HomeMy WebLinkAbout33 Pleasant St Demo Memo and attachments 10.4.19TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Lx Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext.1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 HISTORICAL COMMITTEE MEMORANDUM TO: Mark Grylls, Building Commissioner FROM: Beth Vozella, Yarmouth Historical Commission Office Administrator DATE: October 4, 2019 SUBJECT: 33 Pleasant St.. South Yarmouth On September 5, 2019, the Historical Commission met with Architect, Joseph Dick at 33 Pleasant Street in South Yarmouth to tour the property and to hear a brief proposal for partial demolition and rebuild/renovation of the house situated on this property. On Thursday, September 12, 2019, Mr. Dick attended the Commission's regularly scheduled meeting, at which they discussed the proposed partial demolition, the rebuild and other exterior renovation plans. The Commission unanimously agreed (5-0) that the portion of the home being proposed for demolition is not significant per the provisions of the Town's Demolition Delay Bylaw and its removal would not jeopardize the status of the remaining portion of the home which is listed as a contributing structure in the South Yarmouth 1 Bass River Historic District, a National Register District. The Historical Commission members are very appreciative of the time, care and effort that Mr. Dick has put into this project and are in full support the proposed rebuild plans. Therefore, the owners are free to pursue the partial demolition and rebuild as proposed. Cc: YHC File; Joseph Dick Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System Scanned Record Cover Page Inventory No: YAR.440 Historic Name: Crowell, Isaiah House Common Name: Address: 33 Pleasant St CitylTown: Yarmouth VillagetNeighborhood: South Yarmouth Village; Bass River Local No: 218 Year Constructed: 1839 Architect(s): Architectural Style(s): Greek Revival Use(s): Single Family Dwelling House; Boarding House Significance: Architecture; Commerce Area(s): YAR.H: South Yarmouth - Bass River Historic District Designation(s): Nat'l Register District (05/2911990) Roof: Asphalt Shingle Building Materials(s): Wall: Wood; Wood Clapboard Foundation: Granite; Stone, Cut The Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) has converted this paper record to digital format as part of ongoing projects to scan records of the Inventory of Historic Assets of the Commonwealth and National Register of Historic Places nominations for Massachusetts. Efforts are ongoing and not all inventory or National Register records related to this resource may be available in digital format at this time. The MACRIS database and scanned files are highly dynamic; new information is added daily and both database records and related scanned files may be updated as new information is incorporated into MHC files. Users should note that there may be a considerable lag time between the receipt of new or updated records by MHC and the appearance of related information in MACRIS. Users should also note that not all source materials for the MACRIS database are made available as scanned images. Users may consult the records, files and maps available in MHC's public research area at its offices at the State Archives Building, 220 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, open M-F, 9-5. Users of this digital material acknowledge that they have read and understood the MACRIS Information and Disclaimer (http://mhc-macris.net/macris.disclaimer.htm) Data available via the MACRIS web interface, and associated scanned files are for information purposes only. THE ACT OF CHECKING THIS DATABASE AND ASSOCIATED SCANNED FILES DOES NOT SUBSTITUTE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LOCAL, STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS. IF YOU ARE REPRESENTING A DEVELOPER AND/OR A PROPOSED PROJECT THAT WILL REQUIRE A PERMIT, LICENSE OR