HomeMy WebLinkAboutCopy of your CSL and HIC License(s) - BLDX-24-102 36584U commonwealth ol i/lassachusetts Division ol Occupational Licensurc Board of Buildinq Regglations and Standatds c o n.trrft #ro[1tdft errl sor *\)- 4p'cs-072808 MARC A res: 08/03/2024 Expiration 05118t2023 t/.-n a Undersecr6tary 47 1PLYMOUIH !' ^ ^ - ^l- '. commissiotrct 5,a'jh i. V'.11 t-Li''-o I I i i Lxi- NY+ PL#L t^$c)uk^ HIC- MARC A, MARC 47 ELL OUTH. PROVEI'ENT TYPE: lnd THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation 1000 Washingtqg $lrqgt - Suite 71 0 Boston, Masaachus€tts 021 1 8 Home lmprovemenl egistration 1t MARC A. BOURGAULT 47 HASKELL HOAD PLYMOUTH, MA 02360 MARC A, BOURGAULT I YPer' Flegistration' Exoiration,l lndividual '169138 01t28t026 ril $- Updat8 Addlgs! and Rstum Card, THE CO]III,OI{WEALIH OF MASSACHUSETTS Ofllcr ol Conrumor Aflalra a Bualnat8 Regulallort HOTIE I]TIPBOVEIIENT CONTRACTOR wPE:"ln?lvfdLral Reollttdloll +, Explrlllon109138 ) O1mm26 Raglrtrstlon valld tor lndlvldual u3a only bo,ors ths axplrrtlon dst6, J, tound Eturn loi Olllca ol Consumor Allahs rnd Bualng3s Rsgulstlon 1m0 Wsrhlngton Str€ot " Suho 0 Borlon, irA m116 nt, [; !!ARC BOURGAULT 17 HASKELL BOAD,LYMOUTH, MA 02360 i,w I i.:''-, i.,'- ,l;Und6rsecretary out slg I t 1i 'i!- &til