HomeMy WebLinkAbout216 Route 28 planRo/ -73 - od- 73 2-f6 t� 2 ■ Rlma...12.9± INV IN 4', Pvca. LIQUID LEvEL-a.--10A±. iaxzo'rvr. PARKING LOT - (SEE 3 OF 5) i � ASPHALT CURB I LEACHING FIELD ------ - - - - - _ TANKTOP TEE 2± IN 4 PVC-L. - I. 6± G NITE CURBTEE,�Off' 4 11 Pvc-a. = 11. 7�- P.(6 X 18 ) EXISTING CONCRETE SIDE WALK. V1, ,_ , V j 1 I I .� N c I t"? � � I 1 l j I I E L/A I - �Y A k I CANOPY �i PF.,OJECTION I l _ �� � k� 1 ` — TYP.(6" X 1811) _ SIc. BOARD GRANITE CURB TYP.(6" X 1811 -J SIDEWALK SITE ENTRANCE PART PLAN SCALE: 3/16"=1'-0" LOPED CURB ROUTE 28 An w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w------- w w W --- w A LAUNDRY CHECK IN LOBBY L/A SIDEWALK. WATER SLOPED CURB w 14 EXISTING BLDG. POOL URB 1" BASE +2" FINISH) M] stry Associates, Inc. AGREGATE(6" MIN.) COPMPACT SOIL Consulting Engineers Planners Land Surveyors 315 Main Street Reading, MA 01867 ASPHALT CURB DETAIL vL�.u�v� Uv�VE Tel: (781) 944-6400 SCALE: N.T.S. Fax: (781) 948-9908 6X 12 GRANITE STONE CURB ASPHALT (2" BASE +2" FINISH) COPMPACT AGREGATE(6" MIN.) COPMPACT SOIL SECTION A CONCRETE BEDDING SCALE: N.T.S. 6X12 GRANITE STONE CURB ASPHALT (2" BASE +2" FINISH) COPMPACT AGREGATE(6" MIN.) COPMPACT SOII. SECTION B SCALE: N.T.S. WALK 1 Y No. Revision Date Apvd. Designed by. Nalin Mistry Drawn by. Nalin Mistry Checked by: Nalin Mistry CAD checked by. Nalin Mistry Approved by. Nalin Mistzy File Name• Yam `"' . Ht�n,1'�utl+-cape , Scale: AS SHOWN Date: 4/03/2023 Project Title: SUNBIRD CAPE COD RESORT 216 MAIN STREET WEST YARMOUTH, MA. Issued for: PERMITTING Drawing Title: SITE ENTYRANCE PART PLAN Drawing Number .�\k tip MASS 4 A o1 "� !�3 �Ndilil x Mistry r g 773v4. ► Sheet 1 of /� g r 'T 's► Project Number /23;2 445550 N A K* a A � -�, tr ,r d f EXISTING f :; - ,, - =, BUILDING`''f''`;' ,/ ,. 11 mistry Associates, inc. q , _ _ n Consulting Engineers ______________________ _______----__ --11— i i Planners I � ___-__- Howe type I o I I o I I TRUSS �a 24" O.C. Land Surveyors �_1i_--_�.__--_______..._______________11_, I Q Ii II II II EXISTING BT 1,DINCT 315 Main Street I I t o I I Reading, MA 01867 I L--ll-----------------------— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -----11.—� I ®/\\ Tel: (781 ) 944-6400 I I I i 12 �� \` s Fax: (781) 948-9908 r---------------------_---------- -__ 1 6 ON ---------------------- ---- � L_11____—___ ___11_ In II I II II II_11------------ _----- ---------------------------- — I I I I o I I I o PWT treated LVL beam t 11 11 I F_11_11.�� I 5 1/4" wide x 11 7/8" deep 4'-5' <DETAILA II o0 oI II W5x16COLUMN s 11______________________ ______—_____—_.___—___-11_ i i o i v I I DOWNSPOU LOCATED w-4 _ _ _ I I AT EXTERIO COLUMNS ONLY � a � I I � i --�- p bA I t� �—i�_T`_T_`T__1_`_i_-T-_-i-_-T_ _l-_-r—�---�--I — I— 1 1 —I I I �— I I _ 1 1 o I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 X 11 X 1 /2" STEEL PLATE •� `p I I 1.. I I I I I I I I I I bl al d-bC-l1SIs I I I I 11 I I I--+--+---+--I`--1---r-+--+--�-- I--+--+---+---+- --I I 4-3/4" DIA. 10" X 2" HOOK BAR Iq I I I I I I I I I I I I , I°I 20" DIA. SONOTUBEFT ._0.► Lt_ _L_1_1_J__L_l—.L_.�___Lr _�—�_L_.L_1_.1__L_L_1�.�_ _U 2 x 4 outriggers @a 16" o.c. o I o i o I � 8'—Z®" 4'-0" MIN. BELOW GRADE � 1 I F13' X 3' X V-3" FOOTING 1'-3' N J31_01L z —0 J31_00L SCALE 114" PLAN SECTION 1-1 ARCHITECTURAL Its K Simpson Model # H 10A-S S 4-3/4" dia. anchor bolts hurricane tie (typ. each end) by 16 it with 2" hook 1 Y .� „ stainless steel 1 1 /4" wide X 18" long No. Revision Date Apvd. 4- #5 both direction 11 X 11 X 1 /2 steel base plate over 1 " gout pad Simpson Model # MSTA18 Designed by: NalinMistry 6- #5 tension strap at each face o beam Drawn by: Nalin Mistry T �_7 Checked by: Nalin Mistry 4 hoopsUiai)., 1211/ // column and beam splice f rp � grade 1 -- � CAD checked by: Nalin Mistry Approved by: Nalin Mistry 20„ dia. sonotube v ` J / // Yamtouarmo'ut r p p'F // j 168 File Name: M�nYo,. 