HomeMy WebLinkAboutImage_003.pdf - BLDX-24-88 35920,., * e{at1-!-1 7 e^ou* I Od.00 Permit cxpires 180 days ftom issue dale EXPRESS BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA TOWN OF YARMOUTH Yarmouth Building Department 1146 Roure 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1261 {/,r'irz lae N CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S INFORN'1.{TION ,**, ftr/l ./"L/t 1:z-2,1 t *: t:ts l4A 9ot-X-73es JAN 85 202{ UILOtNG DEpARTtr4 REC EIVED B R ENTv.-...-.-_.- Parcel NAIVE coNr*ecrop.:&.r., /l rC-J ,/o 4@-vr.ou Al*/*.729 -74-H/ PRESEN_T ADDRESS TEL. # NA.\,IE ilLAILNG ADDRESS TEL. # Est. costof Coostuc tioa g 9d6A . AO Residential E Commercial Home Improvement Contracto r tic. S ,12151y'Constructioo Supervisor Lic. # CS'A5-77/o Workman's Compensation lnsurance: (check one): I am the homeowner t I am the sole proprietor I I have Worker,s Compensation lnsurance Insurance Company Name ..7-5 Z-4 Worker's Comp. Policy#_ Roofing: # of Squares_ ( ) Remove existing* (mar. 2 layers) _ OId Kings Highway/Historic Dist. ( ) Replacing like for like 'The debos will be disoosed ofat:b, Tent _ Duratiotr Siding: # ofSquares Applicant s Slgnaturel Owoers Signature (or anrchment) (Fire Reta rdant Certificate attached?) Replacement windows: #_Replacement doors # / Insulation Pool fercing s Loc r of Fecilitv I declate under penalties ofperjury- that the statements h.rein conrained are tnre and conect to the best ofmy knowledse and belief I undarstard that any false answer(s)wrll bejust cause for dedial or of ml and for prosccution under lvl.G L. Ch. 268. Section Ilr Date: / Drle Approved By DateBuilding Ofriciai (or designce)E}LA,IL ADDRESS Zoning District: Hisrorical Districr: I Yes : No Water Resource Protection District:i Yes lNo Flood Plain Zone: I Yes lNo within 100 ft. of Wedands - Yes _ No lns/ruc*rr'-fiot;(w- 9//Za//. rrl,-_ \\.ORK TO BE PERIOR}IED Wood Stove Map: