HomeMy WebLinkAboutImage_001.pdf - BLDR-24-14 36762r ILBUIL Ay JAN 31 *ro1 ,u" UU,,O*,nrC, R VEt- i:ED Substantial lmprovement Worksheet for Floodplain Construction (tor recons-truction, rehabilitation, addition, or other improvemerts, and repair of damage from any cause) Prop€rty Owne!: AddrBs6: Pemft No.: Locatixr: Des.ription d imFoverEnts: e@;a <h*tY ', .ntrD ,ir,: tf Etio is 50 perDent or gBater (Subrtandal lmp.ovemcr{), entire stusture including thB existingbuilding must be alevatgd to the bEse flood elevation @FE) and a[ othcr rspects brought into compliance. lmportar( Notes: 1. Rgview cosl estimates to ErLsurB that all ap$opriatB costs are induded or exduded. 2. lf a rBsidential pre-FIRM buildlng is determined io be substantially improved, it must bs slevalsd to or abore the BFE. lf anon-{Bsid€r{ial pre-FIRM building is subsEntially improved, it musl be elevated or dry ioodproofed to the BFE 3. Proposals !o repalr damage ftom any cause musl be analyzed using the iormula shorm above. 4. Any proposBd improvernents or rBpairs to a poEt-FIRM building must be eyaluaEd to ensurB that the impro,/ements orrBpai6 comdy wih foodplain managsment r€gulations and to ensure lhat tne improvem€nts or repairs do not alter arryaspsd of the building that wcxrld make it norFcompliant 5' Altarations to and r€pairs of dBsignated historic strr.,ctures may be granted a varianca or be e)(empt under the substarfialimprovenient d6finition) provided the \rod( will not prBdude continu€d designalion as a 'tristo* "tuct,re.'6. Any cosls sssociatBd with dire€dy corec{irE hoahh, sanilary, and safety code violations mey be exduded trom the cost ofimprovemeflt The violation must heve been officially dtad prior to submission of the permit application. Detemination completed by Date: Aa.e-y Cltp, y'?t-zy I .,ti Cosb for Substantial lmprovements and Repair of Substantial Damage lncluded Cosb Ircms that must be included iu the cost*s of improvemeut or costs to repair are tl-rose that are direcd-r" associated r+ith the buildiug. The following list of costs that Dousi be in.lrrded is not in- tended m be erhaustive, but characterizes the types of costs rhar must be induded I Materiat and labor, including the esdmated lzlue of donated or discounted maerialsald orner or rolunteered iabor I Site preparation related to the improvement _or repair (forudation oicaratjon. fi.lliag in basemeus) I Demolition and consruction debris disposal I l,abor al]d other costs associated r"ith den'' olishing, moviug, or aftering building componens to accommodate improvements, additions, and making repair: I Coss associarcri *.ir}l complr.ing r+ith anv otrer regr{ation or code requircment thar rs triggered bf rhe t^,ork iacluding cosB to comply with the requiremens of the Americans riitl Disa.bilities .{ct (ADA) I Cosrs associated rritl elerzting a sEucture toan elerz.tion that is lower than ttre BFE I Construction management and supenisiou ! Confactor's overhead and profit I Sales taxes on materials I Struchrra.l elemens and exterior filishes. indudi-ng E Foundatious (e.g., spread or contimr ous foundation footir:gs, perimeter rzlls, chaiaw'alls, piliags, columns, posts, erc.) I Monolirb.ic or otrer trpes of concrete slabs E Bearing xzlls, tie beams. u-usses * Joists, beams, subflooring, fi-aming, ceilings E Interior non-bearing *zlls t Exterior finishcs (e.g., bric! smcco, sid-ing, painting, and Eim) I Structura.l elemens and e\iteior finishes(conr): G \{indorrr and exrerior doors E Roofing. gutten, and do.rmspous C Hardrare tr Attached dect: and porches I interior fiaish elemens, ilduding: E Floor finishes (e.g., hardwood. ce- ramic, tinyt, linoleum, stone, and wal-to-nzJl carpet over subflooring) E Batbroom riling and fixtures I \trrall finishes (e.g., drywzll, painq smc- co, plaster. parediug, a.nd marble) G Built-in cabilets (e.g., kirrhen. utilitv, enrcrtajnmeDt, storage, ald ba*rroom) G lntcrior doors G Interior finish carpent1v X Buiit-in bookcases and furDiture I Harfuzre I lnsulation I Lrtility and sen'ice equipment, includiag: D IIVAC equipment I Plumbilg fixrures aud pipilg E Elcctrical wirilg, oudets, and sr+'itches I Light fi.tn:res 3ad gsiling fins I Secuitl sr'steas I Built-in appliaoces I Cenu-al racuum qrrcms I \{ater filtration, conditioning, and re- circulation systems 4of7 SAMPLE NOTICE FOR PROPERTY OWNERS, COt{TRACTORSI AND DESIGN PROFESSIONALS Excluded Cosb Items that ca.u be ancluded are those thar are nor directll' associated with the building. The fol- Iowing list characterizes tle trpes of costs that may be exclude& I CXean-up and trash remoral f Coss to temporariJ.v stabilize a building so that it is safe ro enter ro erah.rate required repain I Coss^to obtain ol prepare plar< aafl sPecmcaoons I Land suney cosa I Permit fees ald inspecdon fees I Carpeting