FUNDING FROM ANY STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCY YOU MUST SUBMIT A PROJECT NOTIFICATION FORM TO MHC FOR MHC'S REVIEW AND COMMENT. You can obtain a copy of a PNF through the MHC web site (www.sec.state.ma.uslmhcl under the subject heading "MHC Farms." Commonwealth of Massachusetts Massachusetts Historical Commission 220 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, Massachusetts 02125 www.sec.state.ma.us/mhc This file was accessed on: Monday, August 12, 2019 at 3:43: PM 0 FORM B -- BUILDING MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL COMMISSION Office of the Secretary, State House, Boston In Area no. Form no. ss 33 Pleasant greet The 'isaiah Crowell House - ,at use Residence and aigat house rit owner iption: zlden Fall.ows 1039 rce pamphlet Style Federal 4. Map. Draw sketch of building location Architect in relation to nearest cross streets and other buildings. 'indicate north. Exterior wall fabricJ',ihYte olapboard Outbuildings (describe) large barn—arage Other features Front does not face pleasant Street, 3/4 Cape, two otoxy, fieldstone Union Street foundation Altered X Date P l Moved Date e a 5. Lot size: s w-� a F One acre or less X Over one acre n 351 on ilkin Avenue t Approximate frontage 701 on pleasant Street S t Approximate distance of building from street -.in _`_venue r U e r! e i t j 6. Recorded byJ ;,iaj_n ,L,,ne Organization Yarmnjjth Fii j- ra.l ��rcr Date 3fl �iaut `7 ' (over) k 37,M-7-77 A Yw. . 440 7. Original owner (if known) _ice ry,. -- Original use RQS4A=0o Subsequent uses (if any) and dates S. Themes (check as many as applicable) Aboriginal Conservation Recreation Agricultural Education Religion Architectural Exploration/ Science/ The Arts settlement invention Commerce ,l Industry Social/ Communication Military humanitarian Community development Political Transportation 9. Historical significance (include explanation of themes checked above) Isaiah Crowell, born in 1799, was a shipts captain early in life. Being active in foriegn trade, his vessel was captured by the British in the War of 1812.off St. Johnts019owfaundland. He and some other sailors were exchanged and sent home. By the 132.0's his voyages had acquired him much wealth. In 1808, the year Peter (one of his six children) was born he bought the "Red Rouse" or "Witch House" (see building fora # 155). After the imr, he returned to sea in the Polly, built for Isaiah and David Crowell by local shipbuilder Asa Shiveriek. By the 1830's Isaiah was deeply involved in local affairs of Bass River, then called "The Quaker Village". He served on toem comutties and in the state legislature (1831 — 1834). In 1839 a house --raising was held by the Pxiends (Quakers) to erect this home for Isaiah Crowell. In the following years he eras president of the Barnstable Bank, (1843 — 1864), was a director of the bank for 37 years, established an oil cloth works, formed a stock company with David K_.Akin and David Kelley and purchased a local store originally built by Osborn Chase. When he died in 1872, he was 86. Isis wife Abigail (1765 -- 1872) is on record as vice-president of the newly formed Library Association. Both are buried at the Friends Neetizg; House a mile from their home. The homestead passed to their son Henry Crowell who lived there:many years. Ie �ms-antively involved in both state and local politics, and was in business in Boston. Their.son,Peter was lost at sea in a storm in 1841. r; In the early 1900's the Whitus. used_this.large stxucture as a boar ing_house to Idlich local towspeaple often went for Sunday dinner. The Field family after them also kept this as a boarding house. The newest owners, -the Fallows, intend to restore the buildin;; which is now in poor shape. They have restored many old houses in 211ew bland. Because of the enormous size of the building, they too will make it into a guesthouse. 