yarmouth (Former Yarmouth Condominiums) Map and Parcel: 0033.35 Zoning District: B2 MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOTING: David S. Reid, Chairman, Joseph Sarnosky, Diane Moudouris, Sean Igoe, Renie Hamman and Steve DeYoung, Alternate. It appearing that notice of said hearing has been given by sending notice thereof to the petitioner and all those owners of property deemed by the Board to be affected thereby, and to the public by posting notice of the hearing and published in The Register, the hearing was opened and held on the date stated above. The applicant seeks a Variance from bylaw §303, to allow a real estate business logo on sign announcing that the motel property was sold. The sign proposed does not conform to the sign code bylaw. Prior to the commencement of a hearing on the merits, the petitioner requested of the Board leave to withdraw this petition, without prejudice. The applicant has since removed the sign. Since no objection to the request was made, a motion was made by Mrs. Hammon seconded by Mr. Samosky, to allow the petition to be withdrawn, without prejudice. The Board members voted unanimously in favor. The petition was withdrawn without prejudice. David S. Reid, Clerk Board of Appeals TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS DECISION FILED WITH TOWN CLERK: March 17, 2008 PETITION NO. HEARING DATE: PETITIONER: PROPERTY: #4180 March 13, 2009 Carey Commercial -Chuck Carey YARMOUTH T0WM71t ERK 70 IN 17 PM T 43 RECEIVED 759 Route 28, South Yarmouth (Former Yarmouth Condominiums) Map and Parcel: 003335 Zoning District: B2 MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOTING: David S. Reid, Chairman, Joseph Sarnosky, Diane Moudouris, Sean Igoe, Renie Hamman and Steve DeYoung, Alternate. It appearing that notice of said hearing has been given by sending notice thereof to the petitioner and all those owners of property deemed by the Board to be affected thereby, and to the public by posting notice of the hearing and published in The Register, the hearing was opened and held on the date stated above. The applicant seeks a Variance from bylaw §303, to allow a real estate business logo on sign announcing that the motel property was sold. The sign proposed does not conform to the sign code bylaw. Prior to the commencement of a hearing on the merits, the petitioner requested of the Board leave to withdraw this petition, without prejudice. The applicant has since removed the sign. Since no objection to the request was made, a motion was made by Mrs. Hammon seconded by Mr. Samosky, to allow the petition to be withdrawn, without prejudice. The Board members voted unanimously in favor. The petition was withdrawn without prejudice. David S. Reid, Clerk Board of Appeals TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS APPLICATION FOR HEARING Appeal#: L7 I we) Owner -Applicant: AW sr" A (Address) YARMOUTH TOWid CLERK 2M3 FEB 22 N 12: 33 Hearing Date• 3I I S I Q $ REQ�1� and is the (check one) 0 Owner 0 Tenant Property: Zoning NO Names- Including "a) (zip) , � (Telephone Number) 0 Prospective Buyer R'Other Interested Party This application relates to the property located at: �6-5;7 I1'Co . and shown on the Assessor's Map #: J 9 as Parcel#: ,9,_ trict:h Z)_ If property is on an un-constructed (paper) street name of nearest cross street, or other Project: The applicant seeks permission to undertake