3 /4 ezak s� / _ �� / Scale: 1/32" Date: 3/28/2023 WS x 16 column minimum nail plat t Project Title: 1 SUNBIRD CAPE COD downspout 1/-3# ----------' _ _ - r� ,,��' RESORT- �.�, 2 �. 4 �� 2 0 O.C. / y,� �`���� 216 MAIN STREET L4 x 3 /4 ezak corner I f � JI �� ��' WEST YAR:MOUTH, MA. f� 11 I 3 0 L3 0 i 20 dia. sonotube I /. Issued for: � E I / � � PERMITTINGfoundation details Icolumn bornOOtln /I I W5 x 16 column Drawing Title: PLAN SECTION A -A FRAMING STRUCTURE I PWT treated LVL beam stainless steel Simpson p 4- 5 1/4" wide x 11 ?/8" dee Model # CCO SDS2.5 I ,` p Q Drawing Number n MAssa�� S - 1 Hahn na. Mistry. 1 SCALE 1/2" SCALE 314"�zTsas �l s4,"c 3 or 4 PLAN DETAIL A SECTION 2-2 Project Number 2�� 2-o zj 445550 - --- mol Mistry Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers g existing wal tuds Planners and sheathing • Land Surveyors � existing then brick veneer and - setting bed to be removed as 315 Main Street „ l 2 1 bd nails at sac .stud g 3/4 & G ro f Reading, MA. 01867 she ping 2 x 4 wood nailer necessary to construct new roof canopy Tel: (781) 944-6400 Fax. (781) 948 9908 existing wall sheathing existing 2 x 4 @ l 6" o.c. stud wall roof trues __ d • f r, estg lldfi proposed existing building �,. f,. f canopy // I i 2 x 4 wood nailer attached to ' of ss existing wa�� spuds�iroug�i seatln g limits of new 3/4" T & G r ' oof sheathing at canopy S E C TI QN 4-4 F__---__________________________�_______�___ ___-__-_____ C.L. LVL beam , - ----- roof truss PLAN VIE GENERAL NOTES FOR NEW ENTRANCE CANOPY TIMBER FRAMING: ROOF LOADS: 1. Dimensional lumber shall be as follows: C .L. LVL beam existing2 x 4 wood studs 1. Dead Load: 10 PSF Sipruce-Pine-Fir No.1/No.2 grade 1 Eft (field verify) Snow load: 30 PSFCHITECTURAL 2. Wood sills bearing on concrete or brick and wood ledger boards shall be pressure treated 2. Wind and seismic loads as per ASCE 7-10 as incorporated by the Ninth Edition of the Southern Pine No. 2 grade or better. Pressure treatment shall be made with MCQ Massachusetts State Building Code (Micronized Copper Cluatenary) applied at a _retention rate of .251bs./cu.. ft. 3. Prefabricated wood roof trusses shall be designed, detailed, and manufactured by a l _ EXCAVATION: qualified truss manufacturer for the dimensions, loads, and overhangs indicated on the drawings. 1. Excavate to lines and grades required to install the foundation as detailed or as required to E� place the bottom of the footings on bearing material approved by the Engineer. a. All nail plate connections and splices shall be designed and detailed by the truss Y 2. The bottom elevation of the footings shall be established by site conditions encountered in manufacturer. -- ' the field. No. Revision Date Apvd. b. Roof truss designs shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to initiating ! fabrication. Designed by: Nalin Mistry BACKFILL: c. Standard Howe type trusses are shown for interior roof trusses and a gable end truss will be ! Drawn by. Nalin Mistry 1. Backfili around footings and piers with clean, well -graded sand and gravel. required at the face of the roof canopy. 