HomeMy WebLinkAboutImage_002.pdf - BSHD-23-101 28887Ollice t sc (hl\ c{4au* 3{.ID Pernrt cxpires 180 days liom EXPRESS SHED PERMIT APPLICA TOWN OF YARMOLITH Yarmouth Building Department ll46 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 (508) 398-22; I Exr. l26l CO\STRT'('TIO\ ADDRESS:&frgbql,L% S_W.tzA_A_ OU NER I{l\l I FN I)IFI } I.'ONTR.\CT()I{ D Rcsidenrial N \NII IUAILINC ADDR!-SS TET 1 "{ommercial Est Cost ofConstruction $t0a0. tl "/ Home lmprovem€nt Contractor Lic. # Construction Supervisor Lic. # Workman's Compensation lnsurancc. {chcck one) I am the hontco\rncr I anl the solc proprictor I hlr c \\'orlrr'. ( ompcnsllion In,uruee lnsurancc Cornpanv Namc SHED INI.O Ri\IATI()N J(eu Size I- /O xW /A ,H /O Cornerlot: yes xoy' Per Tovn ol I arnur lh Z,oniu:t B '-Luw, Sat 20.1.5 N a ESide und reor .ttud sctb thull hc'si.r (6t li,ct iu ul rthtr btrihling tm uu ulj \,\.orkcr.s Comp. polic) c ,r,ks .for ucces.rort huihlings uutltrirting onc htuth.ct! /iftt. ( l5di.\trid\, hut irt rttt t tttr: .thull sttid u<.<.c.sutn, httiliin turc cl. .1ll :hais ttt 0t squt c laet rtr lt',t.t uul .ringlc slort gs he huilt c.lostr thut lr'.eltc ( t2) latt nr unt lt !1ilel ttt bt loc.ttt ' t30)fe 'a 4t lot lintt.r'Ji'r Replace existing * 7@ 'l llr dehfls $ tll he dr\posed ol at Appftcanr-s Srgnature O$ nrrs Sipnatur( (or : rArhmenrl Sizc L II, m r{tinn of tacitih I I)ale l)llc: I)xl. oApproved 8r Building ( )llr $al (or dcsisnee)tiIIAIL ADDRESS EIVED DEC 1i 2023 PARTMENTBUILDING OE llistorical Dislricr: yes No Flood plain Zone: yes Water Resource Pror.ction Dislrict: Wthin 100 li. ofWerlands. i *ryes No* * *Not", ionr..n utiol revie\ requircd ifrrirhi" [e;ft. orw.]uona. No Zoning District /"//,16> ft,bcu7 4.a L"es .d,..4 ill \\'orkers,Compensati TO The Co mmonwealth oJl Massach usetrs D ep artme nt of I n d ustrial A cc i d e nts 1 Congress Street, Suite 100 Boston, MA 02114-2017 www. mass. gov/dia ou Insurance Affi dsvit: Bqilders/Contractors/EIe BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTINC ALTTHORITY ctricians/Plum bers. ntl tion Name (BushesVOrganizarion/lsdividual): se Print Address: City/State/Zip: 5/ gPhone #: I l I I am a cmployer with _.mployees (fiill and/or pan_tim.).. I am a sole propJicror or paft)ership and havc no employees wo.kin8 for me irany capacity. [No workers'cornp. rnsr:rance req!:lrco ] I am a homcowner dorng all work mysclf. [No workers' comp insurancc requr.d ] r d,aro a horneowncr aad will be hiring contractors to conduc! all work on m l 4 ensure that all contracbas cithcr havc workcrs,compcnsahoo msurance or are solepropridors wth no cmployces y propcfty I will I am a gencral conE-actor and I havc hir.d th. sub_conE-actoir lrslcd on rhe altachcd shccrThcsc sub-contractgrs havc cmployees and have *ork"rs, comp i;;;;;* - - Wc arc a corporalloD alrd lts officcrs have cxErcEEd their righr ofexempdonI i2. S I (4), and w. havc no employecs. p.ro *ort.r.' .o.pl i*ur-i. [!ii:pcr MGL c red l 'any applicanr that checks box #l must also fill o,rr thc section=below showing thcir worian compcnsation pol icy infomarion_i Hordeo.,ir'ne6 who submit thls affidavi! lndrcating hey are dotng dl work and thcn hirc outside cootracrors mus! submtt a new affidavll indtcathg such.aContractors rhat chcck lhis box rnust anachcd ar additional shcet showing thc nama ofthe sub-conllactors and state whetler or not thosc enotics haveernployees. If thc sirb-conE-actors have cmployces,thev Type of project (required) Z. ffiNew construcrion 8. 9. t0 II ),2 13 l4 Remodeling Demolitior Buildiog addition Electrical repaiE or additions Piumbing repairs or additions Roofrepairs Other I. am an employer thqt is proyid.int workers,inlfomation- Insuraace Company Name: lnust providc thcrr workcrs' ;omp. pohcy nuhbcr compensq.tion insurance for my emplolees. Below is the policy atd job site Policy # or Self-ins. Lic. # Job Site Address: Attach a copy of .City/StateziP:- Fa,uretosecurecoverase",,"oJ:'0";T;'fi:,-...:',f?;;::::L"_1'#;:'.";::::::ffin,;,:.fi1.i,,o::r.;, and'/or one'year imprisonment, ai well as ciul p.n"lri", l" ii" ro* of a srop wonxbnngn ania fine of up to $250.00 a "do,li[]it#"uT;lator' A copv ortlit tt.t...ni ruf-i.'i"*.a"i . ,r,,e office or rnvest[^,i"rr'"r,rr. ore for insurance I do herefu c undet tl,and penalties of perjury thd.t the information provided above is true and correct. Date PermiULicense # 4. Electrical lnspector 5. plumbing Inspector Phooe #: Offtcial use onty. Do not |ertte in th$ area, to be completed by city or town officia!. Department 3. City/Town Clerk Contact Person: Issuing Autho rity (circle one): l. Slill"rr.",,h 2. Buirding Ar. you an rmploy.r? Ch.ck lhe appropriate bor: : L_.1 a I trI T Ttr City or Town: