HomeMy WebLinkAboutSite Plan Review Comments 06.13.2023 (prior to address change)Formal Review SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENT SHEET Date: June 13, 2023 Map 25 Lot: 264 Applicant: Town of Yarmouth (DPW) Location: 0 Pine Grove Road Zone: R25 Persons Present: Mark Grylls Mike Giudice Kathy Williams Lt Matt Bearse Jay Gardner Tara Monroe Project Summary Construction of a wastewater pumping station, including a control building (24.5' x 11.5)to house electrical equipment. Comments Building: Municipal use (P10) requires a SP per Table 202.5. Section 301.4.9 states that a 20'wide buffer along the way is required. Planting details are not provided for the street facing lot line. It appears that existing vegetation will be cleared to allow for the installation of the bio retention area. If there is no plan to replace any vegetation, a variance from the ZBA will be required. Lighting to comply with section 301.4.10. Registered Land Surveyor to prepare site plan prior to submission with ZBA. Engineering to provide comment regarding bio retention basin in road layout. All construction to comply with 780 CMR MA State Building Code p? Community Development and Planning: Municipal wastewater is a critical component to redevelopment and economic growth along Route 28 and South Shore Drive. 1. Pump Station Building: The building itself has been designed to look like a small shed with nice details including sloped asphalt shingle roof, fiber cement shingle siding with diamond shape shingles on the gable ends, doors and a faux window. 2. Buffers: Bioretention area appears to be partially located within the layout of South Shore Drive and within the front buffer along South Shore Drive impacting buffer trees. Confirm with DPW that stormwater treatment/management is allowed within the road layout for a Town project. If buffer trees cannot be located along the road due to the bioretention, consider adding 2 supplemental deciduous buffer trees behind the bioretention area and 1 to the left of the entrance to serve as buffer trees (3"caliper). 3. Antenna: Applicant has indicated the antenna will be mounted on a 50' utility pole in order to get the needed transmission height. 4. Zoning Table: Provide a zoning table summarizing existing and proposed for R25. Show corrected setbacks on plan. Conservation: Approved through conservation with special conditions under permit SE83-2379 Design Review: Not applicable as this is not a commercial project. Engineering: No present. Fire: Access to property per 527 CMR 1 Ch. 18,building less than 400 sq/ft. Proposed driveway is sufficient. Fire Department Lock box required for access. Ith: odors become problematic/evident, to be addressed. Water: No comments. - LJR Read & Received by Applicant(s)