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HomeMy WebLinkAbout62 Pleasant Street Intent to Demolish 05.08.2018.�r TOWN OF YARMOUTH 11�46 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, M.ASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 RECEIVED g;;- Teleplionc (508) 398-2231 Ext.1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 YARMOUTH HISTORICAL COMMISSION MAY 10 2018 NOTICE OF INTENT TO DEMOLISH A HISTORIC BUILDING YARMOUTH To be submitted to the YHC along with Demolition Permit Application OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Date of Application Building Address: -B- 13 G z Pl-cQ SA b Demolition: (circle one):( Partial or Total Sc- Assessor's Map # 6 t Parcel # /0/ Year built: n ? aReason Building is Considered Historic (check all that apply): Over 75 Years Old Located in the South Yarmouth/Bass River National Register Historic District Listed on National Register of Historic Places Resource for historic listings: Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System: Property Owner: ) 4V4VAo,cr Address: /,z Pte-A,ev S'v, City/Town: Sac7a -1a 2,rvm oyTt# State: A114 Zip Code: d> Z a Y Phone#: sod - 3� g - 2117-3I Cell# Email: >< 3 �Ilvll�IPcAl a fJ 1}Mk9� ANIIO J': "04 Agent/Contractor: DAuc,,OU^_v B of cj, � Co Address: Zo wCyA MA i,; St,, City/Town: 56, State: ('W Zip Code: b L-�yy Phone#: $ate - 35 P - Z�, 3 / Cell# 77y- .za 178 Z Email: `I`6264.,-) VAy<.,, Reason for demolition request: Ale WSr,ad- 1a 4C1;*iy Proposed reuse of property: dSar o�V;,o-u✓A-c— 3�- ja.� iw jam' X:✓WAW- Description of structure to be demolished: C.A2 GovkA21e bsti-o QePRoOM dove Please include with application: • Color photographs of all sides of the structure being proposed for demolition • Map showing location of property • History of the building/property (if known) Updaled 91017 ENGINEEMNG DEFT. COPY _ RECEIVE[ MAY i 0 2918 YAKivioU H OLD KING'S HIGHWAY G;�FiCASaNr SRE�r 68.9;� �- � •t EUS Til f IS ING POR — �� a G) 7.2' TO THE Ez_.ST_OF MMLE�G� STRUCTURES C A' 6£ %' .,.r `} -2i 9' 28. 9' 9 r � U D� JUL 2 2004 LOT 2 20,660 .f S.F IN t 189.5C' 1 L 76,, ` WORK ;,11CST s ORIV1 TO ALL. iC TOIAM OVLA S REGULAT ION' YARMOUT WATER DEPT AND BE! IE4: THE YARMO UTH, MASS. SHOWN ON THIS PLAN LOT 2, L.C. nL. 7844 F'AS Br' -,EN '_00ATED THE GROUND A5 INDICATED. 7/18/04 3118104 2 DATE PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE JULY 17, 2(104 SCALE 1" = 4Q' JOB 5550-00 CLIENT VALKER p SWEE'TSER ENGINEERING 235 GREAT WESTERN ROAD Pa BOX 713 SO 4"H DEJNIS, MA 02880 T. 508-398-31322 1p)L 508-398-3083 . iju jr/ILI.; ciC-vvIUMy y,�ivau-Crr-ir'ci1- L- i v s I ! I 62 Pleasant St., SY/BR N t-- `aA d • Notice of Intent to Demolish an attached 2-car garage with bedroom above received 05/10/2018 • single family home, original portion built c1780 • listed as a contributing structure in the SY/BR Historic District • home has undergone numerous renovations and additions over the last ten years (no record of Historic Commission review) • home experienced a fire in May 2017. Exterior damage confined to mid -section of house. The original observation dome at the rear of the house melted which caused major smoke issues. Most interior damage was a result of water and smoke. 90% of the interior of the house has been gutted. Demolition: • If the area to be demolished is more than 25% of the gross floor area of the building then refer directly to the Cape Cod Commission. • If the area to be demolished is less than 25% of the gross floor area of the building then proceed with local permitting process. Alteration: If yes to all 3, then refer to Local Historical Commission for substantial determination; if no to any, then proceed with local permitting. 1. Is the structure listed as a contributing structure with a Nation Register Historic District? 2. Does the project involve alteration of any exterior feature of such an historic structure? 3. If the structure is a single-family dwelling, does the proposed project involve alteration of more than 25% of the gross floor area of the SF dwelling? Substantial Determination • Within 21 days, YHC to make substantial determination and inform Building Commissioner o notice of public meeting to be posted 48 hours in advance and should include: • date, time, place of meeting ■ name of applicant ■ location of property ■ description of project ■ copy of notice to CCC o If substantial, Building Commissioner to refer project to CCC for DRI review o If not substantial, local permitting process may proceed. Substantial Alteration: An alteration which jeopardizes a structure's individual eligibility for listing in the National Register of Historic Places, or its status as a contributing structure in a National or Massachusetts Register of Historic Places, such as: • addition, removal, alteration or substitution of defining architectural features such that the building/structure is incapable of yielding important historical information about its period, including changes to the following: exterior siding, roof pitch, fenestration, and the compatibility of additions in terms of general scale, massing, and materials. • isolation of a property or alteration of its setting such that the historic character and integrity are no longer reflected in the site. Examples may include the following: introduction of parking lots, removal of subsidiary buildings or relocation of a structure from its original site. • use of surface cleaning and maintenance methods which endanger the building, structure, or object's historic building materials, such as sandblasting and improper masonry repointing.