HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Plan - BLDR-23-13043 2720814'-512" 312" GARAGE SLAB ELEV. @ DOOR = 23'-6" TOP OF FOUNDATION = 31'-6" TOP OF BASEMENT SLAB = 23'-10" 18'-0" 24'-0" 8" 8" 13'-4" 2'-8" 60'-0" 36'-0" 18'-0" 6'-0" 40'-0"14'-0" 12'-0" 24'-0" 18'-0"17'-8" 8'-3"7'-9"7'-9"7'-9"8'-214"7'-934"6'-6" 24x24x10 FOOTING 24x24x10 FOOTING20x20x10 FOOTING 20x20x10 FOOTING 6- 3 12"Ø STL. LALLY COLUMNS 12'-0" 16'-6" 8'-0"8'-0" 18" PER FOOT SLOPE TOWARDS OVERHEAD DOOR 2'-0" 14'-0" 2'-0" Description of RevisionDate NameRev Revision Client TitleAll Information, Concepts and Designs contained here in, is confidential and proprietary information and is the sole property of Combination Design. This drawing can not be duplicated, disclosed, copied or used for any purpose other than for which it was specifically furnished without the prior written consent of Combination Design. Number Drawn By Checked By Size Date Drawn Date Checked Sheet Scale 480 MAIN STREET DENNIS, MA 02638 603.944.2013 (CELL) Approval Installation Conceptual FOUNDATION Proposal As Built Existing COMBINATIONDESIGN D LINGOS RESIDENCE FOR SAND DOLLAR CUSTOMS NEW HOUSE 33 JAQUELINE AVE WEST YARMOUTH, MA 11123-00 BEW 11/16/23 NOTED 0 FOUNDATION PLAN SCALE: 1/4"=1' FOUNDATION PLAN SCALE: 1/4"=1' 60'-0" 36'-0" 18'-0" 54'-0" 40'-0"14'-0" 13'-11 4" 12'-0"12'-0" 4'-0" 17'-434" W/D HALF BATH/ LAUNDRY BEDROOM #1 BATHROOM BEDROOM #2 PRIMARY BEDROOM LIVING AREA KITCHEN PORCH ENTRY FRIDGE DW RANGE 13'-812" 17'-912" 5'-0" 7'-1112" 10'-0" 3'-5" 6'-7" 6'-0" 4'-8"4'-8" 2'-1"2'-1" 3'-11 4" 2'-10" 1'-8" 5'-0" 6'-0" 6'-0" 2'-1"2'-77 8" 1'-312" 4'-5" 2'-1" 2'-10" 4- 4x4 POSTS UP TO RIDGE BEAM 4'-4" 12'-6"12'-6" 6'-6" 24'-0" 6'-0" 9'-0" 9'-0" 4'-0"12'-0"8'-6"8'-6"10'-6"16'-6" 13'-0" 3'-0" 9'-0" Description of RevisionDate NameRev Revision Client TitleAll Information, Concepts and Designs contained here in, is confidential and proprietary information and is the sole property of Combination Design. This drawing can not be duplicated, disclosed, copied or used for any purpose other than for which it was specifically furnished without the prior written consent of Combination Design. Number Drawn By Checked By Size Date Drawn Date Checked Sheet Scale 480 MAIN STREET DENNIS, MA 02638 603.944.2013 (CELL) Approval Installation Conceptual FLOOR PLAN Proposal As Built Existing COMBINATIONDESIGN D LINGOS RESIDENCE FOR SAND DOLLAR CUSTOMS NEW HOUSE 33 JAQUELINE AVE WEST YARMOUTH, MA 11123-00 BEW 11/16/23 NOTED 0 FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4"=1' Description of RevisionDate NameRev Revision Client TitleAll Information, Concepts and Designs contained here in, is confidential and proprietary information and is the sole property of Combination Design. This drawing can not be duplicated, disclosed, copied or used for any purpose other than for which it was specifically furnished without the prior written consent of Combination Design. Number Drawn By Checked By Size Date Drawn Date Checked Sheet Scale 480 MAIN STREET DENNIS, MA 02638 603.944.2013 (CELL) Approval Installation Conceptual ELEVATIONS Proposal As Built Existing COMBINATIONDESIGN D LINGOS RESIDENCE FOR SAND DOLLAR CUSTOMS NEW HOUSE 33 JAQUELINE AVE WEST YARMOUTH, MA 11123-00 BEW 11/16/23 NOTED 0 EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4"=1' NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4"=1' WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4"=1' SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4"=1'