10. Bibliography and/or references (such as local histories, deeds, assessor's records, early maps, etc.) 1 "Yesterday's `fide", Florence Barer, 1941 2 "History of Barnstable County", 1890 3 Pamphlet, "Old -,Quaker Village", E.L.Jenkins, 1915 4 "Cape Cod, Its Feopla and Their History", ;ittrecT e 5 "ahipmasters of Cape .Cod", Kittredge 6 Oral from George Tupper of Pleasant Street INVENTORY FORM CONTINUATION SHEET kPrcperty)r mitt'• Form No•MASSACHUSEITS HISTORICAL r `QISSION BF - River - `'' tOffice of the Secretary, b-,tan Name: the Isaiah Crowell Indicate each item on inventory form which is being 'continued below. Me basic house is two stories but the extensions are one —arid -a, -half and one Ntory ,.dth a large screened porch and varied rooflines. There are five chimneys ri.th six fireplaces in the front part alone. The ,stairs to the tridow's walk.remain but the walk itself Was blown off in the 1*9501aia The pluming is all in the second extension datino it *-wound 1900. Nast windows are six over six and there is only one small do=ex. The barn is now a two car garage. The old white clapboard building has a -den light transom near the roofline. Staple to Inventory form at bottom 16p1�Ib�pM�9f��9dF���.�>p6j�olet�i ,�¢19yAf�1, (/commonwealth:xg94jn55n) Back to Search (/search?page=l&per_page-20&q-33+Pleasant+Street+South+Yarmouth+MA&search_field=all_fie i Historical Society of Old Yarmouth (/institutions/commonweahh:xg9415650} ♦ Historical Society of Old Yarmouth Archives and Local History Isaiah Crowell House, 33 Pleasant St., South Yarmo Viewing image 1 of 2 Next > (1image- 4 PLEASANT STRLLT, SUUYH YARMOUTH. MASS. %E2ef%9C%93) Start Over a f%5Brelated_item_host_ssim%5D%58%5D=Historical+Society+of+Old+Yarmouth+Image+Collec-:io1� J Rownloads Series: Rufus White Collection (!search? f%59related_item_host_ssim%5D%5B°/%5D=Historical+Society+of+Old+Yarmouth+Image+Collec-iq*e,4WgtgMi j:pg449AOg,iF�n%5D%5B%5D=Rufu: Subjects: Houses (/search7f%5Bsubject_%cet_ssim%5D%5B%5D=Houses) (/downloads/commonweallh:xg94jn73k7 Streets (/sea(ch?f%58subject_facet_ssim%5D%58%5D=Streets} datasiream-id=pr(>ductionMaster) Automobiles (/search?f%58subject_facet_ssim%5D%5B%50=Automobiles) mF. m n,-ste ztP, -18.7 noes Transportation (lsearch?f%5Bsubject_facet_ssim%5D%5B%5D=Transportation) Original (full resolution) Places: Massachusetts (/search?f%58subject_geographic_ssim%SD%58%5D=Massachusetts) Utlownloadslcommonwealth:xg94jn73k? datast ream_id=access Fu I l) > Barnstable (county) (/search? Palrc. mni-file aa. -1.as Met €%6Bsubject_geographic_ssfm%50%5B%5D=Barnstable+%28county%29) > Yarmouth (/search?f%59subject-geographic_ssim%5D%5B%5D=Yarmouth) > South Yarmouth Medium (900px)(/downloadsrcommonwea4h;xog41n73k? i datastream_id=access800} (/search?f%58subjeet-geographic ssim%5D%5B%5D=South+Yarmouth) _ . JLEG nulhi-C-OLP,-&2g K9_I--j 33 Pleasant St., South Yarmouth, MA (/search? f%5Bsubject-geographic_ssim%5D%5B%5D=33+Pleasant+St.OA 2C+South+Yarmouth%2C+MA) 2 locations mapped Extent: 1 photograph :color print; sheet 3 x 5 in. (postcard format) Permalink: htlps://arX.digitalcommonwealth.org/ark:/50959/xg94jn73k - + US (hnps://ark.digitalcommonwealth.org/ark:/50959/xg94jn73k) Terms of Use: Rights status not evaluated for all images. If you wish to publish this image please - - contact the Historical Society of Old Yarmouth at info@hsoy.org for information regarding ; use. owl i' ♦: Pj�j5i.tr�, f�;:�� �En i.,llF th �V ,. t.i' f 1 E a 71 Av. .s: 1 I X - . c ti i t x w b m ie hr tr yea hat' Si1rm,.u1h 'lid NI•nrrl m1d Gulp ��p Yinrre 1Y7 11%flit !,;I, I., .1 Clan . tIn+:d "I `'lllil, 1.,IrnlIlr �ulft1rhrn,.tllr,ktll�nal.rr l llla;;, l 1. ,t't It'.I .In t.,n 1, , IF,;unincv, ,rlllj in thv ,f.nr k,�„LItu1+ Iu1t.,1'il i;.tl .uul IKt1.1tt EK_+ry IIF 11I,[' 1,1 I, II I ka, !u-Ire in Illy t I RAM% In clvl [ 11st,I 11+,1ur J. I I,.kml; (tl.,.N It 11It. Ittilt 1%11 ,1.u, it ,,a,let,•1111,'n1 ,II ell, .:III,t'IltI,-It:If&N:I,a