and recarpering installed over fiaished flooring such as rtood or ti.ling I Outside improrements, including landscapilg, irrigation. siderzllcs, driver,rap, fences, ;zrd lights, swimming pools, pool endosures, and detached accessory sructures (e.g.. garages, sheds. and gazebos) I Coss required for tle minimlm necessar)' work to correct exisring violations of hea.lth, safegv, and sanitarJ codes I Plug-il appiiances such as n:sbiag machines. dr1'ers, ald stoves SAMPLE TIOTICE FOR PROPERTY OWIIERS. CONTRACTORS, AI{D DESIGIT PROFESSIONALS 5 of7 TOWN OF YARMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1I46 Route 28, South Yarmouth" lflA 02664 Telephone 508-398-2231 ext 1261 Far 50&398-0836 owne/s Affidavit: substantial lmprovement or Repair of Substantial Damage .1r n*rfro*p- LJ /k/cf+7ao',1l^Property Address: Parcel lD Number: Owne/s Name: 3 P4) Owne/s Address/Phone:e?r f@.Lt* <+l^""lha /14 a*o,??sw ?6L /*f 1/ Contractor:Tctetv contractor's License Number, Ql 7 {p { Date of contracto/s Estimate: /-LL - )7 I hereby attest that the description included in the permit application for work on the existing building all improvements, rehabilitation, remodeling repairs, additions, and other forms of improvement. I further attest that I requested the abov+identified contractor to prepare a cost estimate for all ofthe work, including the contractor's overhead and profit. I acknowledge that il duringthe course of construction, I decided to add more work or to modify the work described, that the Town of Yarmouth will re-evaluate its comparison of the cost of work to the market va lue of the building to determine if the work is substantial improvement. Such re- evaluation may require revision of the permit and may subject the property to additional requirements. I also understand that I am subject to enforcement action and/or fines if inspection of the property reveals that I have or authorized repairs or improvements that were not included in the description of work, and the cost estimate for that work that were basis for issuance of a permit. Owner's Signature: /-3 /-27 ar lb 'f a.r a )u-,Y 2ol:Itlt..,--Et.tIfE,,E'.rrcraf, altaatra 0,,!a, {*r',lar a, doc5rla tl$aat,,llr], b m fi.trl t..u&tr, .dr.x. Cl.Cll3dh, rtht rtrr M DL , lo ti lta,l'too rho$ rar ls dgl or &.9rt..daa0 o, alxtot m.B J rc8 qfllEI Notary A,bIc, Coflmorn$attt ol l.lasachlatb liy Connissiq| Erdrcs Noqenbi.08, 2Og0 Date: armt a rt pltrtE.-Zwal dla*[ a.a tarl ot toL.rt Hg TOWN OF YARMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth. NIA 0266r{ Telephone 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 Fax 508-398-0836 Property Address:7{ n*/tU"rf*W laYW Parcel lD Number:Vo Owne/s Name: Contractor: / cnnt D B lrykq/ //1LC4-VV74;p C Contracto/s License Number: Date of Contractor's Estimate:7 Atthe request ofthe owner, I have prepared a cost estimate for all ofthe improvement work requested by the owner and the cost estimate includes, at a minimum, the cost elements identified by the Town of Yarmouth that are appropriate for the nature ofthe work. lf the work is repair of damaBe, I have prepared a cost estimate to repair the building to its pre-damage condition. I acknowledge that if, during the course of construction, the owner requests more work or modification ofthe work described in the application, that a revised cost estimate must be provided to the Town of Yarmouth, which will re-evaluate its comparison of the cost of work to the market value of the building to determine if the work is substantial improvement. Such re- evaluation may require revision of the permit and may require revision of the permit and may sublect the property to additional requirements. I also understand that I am subjest to enforcement action and/or fines if inspection of the property reveals that I have mad e or authorized repairs or improvements that if inspection of the property reveals that I have made or authorized repairs or improvements that were not included in the description of work and the cost estimate for that work that were basis f o.m jl rry ,'),+an/ .a,1,rl,t r,rL f,rr{l.C IoEr}*r..Irtppp6 lr'^ )ttt' {661.taoc!m€adlxrr /7s//a1 ,oratl S a Dterl tliafrli!(f rtldao., d 7 Contractor/s Signature I X.d[hrth.. rfklrtn U 0L ,a!r0.t ,mor dota atoa b dgtEd m lt gr.cedire t aLd aoamlll b ar llaap. ftJLl$trtt dLtld rctirl @ Notarized: r issuance of a pe Contractor's Affidavit: Substantial lmprovement or Repair of Substantial Damage I hereby attest that I have personally inspected the building located at the above-referenced address by the nature and extent of the work requested by the owner, including all improvements, rehabilitation, remodeling, repairs, additions, and any other form of improvement. Date: mauEcAira }{otI, ftnaq Commrdr.fi dlb.drEt! My Cdtnidqt &phc No,tII5s 08. i/qD