HomeMy WebLinkAbout5089 170 South Shore Dr Deed.)" C. CFWWV. P.C. ATTVWEV-AT-. W 17 EAST M0.1N ST"EET HYIJ#YIS. M/SS�P1t1�TT5 02®7 517 - 771-co 9 f N O T N O T i A N A N' O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L �COF4* Pif r J62 C o P 19 :763 CO1-&1;;QE9LTH OF MASSACHUSETTS N O T A N A N Barnstable, as O F F I C I A L ojaiEe cif IthP- Bbafd L C O P Y of selcptrepnpofythe Town of Yarmouth CONFIRMATORY ORDER OF TAKING OF LAND IN YARKOUTH, BARNSTABLE COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS WE, JOEL M. WOLFSON, ARTHUR N. LUKE, RICfiARD K. JOHNSON, ROBERT W. SABEN, JR. and MATTHEW J. STEELE the duly elected and qualified Selectmen of the Town of Yarmouth, a municipal corporatioi located in the County of Barnstable and Commonwealth of Massachusetti acting under authority of the vote taken on Article 30 of the warrant for the annual Town meeting held on April 10, 1984 and acting by virtue of the authority granted to us under Chapter 79 of the General Laws and acts and amendments thereof and in addition thereto, having complied with all of the preliminary requirements prescribed by law do hereby ADOPT and DECREE this order of taking and do hereby TAKE by eminent domain as above set forth on behalf of said Town of Yarmouth the fee simple interest in the following described parcels of land situate in Yarmouth (South), Barnstable County, Massachusetts, for recreational purposes: Being those portions of Lot 1, containing 5.049 acres f , Lot 2 containing 3.280 acres, and Lot 3 containing 2.067 acres as shown on plan entitled "Plan of Land in South Yarmouth, Massachusetts For The Town of Yarmouth Scale 1" - 401 June 11, 1962 John L. Newton Registered Land Surveyor" recorded with Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 371 Page 76, not previously taken by order of taking dated May 21, 1917 and recorded with Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Book 356 Page 206. N N 0 T N 0 T ,,{ ,� SAM f�4 164 A N c} y 1 lJ C I t YA*A ()t ' j1A L )f146 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK AND TREASURER -- KxrrH YARMC+UTti, MASS. 02664 �HAa.,..1 KAT1:I&s0D,1Ja[Kq0N, C.M.C,/C.M.M.T=. N 0 T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y ANNUAL TOWN MEETING MATTACHEESE MIDDLE SCHOOL APRIL 11, 1984 QUORLW. 324 ARTICLE 30: To see if the town will vote to authorize the Board of SeIectmEn to take by eminent domain for recreational purposes, three parcels of lend shown as Lots 1, 2 and 3 on a plan entitled "Plan of Land in South Yarmouth, Massachusetts,for the Town of Yarmouth, Scale 1" = 401, June 11, 19B2" dr-awn by John L. Newton Registered Land Surveyor and recorded in the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Plan Boots 371 Page 76, and to raise by taxation or take from available funds and appropriate the sum of $1.00 for such purpose. (Selectmen) Acting on Article 30. On motion made by Hobert W. Saben, Jr., and duly accorded and recemnierded by the Finance Committee, to move Article 30 as printed in the warrant and raise and appropriate the svir of 41.00 for such purpose_ The vote was unanimcus. 8:43 P-M. A True Copy Attest: tJ3ijign D: 3oh i YaripaiYth .4+oWn Ci k% tpsurer �%U �DL 5 MAY 484 N 0 T' A N O F F I I �J C 0 �0� rb Any trees on the land above des thereto are include(N iD f'Ris order o A N The pur se n t Ir lEs#Kunent title of the own �€ agno th, refer aforesaid order of to i g ecorded L plan recorded with Barnstable County Book 1 Page 60. The name of the owner is Town o ADOPTED and dated at Yarmouth tl 1984. COM14ONWEALTE OF MAI Barnstable, ss Then personally appeared the abc THUR N. LUKE, RICHARD K. JOHNSON, F TTXXXXXXX&%XR X as they constitute/ e Town of Yarmouth and acknowledges be ~heir free act and deed, before JOHN C. CRENEY, P,C- ATr(M1iev-AT LAW l\ IT EAST MAW STR= NYANNS_MASSA,: uMTT. My commission expires:c / j W7 N 0 T A N O F F I C I A L 163 C 0 F y :ribed or structures affixed taking. N 0 T A N .s to {ga €p�* apdCcopf jjrmLthe ance being gas t he 06 and to Registry of Deeds in Plan Yarmouth. J pis ir,rji day of BOARD OF SELECTMEN Joel M. Wolfson n 1, Ar hur N. uke Richard K. John n ,-ice � A I�t� (j[�'1'• Robert W. Saben, Jr. Matthew J. Steele SACHUSETTS Nn,/ ! , 1984 ve-named XNENW�X44$iNX9OX.# theQBAR�? Selectmen of the foregoing instrument me, ary Public: r,;.