HomeMy WebLinkAboutImage_003.pdf - BLDX-24-102 36587EXPRESS BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TOWN OF YARMOUTH Yarmouth Building Department 1 146 Route 28 South Yarmouth. MA 02664 (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1261 RECEIVED Ofiicc Use Only ,", ,* (,W l4J- 0) Pemit exptes t80 days from issue date AN26202 CONSTRUCTION ADDRXSS: ASSESSOR'S ITTTFORMATION: Mup ,4*tYr€tzm4 4gD OWNER: NANTE PRESRNT SS CONTRACTOR: NA.\IE C Residential E Commercial Home Improveftent Contractor Lic. #r6q t3Z TEL. } Est. Cost ofConstruc tioo $ /7Z oao Construction Supervisor Lic. #6'7}:R A \L{ILN ADDR!SS Workman's Compensation lnsurance: (lheck ooe)- I ao' the homcowner /i am the sore proprietor J I have worker's compensation hso.ance Insurance Company Name: Worker,s Comp. polic#.- Telt _ \\.OITK TO BEPER,FORNIED Du rat io n (Fire Retardant Certificate nn.rched?) Siding: # of Squar "" /8 Replacement wind ows, q/L Roofing: #ofsquarr" 7Z_ (;/ ) Remove existing* (mar.2layers) _ Old Kings Highwa]/Historic Disr. ( ) Replacing like for like lVood Stove_ Replacement door s: *-5 Insulation Pool fencins I declarc under penal will bejust cause for ti€s ofperjury that the stalements h denial catton Applicant's Signature Olv0ers Signature (or a chm Location acilit"y erein containad are true and conect to the best of mv k ow Iedge and beliel I understand that any false answer(s)and for prosecution lvl.G L Ch 268, Secdon L Dat. D, te Approved By buildrrbourga ul+ 6 g,ff;, DateBuilding Officia.l (or designee)ElvtAIL ADDRESS Zoning District Historical District: a yes a No Water Resource Protection Dist ct: -i Y eS L.l No Flood Plain Zone: I Yes - No Within 100 ft. of Wetlands - Yes I No Parcel: 'The debris will b€ disposed ofar: C&BConstructionlnc. 58 Manomet Beach glvd. Plymouth,02360, Plymouth, Mass. United States For:Chris Kombouras elainesaragas@icloud.nel ckombouras@tmail.com 6 Cape lsle Dr South Yarrnouth, MA, 02664 (978) 3821{59 Estimate Estimate No: Date: 1953 o1/70/2024 Description Amount Furnish and install newcedarsiding and trim. Furnish and install new roof and skylites Remodel(2) bathrooms Furnish and install new flooring and misc upgradeson stairs New heating and airconditioning Furnish and install new windows and doors. Painting, misc. repairs. Final cleaningg General conditions Dumpsters Permitting Trucking Etc $30.000.00 $15.000.m s18.650.m $17.590.00 $45.mO.OO $22.365.00 $e.700.00 $18.500-00 Ll lt 0 C & B Construction lnc. - Estimate 1953 - OUTO/2O24 Payment Details A 5096 deposit of r88,4O2.5O is required by OUfOlzV24. Subtotal TAX O% Total $176.805.@ $0.m $176.805.0O Total $176,80s.00 Deposit due 07/7Oi2O24 588.402.sC