HomeMy WebLinkAboutYHC Meeting Minutes 10.9.2014Yarmouth Historic Commission - Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date: October 9, 2014
Meeting Time: 10:00 am
Meeting Place: Hearing Room, Yarmouth Town Hall, 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA
Commission Members Present: Sarah Horne, Janice Norris, Gina Lombardi, Fred Fries
Commission Members Absent: Julie Mockabee, Nancy Stewart
Staff: Karen Greene, Kathy Williams, Mark Grylls
Vice Chairman Lombardi called the meeting to order at 10:05 am.
Action Items:
1. Demolition Delay Applications
a. 1361 Bridge Street
Jean Bowden and Betsy Lawton (both of Capizzi Home Improvement), representatives for the Owner
(Jane Dios), provided a review of their proposal noting that they were proposing to fully raze the
existing structure and to replace it with a new building as shown on plans dated October 2, 2014.
Ms. Bowden and Ms. Lawton explained that existing conditions were such that rehabilitation would
not be possible, and that the owners were planning to open a retail jewelry store at the site.
Staff provided the Commission with background on the property including photos and the Form B
information on file with the Massachusetts Historic Commission, noting that the building was
originally built in 1830 and that it was known as the "Crooked House". Staff further explained that
in addition to the Historic Commission's review, and given the commercial nature of the lot, that the
project was being reviewed through the Town's Design Review Committee.
After some discussion, the Historic Commission voted 4-0 (motion by Jan Norris, seconded by Sarah
Horne), and conditioned on the placement of a window (real or faux) on the east side of the
building, in determining that while the Building's age triggered a demolition review, that the
building itself was not associated with one or more historic persons or events contributing to the
cultural, political, economic or social history of the Town or the Commonwealth, nor was it
historically or architecturally important in terms of period, style, method of construction, or
association with a famous architect or builder.
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b. 100 Indian Memorial Drive
Jacques LaPointe (Pleasant Bay Homes), representing the owners Mary and Arthur Brooks provided
a review of the proposal to fully raze the existing structure located at 100 Indian Memorial Drive and
to replace it with a new single family home as shown on prototype plans dated March 21, 2104.
Staff noted that the structure was built in 1930, but that there was no additional information on file
that would otherwise indicate historical significance. There is no Form B on file for this property
with the Massachusetts Historic Commission.
After some discussion, the Historic Commission voted 4-0 (motion by Fred Fries, seconded by Jan
Norris), in determining that while the Building's age triggered a demolition review, that the building
itself was not associated with one or more historic persons or events contributing to the cultural,
political, economic or social history of the Town or the Commonwealth, nor was it historically or
architecturally important in terms of period, style, method of construction, or association with a
famous architect or builder.
c. 177 River Street
Charles Gadbois (Wellen Construction), representing the owners Robert and Rita Davis, provided an
overview of the project which consists of a renovation of the existing garage building which also
includes one bedroom and a bath, noting that the renovation would include replacement siding,
new windows, the addition of dormers (3) on the front and one (1) on the rear. These changes were
shown on plans dated October 2, 2014
Staff noted that while difficult to document, that the garage structure was likely on site since 1938
and as such, subject to the Commission's demolition delay review. Staff also noted that the
proposed garage renovation was not a full-scale raze and replace, in that ONLY a portion of the roof
would be removed in order to accommodate a larger bedroom space on the second floor.
The applicant also noted that the project had been reviewed by the Board of Health. After
discussion, and upon the condition that the proposed windows be 6 over 1 rather than the 6 over 6
shown on the plans, the Commission voted 4-0 (motion by Sarah Horne, seconded by Jan Norris), in
determining that while the Building's age triggered a demolition review, that the building itself was
not associated with one or more historic persons or events contributing to the cultural, political,
economic or social history of the Town or the Commonwealth, nor was it historically or
architecturally important in terms of period, style, method of construction, or association with a
famous architect or builder.
2. South Yarmouth Methodist Review
Representatives from the South Yarmouth Methodist Church (Rev. David Hoyt, David Dovell, Barbara
Dunbar, and Alan Broadhurst) updated the Historic Commission on the status of building improvements,
noting that they were applying for Community Preservation Act Funds to restore the steeple and the
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roof, including the installation of solar panels to be located on the southern roof that would provide
power for the Church, and possibly the parsonage as well as the Church's thrift shop.
General discussion focused on whether solar panels were appropriate, the Commission came to the
consensus that it was most appropriate when screened from the street and not compromising a
historical fagade. Jan Norris noted that Solar Panels in Historic Districts were being approved, noting
that the Massachusetts Historic Commission had recently published an item in their e-newsletter
regarding the approval of more than 3500 solar panels in the Downtown Lowell Historic District. That
said, Commission members agreed that having the panels on the southern side and largely not visible
from the street, would not be detrimental to the building/area.
The Commission did, however, inquire whether the Church had discussed the proposed panels with the
adjacent South Yarmouth Library. Church representatives agreed to follow-up with the Library and
Commission members voted 4-0 (motion by Fred Fries, second by Sarah Horne) to support the solar
project, contingent on the Library's opinion.
3. Site Visit Update
Vice Chairman Lombardi updated the Commission on the September 25, 2014 site visit at 29 Scallop
Road noting that while the building appeared in disarray, that the Building Commissioner did not
determine the building to be structurally unsound.
Staff was directed to review and compile materials relative to 29 Scallop Road as well as the demolition
delay review process for further discussion by the Commission at the next meeting.
4. Minutes
On a motion by Jan Norris, seconded by Sarah Horne, the Commission voted 4-0 to approve the minutes
for August 7, 2014 as drafted.
5. Committee Updates —Taylor Bray Farm
Jan Norris updated the Commission, noting that the Taylor Bray Farm Fall Festival was scheduled for
October 11, 2014. Ms. Norris further noted that in regards to the archaeology project, that we were will
waiting for Mass Historic approvals, that a training session was being scheduled, and that there was a
nice article in the Yarmouth Register recently.
With no further business, the Commission voted 4-0 (motion by Jan Norris, second by Sarah Horne) to
adjourn at 12:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen M. Greene
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