HomeMy WebLinkAbout5089 170 South Shore Dr Letter with ApplicationCDM. Smith 75 State Street, Suite 701 Boston, Massachusetts 02109 tel: 617 452-6000 January 30, 2024 Dolores Fallon Zoning Board of Appeals Administrator Yarmouth Town Hall 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Subject: Special Permit Application Wastewater Pumping Station No. 5 (South Shore Drive) Applicant: Town of Yarmouth Dear Ms. Fallon: On behalf of the Town of Yarmouth (the Town), CDM Smith Inc. (CDM Smith) is pleased to submit the enclosed Special Permit application package for the proposed Wastewater Pumping Station No. 5 (PS5) located at 170 South Shore Drive (Map 25 Lot 264) in Yarmouth. The project consists of constructing a new wastewater pumping station on the Town -owned parcel of land at the intersection of Pine Grove Road and South Shore Drive zoned as R-25. Municipal use (P10) within R-25 requires a Special Permit per Table 202.5. The Town of Yarmouth is requesting that the proposed wastewater pumping station within Zone R25 be permitted since providing municipal wastewater services is a critical component to addressing nitrogen in groundwater as well as redevelopment and economic growth along Route 28 and South Shore Drive. The Town also certifies that no undue nuisance, hazard or congestion will be created and that there will be no substantial harm to the established or future character of the neighborhood or town. The proposed pumping station is part of the larger overall proposed wastewater collection, conveyance, and treatment system being designed for the Phase 1 area (Contract Nos. 1 through 6), with this pumping station being part of Phase 1 Contract No. 3. Sewerage flow from the proposed South Shore Drive pumping station will be pumped via a force main up to a proposed gravity sewer in Seaview Avenue, from there sewerage will flow by gravity to Route 28 and eventually will be pumped to the proposed Water Resource Recovery Facility at 99 Buck Island Road. Project Narrative This project consists of constructing a new wastewater pumping station and 15-ft wide driveway from South Shore Drive on a vacant Town -owned parcel. The new pumping station will be submersible below ground with a wet well (i.e., deep below ground structure) that will house submersible pumps and valving in a separate area of the wet well. Each area will be accessed by individual H-20 rated hatches. The control building will be precast concrete on a concrete slab on grade with pads at the two doorways; total new impervious area on the site will be 2,578 square feet. All of the electrical and control equipment, including the natural gas standby generator will be housed in the precast building adjacent to the access driveway. There will be an additional, smaller room in the precast building to allow space for a small odor control system in the future. The control room will have a single door and the future odor control room will have a double door. 1_ _ 1 i�t Smith Ms. Fallon January 30. 2024 Page 2 The building is designed to look like a small shed with sloped asphalt shingle roof, fiber cement shingle siding with diamond shape shingles on the gable ends, doors and a faux window. There will also be a small meter vault to house the flow meter. This will be located in the access driveway and will be entered via standard 30-inch diameter manhole cover. Fill material will be brought in to build up the area to approximately elevation 13.5 in order to allow the first -floor elevation (FFE) of the control building and critical infrastructure to be 3 feet above the 100-year flood elevation (see Sheet CD-1). Stormwater management and treatment will be provided by constructing gravel infiltration trenches around the wet well/valve vault, control building, and the driveway. These trenches will provide water quality treatment and recharge to groundwater. A bioretention area will also be constructed at the southeast corner of the lot outside the roadway right-of-way. The bioretention area will provide water quality treatment, recharge to groundwater and minimal peak attenuation for the driveway. The proposed pumping station has been designed in compliance with Zoning Bylaws. Modifications to the design have been made to address comments received at the Site Plan Review meeting including moving the bioretention basin out of the right-of-way along South Shore Drive and adding 3" caliper deciduous trees in the buffer along the street facing lot line (see Sheet CD-1). The only exterior lighting will be small lights next to the doors of the control building that will be fitted with shields to ensure compliance with 301.4.10. Enclosed please find the following: • Two (2) originals of Special Permit Application form (Special Permit Hearing and Fact Sheet) • Six (6) copies of the elevation plan (stamped by P.E.) • Two (2) copies of certified abutters list and photographs of existing conditions • Deed of Property Six (6) copies of the design plan (grading and landscaping) will be sent via FedEx to your office for receipt on February 2, 2024. i* CsDM.ith Ms. Fallon January 30. 2024 Page 3 Please do not hesitate to contact me at (617) 452-6597 should you have any questions regarding this application package or need additional information. Sincerely, ea g ddlena Lofstedt, PW5 Senior Wetland Scientist Enclosures cc: Jeffrey Colby, P.E., DPW Director 0