the following construction/use/activity (give a brief description of the project. i.e.: "add a 10' by 15' deck to the front of our house" or "change the use of the existing building on the property"): RELIEF REQUESTED: Thq applicant seeks the following relief from the Board of Appeals: 1) REVERSE THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR OR THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR dated attach a copy of the decision appealed from). State the reason for reversal and the ruling which you request the Board to make. 2)_ SPECIAL PERMIT under § of the Yarmouth Zoning By-law and/or for a use authorized upon Special Permit in the "Use Regulation Schedule" §202.5 .(use space below if needed) 3) VARIANCE from the Yarmouth Zoning By-law. Specify all sections of the by-law from which relief is requested, and, as to each section, specify the relief sought: Section: 30 3 • Relief sought: Section: Relief sought: Section: Relief sought: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Please use the space below to provide any additional information which you feel should be included in your application: FACT SHEET/ Current Owner of Property (if other than applicant): dY�/J y Zr.., (Full N e)r7%S-- Oa�G� (Address) (Telephone Number) / Ve Title deed reference: Book & Page# it aSSor ficate # and Land Court Lot # Plan # (provide copy of recent deed) Use Classification: Existing: ' • 7 §202.5 # Proposed: §202.5 # Is the property vacant: /go If so, how long?: Lot Information Size/Area: Ian Book and Page Is this property within the Aquifer Protection Overlay District? Yes No Have you completed a formal commercial site plan review (if needed)? Yes_ No Other Department(s) Reviewing Project: Indicate the other Town Departments which are/ have/ or will review this project, and indicate the status of their review process: Repetitive Petition: Is this a re -application: If yes, do you have Planning Board Approval? Prior Relief: If the property in question has been the subject of prior application to the Board of Appeals or Zoning Administrator, indicate the date and Appeal number(s) and other available information. Include a copy of the decisions) with this application: Building Commissioner Comments: Applicant's /Att ey gent Signature Address: Owner's Signature Phone da+t 6 1 Z vy -, 1 )ding Commissioner Signature ate Property Locstio%759 ROUTE 28 Vision ID:17616 Account a MAP ID:33/ 35/ / / Bldg N: Bldg Name: State Usr.3010 I of 2 See 0: I of I Card I of 2 Print Date: 02?S/200816:21 ."Distdtt -lu e ARMOUTH CONDO ASSOCIATION d Mlle ater W aved scr Tian Code A lard Value. A.vesred Value 59 ROUTE 28 VIH YARMOUTIL MA 02664.5101 dditloual Osruen: MMERC. M LAND MMERC. OMMERC. OMMERC. 3010 3010 3010 3222 3222 139.900 342.700 17,000 75,900 10,100 239,900 342,700 17,800 75900 10,100 815 YARMOUTH, MA SUPPLEMENTAL DATA _ _ - _-- they ID: 27/XOOU// abdhisiou GFS I EI IERMENT LAN NUMBFJ 263A-Al, CODE 2664 IS/D: 17616 ASSOCPIDO VISION Toranj WAN 686,M RECORD OF OWNERSHIP '- BLVOL/PAGE I SALE DATE a& Wl SALEPRICEV.0 >-- - -` '�: PREVIOUS ASSESSMENTS R _- ARMOUTH CONDO ASSOCIATION ARMOUTH CONDO ASSOCIATION 5393/ 102 1111WI996 1 1 0 Yr. Cade A&wmd Value Yr. Code Asremed Value Yr. Code A.vened Value 003 000 008 ON 3010 3010 3010 3222 3222 239,900 342,700 17,800 739W 10.1; 007 3010 3010 3010 3222 3222 230,700 336,000 17,800 72.M lejoil 006 3010 3010 