2. Carry backfill up evenly on each side of the piers to prevent overturning and dislocation. d. The Contractor shall install and maintain temporary bracing of the roof trusses in I j Checked by: Nalin Mistry compliance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. , CONCRETE: CAD checked by: Nalin Mistry 4. PWT Treated LVL beams are to be used for the beams supporting the roof trusses, with the i 1. Comply with ACI 310-20, Specifications for Concrete Construction, and ACI Recommended followingdesign parameters: Approved b Nalin Mistry g p y: Practices for Concrete Formwork, Transporting and Placing Concrete for details not l E 2,000,000 PSI File Name:Main, otherwise specified. ± i Main, yarmouth. Cap 2. Compressive strength at 28 days when tested by ASTM methods shall be 4000 PSI, = 2800 PSI Maximum aggregate size shall be 3f _ j ' _ p I Scale: AS SHOWN Fv - 285 PSI 2 2 X 1 i D3. All concrete work shalt conform to ACl 318-19 Building Code Requirements for Structural Fc perpendicular to grain - 850 PSI ' I Y ate ' ,�° - 2 4 stuProject Title: Concrete and latest revisions.-SUNBIRD CAP 4. Reinforcing steel shall conform to ASTM A 615, Grade 60. Cut ends of the PWT Treated LVL beams shall be coated with sealant. to minimize moisture f I -� �" �"� �� 5. Concrete cover for reinforcing shall be as follows: wicking. The top surfaces of the LVL beams shall be covered with flashing or flashing tape as i � m..-- � per the manufacturer's instructions. Exposed surfaces of the PWT Treated LVL beams shah RESORT ? f �--- ' ; Concrete placed directly on ground: 3'" be painted or stained at the discretion of the Owner. ; } ; 216 MAN STREET Formed faces of concrete exposed to weather or earth: 2" WEST YARMOUTH, MA. 5. All metal connectors and fasteners that are in contact with preservative treated wood shall STRUCTURAL STEEL: be stainless steel. -' 1. All structural steelwork shall be in strict accordance with the AISC Specifications for the 6. Light gage metal connectors shall be as manufactured by Simpson Strong -Tie Company. Provide the total number of fasteners designated by the manufacturer for the indicated Issued for: Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings. connecter type unless noted otherwise. ` S PERMITTING 2. Steel' 7. Roof sheathing shall be %" Structural -Use plywood, exterior type fastened to supports with existin„g wood silk /�� tO off • 8d common nails or ring shank nails spaced at 6" on center at panel edges and 12" on _ p oundatlon wall Hollow Structural Sections: ASTM A500 Grade B, Fy = 46 ICSI center intermediate. The long direction of the plywood shall be perpendicular to the roof Steel Plates: ASTM A36, Fy = 36 KSI Anchor Bolts: ASTM A307 trusses and end joints shall be staggered. DrawingTitle: 3. Welding shall conform to AWS D1.1- 82 and shall be done by certified welders for all shop CONSTRUCTION: FRAMING STRUCTURE and field welding. Use E70XX electrodes. 1. The Contractor shall field verify all dimensions and elevations shown on the Plans prior to SECTION 3-3 4. Structural steel shall receive one coat of shop primer paint and one coat of finish paint for proceeding with the fabrication or installation of any materials. steel that is exposed in the final condition. 2. The Contractor shall report any site conditions that would be detrimental to the proper 5, The Contractor shall provide temporary bracing and shoring against wind forces and all completion of the work to the Engineer prior to proceeding with the affected construction. other construction loads throughout the progress of work. 3. Demolition work is required to remove the existing entrance vestibule structure and to Drawing Number open the facade of the existing structure where the new PWT Treated LVL beams will bear and where the new roof sheathing will be attached to the existing structure. The existing OF MAS'� S i2 thin brick veneer and setting bed shall be completely removed over the limits of the Nalin M. AAistry existing end wall to which the new roof canopy will be attached. Existing wall sheathing shall only be removed to the minimum extent necessary to install the new beams and 9 27335' �o� sheet 4 of support structure. A� GIs �,� ro ject Number Z3 zd2 445550