t{II 411nt nl till' Iran{ lul 17 „,n, r,talrit,itvel ail tut 11+u1r Nut i„ Ig,l nn•,I ,t ••It„ L,Irnllr.nn l,'i1h ll.n id 1, 11,Ir1 .u1d lla, ill flrllr, anll 1+rII'i based a Inl.11 .tin,' „1 rtinr.Illt I>ui1! to f I,h„I u t II.I,r. 11'lrcn he ,ht FI In itrT'. by ,,.1, nit Ir.n, "t .,g,. ltiaialf%,uIF lhit;•Iil. I,h1. a:ts hilts In 17r+S, n tin 1(14nr9 1 it, Ir,v Inr,Idt'm III I) Ir urult Irlrulvd I.ilaar, ,1\,F,F L1Ruli tih,• ,ht•1l Ht IM72 and Imili .ne hul i(.l at lift• l a it•u,l, %fer•ting 111u.c a IIIIII' I I I ) I I I 1114-11 h,IIIIv. I Ilt, I,ulttt'%tcad passed (n lhvll sun, lit III% (,ImrIL IIhI. hlyd litre 111:11N u'.nN. Ilv %,,n attt,rl, tn„rh441 111 hr,tll ,,•Ise aild I.,( al pnhlit"and %,.I, ill IIIINIm IN in Roq.)I, I hril „at. Pcrr'I. U.IS I011 at ,r•a in .I sit rtIII ill 1.4I1. In the eall% llfou," 1111. 1%IIIIv% II vii tltt, Im"t struCltftr AN :I In,atding, h(Iusr to shith Il,t al I. -IN u, people „lien 1ccllt for 5unrlai dinrl,•l I by I I,'t,l t:uttil) idler them 11SOLXI)l thi,aN IIII .,rlding,h.w•v. 34 Pleasant Street c. 1775 Georgian '1 hl5 ho115r, sue (if the nhlest, larger (-leolgiarl.6 in the Ilasa River area, girl had 1 lorlg. Hill rerlrtrird historv, l he hottsr appcius in ;i nundrer of 1,101,11- catinns done by local historians and cart Basil) he traced to the fast (lecade 1$l the t"ghtecnth century. AvCorcling to panic! With, tits `[tvd l ;1% 11 , nt twitch Ifouse, as it Ira been c.,llcd, Has built M Joseph Crandon, lie sold it to S,luurrl F,tl,,,. Lunt, ill 180F, Captain Isaiah (a�1ut11 hnugfu tF it griber wit h a strip of land estC.tt(hII ; I MIli the, li%cr Io that SrCliart of Maio 5tret•t which later 1)(1.11ne the site of the Ots'I Chlh. A(lfhtlotlal owl1Cr54f the },oust, gape itr, ltld('tl c„ I, E:rowcll and his slat, Captain 11avr1 (;colic}}. was lost at sea. Tltc uirkn;tu,v, „C ,he house hate I.trrn w!fplainrd Th • I>arliaq,. '1, LIuR as auyprlC 1 an lrulrrnhet. u- ltasrltcrn Im"ll"d reel and. hc•n't'• "N H 11111,15v tl ltntsr, tllh(t>Itr;arc, will if has hero t ed re' :ntd„ IN itl,.uah•,t"hcrnpaintrdurhCorning. tions to nhich Iut ;+Ir+t,rrs scan ul hr f INVENTORY FORM CONTINUATION SHEET MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL r '�IISSICN Office of the Secretary, b,.,,ton Community: Form No: Dr EdvPr �0 Property Name: the Isaiah Crowell I.o Indicate each item on inventory form which is being 'continued below. Me basic house is two otories but the extensions are one--annd—ar-half and one stgry 1,rith a laxge screened porch and varied rooflines. There are five chimneys with ;ix fireplaces in the front part alone. The stairs to the vidols walk remain but the iral itself was blown off in the T950'aa The pluming is all in the second extension dating it wound 1900. Frost windows are six over six and there is only one small dormer. The bam is now a two car Sara,e. The old white clapboard building has a ten limit transom near the roofline. Staple to Inventory form at bottom FORM B - BALDING DLASSACHi.SETTS HISTORICAL COMMISSION Office of the Secretary, State House, Boston 4. Map. Draw sketch of building location in relation to dearest cross streets and other buildings. Indicate north. a t Union Street j e a c t n t S �- - Akin Avenue r e e. t j 0 3".14--7-77 (over) In Area no. Forni no. J Pleasant -'-'trept The Isaiah Crowell House nt owner �,lden Fa11oV:s iption : rrce Pamphlet _ Style) Federal Architect Exterior wall fabric ;Ihite clapboard Outbuildings (describe)_?arge baxn- arage Other features Front does not face Pleasant Street, 3/4 Cape, two story, fieldstone_ fo-midation Altered X _ Date --- "loved Date 5. Lot size? One acre or less X Over one acre '35t on :skin livenue Approximate frontage 70' on Pleasant "3treet Approximate distance of building from street 0 6. Recorded by uSan rrepnp - Organization ��-rmrn�t3� Ai atnri r.ai ,111=my Date Neu, ONE ,Am, Mot • ^1 'Till! I 7 3" '- r� �' � �� ,f a 9