3010 3222 3222 164" 336,000 17JM 38,100 14,200 Taal: 686 OO Taal• " rota-1 570 EXEMPTIONS - -_. OTHER ASSESSMENTS = - ThB signature acknowledges a Wstr by a Data Collector orAueseor Year I npe Hon I Amount I Code semi ion I Number I Amount Comot Int. _ . APPRAISED FALUESUMMARY . Appraised Bldg, Value (Card) Appraised XF (B) Value (Bldg) Appraised OB (L) Value (Bldg) Land Value (Bldg) Special Land Value Total Appraised Parcel Value Valuation Method: Adjustment 2399W 0 17JM 342,700 0 686,600 C 0 Tot —= < ASSESSING NEIGHBORHOOD - -� NBHDt SUB I NBHD NAME I STREET INDEX NAME TRACING BATCH 00001A I I i iAppraised - -- NOTES ARMOUTH CONDO STUDIO STUDIOS, 2-1 BED UNITS MAE SHARE UNITS (24) Net Total Appraised Parcel Value 656,400 BUILDINGPERMITRECORD - -- - VISIT/CHANGEIIISTORY Permit ID Issue Date Tre )eicriptiom Amount Date % Comp Date Cum . ommener Date AM IS I ID Cd Result 02-43 119 096 OUM002 02=999 02116119" CM CM CM ommenW ommerdal ommerdal 6,000 IAA 1,5W -Lnv. 100 100 100 01/01/2003 01OU2000 011012WO OOF RIED 12 X 10 UYAIR SH.LS 4/292004 4292004 4/=000 GM GM BD 00 00 00 mur+IJated enur+Usted eaur+llsled LAND LME VALUAIZONSEC77ON B N Use Code Use Description Zone D lFrootape Depth Units Unit Price L Factor SA Aar DLw C. Factor ST. Idx Ad'. Notes -Ad' Special Pricine Ada. Unit Price Land Value 1 3010 OTEIS M94 24.00 Bl, 14,000.00 1.00 0 1.0000 1.00 0000 1A2 1.42 AC SITE 14,21111M 342,700 1otal Card Lead Udu: 0 SF Panel Total Land Area: SF I Total Land Value: 34;700 Property Location: 759 ROUTE 28 MAP ID:33/ 351 / / Bldg Name: State Use:3010 Vision ID:17616 Account N Bldg N: 1 of 2 Sec N: I of 1 Card 1 of 2 Print Date: 02/25/200816:21 Property Locatie►L759 ROUTE 28 Vision IIt 17616 Account N MAP ID:33/35/ / / Bldg N: 2 oft Bldg Name: State Use:3010 See N: I of 1 Card 2 of 2 Print Date: 02/25200916:21 po, ARMOUTH CONDO ASSOCIATION d 41ie Water ■ved ua. District a vion Code Apprsed Value Asxared Vdue 59 ROUTE 28 VI1f YARMOUTN, MA 02664SIOl Additional Ownen: MUC OMMERC. M LAND MMERCOMMZRC. MMERC. 3010 3010 3010 3222 239,900 342,700 17AN I0,13222 �00 239,900 342,700 17AN 10,1�00 815 YARMOUTH, MA - " - -- _: SUPPLEMENTAL DATA- -_ - .- .. . tber ED: 27/XOOU// W ubdivoa WLNGE5 L errERMENT LAN NUMBEI263A-Al, CODE 2664 IS ID: 17616 ASSOCPID/ VISION Tor MIC400 686A00 RECORD OF OWNERSHIP B[ VOL/PAGE I SALE DATE 411w *11 SALE PRICE V.G PREVIOUSASSESSMEN7S HLSTOR _ - ARMOUTH CONDO ASSOCIAnON ARMOUTH CONDO ASSOCIATION 5393/102 I1/1011986 I 1 0 Yr. Code Asmssed Valor I Yr. I Cade I Ammd Value I Yr. I Code I Axnsnd Value 2008 Dos 008 008 008 3010 3010 3010 7222 3222 239,900 342.700 17JM 75,900 10,100 007 007 007 007 007 3010 3010 3010 3222 3222 230,700 336,000 17JM 72,900 10,100 006 006 006 006 3010 3010 3010 7222 3222 164,900 336AN 17,800 38,100 14,200 Tad: 686 400 TdaL• 667 Tard: 570 - —=EXEMPTIONS ' - _ OTfIER A,5SESSHEN7S This signature acknowledges a vbu by a Data Collector orA.ssessor Year I nve Orscription I An t I Code Oescription I Number I Anortrn ICanoehd. _ MPRAISEDVALUESUMAIARY Appraised Bldg. Value (Card) AppraisedXF(B)Value (Eldg) Apprised OB (L) Value (Bldg) Appraised Land Value (Bldg) Special Land Value Total Appraised Parcel Value Valuation Method: Adjustment: 75,900 0 I0,100 0 0 686AN C 0 Tob -- ASTESSINGNEIGHBORHOOD _- <— -- _-__ NE SUB NBHD NAME STREET INDFX NAME TRACING BATCH OOOO/A � - - . __ _.. � `,- _ .:__ -- DOOR . POOL NOTES _ _ PEN