HomeMy WebLinkAbout137 Run Pond Rd plan011(DQ ' M I ' Wi Ow' N z Y go 0 W Cn m W�� w! m X W w I n O 3 1 4 'x 11 A" ER M 2.0 310 0 E UAL BEAM EL W NEE WA L M Vim DOUBLE JOIST I I DOUBLE JOIST W' O '.r I N� zi I Z N I wW I Ld n 3: ' E _ Q 4 < Ld p W O O > Q ( O a, W I CO El-'— J 4�j Q @Q @ < I D c� CW1 CY N W CV W c I X r�0� X 014 1 N 3-1 4"x 1 1 8" VERSA LAM 2.0 3100 OR EQUAL Z�J_1_1BEAM BELOW KNEE —WALL 2"X12" @ 16" O.C. SPF-2 OR EQUAL ROOF RAFTERS HOOD SUBFLOOR FREAD AND RISER TYPICAL STAIR DETAIL SCALE: NTS OR IEQAAL I E �• C RA LAP 2� 3100 BELOW KN — LL I Cf) m > LJ W m X Q DOUBL 3-1 4"x 1 1 2.0 3100 BEAM BELOb 2"X12" @ 16" EQUAL RO C 0 ry O O J w J Q W ry O U O rn 0 0 0 u7 U m Filler b 1/8` TYPE CC TYPE LCC TYPE CC/GLT TYPE CC/HIV TYPICAL BEAM/COLUMN CONNECTION DETAILS SCALE: NTS 14" BCI 4500s 1.8 @ 16" O.C. OR EQUAL FLOOR JOISTS MAIN ROOF FRAMING PLAN DOUBLE JOIST CONSTRUCTION (Not required if both loaded equally From above) O D Of O O w J Q a w Of O U O 0 rn 0 0 u7 E3 m u DATE I REVISION k1l legal rights including, but not limited to, copyright and design patent rights, in the designs, irrongements and plans shown on this document are the property of RAV&Assoc., Inc. They may iot be used or reused in whole or in part, except in connection with this project, without the prior +ritten consent of RAV&Assoc., Inc, Written dimensions on these drawings shall have precedence wer scaled dimensions. Contractors shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and :onditions on this project, and RAV&Assoc., Inc. must be notified of any variation from the limensions and conditions shown by these drawings. FRAMING PLANS, ROOF T YIPICAL DETAILS 137 R UN POND ROAD, SOUTH YARMO UTH, MAS,S'ACH US'ET TS Assoc., Inc. 21 HIGHLAND AVENUE NEEDHAM, MASSACHUSETTS 02494 TELEPHONE: (781) 449-8200 FAX: (781) 449-8205 SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" APPROVED: R.A.V. DESIGNED BY: I.M. DRAWING No. DATE: 01/05/2023 DRAWN BY: E.F. S — 4- CHECKED BY: R.A.V.