RAFTER CEH.ING et Total Appraised Parcel Value 686,400 BUILDING PERMIT RECORD - - ' _ - -" - - VISIT/CHANGE HISTORY - Perry ID /snit Dare Tym Qrscriotion Am" 1 .Dare %C Dare C onnrntr Dale !S ID Cd se/Reru1I 4292004 4292004 41=000 GM GM BD 00 00 00 euurtWted murnLbted mnnlistcd LAND LINE VALUATIONSEC77ON B f Use Code Use Description Zone D Frontage Devth Units Una Prim L Factor SA Am Dtre C. Factor ST. Idx Ad'. Notes -Ad' S ial PFicinx Land Value 2 322Z COMM BLDG M96 0.00 AC 0.00 1.00 0 1.0000 1.00 0.00 0.00 0 Total Card I Udb: 0 SF Parcel Total Laad Area: SF Total Land Value: 0 Property Location: 759 ROUTE 28 MAP ID:33/ 351 /! . Bldg Name: State Use:3010 Vision ID:17616 Account N Bldg N: 2 of 2 Sec N: 1 of I Card 2 of 2 Print Date: 02/15/1008 16:21 J Bk 22551 Rs,348 072026 12-18-2007 a 03a03v TIIE YARMOUTH CONDu mutt UNIT DEED The undersigned Marilyn Ann Costello, Donald L'ispemnee, Thomas A. Keough and John Majenski, Trustees of the Yarmouth Termination Trust, under Declaration of Trust dated November 3, 2007 and recorded with the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds herewith, for consideration of $525,000.00 paid, hereby grant to Lewis Bay Properties, Inc., a Massachusetts corporation with an address of 23 Lewis Bay Boulevard, West Yarmouth, MA 02673, the Condominium Units known and designated as Units 1-12 and 14-25 of the Yarmouth Condominium, located in the Town of Yarmouth, Barnstable County, MA, established by Master Deed recorded with the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Book 5393, page 102 (the "Master Deed'). This conveyance is made pursuant to the terms and provisions of M.O.L. Chapter 183B, Section 15 and a certain Termination Agreement recorded with the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds herewith (the'Termination Agreement"). The above -described Units constitute all of the Units at said Condominium, together with 100% of the undivided interest in the common areas and facilities appurtenant thereto, ..a ,,,,, r dtJ .• E• 4;6* F 44..l..a . The Units are intended to be used for residential resort purposes, as described in the Master Deed. For titlesee the above described Master Deed and Termination Agreement recorded herewilIt''hjj.''11 '%]�� (m'� '��77 P.59 Roufe�S, Soutl�Yt�J:1�10266dC 0 P Y Witness our hands and seals on the dates set forth below. as Trustee 0 Thomas A. Keough, as Trust foresaid, and not individually �4 , Johrd,fajenski, as Trust aforesaid, and not individually �Sj l Ek 22551 Pg 349 #72026 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Norfolk County, ss. On this 30' day of November, 2007, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared ra' rdx.. An, Gst 16 '2>^AI d Z'A., c:, proved to me through fatisfactory evidence of identification, being (check whichever applies): ❑ driver's license or other state or federal governmental document bearing a photographic image. 0 oath or affirmation of a credible witness known to me who knows the above signatory, or Amy own personal knowledge of the Identity of the signatory, to, be the person(s) whose name(s) islare sued above, and acknowledged the foregoing to be signed by him/her/them voluntarily for its purpose, as Trustee of said Yarmouth Termination Trust. V. Notary Public My Commission Expires: June 13, 2014 Print Notary Public's Name: V. Douglas Errico Qualified in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts hASSAMSETTS STATE EXCISE TAX BARNSTABLE COUNTY REGISTRY OF DEEDS A TRUE °12P, i 03t$525 C Doc{t 72026 F { r50 Coast {525#000.00 2 BARNSTABLE COUNTY EXCISE TAX BARNSTABLE COUNTY,REGISTRY OF DEEDS Octal 12-18-2007 i 0303n• Ctl{t 1673 Doctt 72026 Feat {1r197.00 Coast $525@000.00 Bk 22551 Pq 350 #72026 EXHIBIT A Unit Percentage of UndMded Designation Interest in Common Areas 1 4.10%' 2 4.10% 3 4.10% 4 4.10% 6 4.10% 6 4.10% 7 4.10% f3 4.50% 9 4.10% 10 4.10% 11 4.10% 12 4.10% 14 4.10% NOT ;�l. TRUE C:PY 17 5.30% 18 6.30% 19 4.10% 20 3.90% 21 3.90% 22 3.90% 23 3.90% 24 IWA 25 3.90% TOTAL: 100-00% EARNSTAKE REGISTRY Of DEEDS r' YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS ABUTTERS LIST Petition# l"20 Name e�t� Filing Date: 417.?i Hearing Date: 3 3 Property 4e. Notices must be sent to the petitioner (applicant), abutters, and on any public or private street or way, and abutters to the sbuttei r(only within 300 feet of the property line) of the petitioner as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Provide only the abutters map and lot number and return with your application. You can get assistance with this list from the Assessor's office. Map Number Lot Number Map Number Lot Number Applicant # 5 Abutters #'s 33 33 35 3 3 a 3d- j2. 11: � 1 //0 33 ae 3 3i 3 30 ##4180: Chuck Care% -.former Yarmouth G 759 Route 28 SY-Reyuext a Variance from 2 Label3-1 Hard Copy Assessors Field Card with photo .� ....... rcai cuate logo on sign.... ' Hearing Date: March 13. 2008 mdo'. Iniaw g3o3. Matthew Zurowick, Director of Assessing , as %AC tlO AC i 70.i 1 4.54AD 39 Al AC f3 � l �� r , • a MAC AC 24 ,.A S , ' WAMPµOAO as � ,a u � ,u ae 4e9 r s 'AC o a { n r \ O ON AW %\ ,fa I� ., rAf.J r ,,,o AC AC 11 90 , as 1111 b� poMo so�0 t .ae7c 3 Ad E0M 0V093 ©©0 S TION SHOWN HEREON IS FOR AWESSU FS ONLY. NO UABIUIY FOR ERROR IS Q BY THE TOWN OF YARMOUM 32/ 94/ PIRATES COVE EAST INC 728 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-5158 33/ 36.1/ DAVENPORT, DEWITT P. TRS DAVENPORT RLTY TRUST 20 NORTH MAIN ST SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 33/ 32/ TYNAN WILLIAM F C/OTHOMASFTYNANSRTR 8 HOLLY RD HOLBROOK, MA 02343 32/ III/ CARR, ADA M 747 ROUTE 28 SO YARMOUTH, MA 02664 132/ 114/ DIGIOVANNI, SILVIO V TR SV REALTY TRUST PO BOX 370 SOUTH YARMOUTH. MA 02664 32/ 113/ BHATT MAHENDRA R BHATT KOKHA M 737 ROUTE 28 SO YARMOUTH, MA 02664 32/ 110/ / / GOSSELIN, EDWARD J W B WILLIAMS L BURCH 20 N MAIN ST SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-3150 32/ 1121 / / LAASCH, DALE W LAASCH, JOAN 15 CLIFFORD ST SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4301 32/ 115/ DO REALTY TRUST C/O SILVIO DIGIOVANNI TR PO BOX 370 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 33/ 20/ INSLEY, RICHARD S TR INSLEY FAMILY TRUST 28 PAWKANNAWKUT DR SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-5125 33/ 33/ / / GAUDETTE, NORMAN E GAUDETTE, ANITA B M 23PAWKANNAWKUTDR SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 33/ 34/ ZAMBELIS, EVANGELIA TR GREAT FOODS REALTY TRUST 335 ROUTE 28 WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 33/ 31/ HANEY,DONALDJ LORRAINE M & DOUGLAS J HANEY 101 CEDAR ST ASHLAND, MA 01721-1986 33/ 30/ GATTO, HELEN S TR DUSK HAVEN TRUST 141 MELROSE RD BROAD BROOK, CT 06016-9617 33/ 35/ YARMOUTH CONDO ASSOCIATION 759 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-5101